“Don’t block our way, we don’t want to kill you, we just want to attack Gaine and kill him.”
“You are so unscrupulous in front of me, this is too stupid!”
Ying Changge was indifferent, staring at these guys intently, “You are just a bunch of mobs.”
“These guys actually stood in front of me, trying to kill people right under my nose!”
Talking to himself, he smiled slightly, Ying Changge has never seen such a crazy guy!
Even in the face of so many men in black, he has to kill them, this is Ying Changge’s skill.
He raised his sword, “Want to kill Ge Nie? Then you have to pass my level.”
“What do you think!” Ying Changge did his part, it was absolutely impossible to ignore them.
These men in black looked at each other, and they couldn’t bear Ying Changge’s provocation and obstruction.
Their task is very simple, that is to kill Gai Nie, and then they can get out of the body.
Otherwise, Gai Nie in the cell would be very dangerous if surrounded by so many men in black.
So he raised his sword and hit it hard, just to kill the man in black.
The men in black should have stood in front of Ying Changge in groups, and their target was Gai Nie.
Otherwise, if they assassinated Gai Nie, Ying Changge’s previous efforts would be in vain.
Standing on the ground, impatient to intervene, he hit the sword in his hand hard.
A group of men in black continued to attack Ying Changge. They wanted to break through the cell and kill Gai Nie.
The blades staggered and swung continuously, and the blades had already pierced the bodies of several men in black.
His sword edge 677 swam swiftly, remaining in mid-air, breaking through the sword marks one after another.
Bloody wounds were left on the body of the man in black, and several of them fell down in pain and were unable to fight back.
Falling in a pool of blood, several men in black were killed by Ying Changge, and he continued to force him unimpeded.
The sword in his hand was fierce, and it struck the surroundings vigorously, breaking up the men in black.
They have a large number of people, and they have an advantage in number, and each of them is vigorous.
But in front of Ying Changge, they still have no advantage, they are just ordinary guys.
Ying Changge held his sword and struck hard, killing several people with ease.
The sword edge continued to draw in mid-air, and the faster the sword edge was, the more unstoppable it was.
When Ying Changge continued to fight the man in black, several people beside him also fell to the ground.
Although the man in black has great power, he cannot kill Ying Changge easily.
Chapter 589 Powerful Sword, Incomparable!
There is still a big gap in their abilities, especially Ying Changge’s sword edge, which is even more invincible.
He came quickly, and continued to fight back, the sword in his hand was already stained with blood.
It’s not Ying Changge’s own blood, but the men in black’s. His sword is so fast.Even with such a few men in black, it was difficult to suppress Ying Changge for a while.
Because Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is unpredictable, the superior sword is very quick and direct, straight to the point.
The sword edge stabbed straight, and hit the chest of one of the men in black at once.
Blood splattered, Ying Changge remained motionless, and continued to go out, breaking into the men in black’s siege.
They wanted to kill Gai Nie, but because Ying Changge blocked them, they couldn’t continue to approach.
In the cell, there are many jailers who continue to fight against these men in black, and they are entangled with each other.
The man in black was intercepted, but more men in black rushed into the dungeon.
Gai Nie watched these guys fighting, but he was also motionless, leaning against the wall safe and sound.
His safety is in the palm of Ying Changge’s hands. If Ying Changge lives, Gai Nie can live.
Otherwise, once the man in black breaks through the prison door and enters, many people will die.
The jailer will die, Ying Changge will die, and Gai Nie who is hiding here will also die without a place to bury him.
This is not the result he wants the most, because Ge Nie just wants to live, he doesn’t want to die.
Outside the prison gate, Ying Changge’s figure never stopped, and continued to chase and kill these men in black.
The man in black beside Ying Changge was full of murderous looks, but he couldn’t easily hold Ying Changge’s sword.
The edge of the sword is so sharp that with a stab of the sword, many people around will die, not one will be left behind.
Although the man in black is well-trained, he is still far behind Ying Changge’s swordsmanship.
The more intense the battle, the safer Ying Changge will be.
Inside the prison, many men in black continued to pack up, trying to kill Ying Changge and Gai Nie.
Because the other jailers were stunned, the men in black entangled them together, and there was no effort at all.
Now, it is Ying Changge who is guarding Gai Nie by himself, preventing him from having any worries about his life.
Since he came to the prison, and even chattered about assassinating Gai Nie, it showed that there was something hidden.
There must be secrets about Gai Nie, so these men in black appeared and tried to kill him.
So, one by one guys came here with murderous intent, just to kill Gai Nie.
Gai Nie was imprisoned in the cell, while Ying Changge was fighting and entangled with so many men in black.
The sword in his hand was fast, ping-ping-pong-pong, the edge of the sword was running rampant, hitting the surroundings continuously.
The more violent the attack, the more extraordinary power and powerful burst it has, and it is like a tiger and a tiger.
It was precisely because of this that he had to make a move, even a quick counter-kill, and attack with all his strength.
Snapped! The sword in his hand was fast, but he still couldn’t catch all the men in black.
The other men in black continued to circle around, releasing their swords continuously.
The more galloping they came, the more difficult it was for Jian Feng to guard against, and every one of the men in black staggered and fell down.
Powerful sword, unparalleled attack, this kind of fight is very powerful, scrambling to be the first.
The man in black who fought fiercely with Ying Changge used all his abilities to try to suppress Ying Changge.
But their skills are still far from Ying Changge’s, and it is impossible to block this head-on fight.
Ping-pong! In the shadow of swords and swords, in the prison, Ying Changge showed his abilities to the fullest.
In a rush, he came here with all his strength, and the sword in his hand took the lives of several men in black.
He fell to the ground and died. The bodies of the men in black were all piled up on the ground, looking in a panic.
Such a group of people is powerless, and it would be whimsical for them to want to kill Ge Nie.
Chattering shots, one after another presented his own sword, Ying Changge dealt with them for the rest of the day.
Fighting non-stop, non-stop attacking, under such fighting, they all fell to the ground one by one in embarrassment.
Snapped! The sword edge hit the men in black, severely wounding them (Wang Zhaozhao), and killed them easily, blood spattered five steps.
The sharper the sword, the more powerful it is, which is very powerful and formidable.
boom! One of the men in black, who was overconfident, even caught up, trying to capture Ying Changge and fight back.
From Ying Changge’s point of view, his body was full of flaws, and even the sword was so chaotic and out of order.
The flawed sword missed Ying Changge at all, and the man in black’s sword hit the ground.
Stepping on the sword with one foot, Ying Changge flew up, and the blade of the sword in his hand swept across thousands of troops and wiped his neck.
The blood flowed continuously, and he fell to the ground continuously. The man in black twitched, then closed his eyes and passed away.
Chapter 590: An afterimage arrives!
It was another guy’s death. Under such a fight, the other men in black still spared no effort.
They were in groups, united as one, and gathered together in a hurry in order to kill Gai Nie.
The more galloping the attack, the more intense the trend, and the sword in his hand threw out an afterimage.
Whoosh! Several swords nearby hit Ying Changge’s body.
Ying Changge fought alone, facing many people with mixed eyes, it was difficult to guard against.
So he could only dodge immediately, and took three steps back, avoiding the sharp sword light, and was safe and sound.
Standing firmly on the ground, Ying Changge raised his sword and easily avoided the man in black.
Several men in black surrounded him in an endless stream, trying to completely surround Ying Changge.
Standing here unhurriedly, Ying Changge’s gaze was very indifferent, he watched all directions and listened to all directions.
Paying close attention to every move of the men in black around him, Ying Changge looked for their flaws.
Don’t look at the men in blackIt looks like there are a lot of people, but it’s just a mob, just making up for the number.
One by one, they all rushed forward with weapons in their hands, but they couldn’t kill Ying Changge.
Ying Changge, who is highly skilled, has already blocked them all one by one with his sword edge.
Even if the men in black continue to fight, they won’t get any benefit from smashing Ying Changge.
He continued to attack, chattering and stabbing out his sword edge, this sword was so fast, very fast.
When the swords collided together, Ying Changge was powerful, but it was also able to shock the left and right.
Especially so many men in black came aggressively, but none of them could kill Ying Changge.

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