“Once there is any mistake, the common people will be harassed by the Soldier Demon God and will be in crisis.”
It is impossible for Ying Changge to watch the people die like this, he wants to prevent all embarrassments from happening.
Xinghun sat beside Ying Changge, he inquired about the news very promptly and carefully.
Any news cannot escape Xinghun, which is why he came here non-stop.
This is a very important matter to support farmers, and this news must be told to Ying Changge and let him participate.
Among the dangers in the world, only Ying Changge can deal with it on his own.
Otherwise, who else can block the attack of the soldier demon god! It is simply impossible.
Ying Changge is very impatient now, in order to destroy the Bing Demon God, he is doing his best.
So, he immediately ordered his servants to clean up his belongings, and Ying Changge was ready for the work.
The appearance of the Soldier Demon God is a very intense event, and everything will be wiped out.
Therefore, Ying Changge paid attention to the place where the Bing Demon God appeared, and immediately prepared to face the Bing Demon God.
Naturally, Xinghun is also very supportive of Ying Changge, he understands Ying Changge’s awe-inspiring righteousness and broad-mindedness.
Once any dangerous things happen, Ying Changge will always be the first to go into battle, he is a warrior.
It is precisely because of such admiration for Ying Changge that Xinghun can always appear by his side.
Life is alive, confidant is hard to find. Xinghun sat beside Ying Changge and sighed, “I’m with you!”
After all, Soldiers Demon God is not easy to deal with, even with a star soul in front of Ying Changge, he can be like a tiger with wings added.
Chapter 536 Embark on the itinerary, eat and sleep in the open!
But after Ying Changge heard Xinghun’s words, he shook his head in disapproval, “StillForget it! ”
“You have business, so busy, how can you just leave with me!”
“In this way, you will not be able to deal with many things yourself, and it is really inappropriate to make a small mistake.”
Xinghun would naturally want to follow Ying Changge to kill the Soldier Demon God, this is a majestic scene.
It’s just a pity that Ying Zheng really has his own affairs, so he can’t go on the road with Ying Changge.
If you can’t kill the Bing Demon God, you will let Ying Changge face the Bing Demon God alone, which will be a pity.
It is a pity for Xinghun that he cannot be alone, and cannot fight side by side with Ying Changge.
Therefore, he has already accepted his fate, and there are indeed many things waiting for Xinghun.
Xinghun hurriedly ran to Ying Changge’s side in a panic, just for the matter of Bing~Moshen.
When Ying Changge heard the news, Xinghun felt more or less relieved.
Now that Ying Changge was on the scene, the Bing Demon God would naturally be eradicated, and this was a certain outcome.
The Soldier Demon God is certainly terrifying, but once Ying Changge fights bravely, he is invincible.
Ying Changge, who is invincible and invincible, has no enemies. This is Xinghun’s trust in him.
Therefore, after Xinghun told Ying Changge the news, he was very relieved.
After such a matter was completely completed, Xinghun bid farewell to Ying Changge, and then left his mansion immediately.
Ying Changge sent the star soul away, and then let the servant continue to busy with his own affairs and pack his luggage.
After everything was completely ready, Ying Changge was about to charge to kill the Bing Demon God.
The Demon God of Soldiers who haunts the common people is just seeking his own death.
Since Ying Changge had already appeared, Ying Changge naturally spared no effort and took the lead.
Quickly cleaned up the things, and then Ying Changge went to the place where the soldier demon god appeared.
If the Soldier Demon God were to cause trouble in the world, it would be very dangerous, and the common people would be in dire straits.
Therefore, once it is time to attack, Ying Changge must wipe out the soldiers and demon gods in one go, leaving no way out.
After inquiring about the place where the Soldier Demon God appeared, Ying Changge headed north and left his mansion.
Embarking on the trip alone, Ying Changge, who was living and sleeping in the open, tried to find the other party’s whereabouts as soon as possible.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to find the Soldier Demon God, and more people would be harmed and killed before.
When he came to this stall, Ying Changge rested his feet a little and asked for a sip of tea.
While he was resting, he soon saw a large group of people coming densely.
Groups of menacing, these seem to be people in the rivers and lakes, extraordinarily fierce, full of flesh.
“Come here! Serve me delicious food! Otherwise, I’ll kill you!”
This group of people is really too fierce, all of them are so arrogant and domineering.
Ying Changge, who was sitting by the side, frowned slightly, naturally very displeased, but he couldn’t bear it.
It is unreasonable to take the initiative to provoke. Ying Changge is a person who values ​​peace and doesn’t like fighting.
At this moment, one of the bald men immediately overturned the table, “This is also called noodles!”
It was a mess, the table was overturned, and many things had already been smashed to the ground.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Ying Changge turned his head, listening to these people’s rampant actions, he had already grabbed the weapon at his waist.
“How can I be able to eat such an unpalatable thing!” The bald man scolded angrily.
The people who followed him also echoed, being noisy and restless for a moment, it was really vulgar.
The waiter came out tremblingly, wanting to apologize, but was shoved directly to the ground, very embarrassed.
Glancing at him, the bald man became even more arrogant, “If you still don’t give me some money, let me see a doctor!”
…… 0
“Otherwise, can you bear the burden if you eat a bad stomach!” The bald man snorted coldly, “I am Tie Ying!”
“Iron Eagle Wu Ke’s name, you must have heard of it!” Wu Ke boasted.
Just when Ying Changge got up and wanted to solve this trouble, a girl came from afar.
It was Xiao Li, she arrived deftly, with a righteous look on her face, “It’s really not a real man to bully the weak.”
“What did you say!” Wu Ke resented, he rushed up immediately, trying to take Xiao Li down.
But Xiao Li stood on the spot calmly, even avoiding the heavy blow directly and lightly.
The one who appeared next to Xiao Li turned out to be Pixiu, which rolled so quickly and hit Wu Ke on the face.
boom! Wu Ke’s nose was bruised and his face was swollen all of a sudden, and then he became dizzy, fell to the ground and couldn’t get up.
This place didn’t even need Xiao Li’s action, relying on Pixiu, they stirred up a mess.
A group of guys in a hurry couldn’t stop Pixiu’s attack at all, they raised their weapons and started killing.
It’s a pity that everything is so mediocre, Pixiu has a flexible figure, going round and round among them.
Chapter 537: The city was destroyed and civilians were injured!
Fighting back heartily, the sword slashed at Pixiu’s body, but there was no improvement, no power.
Pixiu turned around, relying on his round body, already a group of people hit the ground heavily.
Looking at the mess on the ground, Xiao Li clapped his palms in satisfaction, “Ask for trouble! Suffer for yourself.”
Xiao Li came to Ying Changge’s side and stared at him very curiously, “Why are you here?”
“I want to go to the place where the Demon God of War appears, and kill him thoroughly.”
After drinking the last sip of tea, Ying Changge smiled slightly, “What about you! Where are you from?Where to go. ”
“Six Thirty Zero.” Faced with Ying Changge’s question, Xiao Li replied, “Soldier Demon God! Very good! I’ll go with you.”
Facing a powerful enemy like the Soldier Demon God, Xiao Li naturally wanted to help Ying Changge.
As long as the Soldier Demon God is eradicated, he can prevent him from wreaking havoc in the world, and the innocent people will not be injured.
Because of this, Xiao Li’s request was so sincere, and Ying Changge agreed very quickly.
“Okay! It looks like we’re going to go together, so that we can join forces to kill the Demon God.”
Where the Soldier Demon God goes out, it is mighty, causing disasters, and many people will be injured and die.
Therefore, Ying Changge must attack in time. After killing the Bing Demon God, there will be no problem.
Otherwise, more and more guys will be killed by the Soldier Demon God, and this prosperous world will not be so stable.
Ying Changge and Xiao Li hit it off right away, and they took Pixiu with them, and immediately set out on the road non-stop.
Along the way, there may be a lot of information about the Warrior Demon God. He appeared in many places, burned, killed and looted.
Especially the disasters along the way were all caused by the Soldier Demon God, who attacked and killed without discrimination.
How could the common people be the opponents of the Soldiers Demon God? They could only leave in a panic and avoid the surroundings.
Otherwise, under such a fight, the Bing Demon God will burn all the guys to the ground, leaving no one behind.
Ying Changge’s whereabouts were so fast, he came quickly, and continued to rush to the place where the soldier demon god appeared.
Especially after hearing about Bing Demon God’s mass killing, Ying Changge knew that the opponent was bound to win.
Such a fight is merciless, and the cruel and violent Soldiers Demon God has already destroyed many places.
After seeing this scene, the common people spread the word to ten, ten to hundreds, and the news of the Warrior Demon God kept pouring in.
Hearing a lot of news, this is not a good thing for Ying Changge, and the people will be hurt.
The city was destroyed and the civilians were injured. This ending was all caused by the Bing Demon God.
Continuing on the road and continuing along the road, Ying Changge saw many displaced people.

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