Watching helplessly as the fist burst forth, but was staggered, the assassin did not stop it at all.
boom! Ying Changge’s fist hit the assassin’s face, making his nose bruised and face swollen all at once.
Sighing helplessly, the assassin looked ferociously, and began to fight back through gritted teeth, intending to attack Ying Changge.
The fist in his hand is fast, but there is no such offensive at all, it is very ordinary.
Staring at the assassin at close range, Ying Changge’s arms were flexible, and he avoided the assassin’s punch all at once.
When the assassin’s punch missed, another punch in his hand came up chatteringly.
Such a fight is very brave, and it has an unusual posture, as if it is the return of the God of War.
Assassin is just superficial, his hand-to-hand combat skills are not strong enough at all, and he can’t fight back.
Unable to shake Ying Changge’s position, this made the assassin more hasty and weaker.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge who took advantage of the victory to pursue, and he continuously hit the assassin all over the body…
The pain from being hit was splitting, the assassin bared his teeth, his face was so embarrassing, and he intended to back away.
After forcing the assassin into a corner, Ying Changge immediately grabbed his head, “Say! Where is Ge Nie!”
Without pressing, Ying Changge knew that the assassin must have been sent by Gai Nie.
Ying Changge came here to suppress Gai Nie, find his trace and take him away!
Otherwise, if this guy is allowed to act unscrupulously in the city, it will not be easy for Ying Changge to catch him.
Unexpectedly, Gai Nie caught Ying Changge’s every move, which is not a good thing.
When Ying Changge came here, he was followed by Gai Nie, and even found himself.
It is a very stupid conspiracy to secretly poison one’s own food.
Pressed to ask, the assassin’s appearance was still very stubborn, very stalemate, “What are you talking about!”
“I do not knowWhat do you mean Gai Nie, I am just an ordinary farmer passing by. ”
Hearing what he said, Ying Changge laughed instead. With him assassinating himself 4.9, he didn’t look like a commoner.
Under such a fight, the assassin has already shown his murderous posture.
But so what! Ying Changge is very patient! He grabbed the assassin’s head, “Want to die?”
“If you want to live, just tell me honestly, so that you will not suffer from flesh and blood.”
“Got it!” Ying Changge yelled loudly, not allowing this kid to show any tricks.
The assassin was angry, “What are you talking about! You say I can’t understand it at all! I don’t know Ge Nie.”.
Chapter 568 Very dexterous, cooperate with each other!
As soon as the words fell, an arrow was shot from a distance, and it was difficult to guard against the hidden arrow. Such a menacing arrow was very powerful.
Xiao Li next to him saw it, so he immediately stretched out his hand and pushed Ying Changge hard to make him avoid it.
boom! Ying Changge stood aside, avoiding the arrow, which hit the ground.
Unscathed, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, and would not be directly frightened by this arrow at all! He is very calm.
On the other hand, Xiao Li turned his head, and immediately saw the guy shooting arrows lying on the roof, another assassin.
With a cold snort, Xiao Li was about to catch up, but the assassin on the roof drew his bow and shot an arrow again.
He babbled.
Whoosh! Another swift sword struck, trying to pierce Xiao Li’s body, which was very dangerous.
Xiao Li immediately twisted his posture, and then easily avoided the attack of the arrow.
This arrow failed to hit Xiao Li, but it killed the assassin in Ying Chang’s singer, blood spraying.
The arrow directly broke the guy’s neck and let him die in Ying Changge’s hands.
Feeling the blood on his hand, Ying Changge immediately withdrew his hand and wiped it on the corpse’s clothes.
The assassin on the roof shot and killed his companion himself, it was so cruel!
The angry Xiao Li immediately chased after him, and the assassin ran away immediately holding his own bow and arrow.
Not to be outdone, Ying Changge followed quickly, just to kill the assassin.
Having arrived in Dongyang County, Ying Changge is very close to Gai Nie, so he must be caught.
It was inevitable, and he attacked with full confidence, Ying Changge was about to ask Gai Nie’s whereabouts.
Now that the assassin has been found, Ying Changge will torture Gai Nie’s whereabouts from the assassin’s mouth.
Because Ying Changge knew very well that these guys were sent by Ge Nie to assassinate him.
If they are not caught, Ying Changge will not be able to catch Gai Nie, and the assassin is his breakthrough.
Xiao Li chased after him, and Ying Changge, who came up from behind, was also going to surround the assassin who shot cold arrows.
Knowing that he was discovered, the assassin naturally wanted to escape quickly and stay away from this place.
Otherwise, if he was really going to be killed, the assassin would have no chance to continue shooting his precious arrow.
He was menacing and majestic, and he shot out the bow and arrow in his hand continuously, trying to stop Xiao Li.
Xiao Li, who was the first to catch up, was not in a hurry, and the sword in her hand was shining with an extraordinary posture.
Whoosh! The sword energy swept across, knocking out the arrows shot by the assassin, Xiao Li continued to approach without stopping.
On the contrary, the assassin was a little flustered for a while, he was afraid of being chased by Xiao Li, so he was in a hurry.
Therefore, he continued to shoot and kill, and the arrows continuously attacked Xiao Li’s body.
Arrows were everywhere where Xiao Li was shot, and the dense arrows tried to shoot Xiao Li into a hornet’s nest.
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s movements were also quick. He caught up from the other side to intercept the assassin.
To prevent the assassin from escaping, Ying Changge walked swiftly and quickly came behind the assassin.
He thrust out a sword forcefully, the blade was very dexterous, directly wounding the assassin’s body so badly that it was covered in blood.
There was a scream of pain, but he didn’t want to stop there, the assassin continued to run away.
Sweaty and sweaty, the assassin looked so fearful that he was afraid to avoid it.
On the contrary, the figures of Xiao Li and Ying Changge flanked each other from left to right. They were very dexterous and cooperated with each other.
One on the left and one on the right, the figures of the assassin and Ying Changge met easily.
The assassin raised his bow and arrow in a panic, aimed at Ying Changge and wanted to shoot an arrow.
It’s a pity that this arrow is too humble and unresponsive, very slow, not worth mentioning.
Arriving in stride and attacking quickly, the sword in Ying Chang Singer’s hand fell on the assassin’s bow and arrow.
With a ping-pong sound, the bow and arrow shattered, and was cut in half by Ying Changge’s sword.
Seeing his weapons scattered, the unarmed assassin was sweating profusely.
660 Ying Changge looked at the assassin and asked, “Tell me! Where is Gai Nie!”
“If you say it, you won’t die so ugly!” Ying Changge’s expression was so chilling.
The serious Ying Changge looked like a domineering man, and the assassin who was intercepted was even more dumbfounded.
Kneeling on the ground helplessly, he could only lower his head, “I’ll say it! I’ll say it! I’ll say anything!”
The assassin has a good look and is very serious, “Gai Nie is in a remote villa outside the city!”
“But you can’t kill him! Because the villa is full of his masters, everywhere.”
Hearing the assassin’s words, Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “Then you don’t need to worry.”
Raising the knife in his hand and dropping it, Ying Changge’s sword sliced ​​through the neck of the assassin, causing his dead body to be in a different place.
Blood was sprayed, blood spattered five steps, Ying Changge ignored the corpse, turned around and left.
Now that the location of Ge Nie has been found,Ying Changge and Xiao Li don’t need to stay here anymore.
Chapter 569: Aiding the Tyrant in Harassment, the Crime Is Added to the Sin!
Following behind Ying Changge, Xiao Li was a little curious, “Do you think he’s telling the truth!”
Hearing Xiao Li’s inquiry, Ying Changge smiled slightly, “Who knows! It seems true but not true.”
“Plausible is not false, there is always some truth in the falsehood!” Ying Changge must go!
In any case, this is the only place where Gai Nie’s position is exposed. He knows that there are tigers in the mountains, but he prefers to go to the mountains.
Originally, Ying Changge’s abilities were so strong that he was number one in the world, so there was nothing to panic about.
He and Xiao Li immediately left the city, and then headed towards the so-called villa, step by step.
All the way carefully, watching all directions and listening to all directions, Ying Changge tried to find ambushes around him.
But for a while, he didn’t see any problems, and everything around him was very peaceful.
There was no fight, no shadows, and Ying Changge walked all the way up without any murderous intent.
But even so, he still detected an unusual smell, like the existence of a conspiracy.
Therefore, Ying Changge immediately turned his head and said to Xiao Li, “You still don’t want to go in with me!”
“Avoid any traps and ambushes, I will be in front and you will be behind!” Ying Changge was very serious.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Xiao Li also agreed very much, “Okay! I will support you from behind!”
The two of them dispersed immediately and opened up a distance to avoid being caught by the other party.
After careful searching outside the city, he finally found a villa, and Xiao Li led the way.
Ying Changge came up in person, lay in ambush, and waited quietly for a while, wanting to test the wind.
Sure enough, there was no movement around, it seemed that there was just an ordinary and empty residence in front of him.

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