Zhao Xingzhi didn’t wear any armor today, he was just wearing ordinary clothes, which immediately tore apart.
After being cut by Niu Eryi’s sword, the scattered clothes fell off and scattered around 770.
Such a sword is mighty! They came in an endless stream, hitting his upper body forcefully.
It was full of scars, even a piece of blood, Zhao Xingzhi grinned in pain, feeling very uncomfortable.
Even so, he will not give up, but continue to attack and counter-kill the opponent.
The sword in his hand is so powerful, Zhao Xingzhi is also full of confidence in the battle with Niu Er.
He was just an ordinary assassin, Zhao Xingzhi, as the sheriff of Anyang County, took him down easily.
Attacking quickly, the sword in his hand came down sharply, hitting Niu Er’s sword sharply.
Zhao Xingzhi wanted to destroy Niu Er’s sword, but unfortunately, things backfired and he couldn’t do anything.
Jianfeng was not able to kill the opponent, nor did he cut off Niu Er’s sword, which was disappointing.
Under such a confrontation, no one will die! He just continued to fight back in a serious manner.
Picking up his fist, he struck down vigorously, coming vigorously, as fast as lightning.
boom! The sword edge fell directly, Niu Er blocked Zhao Xingzhi’s sword, and he continued to approach bravely.
Quickly counterattacking, fighting hard, his strength is also full of masculinity, very fierce.
Snapped! A fist came abruptly and hit him, making Zhao Xingzhi frown.
Although such a violent punch would not make Zhao Xingzhi’s head fall to the ground, it was still painful.
skinHis face was flushed red, he gritted his teeth, snorted coldly, wishing he could kill Niu Er directly.
With a cold face and dark eyes, Zhao Xingzhi raised his sword and chopped it down, trying to separate Niu Er’s corpse.
But Niu Er held on stiffly, and the sword in his hand counterattacked quickly, hitting the surroundings.
With a ping-pong sound, the edge of the sword cracked, and the sword in Niu’s second hand was almost split in two and split directly.
Fortunately, he stopped in time and immediately let himself back, and Zhao Xingzhi’s figure was involved in the distance.
Without any hesitation, he continued to attack, and the sword in his hand came galloping like a thousand troops.
The momentum was like a rainbow (afej), Niu Eryi sword struck out momentum, and stabbed Zhao Xingzhi’s body with all his strength.
Forced back by Niu Er’s sword, Zhao Xingzhi staggered and fell down, almost dying from it.
However, he is a very patient person, Zhao Xingzhi is the sheriff of Anyang County!
Since I can sit in this position, it shows that I am also very witty, smart and brave.
He took out the sword in his hand, the blade was stained with blood, and it was impossible to tell whose it was.
Turning into anger from embarrassment, he shouted loudly, and Zhao Xingzhi’s figure approached again, in a hurry.
It is also a matter of course to kill the opponent with one’s own momentum, which can be called invincible.
Will Niu Er be frightened by Zhao Xingzhi? Naturally it is impossible! He is very calm and fast as lightning.
The sword edge fell and hit the surroundings, and afterimages surrounded Niu Er’s figure.
Panting and sweating profusely, Zhao Xingzhi was willing to continue attacking even though he felt tired.
He thrust out a sword, the blade fell and split to the left and right, wishing to kill him directly.
The more such an attack, the more it represents Zhao Xingzhi’s murderous intent and fierce action.
Zhao Xingzhi wished he could kill the two heads of Niu Er now, and let his bones be abandoned in the wilderness to be eaten by wolves.
But Niu Er’s ability is also extraordinary. He strives for perfection and fights the enemy seriously every day.
Hitting quickly, showing his momentum, he came directly in front of Zhao Xingzhi.
Working hard and practicing martial arts, how could Niu Er quit just like that! Impossible!
So, he came in stride, and in a blink of an eye, he was close to Zhao Xingzhi, and it was difficult to back down.
Seeing Niu Er’s figure helplessly, Zhao Xingzhi said angrily, “The guy who is overestimated!”
“Do you really think you can kill me easily!” He showed his domineering side!
Being assassinated by Niu Er three times five times, he himself also looked annoyed, not to be outdone.
Facing the enemy aggressively and killing them recklessly, his appearance is very tough, as fast as lightning.
Murderous, full of flaws under haste.
Chapter 661 The advantage of attack, quick defense!
The figures of Niu Er and Zhao Xingzhi collided together, with the bloody and dangerous coming and going.
Not to be outdone, he continued to attack, and the sword in Zhao Xingzhi’s hand was about to stab Niu Er’s chest.
But even so, Niu Er still blocked it steadily, perfectly unloading his attack.
Let the sword edge fall, and firmly block it here, his gaze was very calm, and he snorted coldly.
“Is this the only skill of the governor of Anyang County? Is it nothing more than that! But – it’s bullying!”
After hearing Niu Er’s ridicule, Zhao Xingzhi was unwilling! “You bloody bastard!”
“A mere assassin who speaks loudly in front of me, do you want to die!” He struck quickly.
The sword edge in his hand was running rampant, coming quickly and falling continuously, causing them to die one by one.
Just kill them, then they will die! This is the easiest thing to do! Walk like flying.
The more you wave it, the more powerful the light and shadow will be. Zhao Xingzhi’s movements are fast and hard to guard against.
After seeing Zhao Xingzhi’s figure, Niu Er went all out, gritted his teeth and continued to fight the enemy.
Ping ping pong pong, sword light and sword shadow, the bodies of several people were all entangled together, showing a strong momentum.
Just such a battle can’t kill the opponent, he has an unusual posture and strength.
If it continues to attack, the more powerful it will be, it will be difficult to match.
The crackling sword edge spread out on his body, making Niu Er’s steps chaotic.
He already knew that Zhao Xingzhi was difficult to kill, but he still worked hard and persevered.
Niu Er has orders from Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​and he will not give up until he achieves his goal! He is loyal and loyal.
In order to be able to kill Zhao Xingzhi, Niu Er also tried his best to come here even more bravely.
The soldiers came to block the water and cover it with soil. In the battle with Zhao Xingzhi, Niu Er could not show timidity.
As a brave and brave soldier, Niu Er is best at completing the tasks assigned by the general.
Whether it is Ying Changge’s or Meng Tian’s order, Niu Er will bet on his own life to fulfill it.
Zhao Xingzhi is alone, isolated and helpless, no one can help him, the situation is very dangerous.
This is an opportunity, Niu Er will not give up such a good opportunity, he continues to chatter and shoot.
The sword edge hit his body quickly, and Niu Er’s sword stabbed Zhao Xingzhi again.
This made Zhao Xingzhi scarred, and he showed a look of resentment, already becoming angry from embarrassment.
If he had known that Niu Er was so powerful, Zhao Xingzhi should have turned around and fled from the very beginning.
Otherwise, in the battle between you and me, Zhao Xingzhi will be involved, and it is impossible to escape.
It was too late now, even if Zhao Xingzhi wanted to escape, Niu Er saw him as dead.
He continued to fight and showed his aura, but it was still impossible for him to be defeated, with no aura at all.
After wiping the blood from his chest, Zhao Xingzhi’s faceWith a gloomy and vicious look, not to be outdone.
Continuing to confront the enemy, and making quick shots, the swords in his hands came in an endless stream, as fast as lightning.
Accompanied by such a galloping sword, the sword edge became stronger and stronger, which was unexpected.
Under Zhao Xingzhi’s fierce attack, Niu Er lost the advantage of attacking, so he could only defend quickly.
The sword’s edge collided, and you came and went, showing a lot of momentum, and walked recklessly.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Even such an attack is useless. Although Niu Er is clumsy, he is quick to defend.
After resisting all these numerous sword moves, Niu Er was still unscathed.
He was very satisfied, so he continued to attack, stabbing his sword endlessly, trying to fight back.
This sword is very fast, so fast that ordinary people can’t stop his fight, and retreat in embarrassment.
boom! When the figure fell, Zhao Xingzhi staggered from being hit, and couldn’t stand still for a while.
Showing a contemptuous gesture, so he continued to attack, let him continue, in a hurry.
Jianfeng is very powerful, but he can’t assassinate Zhao Xingzhi all at once, he still has some skills.
Even if he was beaten up by Niu Er, it was only short-lived for Zhao Xingzhi.
He controlled himself, continued to attack, and showed his momentum, which was unexpected.
A quick enemy, the sword edge stabbed out and landed on Niu Er’s body, Zhao Xingzhi tried to fight back in order to kill him.
But this blow was useless, Niu Eryan was quick, and he still blocked Zhao Xingzhi’s sword.
As the sword continued to strike, Zhao Xingzhi would not be discouraged at all, and he continued to attack in a hurry.
Niu Er’s chest was about to be injured with a stab of the sword, but he defended himself well, and he was not injured at all.
Reluctantly protecting his body with the edge of the sword, he continued to attack, Niu Er was sensitive.
Niu Er’s sword moves are all dexterous, sometimes calm and sometimes crazy, unpredictable and unpredictable.
Blocking Zhao Xingzhi’s attack, Niu Er also rushed up without hesitation, circling with him.
Chapter 662 Unstoppable masculinity!

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