The friction of the sword’s edge, the lightning and the flint, directly left a wound that was not deep and not shallow on the arm of the soldier demon.
With a cold snort, the Soldier Demon God smiled contemptuously, and then slammed into it forcefully, retreating the crowd.
Staggering, Xiao Li was directly knocked into the air by the infinitely powerful Soldier Demon God, and flew upside down.
After all, Xiao Li is a young girl, and compared with the strength of the Warrior Demon God, it is absolutely incomparable.
When he saw the Soldier Demon God rushing towards him, Xiao Li stabbed the sword in his hand to the ground.
boom! Standing firmly on the spot, the sword in her hand left a scar on the ground.
Pinned the blade to the ground, and then he was not sent flying by the Bing Demon God, and was firmly on the ground.
Standing up slowly, Xiao Li held the sword in his hand and stared intently at the Bing Demon God.
The burly mountain-like Soldier Demon God continued to walk, approaching Xiao Li step by step, with swords drawn.
Excitedly slapped his body, the Bing Demon God roared, but they still came in an endless stream.
Xiao Li no longer had any counterattacks, but she was still calm, and even had a chance of winning.
When the Soldier Demon God approached him, Xiao Li swung the Chi You sword in his hand vigorously.
Whoosh! The sword edge slashed on his body, and a deep sword mark was broken on the body of the soldier demon god.
In pain, the Demon God of Soldiers glared at Xiao Li angrily, and then hit him hard, trying to crush Xiao Li.
The figure dodged deftly, and Xiao Li unhurriedly hid in mid-air, dodging the blow.
She moves like a rabbit.
The foot of the Soldier Demon God hit the ground heavily, leaving a deep mark.
Xiao Li, who was unharmed, would not give up. He raised the sword in his hand and continued to swing vigorously.
boom! With a brave blow, the Bing Demon God tried to completely smash Xiao Lidu to pieces.
However, Xiao Li still dodged swiftly, he avoided such a powerful gust of wind all at once.
Landing on the ground, staring helplessly at Xiao Li’s fleeing figure, the Bing Demon God became furious from embarrassment!
In order to kill Xiao Li, he spared no effort and went all out to attack! Just to unleash power.
It’s just that he never (Wang Zhao) expected that under such a powerful attack, everything would be mediocre and useless.
Without any strength to fight back, Bing Demon God had already punched his fist hard.
boom! This fist is firm and firm, so strong that it hits the ground with jumping up and down.
Under such a fight, Xiao Li’s face was not shocked, and he released his sword sharply as before.
Especially with this dense attack of swords and swords, he has no power to fight back, which is really embarrassing.
In the blink of an eye, traces appeared on the burly body of the Soldier Demon God, densely covered with sword marks.
He snorted nonchalantly, Bing Demon God wouldn’t care about the pain, he continued to fight back.
Chapter 540 Shaking the Earth, Shaking the Earth!
With a forceful impact, he came madly, and he grabbed Xiao Li’s weapon in one fell swoop.
Chi You’s sword was about to move, but in Xiao Li’s hands, it possessed extraordinary power and shone brightly.
He tried to break off the edge of the sword, but the Warrior Demon God completely underestimated the power of Chi You’s sword.
This is the indestructible blade! How could it be easily broken by the Soldier Demon God! Totally impossible.
Staring at Xiao Li intently, the Bing Demon God also struck down with his other hand, trying to kill Xiao Li.
Xiao Li, who was fighting alone with the Soldiers Demon God, was so calm, but she was still very calm and not panicked at all.
When he saw the Soldier Demon God approaching, Xiao Li deftly shook his wrist and counterattacked.
Chi You’s sword also swung vigorously, and suddenly a hole was drilled in the palm of the soldier demon god.
The sword is invincible, and it is impossible to control Xiao Li with the power of the Warrior Demon God.
Xiao Li got out of the palm of the soldier demon god, and then continued to fight back, killing with all his might.
Murderous and menacing, the Bing Demon God continued to approach Xiao Li despite the difficulties.
Seeing the burly figure of the Soldier Demon God close at hand, the sword in Xiao Li’s hand also flickered like a sword flower.
All the sword qi came from a vigorous and resolute manner, trying to kill this huge guy, the Bing Demon God.
Xiao Li’s ability is so powerful, she unhurriedly sacrificed her powerful swordsmanship.
The densely packed swordsmanship came in an endless stream, and then surrounded the Bing Demon God in all directions.
There is an unusual sword energy in the air, and the soldier demon will be cut if he acts rashly.
But he is not an ordinary body, his body is indestructible, it seems impossible to break.
Therefore, the Demon God of Soldiers continued to come in a steady stream, and he showed his powerful explosion.
With a bang, the Demon God of Soldiers actually lifted up a large rock on the ground, roaring like a tiger.
The boulder was so hard, the Bing Demon God aimed at Xiao Li’s figure and hit it hard!
flying stoneWith such accuracy, Xiao Li was almost crushed to death.
The stone raised by the Bing Demon God was so heavy, Xiao Li and the Bing Demon God fought heartily and fiercely.
Especially Xiao Li, who took the lead, and would not admit defeat at all in the face of such a powerful opponent as the Bing Demon God.
Continuing to attack and unscrupulous shots, a lot of power in his hands is shrouded in the left and right.
With a sound of ping-pong, the sword in Xiao Li’s hand has completely crushed the stones in mid-air.
Her figure was so swift, striding forward, trying to completely kill the Bing Demon God.
Otherwise, allowing this soldier demon to do evil in all directions will only involve more innocent people.
Unscrupulous shots, the destructive power of the soldier demon is very powerful, always chattering and continuing to attack.
Relying on the sword in his hand, Xiao Li reluctantly became an enemy of the Bing Demon God, but he continued to try to be evenly matched.
Under such a back-and-forth attack, he couldn’t seize the opportunity to counter-kill the opponent.
The Bing Demon God was restrained by Xiao Li’s sword energy, but his burly body didn’t know to back (afej) back, and quickly chased after him.
While fighting, retreating at the same time, Xiao Li didn’t want the battle between himself and the Bing Demon God to be too close.
However, the Soldier Demon God doesn’t know how to get tired at all, he always continues to raise everything around him to attack.
Tree trunks, stones, heavy punches, anything can become a weapon in the hands of the Soldiers Demon God.
Ying Changge hadn’t arrived yet, he was halfway up the mountain, and then quickly came towards this side.
Otherwise, if there is a slight delay, then I am afraid that the soldier demon god will snatch the opportunity, and there will be a certain world.
He came all the way here just to kill the evil Bing Demon God, so Ying Changge must be quick.
He made a quick decision, cut grass and roots, and walked quickly, shuttling through the woods in this mountain.
As long as he can come before the Demon God, Ying Changge can cut off his head.
Otherwise, it would be a very serious matter for Xiao Li to die in the hands of the Soldiers Demon God.
Ying Changge does not allow any casualties, he is doing justice for the heavens, so he must severely injure the Bing Demon God.
An evil guy like the Bing Demon God cannot be lawless, nor can he do whatever he wants.
Ying Changge continued to walk up the mountain road, bypassed the tree trunk, climbed up the hillside and continued to approach.
The sound of the battle between Bing Demon God and Xiao Li was very loud, it was simply earth-shattering and earth-shattering.
Following the loud voice and relying on the direction, Ying Changge continued to approach, so as to help justice.
To punish rape and eradicate evil, and serve the country and the people, Ying Changge continued to fight in the direction of fighting with a fiery heart.
Everything happened on the top of the mountain, especially this kind of fighting was very fierce, and the roar of the soldiers and demon gods shook the sky.
The chattering shock, the unscrupulous charge, the battle between the soldier demon god and Xiao Li was very fierce.
Listening to the explosion caused by the surroundings, Ying Changge’s pace was still so steady, and he continued to move forward.
Chapter 541 The wind blows in your footsteps, keep dodging!
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a very stupid thing to let Xiao Li fight against the Soldiers Demon God alone!
Quickly evacuating, Xiao Li avoided the heavy blow of the Soldier Demon God, and smashed a hole in the ground with his fist.
Seeing this deep mark on the ground, he immediately continued to attack and counterattack continuously.
boom! The fist continued to move towards Xiao Li, but it missed~ her body.
With a dexterous figure and dancing lightly, Xiao Li nimbly dodged the giant fist of the Soldiers Demon God.
She narrowly escaped.
At the same time, Xiao Li counterattacked not to be outdone, and quickly waved the sword in his hand.
With a sound of ping-pong, the sword energy landed on the bronze skin of the soldier demon god, but the soldier demon god did not move at all.
This seemed to be just an ordinary injury, he smiled contemptuously, and immediately fought back.
He pulled up two of the tree trunks next to him, and then, one left and one right, they all smashed towards the Bing Demon God.
The tree trunk swung so fast, it was impossible to resist it casually, Xiao Li was very thin.
But the graceful figure didn’t hesitate, and flew directly into the midair.
The waving tree trunk was so heavy, bang, after a huge noise, it hit the ground.
One hit missed, and there was no chance of counterattack, because both hands of the soldier demon god were used.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Li jumped behind the soldier demon god, and immediately counterattacked, stabbing out with a sword.
hum! The sword’s edge was so swift, and accompanied by a powerful attack, it broke on the arm of the soldier demon god.

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