Facing Ying Changge’s inquiry, the people in the city and these gangsters all spoke in unison.
They jointly praised the governor of Anyang County, which made Ying Changge very puzzled.
It is enough to find a certain answer from the ruffians, which is intriguing.
If you can’t know everything about the Anyang county sheriff from the mouth of the ruffian, Ying Changge won’t be able to break through the sheriff.
Ying Changge only arrests the guilty, so is the sheriff of Anyang County a criminal?
He didn’t know, that’s why he made many guys tell the truth and asked Zhao Xingzhi’s style.
He saw the silence around him. In this narrow alley, only Ying Changge and two hooligans were left.
There are ruffians in front, and so is the back. Ying Changge was caught between the front and back for a while.
At this moment, isn’t there a wolf in the front and a tiger in the back? Ying Changge is not afraid, he is so indifferent.
Raising his sword unhurriedly, Ying Changge strode to catch up and swung the edge of the sword at the same time.
Crackling, the sword edge was rampant, and then it hit several people continuously.
The sword edge was very swift, and it cut off traces on the ruffian’s body in one fell swoop, and blood flowed.
The pain was so painful that these two hooligans had no ability in front of Ying Changge.
They couldn’t break through Ying Changge’s defenses, and they couldn’t get close to Ying Changge, which was really embarrassing.
With each blow, the sword in the ruffian’s hand became more and more embarrassed and weaker.
Even if two gangsters attacked at the same time, they could not kill Ying Changge, and he remained motionless.
Standing safe and sound in this street, Ying Changge held his sword in a menacing manner.
“I’m going to catch you without a fight! Aren’t you afraid of dying at the edge of my sword~‖!” Ying Changge questioned!
But Ying Changge’s scolding and threats didn’t have any effect, the two hooligans would not cry until they saw the coffin.
With angry faces, they approached quickly, ignoring the wounds on their bodies.
Even if the bloodstains were pierced by Ying Changge’s sword, the hooligans still had to fight to the end.
Unite as one, grouped together, the gangsters shot at the same time, and immediately fought bravely.
All of a sudden, Ying Changge fell into a fight with the gangsters, and he was completely disappointed.
I thought I could find out about Zhao Xingzhi easily, but now it seems very difficult.
In front of Ying Changge, it was impossible for a few hooligans to get close to him. The sword in his hand was very fast.
Ping-pong-pong came, swords were brimming, and the gangsters still wanted to kill Ying Changge before giving up.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, and the sword in his hand is also so swift and domineering.
The swift sweep of the sword was to knock several people to the ground abruptly.
This is an invincible power, even Ying Changge can’t easily display it to shock a few people.
The blow came quickly, and the fierce sword edge pierced several Ying Changge’s bodies, and blood flowed.
Under such a fierce offensive, everything is irresistible, and the two hooligans have no power to parry.
In the attack of you coming and going, everything is in such a mess, full of tatters.
With a whoosh, the sword edge moved forward, coming in an endless stream, hitting his body mightily.
It is precisely because of such a sword that the local ruffians (Zhao De’s) are in a panic and in a hurry.
It was difficult to match such an offensive, so they fell down, fell in this street, staggering here and there.
Only Ying Changge is still standing, his face is so indifferent, “‘ 〃 Who else!”
With a loud shout, the invincible Ying Changge didn’t show any panic, and was very ready to move.
A group of guys who are over their own capabilities beat and kicked themselves for the sake of a sheriff of Anyang County.
In this way, it is digging its own grave, mantis armIt’s not worth mentioning when it’s just a car.
Holding the sword in his hand, Ying Changge walked up slowly, his face so indifferent, “I ask you!” Leng Changge
Chapter 610 Avoid letting the tiger go back to the mountain!
“Not honest! All the guys are chattering endlessly in front of me, damn it!”
“Quickly tell me what Zhao Xingzhi’s character is! I came here to investigate and visit secretly!”
Ying Changge still wanted to know the reputation of the governor of Anyang County from the mouth of the ruffian, so that he could capture criminal evidence.
However, as far as the hooligans are concerned, they are all very dishonest, and they have no intention of telling the truth.
Standing here, after seeing Ying Changge’s righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, they snorted even more contemptuously.
“I’m really looking for death! It’s absolutely impossible for me to tell you! Go to hell!” They were so quick.
Quickly got up and shot immediately, the sword in his hand cut the cheek of the ruffian, and blood flowed.
The ruffian immediately backed away in pain, but still stood here vigilantly, not daring to disobey Ying Changge at all.
Ying Changge didn’t change his face, “I’m not telling the truth! What are you guys planning, speak up!”
“Whether it’s life or death, you are in your own hands, that’s all 710!” Ying Changge couldn’t take his eyes off it.
Ying Changge’s demeanor is so indifferent, very calm, with his turbulent posture and menacing appearance.
Especially after seeing the fierceness in Ying Changge’s eyes, they dared not disobey and could only nod.
“Okay! Let’s talk!” The hooligans looked at each other, their faces were very vigilant and very careful.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, a few of them walked up immediately, and then raised their hands, hiding knives in their sleeves.
These insidious and shameless guys are very despicable, and they are worthy of being people who came out of the market.
Taking advantage of the time they were talking to Ying Changge, they approached immediately, so that they could attack from left to right, trying to kill Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge wasn’t panicked, he had already expected that a few people would pull so hard, it was extremely obscene.
Since he wanted to be unfavorable to himself, then Ying Changge raised his knife and dropped them so that he could kill them easily!
Whoosh! The sword’s edge struck swiftly, and he knocked the dagger in the ruffian’s hand to the ground.
Dumbfounded, the two hooligans did not expect Ying Changge’s reaction to be so quick, and they missed with one blow.
The dagger fell to the ground, leaving the ruffian empty-handed and unarmed, which was very dangerous.
They quickly followed up, and then chattered to catch up, so that they could kill Ying Changge, attacking back and forth.
Regardless of Ying Changge’s majestic appearance, he is actually vulnerable and can’t stop him at all.
The sword in his hand was fast, and it suppressed the necks of the two people at once, making them unable to move.
Standing here securely, the ruffian showed a very panicked expression, “We were wrong!”
“Give me another chance!” The two hooligans were very timely and knelt down in front of Ying Changge.
Ying Changge looked at them without changing his face, and the sword in his hand was also quickly thrust out, and it was placed on their necks.
“Forget it! You are not honest guys! Even if you say it, it will be useless!”
Since he is a ruffian in the market, it is useless, “Get lost! Get out of here!”
His target was only the sheriff (afej) of Anyang County, but not these street ruffians running around in the market, so he let go.
It can be regarded as doing good deeds and releasing lives. Ying Changge waved his hand and let them escape directly.
Putting his sword back into his sheath, Ying Changge turned around and left this remote place.
All the guys are so brave, but to kill Ying Changge is beyond self-control, wishful thinking.
After beating these hooligans away, Ying Changge was very disappointed. He got nothing and was helpless.
Because in Anyang County, everyone is constantly praising for the sake of the county guard, which is really ridiculous.
With so many guys, no one speaks ill of the sheriff? Why is Ying Changge so unbelievable!
So he shook his head resolutely, thought about other things very seriously, and started from the side.
Since it is impossible to grasp Zhao Xingzhi’s other handles, Ying Changge must prepare to fight head-on and hit his vitals.
Therefore, Ying Changge planned to continue with his own people so that he could interrogate Zhao Xingzhi.
As long as the sheriff of Anyang County has any problems, he must be killed, Ying Changge avoids letting the tiger go back to the mountain.
Continuing to walk here, Ying Changge walked in the streets and alleys, so that he could go back and meet the soldiers first.
Many soldiers have become bandits because they were forced to make a living. This is a serious problem.
Ying Changge doesn’t know how to do things, but this is the garrison of Anyang County! He must take responsibility.
In particular, the governor of Anyang County ignored these soldiers. Isn’t it wolf-hearted and dereliction of duty!
He had to meet up with those soldiers first, so that they could question Zhao Xingzhi together and act as a witness.
At dusk, there were few people around, and the surrounding people had all gone home.
bang bang bang! There was a knock at the door where the soldiers lived, and they rose at once to meet them.
Before, they were not full enough to eat and not warm enough to wear, but after meeting Ying Changge, they had the reliance to survive.
These soldiers are still very grateful to Ying Changge, and they are even more grateful to this great benefactor, Dade.
Chapter 611: Unprofessional Assassin!
At first I thought it was Ying Changge, but when the soldiers opened the door, they found a group of people standing there.
These people are menacing and have cold eyes, especially with all kinds of weapons in their hands.
Such a posture, who is it! These soldiers stood up immediately, all of them very vigilant.
with thisAt the same time, they rushed up quickly, and these uninvited guys immediately blocked the door.
After closing the door, there was a sound of beating and killing in the courtyard, and the shadow of swords and swords.

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