He wants to survive in the cracks, Hu Hai has to rack his brains to figure out how to fight against Ying Changge.
Otherwise, after knowing the other party’s shortcomings, it would be impossible for Hu Hai to follow Ying Zheng! 630 Arguing with reason!Seeing the overturned appearance, Hu Hai made his hall look chaotic.
The guard at the door immediately came up, and then quietly cleaned up the messy ground for Hu Hai.
The desk case was overturned, and it was a mess. The guards didn’t say a word, they just tidied up the place carefully.
Sighing, Hu Hai sat here, shaking his head, “Why on earth is this!”
“Why did you favor Ying Zheng, so you beheaded Xu Fu, let his head fall to the ground, and his body was separated!”
Hearing Hu Hai talking to himself, the guard next to him smiled slightly, “It’s a matter of course.”
“My lord, you must know that Mr. Ying Changge is not what he used to be!” the guard said seriously.
However, after hearing what the guard said, Hu Hai didn’t know anymore, and he was very puzzled.
“Why do you say that! Even if Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is superb, I won’t be afraid of him!” Hu Hai shouted angrily.
Chapter 534: Sincerely fearful, restless in my heart!
He clenched his fists tightly, “I, Hu Hai, am still afraid that a mere blind man will fail? Impossible!”
“So, under such a fight, everything is so logical!”
“I will continue to fight with Ying Changge to the end, and I will never do useless things!”
Facing the stubborn Hu Hai, the guard spoke cautiously, “But now Ying Changge is number one in the world.”
“What about being number one in the world! Among the government and the opposition, the competition is not about swordsmanship, but about power connections!”
The guard stared at Hu Hai, his eyes were so cautious, “But, he is not what he used to be!”
“With the support of Ying Changge’s swordsmanship, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the country is strong if the youth is strong!”
After listening to Jun’s words, it was enlightening after all, and Hu Hai suddenly realized, “So that’s how it is!”
Now Ying Changge’s excellent martial arts can already protect Qin, making foreign enemies dare not invade at all.
Once any war breaks out, Ying Changge will be the one who takes the lead and charges first.
No one can suppress Ying Changge, even Ying Zheng admires Ying Changge even more.
Even Ying Zheng needs Ying Changge’s martial arts to suppress foreign enemies, so he has to favor Ying Changge.
Now that he came back to his senses, after thinking carefully for a while, he understood such a thing.
It was so unbelievable, so simple, and Hu Hai immediately understood the truth.
Yes, Ying Changge is so powerful now that Ying Zheng needs him to govern the country.
If Ying Changge had been killed, Ying Zheng would have cut off his own arm, causing Qin to plummet!
This is why Ying Zheng chose the latter between the elixir of life and Ying Changge.
Therefore, he couldn’t fight against Ying Changge, the more fierce it was, the more serious the consequences would be.
If one day, Hu Hai and Ying Changge collide, I am afraid that Ying Zheng will continue to favor Ying Changge.
In this way, Hu Hai understood his identity, and it was absolutely impossible to be compared with Ying Changge.
The outstanding Ying Changge has become the responsibility of a country, and no one can underestimate Ying Changge.
Now that such a person has become a pillar of strength, Hu Hai’s status has suddenly become very humble.
This is a matter of course, who made Ying Changge the son of Ying Zheng! And Hu Hai is just a foreign minister.
Sigh helplessly, admit defeat, showdown, Hu Hai will never put on a show again.
Once there is a conflict, I am afraid that Hu Hai will not know how he died! It’s really pathetic.
After being reminded by the guards, Hu Hai also understood Ying Changge’s status in Qin.
Ying Zheng can live without Hu Hai, but he absolutely cannot live without Ying Changge. This is a matter of obvious opinion.
Ying Changge’s ability is very powerful, his fists and feet are so fierce, and he has the qualifications to lead the army.
In this short period of time, Ying Changge didn’t know how many difficult and miscellaneous diseases he had solved for Ying Zheng.
Suddenly awakened, lowered his head, and shook his head helplessly, Hu Hai had completely given up.
The contest with Ying Changge might be completely lost before it even started.
The ending is already doomed, Hu Hai will die, and Ying Changge will live under the protection of Ying Zheng.
Looking at the mess on the ground, Hu Hai had already let go of his ambition and stopped continuing.
This is the end of hitting a stone with an egg. Ying Changge’s strength is destined to be beyond Hu Hai’s ability to catch up.
The guard’s persuasion changed Ying Changge’s mind, and he had nothing else to pay attention to.
“Okay! I lost! I was reckless~‖!” Hu Hai sighed, very melancholy.
The intrigue with Ying Changge is over! Hu Hai will not continue to seek death.
Any behavior of the other party has nothing to do with Hu Hai himself, because that is Qin Guoying Changge!
Hu Hai has come to his senses, he will not just give his life like Xu Fu.
Xu Fu was already dead, and he was beheaded by Ying Zheng, which directly made Hu Hai terrified and uneasy.
With the lessons learned from the past and Xu Fu’s death, it can be regarded as a thorough reminder to Hu Hai.
The battle with Ying Changge will be full of dangers and dangers, and Hu Hai is like a mantis.
Yelang’s arrogant Hu Hai really thought he could destroy Ying Changge, so he always made things difficult for Ying Changge.
Now, Ying Changge has grown to (Wang Hao) a very high height, so Hu Hai can only look up.
If you still want to continue to confront each other, wouldn’t you fall into Ying Changge’s trap and let yourself catch them all!
Helpless, Hu Hai felt that his decision was very correct and timely, without any hesitation.
Nodding very satisfied, Hu Hai said to himself, “‘ 〃 Okay! From now on, the man will be cut off.”
Hu Hai decided to marry Ying ChanggeIt is already no longer continuing to communicate, and I have to give up my hatred.
Otherwise, if you continue to fight against such a big shot, the only one who will die is yourself.
He will die, especially those who resisted Ying Changge, they will naturally be killed and beheaded directly.
Chapter 535 No more questioning, just ignore it!
Giving up the fight with Ying Changge made him completely abandon the grievances between them.
Therefore, Hu Hai stayed behind closed doors, letting his mansion be safe and sound, and nothing happened.
Let Ying Changge be so domineering here, Hu Hai will obediently be his own king of the mountain.
Otherwise, once there is any crisis, Hu Hai and his own efforts will all be wiped out.
No longer questioning Ying Changge, and ignoring it, Hu Hai started busy with his own affairs.
He avoided Ying Changge, so that he would not encounter a narrow road, and he would not be unaware that his death was imminent.
In the past few days, Ying Changge really was very leisurely, he didn’t have any embarrassment, he was so peaceful.
In these spare days, Ying Changge eats and drinks to let himself live a comfortable and comfortable life.
Otherwise, once Ying Changge made things difficult for 630, Ying Zheng would not sit idly by.
Anyone who hinders Ying Changge, Ying Zheng will step in. After all, Ying Changge is now the prestige of Qin.
Xu Fu’s beheading and Hu Hai’s silence finally gave Ying Changge some peace.
Ying Changge continued to be busy with his own affairs, until this day, Xinghun brought a message to Ying Changge.
On this day, Ying Changge was practicing sword in the courtyard, and then Xinghun came panting.
Standing in front of Ying Changge, Xinghun quickly said, “Something happened! Something big happened!”
“What’s the matter! It makes you so out of breath and exhausted!” Ying Changge was very curious.
Arriving in front of Xinghun, Ying Changge immediately reached out and grabbed him, “Come on, sit down and talk.”
Coming to the stone table beside, Ying Changge and Xinghun sat down on the stone bench, (afej) Xinghun gasped for a moment.
He stared at Ying Changge intently, and then Xinghun said, “Something really happened!”
“It is rumored that the God of Soldiers has appeared! He has appeared in a very remote, very remote place.”
After hearing Xing Hun’s words, Ying Changge really showed a tearful look, “Really!”
I really never expected that the Demon God of Soldiers would appear again, which was a long-awaited one.
Ying Changge regained his energy all of a sudden, and even things are about to start, which is a good thing!
So Ying Changge immediately grabbed Xinghun’s arm, “It’s not too late, where did he appear!”
The news of Xinghun is so well-informed, Ying Changge will not suspect any mistakes in him at all.
Since the Demon God of Soldiers appeared, it meant that the war was about to break out and the common people were in dire straits.
This is a very serious matter, and the people around will become completely scattered, full of crises.
If this matter caused the people to die or be injured, Ying Changge would not sit idly by.
He wants to continue to attack, fight in a hurry, and subdue the Soldier Demon God, so as to completely defeat him.
Otherwise, this matter is not over, and Ying Changge will do his best to settle all these crises.
The news about Xinghun is very important, and Ying Changge knows that it’s time for him to play again.
He was very serious, poured a cup of tea for Xing Hun, and then said intently, “I’m going!”
“No matter where the Soldier Demon God appears, I will defeat it!” Ying Changge vowed.
With some complexion restored, Xinghun nodded in agreement, “You’re right.”

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