The bandits stared at Ying Changge’s every move, and he also smashed his ax hard.
The more ferocious the attack, the colder it would be that Ying Changge’s figure would not be able to stand in place safely.
He dodged continuously, and under the attack of the bandits, it was naturally impossible for Ying Changge to give up.
He is a very combative guy, with a strong banditry ability, even full of chattering gestures.
If you continue to fight the enemy, maybe the bandit (Zhao De’s) can really surrender to Ying Changge, he is full of confidence.
However, at this time, the fierce battle has become more and more mature, and it is the juncture of a desperate battle.
Snapped! Ying Changge’s sword immediately approached quickly at this moment, trying to break through the bandits’ defenses.
The bandit who is both offensive and defensive has a shield and an axe, this is a very cunning guy, Ying Changge smiled.
It’s just a mediocre bandit, but Ying Changge would have to spend a lot of effort if he had to deal with it like this.
Especially there are many bandits around, they are very brave, but also very helpless.
If Ying Changge and Meng Tian are not subdued, they will be attacked and occupied many times.
Chapter 600 To open the way!
There was an endless stream of attacks, chattering unleashed his own swordsmanship, and Ying Changge also counterattacked accurately.
Where the sword pointed, it blocked the bandit’s shield and avoided his rampant figure.
Standing firmly in place, Ying Changge took advantage of thisOpportunity, staggered the direction of the shield attack.
This is just a bandit, and the shield in his hand is attacking like this at the same time, and he will definitely lose his position.
Once, at the moment of fighting with Ying Changge, the bandits used both hands and feet, and it was impossible to have any defense.
It was useless to swing the shield and hit it down hard, revealing a clearly visible flaw.
As a result, Ying Changge quickly approached, and the blade in his hand slashed hard on his shield.
The shield was full of flaws, and Ying Changge’s sword was steady, tearing the shield into pieces.
710 With a click, the shields in the hands of the bandits were all cracked and scattered on the ground.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge quickly approached and kicked the shield into the distance.
The bandit staggered, with such an absurd figure, that he fell directly to the ground in front of Ying Changge.
The shield that had been raging all the time was useless for a while, but he continued to fight back.
The crackling sword was born here, and continued to control the bandit’s neck.
The bandit in front of Ying Changge was very insidious and cunning, he got up in a hurry and immediately avoided it.
Whoosh! Quickly dodging and falling aside, the bandit scrambled and scrambled to avoid Ying Changge’s sword.
The sword edge hit the ground, the flying stones rolled up, and the dust flew up, which made the bandits even more afraid.
He was afraid that he would be easily killed by Ying Changge’s sword in such a fate.
Terrified, he got up quickly, avoided the surroundings, and quickly backed away with his ax in hand.
When Ying Changge chased him up from behind, the bandits were even more frightened and trembling.
Holding up the ax and continuing to fight back, the bandits tried to resist Ying Changge’s fierce attack.
But everything was helpless, with a bang, Ying Changge’s sword directly damaged the bandit’s axe.
This ax looks so sharp, but it is actually vulnerable, and it cannot be used for fighting at all.
The more powerful the weapon, the more vulnerable it is among these bandits, which is really ridiculous.
He raised the sword in his hand and shattered the ax accurately, splitting it into two.
The weapons in the hands of the bandits were scattered on the ground like this, and there were no more weapons to compete with Ying Changge.
Especially before the bandits were still two-pronged, with their own shields and axes, punching and kicking.
But at this moment, the bandit’s shield was shattered, and the ax in his hand was completely gone.
Therefore, under the helpless confrontation with the enemy, the bandits were empty-handed and unarmed, which was very dangerous.
(afej) Forced to do nothing, the bandits turned around and ran away, so they left quickly, avoiding Ying Changge’s pursuit.
Even if one bandit escaped, there were still many bandits surrounding Ying Changge.
He raised his sword and rushed away, hitting the other bandits one after another.
In order to protect himself, Ying Changge continued to attack continuously in order to open up a path.
Everything is fate, it is very easy for Ying Changge to kill them, but there are many bandits.
There were so many beautiful things in sight, groups of bandits rushed up, blocking Ying Changge’s path.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s superb skills, they would have already rushed to Anyang County.
It is because of this overreaching bandit, in order to kill himself, this is the continuous counterattack.
Jianfeng attacked quickly and swiftly, and Ying Changge continued to suppress the bandits by himself.
Even if they wanted to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​the bandits couldn’t kill them, it was very difficult.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian teamed up, and they shot together quickly and suppressed all the bandits.
Wounded and wounded, fleeing as much as possible, they have lost any power under such fighting.
Even though these bandits are numerous and powerful, they cannot break through the alliance between Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Ping ping pong pong, the sword’s edge intertwined continuously, Ying Changge repelled several bandits again.
There was an endless stream, and these bandits were still coming by any means, just to suppress Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge’s ability is so strong that the blade in his hand is already stained with a lot of blood.
Mottled with blood.
This is not Ying Changge’s own blood, but the blood of these bandits. Ying Changge has passed all the way.
He came continuously, and the sword in his hand caused very serious injuries to several people.
It’s too simple to rob Ying Changge’s house, and Ying Changge will not give in just like that.
He joined forces with Meng Tian to fight against the enemy, and seriously injured many other bandits.
Especially the sword in his hand, approaching one after another, killing all the other guys.
Chapter 601 The Garrison of Anyang County!
On the contrary, it was the eyes of the bandits, so concentrated, even chattering, not to be outdone.
Even though a few bandits were repelled, there are still tens of thousands of bandits, and they are aggressive.
Ying Changge fought against this, and he inexplicably saw the soldier’s battlefield demeanor in this bandit.
Who are these people! Ying Changge inexplicably felt the bandit’s extraordinary power.
So, he came out of nowhere and stabbed the sword in his hand on the bodies of several bandits.
In front of Ying Changge, the bandits hardly had any chance to fight back, and they became more and more embarrassed.
The edge of Ying Changge’s sword was stained with blood, and the blood of the bandit even stained the sword in his hand red.
But even so, he still rushed forward in a majestic manner, just to wipe out the bandits.
As long as these bandits are killed, other people will not be swept away by bandits.
He wants to protect the people, especially the number of these bandits is not small, naturally also very brave.
His gaze was very indifferent, and the bandit didn’t hesitate to face Ying Changge.
Continue to attack in a continuous stream, chattering shots, so as to kill them guys.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian both attacked together. He raised the sword in his hand and attacked continuously.
boom! The sword’s edge directly scattered around, repelling the other bandits abruptly, and seriously injured their bodies.
Ying Changge came to Anyang County to surrender the governor of Anyang County, not to deal with this gang of bandits.
Even though these bandits were very arrogant and domineering, they couldn’t force Ying Changge and Meng Tian back.
Under such a fight, they came chattering endlessly, but they still refused to let Ying Changge and Meng Tian go.
But even so, Ying Changge’s figure continued to rampage, and came to the center all at once, killing and killing.
The bandits next to each other continued to run rampant and worked very hard to kill Ying Changge.
But for Ying Changge, even a group of bandits couldn’t stop Ying Changge from fighting, and his sword was very fast.
Whoosh! The sword edge thrust out swiftly, and came down aggressively, repelling all the bandits one by one.
Surrounded by bandits with a large number of people, Ying Changge was steady and unhurried, so indifferent.
As long as he continues to chase and kill, he can kill all the guys, leaving no one behind.
These bandits are brave and fearless, even if they resist Ying Changge, they cannot last long.
Even though the bandits were persistent, they were still retreating steadily under the collision of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Dodging unscrupulously and counterattacking quickly, the sword in his hand has a powerful offensive, and Ying Changge takes the lead.
The many bandits around Ying Changge died all the time, and they fell to the ground.
Blood was sprayed, blood spattered five steps, Ying Changge was already invincible amidst the bandits’ siege.
The bandits are getting weaker and weaker.
Standing in this kind of place, intercepting halfway, but in the end every bandit surrendered.
Being defeated by Ying Changge and Meng Tian respectively, they could only crouch on the ground in fear.
Ying Changge came up and stared at them intently, “Why do you want to rob the house!”
“You are really hateful!” Singer Ying Chang raised his sword, trying to frighten them and make them spit it out.

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