Xiao Li came very quickly, and the sword in her hand stabbed out even more swiftly, and hit the soldier demon god.
Chi You Sword is powerful.
boom! The one who was hit fell to the ground, and the Bing Demon God almost fell to his knees on the ground, very embarrassed.
Turning from embarrassment to anger, the Bing Demon God scolded angrily, opened his palms, and tried to capture Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge is crushed alive, the Bing Demon God will have one less enemy, which is very effective.
His fists attacked quickly, especially aimed at Ying Changge, and he attacked continuously.
Once he is hit, I’m afraid he will die completely and become two halves directly.
In such a fight between you and me, Ying Changge’s figure quickly avoided, away from the soldier demon god.
Only Bing Demon God 660 is still attacking fiercely. In order to kill Ying Changge, heHe unleashed his fists.
The two fists alternated and swung vigorously, the ground was slapped and swayed, the ground shook and the mountains almost broke.
Fortunately, the cooperation between Ying Changge and Xiao Li is so clear, they know very well what to do at this moment.
When the Bing Demon God attacked Ying Changge, Xiao Li attacked from behind and pierced the sword in his hand.
puff! Jianfeng fell into the body of Bing Demon God, causing him to yell in pain, feeling very resentful.
With a mighty shot and a powerful counterattack, his thick arm immediately hit Xiao Li’s body.
Because of Xiao Li’s surprise attack, he was very resentful and wished to crush her.
Xiao Li’s figure was very dexterous, and he retreated quickly, already getting out of the fist of the Bing Demon God.
The fist didn’t hit Xiao Li’s body, she was not in a hurry, and she didn’t panic at all when facing the Demon God.
Holding the Chi You sword in her hand, she quickly backed away, and she disappeared on the ground in a blink of an eye.
The tree trunks on the top of the mountain are swaying here and there, but they can still provide Xiao Li with proper cover and cover.
Therefore, after running a few steps, Xiao Li hid behind the tree trunk, avoiding the soldier demon god.
His eyes widened, Bing Demon God lost Xiao Li’s whereabouts, and he became even more angry and violent.
When Xiao Li retreated, Ying Changge, who had a good understanding with her, knew that it was time for him to play.
Hastily avoiding the heavy attack of the Bing Demon God, Xiao Li is very safe, without any fear of his life.
Seeing the battle between Bing Demon God and Xiao Li, Ying Changge also rushed forward chattering and tried to fight back.
After seeing Xiao Li getting up because of this, Ying Changge spared no effort to attack, and went to kill the Soldier Demon God.
The sword in his hand was very fast, always domineering, and then hit the body of the soldier demon god.
Flank left and right. Faced with the enemy, in this short period of time, the Bing Demon God could no longer control the situation.
Facing Xiao Li who suddenly disappeared, Bing Demon God could only focus all his attention on Ying Changge (afej).
Ying Changge stepped out quickly, releasing sword energy vigorously, filling the surroundings with a menacing aura.
Because he was paying attention to Xiao Li, the Bing Demon God didn’t notice Ying Changge’s approach, which was very dangerous.
Ying Changge’s sword was released bravely immediately, and stabbed him, leaving him covered with scars.
The Bing Demon God was in great pain, and he was so angry that he roared loudly, like a dragon singing and a tiger roaring, very irritable.
Standing in front of the Demon God at close range, he could feel the shocking sound, it was very intense.
Unable to control it for a while, the roar of the soldier demon made Ying Changge cover his ears and back away.
The roar shook the sky, piercing the lungs, and the roar of the soldier demon was full of anger and madness.
It is precisely because of this that Ying Changge is unwilling to let this dangerous guy continue to live.
Even if the Soldier Demon God wanted to defeat Ying Changge, he still had to use all his strength to do so.
Otherwise, under such back-and-forth fighting, Ying Changge would defeat the demon gods one by one.
The faster the figure, the faster the sword in his hand, which is the strength of nature.
Especially Ying Changge’s skills are superb, a group of people will never die like this, and they will naturally be shattered.
Behind Ying Changge are the people and the country. He is carrying a heavy responsibility, and he has already continued to fight fiercely with the soldiers and demon gods.
In the fierce struggle, in such a confrontation, everything is very fierce and full of explosions.
Vigorously and violently, Ying Changge’s sword edge slashed at the Bing Demon God continuously.
The burly body continued to stalemate, and the fist of the soldier demon slammed around Ying Changge.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s quick dodge, he would have been smashed to death by a sudden blow.
Fortunately, he dodged in time, and his figure always dodged quickly, and only then did he leave the fist of the soldier demon.
The opponent’s fists were bursting, especially when they attacked again and again, full of destructive power.
The more powerful and difficult it is to be hostile, the more concentrated Ying Changge is, and he will not relax his vigilance at all.
Continuously coming, attacking with all their strength, the fists of the soldiers and demons are getting more and more violent, full of offensive.
Chapter 561 A sword stabs out, cooperate with each other!
There was a bang, the ground shook, and everything around became weaker, it was very embarrassing.
It was precisely because he saw the attack of the Demon God that Ying Changge should not be underestimated, he would not allow such an attack.
Going forward, attacking quickly, the sword in his hand is getting faster and faster, and it is very sharp.
Whoosh! A sword edge directly pierced the body of the Demon God, but the opponent remained unmoved, ~ continued to swing.
The fist attacked down hard, hitting the surroundings continuously, and the ground was damaged-a mess.
Seeing the Soldier Demon God approaching aggressively, this kind of attack is very ferocious and full of danger.
If Ying Changge is a little careless, he may die in his hands, which is the most regrettable thing.
Therefore, he turned around and flew out with a strong kick, which landed on Bing Demon God.
Compared with the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge’s size is nothing compared to the big witch, and this kick is not very powerful.
The Soldier Demon God didn’t move at all, but stood here arrogantly, trying to continue the attack.
However, facing the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge didn’t just kick him away.
He knew that the opponent’s body was so burly, it was not easy to shake.
Stepping on the soldier demon god, Ying Changge walked like flying, and continued to follow his body.
Quickly approaching and turning around quickly, he quickly came to Gao Chao, approaching the chest of the Soldier Demon God.
It is impossible for the Bing Demon God to let him approach like this, and his fist smashed down vigorously.
boom! The fist brushed past Ying Changge, and then the Bing Demon God’s heavy fist hit the ground.
put the groundThe broken ones were full of potholes, and for a while, dust and sand and stones flew around.
Ying Changge almost died, but his figure was unhurried and so leisurely, avoiding the blow.
Standing firmly on the side, he counterattacked vigorously, swinging the sword with all his might.
It’s just a sword, and it’s a little difficult for Ying Changge to use it to fight against the entire body of the Soldier Demon God.
But Ying Changge is not fighting alone, there is Xiao Li’s support behind him!
When Ying Changge drew out his sword, Xiao Li who was next to him also approached from the other side, making a quick move!
The sword in his hand was fast, and the swift strike was full of tremendous power, deterring the soldiers and demon gods.
Xiao Li who was chasing from the side was also very fast, and her sword also stabbed behind the broad body of the Bing Demon God.
Fighting with swords, flanking front and back, Ying Changge and Xiao Li’s cooperation was perfect.
After the Bing Demon God was hit by Ying Changge and Xiao Li, he became even more ferocious.
With a roar, he quickly counterattacked. His fists were very fierce, and he hit Ying Changge and Xiao Li again and again.
One punch forward, one punch backward, this kind of surprise attack showed the majestic side of the soldier demon god.
Seeing this grandiose offensive, Ying Changge was steady, jumping into the air without haste.
The fist fell, and the dust splashed on Ying Changge’s body, but there was no other injury.
And Xiao Li also quickly avoided the fist of the Bing Demon God, and continued to thrust out with his sword, cooperating with each other.
Unrelenting, with sharp swords, Ying Changge and Xiao Li matched each other, showing their charm.
hum! The flickering sword has already moved out quickly, cutting the Bing Demon God with many scars.
The wounded soldier demon let out an unstable roar, and his face became even more ferocious, full of pain.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Facing the pincer attack of Ying Changge and the Bing Demon God, the Bing Demon God could not stand still for a while.
He turned back helplessly, twirling and jumping, violently showing his crazy side.
Even so, this fight was useless and full of power, but it couldn’t hit Ying Changge.
In such trade-offs and maneuvers, the Bing Demon God did not seriously injure Ying Changge and Xiao Li.
The more violent the attack, the more powerful it is, Xiao Li and Ying Changge just need to avoid it.
The swords kept coming and going, the figures circled around, Ying Changge was in front, Xiao Li was behind, and their attack continued.
…… 0
The densely packed sword blades swept out, leaving marks on the body of the soldier demon god in one go.
The sword marks were densely covered, and the burly body of the soldier demon god left many sword marks.
Such injuries were very serious. With a bang, the Bing Demon God fell to the ground, and there was no more movement.
Ying Changge successfully defeated the Bing Demon God, and at the same time, both he and Xiao Li breathed a sigh of relief.
Staying on the ground, the two walked hand in hand, standing together, staring at the giant intently.
There was light emitting from the body, and then there was a figure slowly floating down, who is that!

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