This is a very remote place, there is no one coming and going, it is quiet, and there is a sound of needles dropping.
The silent streets and alleys are very narrow, only able to accommodate one person in and out.
Ying Changge didn’t feel that he was in danger at all, so he walked in obediently.
These common people are so arrogant and domineering, they stare at Ying Changge, “Who are you!”
“Why do you want to inquire about the Lord Sheriff, you boy, you are really hateful!”
A few guys were aggressive, and they slanted their eyebrows, revealing their ruffian character.
“If you are not honestCome on, I’ll give you a knife! “One of the people raised his dagger.
After Ying Changge saw the dagger, a calm smile appeared on his face, “Really!”
“It seems that you deliberately led me here to kill me! You are so bad!”
Ying Changge smiled slightly, without any haste, just patted the weapon on his waist.
With a sword in hand, it is rare to meet an opponent.
What Ying Changge faced was not ordinary people at all, but these few local hooligans.
Several people stood in front of him in an endless stream, aggressive and very vicious.
This is useless to Ying Changge, it’s just a fake tiger’s prestige, it’s not a problem.
As long as he confronts the enemy carefully, he can easily defeat several people.
A few hooligans heard about Ying Changge asking about the sheriff in the streets, and they were the sheriff’s lackeys.
Loyal to the magistrate of Anyang County, the local ruffian knew that if he grabbed Ying Changge and went there, he would definitely be rewarded.
Therefore, they didn’t attract attention, and that’s why they lured Ying Changge here, just to kill him.
It’s just a pity that they don’t know who Ying Changge is, otherwise they wouldn’t care so much.
Wouldn’t it be self-inflicted to kill him in such a narrow place by being so stupid as to come to his door.
Therefore, Ying Changge raised his sword and stared at the few people intently, “Give up.”
“I’m just here to ask about Zhao Xingzhi’s character and reputation, and I don’t want to kill you!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, the gangsters next to him also smiled indifferently.
“Bluffer, we are very powerful guys. In this street, we are invincible all over the world.”
“You are a boy from outside, why do you want to inquire about the sheriff’s affairs! You must have bad intentions!”
“Send you to the sheriff, we will definitely reward you a lot!” The gangsters were all eager to move.
Seeing their eagerness, Ying Changge just shook his head indifferently, “I advise you not to!”
But these hooligans didn’t listen. One of them took out a dagger and was about to stab Ying Changge in the chest.
Ying Changge responded indifferently, the sword in his hand was not out of the sheath, but used the scabbard as a blow.
Chapter 606 Rebellious guy!
Ping pong pong, the scabbard hits upwards, knocking a guy to the ground with ease.
Snapped! He staggered down and landed in a corner, already out of breath.
This ruffian only bullies ordinary people on weekdays, and has no chance to deal with people like Ying Changge.
The sword in his hand thrust out vigorously, chattering and falling around the ruffian, trying to break his body.
Although the sword is hidden in the scabbard, it is also very powerful. At least, they cannot resist it.
Knocking, knocking, ping-pong-pong, Ying Changge subdued the three ruffians all by himself.
The ruffian lying on the ground was drowsy, trying to shake his head to wake himself up.
Quickly got up, and immediately fought back, he grabbed Ying Changge’s leg, “It’s unreasonable, you dare to resist!”
The ruffian is also a vicious guy, he immediately opened his mouth and bit down hard.
He bit Ying Changge’s leg, so he slowed down Ying Changge’s movements and stayed here-.
Looking down, Ying Changge shook his head helplessly seeing the gangster’s appearance.
It’s a shame that he was so famous and majestic in his life that he should be reduced to fighting against these guys.
Even if it is to let Ying Changge go into battle to kill the enemy, there is no problem, but he has to fight with the gangsters.
Isn’t this funny! So, he could only walk up quickly, chatter and attack, and counterattack.
The punch in his hand was fast, hitting the ruffian next to his leg.
Ying Changge hit this ruffian on the head all at once, and dared to bite himself!
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s leg was hardly injured, which shows that the gangster’s teeth are not very good.
His fists were firm and fast, causing the ruffian to separate, making the ruffian dizzy.
After being punched by Ying Changge, the gangster was not very clear, he was staring at gold stars.
Staggering, the hooligan leaned against the corner of the street, but still grabbed Ying Changge’s leg forcefully.
This local ruffian is very rascal, he rushed forward abruptly, just to block Ying Changge and prevent him from attacking.
However, no matter who Ying Changge was, he would not panic, and easily suppressed the ruffians.
Even if the kid in front of him was pulling himself hard, Ying Changge quickly raised his sword and dropped it.
The sword hidden in the scabbard came down quickly and hit the ruffian hard on the head.
This guy lying on the ground who was completely rebellious towards him could not resist such an attack at all.
Ying Changge’s moves are very fierce, and the gangster is unarmed and empty-handed at this moment.
Faced with Ying Changge’s sword strike, the gangster had no choice but to be helpless and fainted.
After knocking out the ruffians in front of him, Ying Changge continued to come unimpeded to fight these ruffians.
The sheriff’s dog leg, a few local ruffians are also ambitious and loyal, and capture him for the sake of glory and wealth.
Little did they know that Ying Changge’s abilities were so strong and his swordsmanship was superb that he would never be eradicated by an easy fight.
The sword in his hand continued to strike swiftly, fighting vigorously, in order to eradicate the opponent.
Otherwise, it would be impossible for an ordinary boy to intercept Ying Changge’s way.
He raised the saber in his hand and struck it swiftly with his own sword, killing a group of people.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
HappyEnemy, chattering and fighting, his sword edge has an unexpected effect, it is very fast.
Even if the sword is hidden in the scabbard, it can deter the hooligans, and the few people all retreated steadily.
Staggering and unstable, they fell to the ground, making it difficult to continue fighting.
If it wasn’t for the presence of Ying Changge, the gangster would have already carried him to face the sheriff.
The gangsters are not fools either, they have been watching Ying Changge for a long time in the corner of the street.
Since he was secretly inquiring about the sheriff’s affairs, it meant that he must have an attempt.
.. . . 0
I don’t know who Ying Changge is, but the gangster is willing to escort him to Zhao Xingzhi.
As long as he can make meritorious service, it is enough, the attempt is not worth mentioning at all, so there is no need to make a fuss.
They were in groups, and each of them rushed up quickly, intending to trap Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge came on a rampage, and his figure was so swift that he easily defeated them.
Snapped! The scabbard was knocked down, and Ying Changge easily knocked another guy to the ground, leaving him in a panic.
Standing in front of this ruffian, Ying Changge asked solemnly, “I ask you, how does the county guard do it!”
“In Anyang County, the county guards are arrogant and domineering, selling officials and accepting bribes. I ask you if it’s true!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s question, the local ruffian shook his head again and again, “Nonsense! It’s a bunch of nonsense!”
The gangster wanted to resist, but he was suppressed by Ying Changge, “Don’t move! Be careful of your dog’s life!”
A few people are so ferocious, and there are two ruffians at the side, bluffing, turning Fan Fan back and forth.
Chapter 607: The Rascal’s Sword Edge!
However, Ying Chang’s singers held a hooligan hostage, which made them all very wary and dare not come up.
After seeing this scene, Ying Changge smiled indifferently, “Be honest! I don’t want to do anything!”
“I ask you, what kind of person is the governor of Anyang County! Tell me honestly! Did you hear me!”
The scabbard forced the throat of this ruffian, and he couldn’t speak at all for a while.
Helplessly shaking his head, the ruffian hurriedly begged for mercy, “I say! I say! Let me go first!”
Only then did Ying Changge’s movements slow down a bit, and he withdrew his sword a little, allowing the ruffian to speak.
Cough “710” coughed, and then the local ruffian said slowly, “The governor of Anyang County is a good-looking talent, with a breeze in his sleeves!”
“He cares about the common people, he is really a rare good official!” The local ruffian looked serious and sincere.
Frowning slightly, Ying Changge was upset, and immediately attacked, slapping the ruffian in the face.
Snapped! There was a clearly visible slap mark on the side of the ruffian’s face, which made him grin his teeth in pain.
With a ferocious expression on his face, the gangster who was kidnapped by Ying Changge immediately jumped up, “I’ll kill you!”
He was approaching quickly, he clenched his fist and was about to hit Ying Changge’s eyes.
Don’t slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and don’t scold someone when you swear. This gangster really violated the rules of the rivers and lakes!
So Ying Changge was furious immediately, he raised his hand, and then grabbed the opponent’s arm forcefully.

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