Because Ying Changge’s sword was already approaching, if he didn’t block it, the man in black would definitely be injured.
In a hurry, in the sea of ​​flames, but the skill of the man in black is really incomparable to that of Ying Changge.
With a sound of ping-pong, the sword’s edge only resisted for a short period, and the soldiers in black did not fully guard against Ying Changge.
Therefore, when the sword edge struck down, Ying Changge successfully injured the body of the man in black.
Sliding hard, the sword edge drew a scar on the shoulder of the man in black, and blood sprayed five steps.
The painful face was distorted, but the man in black still raised his sword solemnly to fight back.
boom! Jianfeng was so fast, he was so aggressive that he tried his best to kill Ying Changge.
Taking it easy, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer responded immediately, blocking them one by one.
One move after another, the men in black kept coming, as if many people were fighting with Ying Changge.
The man in black’s swordsmanship is so fierce, but he has no rules, like a butcher who kills a pig.
Under such an assassination, everything is just banal and useless, and the man in black is very funny.
Chapter 564: Fighting Back, Almost Falling Down!
Seeing Ying Changge’s offensive, the sword in Ying Changge’s hand stabbed fiercely.
Killing all directions, facing the enemy with one sword, between Ying Changge and the man in black, the sword’s edge always collided continuously.
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, the man in black kept wandering around the room, waving his sword constantly.
The fiercer the sword’s edge, the more unexpected the effect, the man in black is happy to enmity.
Amidst the chattering attacks of the men in black, Ying Changge’s eyes were so calm and full of confidence.
Sworn and confident, Ying Changge’s own abilities are very powerful and unparalleled.
No opponent can handle Ying Changge, because he is a man of superb martial arts.
With a quick shot, a strong counterattack, and a ping-pong sound, Ying Changge knocked the figure in black back a few steps.
The man in black didn’t look like a martial arts practitioner, because he didn’t have the strength of Ying Changge at all.
After the swords of the two collided together, the man in black was helpless and almost fell down.
He hit the wall again, his eyes were so ferocious, the man in black was murderous.
He clenched the hilt of the sword aggressively, and then he slashed at Ying Changge’s head with force.
This blow is full of powerful force, it seems to be invincible, and it is inevitable.
However, in Ying Changge’s eyes, the man in black’s sword was full of flaws, and it was impossible to survive.
He quickly counterattacked, stabbing out the sword in his hand, and hit his body.
Being attacked like this, the man in black was in such a panic that he couldn’t grasp his sword at all.
Because Ying Changge’s attack was so brave that even the man in black couldn’t fight back.
After grabbing his weapon and watching this scene, the man in black was injured again.
Ying Changge’s sword was very fast, and it was not so easy to block it at all. He was bleeding profusely.
Looking down at his injury, the man in black was helpless, but he couldn’t ignore it.
Otherwise, if he was really going to be killed by Ying Changge twice, wouldn’t the man in black come for nothing.
Sneaking in and making shots one after another, he did so to kill Ying Changge secretly.
It’s just that Ying Changge’s vigilance was so unexpected that he woke up like this.
The man in black held the sword, and before he could give Ying Changge a sword, he woke up and fought back, trying his best.
During such a fierce battle, the man in black became more and more embarrassed, unable to stop the man in black from attacking at all.
Accompanied by such fierce fighting, Ying Changge continued to come out, unleashing his fierce attack.
Wherever Jianfeng went, it was full of wind and fire, showing an unparalleled fierce posture.
The man in black watched Ying Changge’s every move, but he couldn’t stop his attack.
For a moment, the man in black could only see an afterimage, but he couldn’t see the direction of Ying Changge’s swordsmanship.
He was very flustered, at a loss, and didn’t know what to do. He raised his hand and immediately responded.hit.
The sword edge was raised and hit Ying Changge’s sword edge, but he still failed to catch Ying Changge’s attack.
The afterimage of the sword edge flickered by, and the man in black missed with one blow, and nothing was caught.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer stabbed at him endlessly, piercing his skin.
The man in black cried out in pain. He held the sword and covered his wound, trying to stay away from Ying Changge’s sword.
Ying Changge also stopped for a while, and he stood firmly on the spot, raising his sword.
Taking a look at the bright blood on the edge of the sword, Ying Changge smiled slightly, “` 〃 Shopkeeper, we meet again~‖.”
Hearing the voice the man in black shouted just now, he knew that the other party must belong to the shopkeeper.
After talking to the innkeeper, Ying Changge’s memory is very sharp, and he remembered him immediately.
Therefore, under such a fight, the man in black easily exposed his identity.
Ying Changge’s hearing is amazing, so he can know the identity of the other party immediately.
He had chatted with him during the day, so he guessed the real identity of the man in black right away.
Especially when the man in black opened his mouth like this, Ying Changge confirmed the other party’s real body.
This guy who has a good relationship with Gai Nie just wants to kill Ying Changge so as to prevent future troubles.
To shield the sinner, Ying Changge doesn’t need to show mercy to the man in black (Wang Wang’s), he has already made a big mistake.
Not only to hide Gai Nie’s identity, but also to attack him in the middle of the night, it’s really disgusting!
Therefore, Ying Changge had to punish them severely, quickly attack, and immediately counterattack the opponent with a killing spree.
In the dimly lit room, the figures of Ying Changge and the man in black continued to entangle and fight back.
In particular, the sword edge in his hand is endless, shining with extraordinary light and marks.
The crackling light was so bright that it came to his body all at once, and the man in black was injured.
Holding his own wound, the man in black retreated in embarrassment, he no longer dared to continue to fight the enemy.
Chapter 565: When a person is about to die, his words are good!
If he had known that Ying Changge’s ability was so superb, the men in black would not have come up to fight like this.
Instead of being unable to kill Ying Changge, the man in black might have to surrender his life.
He was out of breath, but his eyes were cold and stern, staring at Ying Changge’s every move without blinking, very cautious.
Holding the hilt of his sword tightly with both hands, he rushed forward quickly, just to kill.
boom! The sword’s edge was so flamboyant, and it fell continuously, causing a fierce offensive.
Swords meet, you come and go, under such a fight, it is already difficult to protect your own body.
Knowing the identity of the man in black a long time ago, Ying Changge also offered his offensive as always.
He doesn’t care who the opponent is, as long as he dares to sneak attack him, he will die! This is inevitable.
So he came vigorously, with the edge of the sword flaring, stabbing him in an endless stream.
After seeing Ying Changge’s ferocious attack, the man in black was in a hurry, not knowing what to do.
Hastily counterattacked, continuously raised his sword to resist, but it had little effect.
Unable to stop Ying Changge’s aggressive attack, he could only stagger and almost fall.
boom! Shaking, his body was out of support, and for a moment, he hit the wall.
Feeling the pain in his own body, the man in black was not to be outdone, he wanted to continue to fight back.
In this narrow place, he continued to shoot, trying to catch Ying Changge and his party in one go.
However, Ying Changge’s ability is so superb that ordinary people cannot resist his swordsmanship.
The fight continued, Chatter sent out his own sword, and Ying Changge pierced the man in black.
A sword pierced through the chest of the man in black. He coughed in pain and couldn’t speak at all.
The breath was weak, and he fell to the ground like this, and the man in black fell into a pool of blood, very embarrassed.
So he raised his hand, trying to grab Ying Changge’s ankle, and then died with him.
How could Ying Changge let him succeed? He avoided it easily and walked aside to avoid it.
Raising his sword, Ying Changge lifted the mask of the man in black, and sure enough, it was the shopkeeper’s face.
Kneeling down and staring at him intently, Ying Changge asked, “Where is Gai Nie!”
His target is Gai Nie.
When a person is about to die, his words are also kind. The man in black spat out blood, “It’s near Dongyang County! He’s lived there for a long time.”
After hearing what the man in black said, Ying Changge nodded in satisfaction, “Okay! You can die in peace!”
After leaving the room, Ying Changge found that there was indeed a little turmoil in Xiao Li’s room.
Worried about Xiao Li very much, he walked up quickly, Ying Changge pushed the door open and looked carefully.
Xiao Li is safe and sound, and Pixiu is also sitting beside him, looking steady, not afraid of the current situation at all.
And Xiao Li was holding the sword, the corpse under him was still bleeding, it was really bloody.
From the looks of it, the shopkeeper is really doing one thing at a time! It turned out that they wanted to kill Ying Changge and his party.
Fortunately, Ying Changge and Xiao Li were not mediocre guys, they killed him at once.
“Gai Nie is in Dongyang County, let’s continue on our way!” Ying Changge said to Xiao Li.

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