The 4.9 bandits who surrounded them in one go had excellent weapons, and they had also been trained in martial arts.
But even so, the more majestic the attack, the more unimaginably powerful it is.
With a bang, Ying Changge’s sword slammed on his head abruptly, directly shocking him.
Reluctantly, he retreated precariously, and another bandit was too difficult to fight, and fell to the ground.
Immediately, Ying Changge rushed up quickly and stabbed the sword in his hand hard on his chest.
hum! The sword edge staggered the shield, and directly broke it where there was no place to attack.
Chapter 598: The Shield Is Really Strong!
The bandit with the shield in his hand just widened his eyes in panic, and then saw the sword’s edge sinking in.
With a bang, the bandit’s clothes were torn, his arms were cut, and he could no longer lift his weapon.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge continued to rush forward with strides, knocking down everyone one by one.
Although many bandits were injured, they would not just kneel down and beg for mercy.
In order to survive and to eat, the bandits ran to this mountain to be a hero in the forest.
Everything was forced to be helpless, if not for this, the bandits would have lived an honest life long ago.
The size of this gang of bandits is not too big or small, but at the very least, there are still many people standing in front of them.
After Ying Changge saw so many people blocking his way, 05 continued to counterattack and fight.
The sword in his hand was fast, so fast that it was unavoidable, and stabbed the bandit’s body.
All the bandits dodged in a panic, but there were still more people who continued to retreat.
boom! The blades collided together, chattering endlessly.
Ying Changge showed off his swordsmanship to his heart’s content, so ruthlessly that the bandits couldn’t resist.
With stumbling steps, the bandits retreated in a swarm, and several of them almost fell to the ground and were defeated.
Fortunately, the bandits are also strong and strong guys. They are all haggard, but they are tall and powerful.
Quickly rushing up, stabbing down with a swift sword, this sword has an unexpected offensive and powerful.
hum! The sword edge stabbed out, and he was defeated in a hurry, which made the other bandits even more terrified.
Ying Changge, who is invincible in all battles, is like one man in charge of others, and the bandits are hard to match.
He continued to beat with the sword in his hand, and the chatter came, disrupting them all.
Originally, there was a battle formation, and the bandits were cautious and strict, and every step followed the formation.
But if he continues to charge out, the people around him will only become more and more embarrassed under Ying Changge’s sword.
Their steps were wrong, their weapons hit indiscriminately, and several of them were tripped to the ground by their own people.
Ying Changge was steady, and continued to attack unhurriedly, continuing to move forward with the sword in his hand.
Whoosh! Another sword slapped out quickly, the blade pierced straight, and the sword flower shone fiercely.
When such a sword strike came, one of the bandits boldly rushed up and came to the front.
Seeing that Ying Changge’s sword was about to hit down hard, the bandit immediately turned around to block it.
With a ping-pong sound, Ying Changge’s sword edge hit the shield in the bandit’s hand, failing to seriously injure him.
Holding the shield, the bandit walked very deftly, and came to Ying Changge continuously.
He continued to attack, and the weapon in his hand was dancing vigorously, so fast.
But even though Ying Changge’s sword was fast, in the eyes of the bandits, it was nothing but ordinary.
The bandit had a shield in his hand, which was invincible, and felt that Ying Changge’s sword was not in any danger at all.
Holding the shield, he still came aggressively, and then hit Ying Changge on the head.
This daring guy used a shield to fight against Ying Changge, and pushed Ying Changge out at once.
Under the push of the shield, it was not easy for Ying Changge to stand firm, his eyes were so cold.
He chattered and continued to shoot, and the weapons ping-pong-pong hit his body continuously.
The stronger the sword, the more violent the offensive, just to take down this group of bandits.
A bunch of lawless guys, acting as bandits in this remote place, isn’t it rampant.
Ying Changge will not allow them to do whatever they want here, so they will continue to attack.
Suppress them and wipe out the bandits, so that Ying Changge can subdue them together.
Otherwise, if they continue to catch up, other people will also be injured and fall to the ground.
boom! His body wobbled, and then he fell to the ground. The bandits were no match for Ying Changge.
Not because of Ying Changge’s sword edge, but because 710 Ying Changge’s strength is so brave, like a wolf and a tiger.
After such a character rushed up, he was directly punched out and scattered on the ground.
If it wasn’t for the bandit’s shield, Ying Changge would have defeated him long ago, but the shield is really strong.
Such a strong shield has a very good defensive posture, and it is impossible for ordinary people to break through it.
Snapped! The sword edge struck up quickly, but Ying Changge was still not to be outdone, and would not retreat at all.
At this moment, several bandits nearby also took advantage of the victory to pursue and approached directly, flexing their muscles.
Even though Ying Changge was deeply surrounded, he was upright and righteous, and he was not afraid of them at all.
The sword in his hand quickly swung a few sword flowers, and then the sword flowers fell in all directions, vigorously.
After repelling all of them eloquently, it was Ying Changge who was completely defeated.Standing in place without damage.
He just struck out with his sword forcefully, destroying them all one by one.
Chapter 599 Rationally avoid the edge!
Although the bandits are numerous and powerful, they are not as good as Ying Changge when it comes to swordsmanship.
The sword in Ying Chang Singer is fast, and the sword moves are so fierce that he always stabs out endlessly.
One sword is brave, two swords are swift, such offensives counterattacked the bandits one after another.
At this moment, the bandit with a shield came after him again, holding an axe.
Bowing left and right, two-pronged attack, the bandit held up the shield in one hand for defense, and immediately counterattacked with the other hand.
Snapped! The blades came in an endless stream, hitting the bandit’s shield endlessly.
This bandit is also a very chicken thief, he is very timid, not good at fighting frontally, but on defense.
When Ying Changge’s sword edge was stabbing up, it was only blocked by the bandit’s shield.
Clutching his shield tightly, the bandit was very rational and did not rush forward recklessly.
The sword in his hand was very dexterous, and when he missed a hit, he immediately dodged and struck back to fight back.
This sword is very brave, but it is a pity that once it touches the shield, it has little good temper.
Ying Changge’s sword hit the enemy bandits one after another, but they all hit the shield in a hurry.
The cautious bandits approached step by step with their shields in hand, and then immediately counterattacked the enemy.
Snapped! The sword edge hit the shield with a crisp sound, and the bandits hiding behind the shield were very alert.
The quicker the attack, the less the bandits dared to show their faces. If they showed up, they would be stabbed by Ying Changge.
He came quickly, held up his shield to resist in front of himself, and then attacked all at once.
Snapped! The sword edge firmly resisted the bandit and stabbed him on the shield, otherwise he would approach.
But the bandit is also a well-trained guy, and he immediately flicked his arm and threw it away.
The sword’s edge was knocked into the air, and Ying Changge staggered with the sword in his hand, and took a step back before standing still.
In front of the bandit’s shield, Ying Changge suddenly seemed at a loss, as if it was difficult to be hostile.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the bandit rushed forward with strides, and the ax in his hand continued to fight fiercely!
Wielding his axe, he approached quickly, and came in an endless stream, just to force Ying Changge back.
But how could Ying Changge admit defeat in front of the bandits! So he continued to attack and counterattack.
They unleashed their own swords one after another, very fiercely, and attacked the bandit’s shield.
Such an attack is a bluff, but it cannot completely smash the bandit’s shield.
He rushed over with the shield in hand, and struck out the sword in Ying Chang’s singer again.
Taking advantage of Ying Changge’s difficulty in controlling his sword, the bandits continued to approach, swinging their axes.
The ax was raging like a tiger, and it fell on Ying Changge’s body continuously, trying to tear him into pieces.
Even such an attack is useless to Ying Changge, it’s just ordinary.
As long as you wait for the bandits to appear, Ying Changge will just sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit to defeat him and kill him directly.
The bandits combined into one used both hands and feet, and pushed the shields hard on Ying Changge’s body.
Facing the brute force attack, Ying Changge was very quick, retreating quickly, avoiding the onslaught of the shield.
The bandits attacked so quickly and erratically that they caught up with Ying Changge holding their shields.
However, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he knew that he had to avoid the bandit’s shield, which was useless.
The shield is so hard, even if Ying Changge continued to hit the shield, it would be a waste of his energy.
So he stayed in place, avoiding the bandit’s shield, and would not give him a hard defeat.
When the bandit continued to beat down with the shield in his hand, Ying Changge sensibly avoided his edge.
Even if the blade is so dazzling, it cannot be easily broken by the bandit’s shield.

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