The tree trunk acts as a weapon, chattering down the attack, his strength is full of powerful destructive power.
In order to fight, in order to solve the two troubles of Ying Changge and Xiao Li, the Bing Demon God tried his best to wave his arms.
Filled with a powerful 05 attack, the tree trunk was vigorous, and it was directly hit down hard, resulting in a fight.
Starting his own massacre, the Bing Demon God tried to turn this place upside down, devastated everywhere.
Only a fool would continue to resist such an attack, because the God of Soldiers is invincible.
With the continued stalemate and continuous confrontation, the Soldiers Demon God will soon be able to frighten the left and right and kill the Quartet.
It’s a pity that such an attack is mediocre, there is no room for it at all, Ying Changge is cautious.
Regardless of the size of the soldier demon god, and his attack is so earth-shaking, it is actually average.
The menacing attack is full of powerful deterrent force, which is just a bluff.
No matter how many times the Bing Demon God swung his fists, they were all clumsy and direct fights.
As long as Ying Changge and Xiao Li are careful enough to avoid them completely, they won’t be killed.
Infinite power, but not precise, Ying Changge is always able to avoid this fight very well.
Seeing that the soldiers and demon gods continued to attack in an endless stream, Ying Changge and Xiao Li dispersed.
They flanked left and right, besieging the Soldier Demon God, advancing and retreating, very vigilant and cautious.
Xiao Li is protecting Ying Changge, and Ying Changge is also protecting Xiao Li, they are so quick and match everything.
You come and go, such fighting, continuous attack, Ying Changge and Xiao Li are not in a hurry.
They chattered and released sword energy, and the light of these swords was violently hitting the soldier demon god.
Because of being flanked by Ying Changge and Xiao Li, the Bing Demon God was suddenly defenseless.
Every attack is full of powerful force, and the sword marks are all over the body of the soldier demon.
If he continued to attack, he was afraid that the Bing Demon God would die of serious injuries and die here.
Once he fell, it would be very difficult for the Bing Demon God to get up, which was a very catastrophic event.
Therefore, Bing Demon God continued to work hard, he roared and waved his fists, trying to smash Ying Changge and Xiao Li to death.
On the ground full of trees, the figures of Ying Changge and Xiao Li are very easy to hide.
But Bing Demon God would not let it go, he continued to sweep away thousands of troops, smashing everything around him.
Trees fell, the woods were uprooted and sparse, and the top of the mountain was almost bare.
The flatter the ground, the easier it is to be killed, and both Ying Changge and Xiao Li will die by then.
Therefore, to avoid wide sight, Ying Changge and Xiao Li also separated and distanced themselves.
You can’t be too close to the Bing Demon God, otherwise you will be hit hard by his fist easily, bloody and bloody.
He stood firmly on the ground, and the sword in his hand stabbed out one after another, causing light.
The sword energy came down unscrupulously, and spread on the body of the soldier demon god, causing a fierce offensive.
The body of the Soldier Demon God couldn’t maintain his own stability, and he was very passive for a while.
Continuing the chase, galloping aggressively, the Bing Demon God thought he would be able to kill Ying Changge and Xiao Li.
It’s a pity that in such an invasion, Ying Changge and Xiao Li teamed up to fight the Bing Demon God, evenly matched.
The sword edge overflowed, the sword energy swept across, and the soldier demon god was restricted, and his figure became more and more restrained.
Unable to block the sword light 660, the broken sword energy exploded all over the body of the soldier demon, causing suppression.
The obvious offensive is very powerful, especially the combination of Ying Changge and Xiao Li is simply perfect.
He almost lost, but fortunately, with Xiao Li’s help, Ying Changge became even more powerful.
On the bumpy ground, Ying Changge and Xiao Li attacked and counterattacked very orderly.
He unceasingly unleashes his fierce offensive, and this offensive is already publicized.
The Bing Demon God’s defense was very poor, and he couldn’t block the menacing swords of Ying Changge and Xiao Li at all.
When Ying Changge attacked, Xiao Li covered, and when Xiao Li charged bravely, Ying Changge immediately evaded.
This is a very flexible and brave offensive, and their cooperation is simply invincible.
Especially Ying Changge, the sword edge in his hand is still thrusting out in an endless stream, causing mighty power.
The Bing Demon God is evil and very cruel, his power is suppressed in all directions.
Chapter 559 Very Calm, Raise Your Arms!
Anyone who gets close will die, and the Bing Demon God will crush all the people to pieces with a wave of his hand.
He thought he could continue to fight, but it was a pity that the Bing Demon God encountered resistance from Ying Changge and Xiao Li.
The offensive of the two was very fierce, and they were entangled in the body of the Warrior Demon God, leaving him riddled with holes.
Feeling the exhaustion of the body, the soldier demon god was in pain, and his offensive immediately slowed down.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s presence hereThe Soldier Demon God had already started killing, and blood flowed like rivers.
Especially Ying Changge is so righteous, he acts on behalf of the heavens, punishes evil and promotes good, very swiftly.
Immediately pulling the Bing Demon God, Ying Changge’s sword was sharp, already stabilizing the situation.
Even if he is alone, there is no problem, at least it will be difficult for Ying Changge and Bing Demon God to fight.
With Xiao Li’s great help, Ying Changge was able to live a life of his own, suppressing every move of the Bing Demon God.
Taking the lead and attacking first, Ying Changge was not stingy at all in the battle with the soldier demon god.
Especially in the confrontation with the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge’s swordsmanship became more and more superb and very flexible.
Resisting swiftly and avoiding the left and right, the Soldier Demon God could only flee helplessly.
If he couldn’t resist the swords of Ying Changge and Xiao Li, he might be buried in this place.
Turning from embarrassment into anger, he struck out in anger, and a very fierce and murderous look flashed in the eyes of the soldier demon god.
Staring at Ying Changge without blinking, he shot angrily, and swung hard, trying to suppress Ying Changge.
His fists are fierce, and the attack of the soldier demon is so fast, and he is full of strength under such a fight.
If he couldn’t block the heavy blow of this evil thing, the Warrior Demon God would probably sweep the world once again.
Bearing heavy responsibilities, Ying Changge knew his responsibilities, so he continued to attack.
Suppressing the Bing Demon God and restricting his whereabouts, Ying Changge stared at his every move intently.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to restrain the Soldier Demon God, and Ying Changge would see everything in the world become miserable.
He continued to shoot and attack swiftly, in order to completely kill the Bing Demon God.
This is a kind of suppression of the situation. Ying Changge and Xiao Li have two swords together, and his offensive is very brave and fearless.
If you can’t kill the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge will be heavier and more cumbersome, which is not good.
Thanks to Xiao Li’s great help, she shot continuously from the side, and the sword energy swept away the entire army.
Facing the enemy on his back and belly, the Bing Demon God was beaten badly by Ying Changge and Xiao Lidu, and he was bruised all of a sudden.
Ying Changge and Xiao Li are not mediocre people, they tried their best to deter this evil thing.
He didn’t want to waste time like this, so his strength was already a quick fight, stabbing at the soldier demon god.
The swords are on the verge of breaking out, and the aura is fierce. Under such a fight, it is already impossible to completely counter-kill Ying Changge.
Already seeing the aggressive fighting figure of the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge was very calm and raised his arms.
The sword edge was rampant, and it fell on the body of the soldier demon god, trying to eradicate him.
The Bing Demon God had had enough of fighting, so he put his arms forward to block Ying Changge’s sword.
With a ping-pong sound, the sword edge only left a mark on the arm of the soldier demon god, but did not cause serious injuries.
With a ferocious smile, he stared at Ying Changge intently, and the Bing Demon God wanted to break his arm.
Ying Changge is very dexterous, he knows how to dodge, so as to avoid such a fight.
When the Bing Demon God’s fist was about to hit Ying Changge, he quickly dodged and left the spot.
boom! The mighty and heavy fist hit the ground at once, but it couldn’t kill Ying Changge.
Dodging calmly, Ying Changge brushed past Bing Demon God’s fist, leaving him unscathed.
Raising his sword edge and continuing to attack bravely, Ying Changge tried to continue to severely injure the Bing Demon God.
But the Bing Demon God was completely vigilant, and he vigilantly resisted Ying Changge’s ultimate move.
Especially in the direction of Ying Changge’s sword, such a fight is fierce, as fast as the wind and lightning.
Concentrating on, staring at Ying Changge’s every move intently, the Bing Demon God concentrated on his defense.
Breaking through everything around, the Bing Demon God swept away thousands of troops, trying to destroy the mess here.
The offensive of Operation Ying Changge (Wang Wang’s) was blocked for a while, and the Bing Demon God will be very safe.
Unable to break free from the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge fell into a fierce battle and continued to kill him.
Xiao Li won’t sit idly by, she just comes from a distance, approaching from one direction.
When Ying Changge and the Bing Demon God were caught in a fierce battle, it was time for Xiao Li to rescue the scene.
Chi You’s sword is fierce and powerful, and it is so powerful and swift that it approaches the soldier demon god.
A group of guys couldn’t kill him, which shows that the fighting power of the soldier demon is very strong.
Therefore, the Soldier Demon God continued to attack chatteringly, in order to completely kill Ying Changge.
Chapter 560 Dragons and Tigers Roar, Very Violent!
The Bing Demon God was just staring at Ying Changge with all his attention, but he didn’t notice Xiao Li behind him.

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