He left quickly, left the palace, and then prepared his bags to go to Anyang County.
Gai Nie, who was assassinated in the prison, was very dangerous and almost died like this.
However, Ying Changge is not an ordinary person. He rescued Gai Nie from the man in black in a aggressive manner.
So what will happen to Ge Nie! He can only continue to be imprisoned there, there is no other way.
On the contrary, Ying Changge left quickly, and then went to Anyang County, preparing to meet the county guard for a while.
Because this lawless guy actually sent the man in black to assassinate Gai Nie himself.
This is a bold and reckless act, and it has already committed a lot, Ying Changge will not tolerate it.
The men in black and the gang were all wiped out, without anyChance of survival, implement the crime.
Coming non-stop, Ying Changge headed for Anyang County all the way, speeding up and not stopping at all.
He was afraid that the governor of Anyang would receive any news and run away early. He wanted to arrest someone.
If you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies, Ying Changge is already in a certain state of winning when facing the governor of Anyang.
Running quickly, Ying Changge was full of dust and dust all the way, and arrived in Anyang County in a few days.
He knew that the name of the governor of Anyang was Zhao Xingzhi, but Ying Changge would not startle the snake.
Because Ying Changge doesn’t have any evidence now, if he acts rashly, nothing will be accomplished.
He wants to cross-examine carefully so that he can find out about Zhao Xingzhi and know who the other party is.
He was already outside the city gate, but Ying Changge was not in a hurry to go in, he wanted to inquire from all directions.
Therefore, Ying Changge stayed outside the city gate, and then casually collected information to inquire about Zhao Xingzhi.
There are a lot of pedestrians on this road, especially on the avenue, there are many people coming and going.
Ying Changge paid attention to these passers-by, and then said something, asking around.
Regarding Zhao Xingzhi, these passers-by have the most say, because they are not from Anyang County.
They will not say something against their will because they are afraid of Zhao Xingzhi. They are very important.
Being unknown here, Ying Changge concealed his identity while continuing to inquire about Zhao Xingzhi.
Ying Changge didn’t know many things about Zhao Xingzhi, so he could only hear them.
Obsessed with Zhao Xingzhi’s crimes, Ying Changge has been inquiring and asking 0…
If Zhao Xingzhi is really a lawless guy, then he must do his best to kill him.
Under the hands of Ying Changge and Ying Zheng, no minister is allowed to be so disobedient.
In just a few days, Ying Changge inquired about many things about Zhao Xingzhi.
Half-truth, half-false, false and true, it is impossible for Ying Changge to give up on these news.
After sifting through them, Ying Changge heard a very important thing, that is, Zhao Xingzhi actually betrayed an official.
Selling officials and nobles, embezzling and accepting bribes.
This is the crime committed by Zhao Xingzhi! It is to beheaded! It’s really hateful!
Therefore, Ying Changge must let Zhao Xingzhi die, so as to ensure the safety of Anyang County.
Otherwise, letting a guy like Zhao Xingzhi occupy his position will only make the surroundings more chaotic.
The people were displaced, and the government and the public were full of the stench of money. Zhao Xingzhi was completely lunatic.
Facing a character like Zhao Xingzhi, he must do something to kill him and save Anyang County.
As a result, Ying Changge became angry. He was already preparing to mobilize an army to annihilate Zhao Xingzhi in one fell swoop.
It’s just that his own strength is very useless. Ying Changge is alone and can be easily killed.
Especially in Dongyang County, Zhao Xingzhi is simply calling the wind and calling the rain, and anyone will drive it at will.
When Zhao Xingzhi used his soldiers to fight against Ying Changge, it might be difficult for Ying Changge to see him.
Therefore, after Zhao Xingzhi’s crime appeared, Ying Changge had to let his army come here in person.
To annihilate Zhao Xingzhi in one fell swoop and let him die completely is something Ying Changge can’t wait for.
Chapter 593 Five miles left!
Without hesitation, he turned around and left immediately. Ying Changge left Dongyang County and returned to Xianyang.
Zhao Xingzhi’s selling his official titles is simply lawless, it’s too much! Ying Changge couldn’t bear it.
Quickly returning to Xianyang, Ying Changge personally ordered Meng Tian to lead an army to wipe out Zhao Xingzhi.
Meng Tian naturally obeyed Ying Changge’s words, and he immediately came to Ying Changge’s side to ask the truth.
Knowing that the target this time is Zhao Xingzhi, governor of Anyang County, Meng Tian immediately nodded without hesitation.
As a result, many soldiers were gathered together, and Meng Tian followed him and charged immediately.
Let the soldiers follow Ying Changge, and they rushed forward, trying to set foot in Pingyang County.
But when Yingzheng heard about it, he felt that it was very inappropriate, “Especially when you startle the snake!”
“Facing a Zhao Xingzhi, it’s still too early to deploy troops, it’s not worth it!”
After hearing Ying Zheng’s order, Ying Changge immediately refrained from leading troops.
All the soldiers were dispatched back, but Ying Changge still led Meng Tian, ​​and the two went to Anyang County again.
Zhao Xingzhi betrayed his officials, and maybe even sent a man in black to kill Gai Nie, all of which were heinous crimes.
Therefore, once it is time to make a move, Ying Changge and Meng Tian will work together to take Zhao Xingzhi down.
This is the safest strategy, no sinner can escape Ying Changge’s hands and attack.
Riding away with Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge is bound to win this trip, and he is even more righteous and upright.
Both Meng Tian and Ying Changge were on the road without stopping. They went to Anyang County and inquired about Zhao Xingzhi at the same time.
After finding out what Zhao Xingzhi’s crime was and what kind of guy he was, Ying Changge made a move.
He sneaked into the city chattering endlessly, and Ying Changge was going to take a look at Zhao Xingzhi with Meng Tian.
Because Ying Changge wanted to know who Zhao Xingzhi was. Why be so bold and reckless, lawless.
In Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi’s contacts are arranged around, and the city is full of Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers.
Both Ying Changge and Meng Tian are fighting alone, they must be cautious and not be cornered.
In Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi has an absolutely powerful force, and the soldiers all obey Zhao Xingzhi’s dispatch.
After seeing the evaluation of Zhao Xingzhi by the people around him, Ying Changge grasped the rumor even more clearly.
Zhao Xingzhi is a traitorThe sound of the wind turned upside down, and such scenes were everywhere.
Vigorous and mighty, under such circumstances, there are almost no chances.
On the contrary, Ying Changge was very relieved after he found out who Zhao Xingzhi was.
He immediately led Meng Tian, ​​and rushed day and night, approaching the city gate of Anyang County.
It was getting closer and closer, and in a short period of time, Ying Changge was only five miles away from Anyang County.
On the main road of this road, Ying Changge and Meng Tian worked hard and prepared to rush to the city today.
It is a pity that the journey is far away, and it is not so easy to approach, and they are a little tired.
After a long journey, the journey was full of dust, but Ying Changge and Meng Tian didn’t take it seriously. This little suffering and tiredness are nothing.
He came at a fast pace, riding on a horse, so fast all the way, Ying Changge was afraid that he would be delayed.
The two continued their rampage, causing a lot of dust to be thrown up on the road.
Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi were about to arrive in Anyang County, but on the way, they saw a group of people.
All these people, and then they went in front of him, intercepting Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
What is this for! Ying Changge was very puzzled, then turned his head and stared at them without blinking.
After seeing such embarrassment, Ying Changge calmly raised his sword.
The sword is still hidden in the sheath, if something happens, it will definitely be drawn out of the sheath directly, causing a bloodbath.
Meng Tian was also loyal, and immediately guarded Ying Changge’s side, so calm and calm.
“Who is here! Tell us your name!” Meng Tian shouted, trying to frighten these people away.
However, after hearing Meng Tian’s words, these masked guys 693 shook their heads and didn’t care.
“I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. I want to pass by from now on, and save money to buy roads!”
A group of people turned out to be bandits and wanted to block the road to rob, Ying Changge shook his head in a little surprise, and misread it.
Who did he think these guys were? After working for a long time, it was just a highwayman.
However, Ying Changge saw that they didn’t have much banditry on them, and it seemed that they hadn’t been in the industry for long.
Shaking his head calmly, Ying Changge asked, “Do you want to die! If you don’t want to die, leave as soon as possible.”
“Otherwise, I will catch all of you and let you know the consequences!”
Ying Changge’s own hand was always held on the hilt of the sword, majestic and majestic, as if one man was in charge of the other.
Then several people continued to scold, a group of bandits would not give way, and they would not scatter eagles if they saw a rabbit.
Facing this group of guys who were overwhelmed by their abilities, Meng Tian didn’t change his face, and said aggressively, “I’m courting death!”.
Chapter 594: An Ordinary Sword!
“In such a peaceful and prosperous world, why do you block the road and rob! You are looking for a dead end and going astray!”
Faced with Meng Tian’s scolding, this group of guys didn’t take it seriously, “We are only seeking money, not killing!”

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