Facing this guy who was neither big nor small, Ying Changge immediately raised his knee and bumped against him hard.
Facing the siege of a few hooligans, Ying Changge didn’t need to get serious, he just played around with them.
Therefore, a quick attack, a knee bump, directly bruises the nose and face of the bumper.
The pain was unbearable, and he showed an embarrassed look. The gangster wanted to fight back, so he raised his arm.
But Ying Changge was still one step ahead. He grabbed the ruffian’s arm and pressed him to the ground.
The ruffian ate a mouthful of dust and was very embarrassed, naturally there was a lot of dirt in his mouth.
The mud was stuffed in his mouth, and the ruffian couldn’t wait to spit it out, not wanting to eat it in his stomach.
And at this moment, the gangsters next to him immediately approached, trying to continue to seriously injure Ying Changge.
The sword in his hand was fast, and the ruffian raised the sword and slashed at Ying Changge’s arm, trying to cut it off.
It’s just a mediocre guy, it’s really ridiculous to play tricks in front of him.
With Ying Changge’s swordsmanship, he can suppress everything without being frightened by a few hooligans.
So he counterattacked quickly, and with a wave of his hand, he hit the bastard’s sword, “Don’t worry.”
Ying Changge’s gaze was so indifferent, “Come one by one, I will interrogate you one by one!”
Walking up quickly, chattering and shooting, how could the hooligans pay attention to what Ying Changge said!
His actions were so quick, and he came here so quickly that he wanted to tear Ying Changge into pieces.
It is a pity that he will not be killed, the sword in his hand has a swift offensive, shaking left and right.
Snapped! The blades came one after another, hitting the ruffian’s blade abruptly.
It was Ying Changge’s swordsmanship that was even stronger, and he easily grabbed the opponent, making him look ugly.
The sword’s edge came down one after another, falling quickly, just to break it, leaving no 0…
Standing beside Ying Changge were several hooligans, but they were also ordinary guys.
A few Ying Changges who were born in the market wanted to kill themselves. Isn’t this a very stupid thing!
So he quickly counterattacked and attacked continuously, just to kill him.
Who made all these hooligans keep their eyes open, and they just wanted to come up to offend themselves?! It’s funny.
The sword in his hand was very fast, blocking the ruffian’s sword edge at once and repelling it.
The other side staggered back, Ying Changge grabbed the ruffian beside him and continued to question, “Say!”
“If you don’t answer honestly, the sword in my hand will cut off your neck!” Ying Changge was very serious.
However, this ruffian is also a guy not to be outdone, he widened his eyes, “How dare you do that!”
“I just need one quick blow to kill you easily!” He shocked the ruffian.
The local ruffian was trembling, with a look of fear on his face, staring at Ying Changge intently, “How dare you!”
“4.9 here is Anyang County, how dare you kill people casually!” The gangster began to struggle.
If he had known this, he would not have rushed up, and several people rushed to capture Ying Changge.
Because they couldn’t break through Ying Changge at all, and Ying Changge’s ability overwhelmed the heroes, causing them to be injured.
Standing here without moving, Ying Changge pulled the ruffian to kneel in front of her.
Condescending, with cold eyes, he raised his hand, grabbed the opponent’s neck, and the sword edge was rampant.
The sharp sword fell on the ruffian’s neck, and Ying Changge’s target was Zhao Xingzhi from the beginning to the end.
Chapter 608 The last key point!
He came all the way here just to investigate the truth about the governor of Anyang County, and he didn’t care about anything else.
“Say!” Ying Changge knew urgently that he only had to recognize who the other party was.
Besides, nothing can stop Ying Changge from fighting each other, because this place is Anyang County.
As a county guard, neglecting his duties, ignoring the garrison, and selling his officials to sell his titles are very heinous things!
Once the truth is obtained from this spy, Ying Changge will first capture Zhao Xingzhi and send him to prison.
Now, being held hostage by Ying Changge for questioning, a lot of sweat dripped down the face of the gangster.
He was very panicked, for fear that he would be killed under such maneuvers, and the gangster panicked.
Precarious, trembling, the local ruffian clenched his teeth, “You want me to say that! Talking bad about the sheriff!”
“But I don’t have very close contacts with the county magistrate. I only know that he is hospitable, warm and generous!”
After hearing the ruffian’s words, Ying Changge was still not satisfied, “You are talking nonsense!”
“A mere sheriff, you don’t know! There is no impenetrable wall here! Of course you don’t know much!”
Among the common people, isn’t the common people’s pastime after dinner just gossiping and gossiping! Anyone can discuss.
Especially a few hooligans, although they are people in the market, they are the easiest to receive any news.
Therefore, it was the most correct thing for Ying Changge to ask them, and it was easy to get the result of the interrogation.
It’s a pity that these guys are not willing to beg for mercy. They stare wide-eyed and just keep silent.
Ying Changge, who was very disappointed, could only shake his head, “If that’s the case, then you are useless.”
Ying Changge raised his sword and struck him hard on the neck, “Calm down!”
Jian Feng beat the ruffian so that it was full of gold stars, he fainted immediately, and then fell in front of Ying Changge.
Snapped! A ruffian passed out again, leaving only two ruffians in front of Ying Changge.
These two ruffians looked majestic, but in fact they were just bluffing.
Ying Changge’s ability is so strong that he can break through the attack of two hooligans on his own.
Unhurriedly, he walked up calmly, he raised the sword in his hand, “Who else is there!”
“Aren’t you going to give me an answer honestly! In this way, there will be no delay!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, the hooligans looked at each other, not to be outdone, and aggressive.
So the two hooligans joined forces and came forward, just to double-team Ying Changge and let him die.
Since he saw that these two guys did not shed tears without seeing the coffin, he had nothing to do.
Raising his sword, what Ying Changge has to do now is very simple, that is to meet the enemy.
He raised his sword, and the edge of the sword struck hard, just to intercept them.
With a quick shot and an angry blow, Ying Changge easily knocked them back several steps.
In this narrow alley, who can fight the enemy Ying Changge? Impossible!
He took his time and fought against the enemy with ease, defeating the two ruffians, he was really brave.
Where the sword is going, it will only make the local ruffians very flustered, and it is difficult to match Ying Changge.
Especially the sword in his hand, throwing afterimages one by one, just to frighten the two ruffians.
Spying in Anyang County, Ying Changge visited the streets and alleys just to test the reputation of the county guard.
If the sheriff is an evil person, then Ying Changge will personally eradicate him and wipe him out.
If it weren’t for the blockage of the hooligans, Ying Changge would have already entered the final critical place.
He saw the figure of the ruffian chattering endlessly, but unfortunately he couldn’t get close to Ying Changge.
The sword in his hand was fast, and with a swish, it broke the blade of one of the ruffians.
The empty-handed and unarmed ruffian immediately yelled angrily, and rushed forward with strides.
In the battle with Ying Changge, these two hooligans did not spare any effort, they were cruel and ruthless.
The sword in his hand stabs mightily, and he exhausted all his strength in order to kill the opponent.
Crackling and crackling, sword blades struck one after another, so as to kill the opponent and block the danger.
The sword was just an ordinary sword, but the hooligans still refused to give in, they approached quickly and deftly.
one left one rightThe gangsters join forces and attack from both sides, so as to kill Ying Changge and reverse the situation.
The delusional hooligan continued to charge up, the sword in his hand had an unusual posture.
Chattering came and fought endlessly. In the shadow of swords and swords, Ying Changge stood firm.
He quickly took a step forward, and the sword’s edge also rushed straight up, hitting the ruffian’s chest.
For Ying Changge, his goal is very simple, that is for the sheriff of Anyang County.
Ying Changge would never let a guilty person go, nor would an innocent person be imprisoned.
This is what is fair and just.
Chapter 609 Hitting the ground abruptly!
That’s why Ying Changge listened to Meng Tian’s persuasion, and a group of people sneaked here, spying silently.
As long as he finds out anything about Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge can use it as evidence.
Constantly collecting witnesses and physical evidence, in Anyang County, Ying Changge was able to fight back and kill him.
These two hooligans are very stupid, they can’t wait to come, or wishful thinking.
Because it is very difficult to kill Ying Changge, looking at the world, it is difficult for several great martial arts masters to do it.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s liking to play with these ruffians, he would have killed a few ruffians long ago.
In Anyang County, there are many dangers, but none of them are as dangerous as the governor Zhao Xingyi.
Ying Changge will not be hasty and reckless, he must be cautious so that he can catch all the handles of the county guard.
All the guys seem to have surrendered to the governor of Anyang County, they are all so loyal.

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