But Ying Changge knew that it was actually Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon inside, which was very dangerous! Ying Changge waited quietly.
There is no change in the villa, and there is no change. Everything is so quiet.
Such a huge mountain villa, but there is a sound of needles falling, it really shouldn’t be! There is peace all around.
There was no sound of people, no sound of the stove, and it seemed that there was no one in the entire villa.
strangeness! It is so strange! Thus, Ying Changge came slowly and jumped over the wall.
Xiao Li obeyed Ying Changge’s instructions and did not act together with him, but watched quietly from behind.
Just in case.
Any danger is useless, because a tough guy like Ying Changge can save the day.
When I came to the villa, it was quiet everywhere, and everyone else was quiet, as if they were dead!
How many people are there in the villa! Ying Changge doesn’t know, but I’m sure there must be a lot of them!
Obviously Gai Nie already knew his whereabouts, so he must be able to find his whereabouts.
Knowing that Ying Changge is coming, Gai Nie will either run away, or set up a net to try to kill Ying Changge.
Such a situation has already been expected, so Ying Changge is not in a hurry and is not worried at all.
Walking up quickly, Ying Changge shuttled through the paths and eaves in the villa, trying to find Gai Nie.
Otherwise, Gai Nie would not be found, and he would die easily, buried under various surprise attacks.
His expression was so indifferent, walking on the ground was quiet and soundless.
What about Gaine! He is indeed in this villa, but he is not the only one there!
He was condescending, on the tallest building, and witnessed all this, and he was very happy.
Because Gai Nie had already seen Ying Changge’s figure, he stood in place unhurriedly in the face of danger.
He didn’t need to make a move, he just waved his hand, and many guards around him immediately surrounded Ying Changge and left.
Ying Changge was walking on the ground, and immediately heard a mess of voices approaching his ears.
someone! And more than one person, these people discovered the existence of Ying Changge, and they came here non-stop.
After knowing the danger of these guys, Ying Changge was very indifferent and just stood there.
He was waiting patiently, sitting on the sidelines, Ying Changge even drew his sword.
Vigorous and majestic, he is not in a hurry, and he is already ready for any battle.
The sound of footsteps was chaotic, and many guys came to him and surrounded Ying Changge.
These are all bodyguards arranged by Gai Nie, all of them (Wang Wang’s) are highly skilled in martial arts, and they are first-class masters.
Gai Nie was not in a hurry to join the battle, he just stood on the sidelines and watched all this.
Because in Gai Nie’s view, only relying on these many guards can kill Ying Changge.
The guards were menacing and murderous, and every one of them was such a vicious person.
They tried to kill Ying Changge, but they couldn’t break through his defenses. He stood here with no flaws.
Gracefully raised his sword, Ying Changge said calmly, “‘ 〃 I don’t want you guys, I want Gai Nie~‖!”
“Gai Nie is a traitor! He has committed a serious crime! By helping him, you are only assisting the evildoers, and the crime will be aggravated!”.
Chapter 570 Get up and down, the lineup is scattered!
Ying Changge scolded, but the group of guards in front of him didn’t care at all and ignored it.
“So what! What we want is money!” “Blind man! Haven’t you heard that there must be a brave man with a great reward!”
Facing the ridicule of a group of people, Ying Changge remained indifferentNodded, “Okay! It’s useless to talk so much!”
The guards were also not to be outdone, they rushed up and immediately scrambled to kill Ying Changge.
There are all kinds of weapons in their hands, such as knives, guns, sticks, axes, hooks and forks. This kind of fighting is very fast.
Especially when these guys rushed up one by one, they were indescribably brave and domineering.
Ying Changge counterattacked calmly, and the sword in his hand immediately thrust out quickly, attacking the guard first.
These are the masters Gai Nie recruited from the rivers and lakes, and they succumbed to Gai Nie for money and worked for him.
In such a fight, Ying Changge was merciless, and Jianfeng was very fast, repelling everyone.
It was just a stab of a sword, but it had the killing intent of a galloping horse, which made everyone confused.
Stumbling around and staggering, several guards dodged immediately, thus 660 avoided Ying Changge’s attack.
The sword was very fast, and Ying Changge’s pace was even more swift. He continued to approach and fight endlessly.
One after another unleashed their own weapons, and all Gai Nie boldly surrounded Ying Changge.
Ge Nie climbed up and looked far away, standing on the attic in the distance, watching everything here intently.
He was complacent, and Gai Nie’s face was full of calmness and superiority, he was sure to win, and he was confident.
As long as Ying Changge could be killed, Gai Nie would do whatever he could.
All of a sudden, being ambushed by Gai Nie and surrounded by so many guards, Ying Changge remained indifferent.
Quick shots, quick counterattacks, his eyes are so calm, dodging and fighting in an endless stream.
With a bang of ping-pong, Ying Changge’s sword withstood numerous attacks from the guards.
All the guards are from the rivers and lakes, what they like most is to fight and kill, and use people’s money to eliminate disasters for others.
Therefore, their attack is ferocious, even full of ferocity and arrogance.
Even so, Ying Changge would not fall into the wind, he turned around calmly, spun and jumped.
The blade swept across and stabbed bravely. These guys were all beaten up and down, and the lineup was scattered.
Encountering enemies on all sides was a very dangerous thing for Ying Changge, so he immediately retreated to avoid it.
Came to the side, avoiding the pursuit of the guards, he found a corner and fought alone.
Ying Changge didn’t change his face, the sword in his hand was faster than the guards, and immediately stabbed fiercely.
There was a guard who was overwhelmed with strides to catch up and blocked Ying Changge in an instant.
Immediately, the sword in the guard’s hand hit it hard, hitting Ying Changge’s sword edge.
Such a sharp attack looks menacing, but to Ying Changge, it is just in name.
He retracted the sword in his hand, shielded it in front of his body, and immediately stabbed the guard’s leg.
The blade slid swiftly and fiercely, directly piercing the (afej) guard’s legs, and he yelled in pain.
With an angry roar, the guard stared at Ying Changge intently, and slashed hard with the sword in his hand.
Ying Changge had already expected that he would be like this. Facing this guard, he directly backhanded his sword.
First he blocked the sword edge that the guards cut, and then another sword pierced through his body, bleeding profusely.
After five steps of blood spattering, he staggered and fell to the ground. The guard died with regret, but he had no strength left.
To die like this is to perish like this. The guard lay in a pool of blood and died like this.
And the rest of these guards are not afraid at all, the death of a person is not terrible!
There are so many of them, with so many guys rushing up, sooner or later they will be able to tear Ying Changge into pieces.
Therefore, the other guards continued to come with their own weapons, and smashed them on him vigorously.
Ying Changge avoided the attack while dodging, so he continued to communicate with these guards.
Each of the guards seems to be lawless, but in fact it is nothing more than that.
Responding calmly, the sword in his hand swung forward more and more quickly, creating a brave sword light.
This sword is not only fierce, but also domineering. It is impossible for ordinary martial arts practitioners to block this attack.
boom! Flying upside down, a guard was pushed and shoved to the ground by Ying Changge.
Immediately, Ying Changge walked up quickly, stabbing his chest hard with the sword in his hand.
puff! A blood hole was opened in the chest, the bodyguard twitched and fell stiffly, then closed his eyes and died.
In the fierce battle, Ying Changge was simply invincible! No one can stop him.
Attacking heartily, continuing to fight, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer also wandered freely.
Any offensive is useless, the more powerful a person is, the more unusual his posture and strength will be.
Chapter 571 Continuous Attack, One Step Faster!
A group of guards surrounded him aggressively, the stronger the person, the more extraordinary he was.
Surrounded by these guards, Ying Changge stands out from the crowd! Indescribably powerful.
Especially when all the guards came fearlessly, but they didn’t have much chance to fight back.
boom! The fist was so fierce that the guard was knocked down by Ying Changge’s punch, but he didn’t forget to fight back with his sword.
Walking in the shadow of swords, lights and swords, his body is so fast, it is not easy to be caught at all.
Leaving quickly, he stood on the ground, and then he frightened with all his strength, and struck with his sword.
There was a bang, and the blade was entangled, but Ying Changge’s sword was more powerful and unstoppable.
Among the figures of many guards, Ying Changge took the lead, attacking majesticly, one step faster.
The braver the sound of the wind, the sharper the piercing of a sword, this sword came from Ying Changge’s skill.
With such superb martial arts,The sword in his hand was still coming down in an endless stream, killing and killing.
The other guards would not back down. They used people’s money to eliminate disasters for others, and what they wanted was Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge is killed, these guards will be rewarded more generously.

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