On the contrary, under the constant charging and beating, everyone died under Ying Changge’s sword.
The brave and fearless Ying Changge continued to unleash his swords, shocking the group of people to death.
In a panic, in a hurry, so many guys did everything they could to kill Ying Changge.
The attack without sparing no effort, the attack in a panic, but still did not have a suitable opportunity, it was very embarrassing.
The man in black’s goal is Gai Nie behind Ying Changge, but they have already encountered obstacles.
Ying Changge was this powerful obstacle. He blocked the men in black and made them all dumbfounded.
Even if the bewildered men in black attacked in groups, they couldn’t stop Ying Changge from fighting back.
The sword in his hand moved quickly, hitting down one after another, causing afterimages of the sword’s edge.
An afterimage came, and several people around were shocked by Ze’s sword and retreated again and again, and the man in black refused to accept it.
With ferocious faces, not to be outdone, the men in black united as one and rushed towards Ying Changge again.
The weapons in their hands were all hitting Ying Changge hard, so as to kill him.
Otherwise, Ying Changge cannot be killed, and the man in black cannot approach Gai Nie. This is a very pure matter (afej).
With a quick charge, the figures came from far and near, and Ying Changge rushed into the encirclement of this group of people.
The move was quick, and Ying Changge’s sword was very brave. After hitting several people, there were already scars left.
The wound was painful, and several men in black were stabbed to death by Ying Changge’s sword at the same time, which proved his superb swordsmanship.
The man in black looked left and right, and after they glanced at each other, they tried to retreat while clutching their wounds.
But how could Ying Changge give them a chance to leave! He chased after him in stride.
The sword edge kept fighting, and his sword forced all the men in black to retreat steadily.
They fought each other, sending out their own swords one after another, just to kill Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge’s ability was too strong, he attacked quickly and counterattacked them heartily.
The lineup of the men in black is messy.
All the guys are so arrogant and domineering, trying their best to survive under Ying Changge’s sword.
Seeing that the men in black still refused to leave, Ying Changge understood that they would not shed tears until they saw the coffin.
Therefore, he continued to shoot and counterattack quickly. This kind of Jianfeng has an unstoppable trend.
Snapped! The sword’s edge came down in an endless stream, striking vigorously, like a violent storm.
The men in black next to them couldn’t support themselves, and fell to the ground staggeringly under Ying Changge’s sword.
Coming quickly, Ying Changge stood beside the men in black and raised the sword in his hand.
“Who else!” He yelled loudly, his face full of sternness.
All the guys came here to kill Gai Nie, but Gai Nie was unscathed, while they were scarred.
Standing here covered in bruises, they couldn’t stop Ying Changge from fighting alone for a while.
Obviously Ying Changge is only one person, but there are dozens of people in black out tonight!
Some of them fought against the jailers outside the prison, but most of them were entangled with Ying Changge.
If you see Gai Nie, you can kill him immediately, but so many men in black are blocked.
Chapter 591: The Untold Secret!
They came one by one and attacked continuously, but they couldn’t kill the obstacle Ying Changge.
One man guards the gate and ten thousand men don’t open it. Ying Changge stood here and intercepted everyone one by one.
Even if they rushed up to kill Ying Changge, they had insufficient energy to be hostile at all.
The men in black were all wounded, and under such a fight, they were ~ very embarrassed.
Coughing, and slowly fell to the ground, several men in black died because of excessive bleeding.
But there are still a few men in black who are persistently standing in place, and they will fight to the end.
As long as they continue to fight, they will be able to kill Ying Changge one by one.
Ying Changge, on the other hand, looked indifferent, standing so calmly among the men in black, “Have you figured it out yet?”
“Do you want to continue fighting, or do you want to get caught in front of me and say everything quietly!”
One of the men in black stood in front of Ying Changge, clutching his injured chest, with a stern look on his face.
“You are wishful thinking! Tell you! No matter what it is! We will not tell you!”
Seeing how strong the man in black is, Ying Changge nodded appreciatively, “Okay!”
“Admiration! I just admire people with backbone! Go to hell!” Immediately he raised his sword.
With a knife in hand, Ying Changge easily chopped off the guy’s head and let him die.Death.
The body of the man in black was separated, and after he fell to the ground and died, there was no sign of life.
Death was a crushing defeat, the situation was so tragic, it was really bloody and horrible.
The majestic Ying Changge continued to stand here, and the men in black around him were helpless.
They want to continue to be stubborn, but if they continue like this, it will only kill them all.
All the men in black kept silent, let alone a word, they just stared at Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge had no time to delay, he continued to ask with a serious face, “Say it! Who are you!”
“Who sent you here again! Tell me carefully, you understand!”
Seeing Ying Changge’s stern expression, the man in black next to him didn’t dare to speak and kept silent.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge who walked up quickly and came to a man in black, holding him hostage with a sword.
Putting Jianfeng on his neck, Ying Changge asked, “Can’t you hear my question! Say it!”
“Who sent you here! And why did you kill Gai Nie? It’s the truth! Don’t miss a single word!”
Facing Ying Changge’s Jianfeng, the man in black looked pale, but still stubborn.
He gritted his teeth bluntly, and refused to answer at all, so hard, like an old donkey.
Ying Changge didn’t have any sympathy, he immediately shot and beheaded this guy again.
hum! Jianfeng broke the neck of the man in black, his head flew up and fell to the ground.
The blade of the sword in his hand was stained with fresh blood, and it was so bright that Ying Changge continued to walk up.
He came to another guy, his face was so indifferent, “You! Say it or not!”
He raised the sword in his hand, ready to chop off his head at any moment.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, the man in black immediately begged for mercy, “I say! I say!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“We are the Sheriff of Anyang!” The man in black looked so sincere, so sincere.
After hearing his words, Ying Changge was slightly surprised, this was something he never expected, Anyang Sheriff!
The people of Anyang County rushed up and tried to kill Gai Nie. What secrets do they have?
Ying Changge tied up a group of people, and immediately asked Gai Nie, “What do you think?”
“What you said is true.” Ge Nie was very indifferent, he didn’t seem to be afraid of these people coming to kill him at all.
“Maybe they are the people sent by the Anyang County Sheriff. This is a festival that you and I will meet.”
Gai Nie looked indifferent about life and death, without any surprise, “What are you going to do!”
“Is it possible that you will continue to investigate strictly? You will discover many secrets.”
Now that Gai Nie has said so, Ying Changge will naturally continue to investigate, “It’s a matter of course.”
“Whether it’s these men in black or you Gai Nie, I have to follow the clues carefully.”
He knew that there were unknown things between Gai Nie and Anyang County, and Ying Changge had to find out.
Leaving these jailers to clean up the mess in the prison, he quickly entered the palace.
Entering the palace overnight, Ying Changge immediately saw Ying Zheng in the study, his face was very serious.
Telling everything that happened tonight meticulously, Ying Changge was very impatient.
“The people who assassinated Gai Nie were all from the governor of Anyang. I questioned them carefully, and they don’t seem to be lying.”
“Especially Gai Nie, it seems that he knows that these people are from Anyang County Sheriff, so he is not surprised.”
Chapter 592: Not from Anyang County!
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Ying Zheng was very furious. He never expected it.
“There are so many people who despise the king’s law and sneak into the prison to assassinate! How arrogant!”
Ying Zheng yelled angrily, and started to attack the case. His whole body was bearded and staring, very annoyed.
Under my nose, the lawless men in black were dispatched to assassinate the prisoner.
In particular, these men in black seemed to be arranged by the governor of Anyang, and their crimes were even more serious.
If you commit a felony, you should be punished.
Therefore, Ying Zheng must ask Ying Chang Gezai to investigate this matter carefully “six seven seven”.
“You must investigate this matter clearly. If there is any problem, you must give an explanation.”
“If the governor of Anyang really committed any crime!” Ying Zheng’s eyes were stern, “Let’s deal with him!”
Ying Changge bowed and nodded, “Yes! Take orders!” Since it was an order from Ying Zheng, Ying Changge was on his way.

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