On this narrow street, Zhao Erhu picked a place and started to drink tea with nothing to do.
The tea here is average, and the scenery is average, Zhao Erhu is completely tired of staying here! .
Chapter 664: Suppress the hidden guards’ every move!
Bored and not knowing what to do, Zhao Erhu comfortably waited for the soldiers to transport the food with his eyes closed.
At this moment, the hidden guards sent by Ying Changge had already arrived behind Zhao Erhu, silently.
These hidden guards were all carefully selected, and Ying Changge absolutely trusted them, so he let the attack go.
The dark guards had already seen Zhao Erhu’s every move, so they tiptoed around and started hunting.
The hunting time has come, this hidden guard is ordinary, not outstanding in appearance, just like a commoner in a small town.
At this moment, the dark guard was already a short distance away from Zhao Erhu, and came behind him.
The dark guard has Ying Changge’s order, so he is a warrior, so he must attack as soon as possible.
Whoosh! He raised the edge of the sword in his hand, and then slashed down hard, hitting Zhao Erhu.
No matter where he went, Zhao Erhu would put on armor on his body, looking serious.
So after being attacked suddenly by the hidden guards, he didn’t have any injuries, and he couldn’t be moved by the eight winds.
Steadily raising his sword, Zhao Erhu looked back, showing a cold and stern expression.
“Who are you!” Zhao Erhu yelled, got up immediately, and lifted the table in front of him.
The dark guard naturally kept silent, his task was very simple, that is to kill Zhao Erhu.
This is Ying Changge’s order, so the dark guard must complete it, so that he can live up to Ying Changge.
Immediately, the blade in his hand stabbed straight, and slashed abruptly on Zhao Erhu’s armor.
Such an attack is useless, Zhao Erhu is a general on the battlefield! He is invincible.
What enemy has not seen it! So he immediately counterattacked, and stabbed the sword sharply on the body of the dark guard.
The shadow guard’s figure was very dexterous, he immediately turned aside, avoided the sharp edge, and continued to face the enemy Zhao Erhu.
Zhao Erhu was furious. He counterattacked endlessly and fought hard, showing his ferocity.
It’s just a person who is beyond his control, a naive guy, who dares to assassinate this general!
Feeling confident and fearless, the sword in Zhao Erhu’s hand was already piercing with teeth and claws.
With every swing of the sword, the figures of the dark guard and Zhao Erhu entangled endlessly, making it hard to separate.
Unwilling to confront the enemy like this, he continued to fight back, Zhao Erhu wanted to make a quick decision and wipe him out with a single strike.
Otherwise, if he couldn’t kill this hidden guard, wouldn’t Zhao Erhu himself be in great danger! He is not to be outdone.
With a quick blow, Zhao Erhu showed his own skills, aggressively suppressing every move of the hidden guard.
Will the dark guard relax his vigilance like this! Naturally impossible! He persevered and fought fiercely.
Chasing up courageously and killing him quickly, he already forcibly blocked Zhao Erhu’s frontal blow.
Ping pong, sword light, sword shadow, you come and go, under such a crisp weapon impact, they still continue to fight back.
The sword in his hand was so fast, but he couldn’t break through the opponent, and he was a little embarrassed.
With a brave attack and a quick strike, the sword in his hand is majestic and majestic, showing his aura.
Even with such a blow, Zhao Erhu couldn’t easily kill the hidden guard.
The dark guard’s skills were very strong, and when he missed a hit, he immediately retreated to avoid Zhao Erhu.
Even if Zhao Erhu continued to come in a hurry, he still couldn’t kill the hidden guard.
Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, once the hidden guard moves, the figure will naturally be unrecognizable.
Otherwise, Zhao Erhu would have come here aggressively, and the sword in his hand would have already chopped off his head.
The dark guard is ordinary, it seems that he has no superfluous skills, and he may be killed at any time.
But Zhao Erhu is not an ordinary person, he is a majestic general! Hurry up.
Coming quickly, the sword in Zhao Erhu’s hand was still coming down fiercely, stabbing down one after another.
The sword edge approached and stabbed straight, and it was about to pierce the chest of the dark guard, causing him to bleed to death.
But at such a critical juncture, the hidden guard just raised his sword and blocked it steadily.
boom! The sword’s edge slammed up, causing the shadow guard’s figure to take two steps back, almost falling like this.
The dark guard gritted his teeth and tried his best to stand where he was, only then did he avoid Zhao Erhu’s menacing sword.
Showing a very satisfied smile, the dark guard stared at (Zhao Zhao’s) Zhao Erhu meticulously, “` 〃Are you a general~‖resistance? ”
“It seems that your ability is mediocre!” The dark guard sneered mercilessly, “I’m 50/50 with you!”
“Come here today, my goal is very simple, that is to kill you and hit Zhao Xingzhi hard!”
“Really!” After hearing the voice of the dark guard, Zhao Erhu’s smile became even more sinister.
“It’s you? Do you deserve it too!” Zhao Erhu became furious, he never expected to be provoked by the hidden guards!
He is obviously just an ordinary kid, but he is also showing off in front of him!
For such a hidden guard, Zhao Erhu only needs a little skill to kill him easily.
Chapter 665 It is inevitable to win, and there is no injury!
Otherwise, if there is any problem, it will inevitably become the burial place of Zhao Erhu, which is very dangerous.
Without changing his face, serious, the sword in Zhao Erhu’s hand continued to swagger down, slashing at him.
Since he made a move, he had to take the opponent’s life.
Fighting and killing is naturally very hard, especially for Zhao Erhu, who hasn’t eaten yet!
Hungry and empty, but fighting the shadow guard is also very interesting.
At the very least, Zhao Erhu hadn’t seen such an arrogant and domineering guy for a long time.
Overbearing, Yelang chose to attack arrogantly, and even hoped that Zhao Erhu would be beheaded directly.
It is impossible for Zhao Erhu to give up in the face of such a manpower. He wants to show his strength and strength.
So, chattering came, and with a quick blow, the sword edge in his hand fell heavily.
The ping-pong and the impact of the sword’s edge directly made Zhao Erhu’s figure show the posture of a hungry tiger rushing for food.
He seemed to be invincible, approaching aggressively, Zhao Erhu wanted to kill him quickly.
It’s just that such a battle is useless. Zhao 770 and the two tigers saw through each other’s existence and continued to deal with each other.
The killers came down one after another, and the dark guard showed all his strength.
A complete victory is like two armies fighting, everyone is very fierce, even full of anxiety.
The situation is already very tense, the battle is hasty, and the sword in Zhao Erhu’s hand has a fierce offensive.
On the contrary, it was the hidden guard, chattering endlessly, in order to take down Zhao Xingzhi’s right-hand man.
There are many generals around Zhao Xingzhi, and so many people are assisting Zhao Xingzhi to do bad things together (afej).
So many guys set off Zhao Xingzhi to such a degree for their own etiquette.
He did whatever he wanted and committed so many crimes recklessly, Zhao Xingzhi was already a sinner.
Therefore, he came quickly, and the dark guard obeyed Ying Changge’s order, just to kill him.
Zhao Erhu is also a criminal minister beside Zhao Xingzhi, and the secret guard wants to weaken the strength of his arm.
Ping pong, the sword edge fell, and the rapid strike, already controlled Zhao Erhu’s every move with a threatening manner.
But whenever Zhao Erhu wants to continue to attack, the hidden guards will use their own skills to kill Zhao Erhu.
The dark guard knew who he was facing. Zhao Erhu was already a great general, victorious in every battle.
Now that he met the hidden guards ordered by Ying Changge, Zhao Erhu felt that he had a chance to win.
The sword in his hand continued to gallop down, approaching aggressively, striking the surroundings forcefully.
This sword is very fast, at least, it has unusual strength and an aggressive posture.
Once it was stabbed on Zhao Erhu’s body, it would only make him more annoyed and the injury would be more serious.
Quickly counterattacked, raised his sword edge, he blocked the attack of the hidden guard, and he was not injured at all.
It was just an ordinary soldier, Zhao Erhu smiled contemptuously, and continued to attack.
But after all, the dark guards are carefully selected by Ying Changge! How could it be possible to die in such a mediocre battle.
They were entangled together, and the figure quickly counterattacked, showing its mighty posture and momentum.
With a quick blow, the sword edge pierced straight, and finally broke through the armor on Zhao Erhu’s body.
Because he is a general, he wears armor wherever he goes to protect himself.
Now facing such a brave attack from the dark guard, Zhao Erhu’s face is always full of resentment.
With a cold snort, he shot one after another, taking out his mighty sword moves, which was overwhelming.
The dark guard reluctantly confronted the enemy, this was a panic retreat, for fear that he would die just like that.
The dark guard’s ability is also very superb, at least, he will not die so casually.
The steady battle strength is here, his eyes are very calm, and the hidden guard is persistent and unyielding.
“I came all the way here today, my goal is to kill you, that’s all!”
“If you can’t die! Then I will die with you too!” The dark guard is bound to win.
In order to be able to kill the other party, he also used all his strength, in a hurry.
The sword edge came straight, and fell steadily, slashing on the opponent’s body, breaking the armor.

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