They were all refugees who were attacked by the Soldiers Demon God, left their homes, and fled.
Therefore, these many people are very pitiful, and there is nowhere to escape.
Ying Changge generously gave them money so that they could have a better place to go.
Otherwise, these people may starve to death, which is not what Ying Changge wants to see.
Therefore, the continued attack of the Soldier Demon God will bring disaster to more people and make them have nowhere to escape.
Throwing his fist unscrupulously, he was able to break through everyone, and the Demon God of Soldiers was already a disaster.
Otherwise, each of the common people will become the dead souls of the soldiers and demons, and will be completely killed.  …
Many guys fled away from Ying Changge’s side, and Ying Changge knew the whereabouts of the Bing Demon God.
Now, the Soldier Demon God has had enough of messing around, so he immediately entered the deep mountains and old forests.
Ying Changge heard that there is a mountain nearby called Xiaoding Mountain, which is neither high nor short, but densely populated with trees.
The Soldier Demon God hid on that mountain, and there was no movement at all, as if he was resting.
Many people left in horror. They dragged their families along and left their hometown quickly.
The common people knew that if they stayed here, they would be crushed to death by the Soldier Demon God!
Ying Changge let the people leave safely, and then continued to Xiaodingshan.
Because of the appearance of the Soldier Demon God, the area around here is full of people being attacked, making it a mess.
There are traces like this everywhere, it is the fist mark of the soldier demon god, and there are footprints, he is a giant.
The burly figure of the Soldier Demon God disappeared above the peak of Xiaoding Mountain without a trace.
The dense crowd of 4.9 came, and the people dispersed in fear, so the surroundings of Ying Changge were very quiet.
Quiet and peaceful, with no way out, Ying Changge and Xiao Li stood at the foot of the mountain.
For a while, it was difficult to discern the traces of the Demon God of War, but the people all said that they saw the figure of the Demon God of War.
The burly and powerful soldier demon god just entered this deep mountain forest and never came out again.
So, he couldn’t wait to continue to go, to see what the soldier demon god looked like.
Since he came here with confidence, then Ying Changge should take a good fight with the opponent to decide the winner.
Chapter 538: Thunder Roars, Tigers Raise!
Xiao Li also volunteered, she didn’t fall behind Ying Changge at all, and went directly into the mountain.
There are these green numbers everywhere, the sky and the big trees are so tall, there is no danger around them.
He didn’t see the figure of the Soldiers Demon God, but Xiao Li still wanted to continue to look for him.
The Bing Demon God is a powerful enemy, after killing him, the world will be completely peaceful.
Having seen these rolling rocks, Xiao Li also found the deep footprints left by the Bing Demon God.
So, she quickly walked up, following the footprints of the Soldiers Demon God, trying to find the culprit.
Otherwise, if they couldn’t find the Demon God of War, how would Ying Changge and Xiao Li kill this sinful guy?
Ying Changge’s whereabouts are behind, and he is still walking slowly at 05 to avoid being knocked down in the woods.
However, Xiao Li’s whereabouts were too fast, Ying Changge couldn’t catch up, and the two distanced themselves.
There was no trace of Xiaoli, and Ying Changge was alone.Alone, helplessly continue to walk.
Xiao Li, who took the lead, followed the footprints and immediately found the figure of the Warrior Demon God, who was lying on the loess land.
Xiao Li was standing here, observing carefully and cautiously, and saw the Soldier Demon God closing his eyes and recuperating.
This cruel and violent guy seems to have regained his strength, and he is sleeping late here.
Without any hesitation, Xiao Li jumped up immediately, and she showed her Chi You Sword, which is a precious sword.
After all, it is a magical weapon made in ancient times, so its power is naturally very powerful, full of powerful strength.
With a sword in hand, who will fight for the front. Xiao Li quickly jumped in front of the soldier demon god, and stabbed down with his sword.
The sharp edge of the sword was sharpened, and the sword in Xiao Li’s hand had killed many evils and done justice for the heavens.
Now, taking advantage of the fact that the Bing Demon God was defenseless, the sword in her hand slashed hard on the Bing Demon God’s head.
It’s a tough offense with unparalleled power that’s not easy to ignore.
Approaching quickly and striking hard, the sword in Xiao Li’s hand also had an unusual posture.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blade hit the ground, and Xiao Li showed a look of surprise, unbelievable.
It turned out that the burly body of the Soldier Demon God had already stood up quickly and stood on the ground.
Staring at Xiao Li intently, the Bing Demon God showed a look of resentment on his face and roared angrily.
Thunder roared, and tigers roared with wind. Ying Changge, who was walking halfway up the mountain, could of course hear it clearly.
Ying Changge knew that Xiao Li must have seen the Bing Demon God, so he quickened his pace and continued.
Come to the vicinity of the Demon God as soon as possible, so that Ying Changge can help Xiao Li take down the Demon God.
Before Ying Changge arrived, Xiao Li had already started a fierce battle with the soldiers and demon gods.
Earlier, Xiao Li’s swift sword tried to break through the body of the Bing Demon God, separating his body and falling to the ground.
But Bing Demon God, a burly guy, also moves so quickly, he will never be successfully attacked.
He was entrenched in the woods, and immediately released his powerful attack chattering endlessly.
boom! Such a huge body smashed down hard, trying to destroy him abruptly.
It’s a pity that Xiao Li’s body is also aura, so he won’t be taken down easily, and he will continue to fight back.
In the direction of the sword’s edge, the sword energy is rampant, and rays of light are all over the body of the soldier demon.
This is a sharp weapon of a magic weapon. Fighting against it, the Soldier Demon God will naturally suffer a lot, and it is easy to be full of scars.
The Soldier Demon God let out a roar, and immediately grabbed the one next to it with all his strength, and pulled it up at once.
With a click, the number rose from the ground, and immediately hit Xiao Li’s body forcefully.
Without taking his eyes off, Xiao Li immediately immersed himself in the battle with the Soldiers Demon God, and refused to let him go.
Continue to fight back, waving the sword edge continuously, the sword energy has already evaporated profusely.
After the explosion was caused, everything was so grand, full of powerful strength and offense.
The Bing Demon God will not stop, but will continue to attack, his fists will continue to fall, and he will try his best to attack.
The power exploded, and the soldier demon god punched and kicked, destroying the trees around Xiaoli into pits and pits.
Fortunately, Xiao Li’s skills are also so superb, so he was not crushed to death by the tree in the hands of the Soldier Demon God.
Otherwise, the giant Soldier Demon God can cause everything to be completely destroyed if he casually launches troubles.
With a bang, a powerful explosion occurred on the ground, and everything around fell even more.
It was uneven and a mess, and the Bing Demon God continued to grab the tree trunk, and threw it at Xiao Li with all his might.
Dodging calmly, Xiao Li’s posture is so dexterous, but he still continues to deal with the soldier demon god.
The big sword in his hand was so heavy that Chi You’s sword shone brightly, cutting off the tree trunk in the hands of the Bing Demon God.
Split into two, the tree trunk fell to the ground, and then he counterattacked vigorously, waving his fists to his heart’s content.
The Bing Demon God will not give up his offensive, he uses both bows and arrows, and grabs more trees.
Chapter 539 Knock out and land firmly on the ground!
The trees hit hard, like two sticks, hitting down with precision, forcing Xiao Li hard.
Once hit by this tree, even Xiao Li will be split in two!
She dodged quickly and leaped nimbly, already avoiding the tree swing of the soldier demon god.
The sturdy trees didn’t stop at all, and came in a hurry, attacking with great fanfare.
After seeing this scene, Xiao Li did not retreat but advanced, approaching the huge figure of the Soldier Demon God and continued to fight back.
The Bing Demon God is not an ordinary guy, he is extremely powerful, and his body is so powerful.
The whole body is bronze-colored, and it looks indestructible, and there is no place to start.
But Xiao Li is not afraid, evil does not overwhelm good, Xiao Li is a true righteous person.
Continuing to release his own sword energy, Xiao Li tried to destroy the body of the Bing Demon God with pits and holes.
As long as it is full of scars, the Bing Demon God who is seriously injured will naturally not be Xiao Li’s opponent.
The sword edge overflowed and hit the body of the soldier demon god continuously, but he still did whatever he wanted.
This was an overreaching attack, and in the eyes of the Warrior Demon God, everything was futile.
Xiao Li, who had a graceful figure, was really too short, like an ant to the Soldier Demon God.
He chattered and continued to unleash his offense, with powerful swings on both hands.
The trees fell, the ground trembled, and for a while, Xiao Li had no way to fight back.
As expected of the Demon God of Soldiers, he is so powerful that he cannot be suppressed casually.
Everything is pitiful, especially Xiao Li, who seems to be dying! SoldiersSmile contemptuously.
Holding up this thick tree trunk, the Bing Demon God slammed it on Xiao Li’s head with all his strength, in a hurry.
After seeing such a serious attack, Xiao Li’s figure flew up steadily.
After jumping behind the Soldier Demon God, the sword in Xiao Li’s hand stabbed at the Soldier Demon God’s back.
Sensing the possibility of a sneak attack, the Soldier Demon God, who didn’t take it seriously, growled, and then shook his arm vigorously.
boom! This arm counterattacked vigorously, and it turned out that his arm blocked the Chi You sword in Xiao Li’s hand.

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