People make money and birds die for food. Ying Changge deeply understands this truth, so he came here with great strides.
Going straight, the sword edge drove straight in, and the other guards were staggered and retreated after being beaten.
He already knew the strength of the other party, but he didn’t want to admit it, the guards were all in groups.
They were aggressive, joined hands together, and then charged in front of Ying Changge unscrupulously.
Surrounding Ying Changge again, these guys are determined, and they have to kill Ying Changge to give up.
However, to him, the other few people were simply mobs, and Ying Changge didn’t care at all.
Never nervous, never flustered, the sword in his hand was still fighting against these guards in an endless stream.
The sharper the sword, the more unusual its posture is, which is why Ying Changge can gain a foothold.
His ability is very powerful, and his martial arts is even more superb, ordinary people can only be defeated by him.
Falling into an ambush and surrounded by groups, Ying Changge still relied on himself to forcibly fight his way out.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
The quicker the attack, the more able to kill them. This is the reason why Ying Changge is still fighting here.
Without breaking through this group of guards, Ying Changge would not be able to rush to Gai Nie and arrest him.
Everything is an obstacle, Ying Changge didn’t take it seriously, he still wanted to continue stabbing out the sword in his hand.
Flocking to them, the sword edge is rampant. This kind of sword has an unparalleled posture and is very domineering.
…… 0
Ying Changge is a man who is in charge of the gate, and no man can open it, and the guards are still fighting in a stalemate in Ying Changge’s hands.
He was fearless in the face of danger, and he attacked quickly. The sword in his hand had unpredictable moves and was very dexterous.
Even after encountering so many guards, Ying Changge still defeated them one by one, neither in a hurry nor recklessly.
The swords are getting faster and faster, and the guards’ attacks are getting more and more hasty. They are impatient and aggressive.
They are eager to take down Ying Changge, but these guards have no strength to match.
In such an attack, a powerful charge is useless, the most important thing is the ability to kill in seconds.
The guards rushed up one by one like wolves and tigers, but they couldn’t kill Ying Chang Gefan.
Chapter 572 Majestic, no flaws!
Ying Changge saved his life with his sword, and also blocked the fighting of these guards, he was very indifferent.
Gai Nie would not be allowed to stand idly by, nor would he be allowed to escape. Ying Changge continued to suppress the opponent.
It is enough to suppress a group of people abruptly and let them die here.
Otherwise, other guys would still come in an endless stream, but they couldn’t hold Ying Changge hostage.
Ying Changge was unscathed, but the guards surrounding him were more or less injured.
Gai Nie was also very disappointed after seeing such a scene, and sighed helplessly.
He can’t wait to rush up directly at “660” and tear Ying Changge into pieces, but he is not in a hurry.
This is a battle of wheels, let the guards and Ying Changge fight first, and when the time is right, Gai Nie will naturally join.
Seeing Ying Changge fighting aggressively, Gai Nie was indifferent and watched without changing his face.
In the courtyard, fighting continued in the vast villa, Ying Changge’s sword was already stained with blood.
More and more bloodstains spread on the ground, and several guards were seriously injured and retreated helplessly.
They were out of breath, and they were suffering so much pain that the arms holding the sword’s edge couldn’t help shaking.
Had they known this, the guards would not have taken up this job, because they could not kill Ying Changge at all.
Ying Changge’s figure was swift, from far to near, approaching in front of everyone, and then continued to fight back.
boom! A deep sword mark appeared on the fist, and the guard stared at his arm and yelled in pain.
With a merciless attack, Ying Changge’s sword continued downward, piercing the guard’s abdomen in one fell swoop.
Blood was sprayed, and the blood continued to flow. The guard fell to the ground so weakly, and died like this.
On the contrary, the other guards were very nervous and frightened after seeing this scene.
After a fierce battle, you came and I went back and forth for several rounds, Ying Changge still didn’t have any damage.
Not only that, but these guards fully understood that Ying Changge’s swordsmanship was overwhelming.
If the fight with Ying Changge continued, they would all die like this.
Jianfeng is still an ordinary sword, but the person who uses the sword is extraordinary, and even more extraordinary.
In Ying Changge’s eyes, the skills of this group of guards were nothing but trivial skills, and they couldn’t kill him at all.
His eyes were so unwilling, Ge Nie couldn’t help but clenched his fist, very resentful.
What a bunch of stupid idiots! A mere Ying Changge can’t be killed! Really incompetent people.
Gai Nie didn’t want to make a sound, he didn’t want to reveal his position in front of Ying Changge, it would be very dangerous.
Standing on the attic, watching the fight intently, Ge Nie’s expression became gloomy.
With a quick move, he unscrupulously sent out his sword edge, but the guard still didn’t dare to back down.
Continue to fight against Ying Changge, They were full of anger and anger when they were bullied by Ying Changge.
Unwilling to hold back at all, and continued to attack, the guards still surrounded Ying Changge in groups.
One or two guards were stabbing, and the other guards surrounded him from behind, trying to kill Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge is capable of both offense and defense. The sword in his hand has a sharp posture and is very strong.
A few guys who didn’t know how to live or die continued to rush forward, and Ying Changge’s sword stabbed hard…
With a bang, he blocked the sword of one of the guards, and immediately pierced his stomach.
puff! The blood flowed continuously, and many bloodstains were sprayed on the ground, and the guard fell to the ground in convulsions.
It was another guard’s death, Ying Changge looked so calm, not afraid of anything.
Today is an important day, because he will kill Gai Nie and make Qin State more stable and prosperous.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to find Gai Nie if the guards rushed forward in one go.
Struggling to the death, his target is Gai Nie, not these guards from the rivers and lakes.
Just pretending to be the number, the fox pretends to be the tiger, everyone can’t kill Ying Changge, but let him continue to fight.
Under such an attack, the guards fell to the ground one by one, dying like this, losing their fighting spirit.
Ying Changge rampaged, continued to approach, and released his sword energy one after another.
With a sharp sword, Ying Changge was like a sword, from far to near, and continued to chase the group of guards.
4.9 Under the charge of hordes of guards, Ying Changge still didn’t have any embarrassment, he wanted to spur the opponent.
Especially for these guys, it turns out that they are helping the evildoers, just to kill themselves, they are so stupid!
Therefore, Ying Changge wanted to let Gai Nie’s guards know how powerful he was, and he rushed forward in stride.
The sword in his hand came down sharply, and those who killed everyone were covered with scars and bleeding.
Another guard fell down one by one, and Ying Changge stood here, majestic and flawless.
Since it is impossible to kill these guards, Ying Changge will continue to go to the depths of the villa to find Gai Nie.
Chapter 573: Headwinners will be rewarded a lot!
His figure was swift and unpredictable, and under the fighting of the guards, he escaped smoothly.
A group of guards behind him continued to chase, but they couldn’t catch Ying Changge at all.
Obviously these guys are so fast, but the distance between them and Ying Changge is extremely stretched.
Ying Changge ran in front, and the guards chased after him. Under such a roundabout, he was unscathed.
The chase continued in the villa, and Ying Changge’s interrogation from the left and right was to find Gai Nie.
As long as Gai Nie is captured, Ying Changge can suppress him and bring him back to Ying Zheng.
Since it was Ying Zheng who wanted to see him, Ying Changge had to obey his orders completely.
Arriving at 05 in the villa, Ying Changge was very confident when he was surrounded and attacked by these guards.
Since there are so many ambushes, it means that Gai Nie is also by Ying Changge’s side, within easy reach.
Therefore, Ying Changge intended to find Gai Nie first and catch him.
All the guards wanted to intercept Ying Changge, but it was not so easy!
Ying Changge’s skills are superb, especially his swordsmanship, and a group of people can’t stop him at all.
As long as he continued to fight, some guards in this area could always fall to the ground and die.
Ying Changge came forward, stabbing down continuously with the sword in his hand, killing the enemy vigorously.
Few of the guards could stand in front of him and continue to attack, they were shocked.
On the contrary, Ying Changge continued to come in strides, and everywhere he went was a failure.
One or two guys are unable to defend their dignity, they are being attacked and staggered.
The bodyguards Gai Nie recruited are all mobs, just pretending to be numbers, and they are not worth mentioning at all.
So he continued to walk up, attack quickly, and the sword in his hand continued to stab down.
Whoosh! The sword edge was overflowing, and they came in an endless stream. Ying Changge swept away thousands of troops and defeated them all.
The few remaining people were defeated, bruised and bleeding profusely, while Ying Changge continued on.
His target is Gai Nie, and he doesn’t pay attention to anyone except Gai Nie.

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