Naturally, it was a public defeat, and because he was defeated, his rationality was also awakened, and he appeared in front of his eyes.
Both Ying Changge and Xiao Li stared at him without blinking, and Gongshuchou looked down at his body.
It is useless to continue to attack, the hostility in Gong Shuchou’s heart is gone.
He sighed, and then saluted Ying Changge, so solemnly, “I accept it!”
It is already a defeat, this is an unchangeable fact, the public loses the enemy and readily accepts Fan.
Chapter 562 Clues, avoid danger!
“Give up the meaningless struggle!” Ying Changge looked at this guy and spoke seriously.
Gong Shuchou nodded helplessly, his expression was so gloomy, full of decadence.
“I have nowhere to go, I don’t know what to do, why don’t I recognize you as master!” Gong Shuchou said.
Hearing what Gongshuchou said, Ying Changge also readily accepted it, which is naturally good.
Happy to hear.
Ying Changge was very satisfied, “Okay! From today on, we will go on the road side by side and kill demons together!”
Gong Shuchou saluted Ying Changge, so the disaster was completely quelled, turning hostility into friendship.
“Six Six Zero” Xiao Li admired Ying Changge very much, but she still felt a little uneasy. She waited and watched.
Therefore, Xiao Li hopes to follow Ying Changge’s side and observe carefully, which is enough.
After opening his mouth to say such words to Ying Changge, Ying Changge readily accepted, “Of course it’s good.”
“I very much agree with the method you said! You and Pixiu are by my side, so you can be regarded as a companion.”
This is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it is still a very rare opportunity.
So Ying Changge and his party immediately set out on the road, with Xiao Li and Pixiu also being friendly companions.
After subduing the Soldier Demon God and solving this series of crises, Ying Changge is now going back to the country.
The journey was full of wind and dust, non-stop, so they immediately returned to Ying Zheng.
Asking to see Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng smiled gratifiedly, “Okay! That’s great! You guys are kind!”
With Soldiers Demon God resolved, there would be no danger. In this way, Ying Zheng could sit back and relax.
Looking at Ying Changge, Ying Zheng’s eyes were so gentle, “There is one more thing, you should prepare quickly.”
That is the traitor Gai Nie. Ying Zheng asked Ying Changge to bring Gai Nie back so that he could go out and kill him.
I heard Ying Zheng’s dingYing Changge immediately took the order, “Yes!” So he immediately set out on the road.
Xiao Li still followed Ying Changge, so they set off to find Gai Nie’s whereabouts.
After escaping, Gai Nie disappeared very quickly, completely disappearing for a while.
Since it was ordered by Ying Zheng, Ying Changge naturally had to complete it satisfactorily.
So he was careful and focused on investigating any clues about Ge Nie to avoid danger.
Gai Nie is also a person, as long as there are signs of human activity, it is easy to be exposed, which is a flaw.
After all, Ying Changge is as careful as a hair, and he has set up many eyes and ears around him for tracking.
Any clues and information will enter Ying Changge’s ears, allowing him to control everything.
While on the road, Ying Changge went to track Gai Nie’s whereabouts, and would not avoid any leftovers.
Information from all directions reached Ying Changge’s ears, and he continued to pay attention to Gai Nie.
Hearing the signs of Gai Nie’s passing, and knowing where he passed, Ying Changge also chased after him.
Continuing to follow Gai Nie endlessly, Ying Changge also experienced many releases.
Today, they came to an inn, because this is where Ge Nie once lived.
After asking for two rooms, Ying Changge was not in a hurry to move in, but called the shopkeeper to ask about Gai Nie.
“You know Gai Nie? Do you remember when he moved in!” Ying Changge must pay attention to the details.
But the shop waiter didn’t know anything, so he just said casually, “Gai Nie? I haven’t heard of it!”
“Why don’t you ask our shopkeeper, he might know!” The waiter just left like this.  …
Therefore, Ying Changge continued to question the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper’s cunning and cunning were not honest people at first glance.
This sly-eyed guy stared at Ying Changge, then smiled and shook his head, “I don’t know.”
He doesn’t know anything.
“In our store, there are many customers coming and going. There are too many names, and I can’t remember them at all.”
“Really!” Ying Changge stared at him intently, then nodded, “Okay, I see.”
After leaving and going upstairs, Ying Changge saw Xiao Li, and she waited patiently, “How is it!”
Shaking his head helplessly, Ying Changge sighed, “It’s really fruitless!”
“In this place, it’s not so easy to find out about Ge Nie’s whereabouts!” He took it for granted.
But Xiao Li didn’t think so, she whispered softly, “But I don’t want to see the shopkeeper’s expression.”
4.9 Ying Changge smiled slightly, “I think so too, the shopkeeper not only remembers Gai Nie.”
“And if I’m not wrong, maybe I’m even more familiar with Ge Nie! His demeanor is not exquisite enough.”
Xiao Li very much agreed with what Ying Changge said, “That’s right, we must be careful.”
“Since you asked the shopkeeper about Gai Nie, it’s already a warning.”
After negotiating with Xiao Li for a while, Ying Changge returned to his room, ready to take a rest.
Because of the long journey, the two of them were extremely exhausted, eating and sleeping in the open air, naturally it was hard work.
Chapter 563 Take it easy and be steady!
Fortunately, with this inn, Ying Changge and Xiao Li can rest here, and they prepare immediately.
Eat well, sleep well, at night, this inn is very quiet, with the sound of needles dropping.
It is precisely because of this that Ying Changge is very alert, his face does not change, and he is not sleepy.
Although he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, he still kept his eyes on the six roads and his ears and ears, and was cautious.
He came here for Gai Nie, but Ying Changge found clues about Gai Nie and the shopkeeper right here.
Ying Changge doesn’t know what this is, but he must be on guard against others.
He waited for a while, and sure enough, he heard footsteps approaching and came to his door.
That’s what to do, 05 Ying Changge opened his eyes, and grabbed the sword on the bedside with one hand.
Click, accompanied by a slight sound, and then the door of Ying Changge’s room was sneakily opened.
A figure approached stealthily, and then tiptoed to Ying Changge’s bedside.
Ying Changge opened his eyes, and saw the sword in the black shadow’s hand, showing its sharpness.
This is to sneak attack on yourself, to kill yourself! It’s abominable! Ying Changge got up immediately.
A carp straightened up and stood up from the bed, and then Ying Changge drew his sword out of its sheath, “Who is it!”
With a roar, Ying Changge was righteous and Lingran, and the black figure staggered back two steps in fright.
The man in black was dressed in night clothes and his face was masked, so he couldn’t see his face clearly, but he was clearly murderous.
Seeing Ying Changge get up, the man in black did not hesitate, and immediately stabbed Ying Changge’s chest forcefully with his sword.
Ying Changge was unhurried, fast and low-key, and the sword in his hand immediately blocked the sword of the man in black.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blades collided, entangled the figures of the two, and Ying Changge’s whereabouts were very fast.
With agility and quick counterattack, Ying Changge’s sword eyes were dazzled, and even the afterimage of the sword light flickered.
The man in black just wanted to sneak attack, but he didn’t have too much skill, he was a little cramped.
Planning to kill the man in black directly, Ying Changge attacked mercilessly, even more aggressively.
The continuous impact of the sword’s edge knocked back the figure of the man in black.
Not to be outdone, the man in black immediately stood up, intending to stab his body with the sword, causing serious injuries.
Such a fight is fierce, at least, there is not this guy who can suppress and kill Ying Changge.
The sword in his hand continued to run rampant, swinging continuously, trying to kill Ying ChanggeDisassemble eight pieces.
It could be seen that the man in black was full of murderous intent, and he would do anything to kill him.
Unhurriedly, holding his sword steadily for defense, he blocked many attacks, ping, ping, pong, pong.
Accompanied by clear and crisp sounds again and again, Ying Changge also firmly grasped the weakness of the man in black.
Every time the man in black tried to attack, Ying Changge would use his sword to protect himself.
The body is safe and sound, the room is dark and slightly dark, so it is not easy to track the other party’s whereabouts.
Jumping off the bed, he quickly and aggressively approached the man in black.
The blade swept across and struck hard, and the man in black was staggered from the blow and almost fell to the ground.
Fortunately, he is not a person who surrenders easily. Now that he has already fought, he will show his strength.
boom! The sword’s edge hit the man in black, making him unable to keep track of himself, and fell down directly.
With the support of his arms and his feet firmly on the ground, he immediately stood firm.
However, it was still unable to counterattack completely, and the man in black hit the wall, making a muffled bang.
This little bit of pain was nothing to the man in black, he snorted coldly and kept silent.
Immediately counterattacked, raised the sword in his hand, and hit it hard, trying to pinch Ying Changge.

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