Chapter 596: The Invincible General!
In particular, the bandits are still coming one after another, and they push the waves behind the Yangtze River.
Ying Changge stands here very firmly, and will not be crumbling under the blow of the shield.
The figure continued to move out swiftly, making shots one after another, full of powerful strength and revenge.
Under such a fight, the surrounding bandits immediately boosted their morale, and they were sure of victory.
Confidence continued to approach, running continuously, just to trap Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge is not alone, he joins forces with Meng Tian to fight against this group of bandits.
I don’t want accidents to happen. Ying Changge is also in a hurry to fight against this gang of bandits.
Meng Tian next to him is a heroic opponent, and the sword in his hand has an extraordinary offensive.
The slaps came, and the continuous attack was to intercept the bandits and force them.
There are still many people around Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​and the bandits do whatever they can to do it vigorously.
Seeing them approaching like wolves and tigers, Ying Changge didn’t show any nervousness, and took his time.
The sword in his hand thrust out vigorously, released it continuously, and slashed at the bandit’s shield.
The more he fought, the more Ying Changge understood that these bandits were not kind people.
The kung fu in the hands of the bandits is very good, Ying Changge can tell that they are not ordinary civilians.
Well-trained and skilled in martial arts, these bandits can suppress Ying Changge in an orderly manner.
Meng Tian had no reason to show mercy to the bandits, instead he continued to attack and counterattack carefully.
The bandits were fierce, and they came chattering one by one, trying to trap Ying Changge.
However, to Ying Changge, although these bandits were highly skilled, they were nothing more than that.
Such continuous circles, quick charges, and the sword in his hand ran rampant, blocking several bandits.
The other bandits continued to come vigorously, and they couldn’t wait to take down the bandits.
However, even though the sword edge continued to thrust out, many bandits still blocked it vigorously.
The sword was fast, but the blade did not land on the bandits in time, unable to block the attack.
One sword and two swords continued to fall, and there was even an afterimage among Ying Chang’s singers.
The incomprehensible swords fell in all directions, frightening several bandits for a while.
They were still vigorous and scrambling to be the first, using their lineup to surround Ying Changge’s every move.
Surrounded by bandits, he still had a calm expression on his face, unhurried and deserted.
Ying Changge smiled slightly, standing in the shadow of swords and swords, he was indescribably calm and indifferent.
All the guys came here aggressively, and continued to work hard to kill him.
In this halfway, Ying Changge and Meng Tian fought separately, they continued to attack and fought against the enemy together.
Intercepting halfway and robbing Ying Changge and Meng Tian is a very stupid thing.
Let’s not talk about Ying Changge’s skills, he is a master of martial arts with outstanding swordsmanship and domineering.
Especially Meng Tian, ​​who is behind him, is also an invincible general who fights on the battlefield, and his skills are even more excellent.
Under such a fight, they were all scarred, and it was difficult to match such serious injuries.
It is easy to die directly, but a group of bandits are not shy, they are not in a hurry, and even go their own way.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
They have the powerful bodies they should have, especially when they come in groups, they are even more rough.
All the guys are so presumptuous, even attacking by all means for their own livelihood.
Ying Changge’s figure is very dexterous, as quiet as a virgin, as if moving like a rabbit, he will never be caught by the bandits.
When the weapons in the hands of the bandits are endlessly stabbingWhen he was on Ying Changge’s body, he dodged calmly.
The bandits had a murderous intent, and they joined forces to attack, trying to kill Ying Changge, or in other words, hold Ying Changge hostage.
.. . . 0
But this was a useless attack for Ying Changge, and he continued to fight back endlessly.
Take out your own momentum.
The swords collided, the blades met, and Ying Changge’s ping-pong-pong attacks continued to force the bandits back.
The bandits are murderous, but they have enough energy to stop Ying Changge’s counter-killing.
In this place, there is no one inhabited, and the number of bandits is very large, and they are so dazzling that they are inseparable.
There were many weapons in his hand, and these weapons fell on Ying Changge’s body one after another.
If Ying Changge was hit by these weapons, he would easily be riddled with holes and scars.
But fighting with the bandits until now, his appearance is so cold and the sword in his hand is so fast.
Attacking quickly, the bandits don’t want to stay here, but want to sweep Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
As long as Ying Changge and Meng Tian had any property on them, they would be taken away by the bandits.
Pillage is what bandits are good at, especially knowing that these guys will continue to attack and kill Fan.
Chapter 597: Under the Bandit’s Sword!
Burning, killing, looting, murdering for money, the bandits in front of Ying Changge are different from the usual murderous bandits.
But even so, Ying Changge still wanted to go all out and capture them all before his eyes.
Otherwise, if these bandits came in one go, it would only cause Ying Changge and Meng Tian to retreat steadily.
Hearing the fierce clash of swords, the fighting around Ying Changge was so fierce and ferocious.
But even so, Ying Changge didn’t kill them all at once, he could kill them with one blow.
Eradicate the bandits and let them taste the taste of despair. When the time comes, the bandits will naturally be wiped out.
“710” The most important thing is that Ying Changge must display his heroic and fearless offensive in order to win vigorously.
With weapons in hand, the bandits came in an endless stream, wave after wave, dragging Ying Changge in.
The edge of the sword in his hand continued to protrude, crackling and hitting the surrounding ground.
The endless fights, the vigorous impact, this fierce fight is also very brave and difficult to resist.
This group of people is stupid, even Yelang is arrogant, overestimated, and can do anything.
If Ying Changge could be killed, then Ying Changge would have already died in these long years.
But he is not so easy to die, his ability is high, and his swordsmanship is unrivaled.
Facing a rare opponent, galloping around, Ying Changge turned everything from danger to safety by virtue of his swordsmanship.
So what if there are so many bandits blocking Ying Changge’s way! Also unremarkable.
Continuing to attack, the sword in his hand parried several of them, causing them to fall directly to the ground.
Snapped! Another bandit was injured in his leg, and then he staggered and lay on the ground with a painful expression on his face.
With a painful expression and gritted teeth distorted, the bandit raised his sword and tried to kill Ying Changge.
Looking at the edge of the sword he raised, Ying Changge was steady, and immediately counterattacked, blocking it with a ping-pong sound.
Ying Changge’s attack was very ferocious, especially when he came with a sword, which split the weapon in the bandit’s hands into two.
With a ping-pong sound, it shattered into two halves. The bandit looked down at his sword with a look of embarrassment.
Not wanting to hurt the killer, Ying Changge punched hard with his fist, knocking the bandit unconscious to the ground.
Another bandit was knocked down, so Ying Changge strode up to catch up and continued to slash.
The sword in his hand was so swift, and he was fighting among the crowd in a swift and swift manner.
The shadow of the sword flickered, and there appeared one by one light, caused by the edge of the sword, they were all so shocked that they had no power to fight back.
Beside Ying Changge, there were many bandits, they were all killed and continued to approach in one go.
These bandits are very prosperous, and for their own livelihood, they are also attacking endlessly.
Whether it is Ying Changge or Meng Tian, ​​they are all people who have experienced great storms.
They came in an endless stream, even if the bandits surrounded the two of them, it would be useless.
With the skills of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​they can easily defeat the bandits and secure victory.
One bandit was flustered, and ten bandits were aggressive. They were united and they were also in groups.
In order to kill a few people, their faces are full of a different kind of stern look, and they refuse to give up at all.  …
Continuing to make steady moves and fight endlessly, the bandit’s face is so serious.
The more chattering the shot, the more smoothly they can rob and plunder, they are brave.
Armed with weapons and shields, the well-equipped bandits were still approaching Ying Changge step by step, trying to take him down.
The sword in his hand was fast, with a whoosh, the light and shadow of the sword had already resisted several people’s bodies.
The more powerful the sword, the more majestic the chance to break through, so solemn.
Ying Changge’s figure came continuously, swung his sword continuously, and continued to hit the surroundings.
Many bandits still came in an endless stream, just to break him and make him surrender.
In Ying Changge’s eyes, he only deserved to die bravely, but he had no chance of admitting defeat at all.
He is not this kind of person, it is absolutely impossible for him to admit defeat, and it is impossible for him to be defeated by the bandit’s sword.
The continuous attack, the chattering sprint of the sword in his hand, blocked several people.

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