Xu Fu’s mere rhetoric is completely untenable in front of Ying Zheng, and Ying Changge is not worried.
Ying Zheng was expressionless, just staring at Xu Fu, trying to suppress this rebellious guy.
Otherwise, if Xu Fu was allowed to continue talking nonsense, what would be the majesty of Ying Zheng!
He personally ordered the guards to stand guard outside, and if there was any trouble, they would cut off Xu Fu’s head!
“So, you really have been looking for the elixir of life carefully!” Ying Zheng questioned.
“Then, you have a clue about the elixir of life!” Ying Changge stared at Xu Fu intently.
Facing Ying Zheng and Ying Changge’s questioning, Xu Fu hesitated and hesitated.
Ying Zheng naturally attached great importance to the elixir of life, otherwise Xu Fu would not have asked him to look for it.
In order to live forever, Ying Changge allowed himself to pay a lot of price, but he could not be deceived.
Xu Fu completely deceived Ying Zheng, and even created a longevity religion to deceive him, which is really hateful.
Now that he heard Ying Zheng’s inquiry about the clues about the elixir of life, Xu Fu was quick-witted and nodded.
“Of course there are.”Xu Fu quickly raised his head, “Overseas there are legends about the elixir of life.”
“It’s just that things are so ethereal, so for a while, it’s impossible to grasp the truth of things.”
“These news are true and false, false and true, it is impossible to grasp the most real news.”
“It took me a lot of effort to find out a precise thing.”
“Especially the Longevity Sect, why would such a similar portrait be enshrined! It’s not a coincidence.”
Hearing Xu Fu’s eager defense, Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, “What is it!”
“Perhaps, it was only because of your order that the statue was built in the Longevity Church!”
Facing Ying Changge’s exposure, Xu Fu’s expression was so calm, “Impossible! I’m not the leader!”
“How could I have the ability to order people from the Longevity Sect to interfere with their internal affairs! Impossible!”
“Longevity Religion has existed since ancient times, but we are relatively unfamiliar, and we are not familiar with it.”
“In their religion, the statue has been enshrined for hundreds of years, so long.”
Seeing Xu Fu talking nonsense here, Ying Changge smiled, really cunning.
In order to avoid life and death, and to avoid charges, he really can say anything! ridiculous!
“The Longevity Sect has such a history! It’s hundreds of years old. If you don’t tell me, I thought it was only a few months!”
It was Xu Fu who sent people to form the Changshengjiao, which made him always do things related to Ying Changge.
Now in Xu Fu’s mouth, it has become a cult with a long history and survived for hundreds of years.
It’s really ridiculous, Ying Changge can’t wait to tear his face right away and question him.
However, Xu Fu tried his best to pretend to be serious, he would not admit defeat and show timidity casually.
“Longevity Cult is only unknown, but in fact, it does have a history of hundreds of years.”
“Especially the statue they enshrine, this tree has not even changed for a hundred years, this is fate!”
What shit fate! Ying Changge shook his head secretly, this kid is getting better and better.
Such words are useless, and to them, it is just a matter of deceiving people.
But Ying Zheng was more attentive, he would not interrupt Xu Fu’s speech just like that, he was very curious.
Regarding the matter of the elixir of life, there is no one who is more focused and serious than Ying Zheng at 630.
“You said it was the secret of the Longevity Cult! What kind of chance! What kind of fate!”
Facing Ying Zheng’s question, Xu Fu was very happy. He smiled furtively, “It’s very simple!”
“That’s about the statue of the Longevity Sect! That’s because it’s very similar to Mr. Ying Changge!”
“Really!” Ying Zheng sat up slowly, “Then what do you think is the reason! Why are they so similar!”
“I inquired carefully from the Longevity Sect, because Ying Changge is related to the Longevity Sect!”
Xu Fu was very serious and sincere, full of concentration.
“So that’s how it is!” Ying Zheng laughed immediately, he even laughed angrily, “Ying Changge has something to do with the Longevity Sect!”
“So, it is Ying Changge who established the Longevity Sect, and is even the leader of the Longevity Sect!”
Ying Zheng was very skeptical all of a sudden, “It’s a bunch of nonsense!” This is completely nonsense! .
Chapter 529 Don’t say a word, don’t take your eyes off!
No longer wanting to listen to Xu Fu’s slander, Ying Zheng got up angrily, wanting to kill Xu Fu directly.
“Come here! Pull him out and cut him off!” Ying Zheng wanted to let Xu Fu know the consequences of offending him.
He can’t wait to charge so many people aggressively, and chop Xu Fu into pieces with chaotic swords.
Seeing Ying Zheng’s resentment and distrust, Xu Fu quickly retorted, “That’s true.”
“But Young Master Ying Changge is not the leader of the Longevity Sect, but has a relationship with the Longevity Sect in his previous life.”
The origin of the previous life! That being said, it seems to make sense! Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes and said nothing.
The guards outside the main hall rushed forward in groups, trying to capture Xu Fu and kill him.
But Ying Zheng stopped it immediately, raised his hand, waved his arm, and let everyone in the hall go away.
The guard retreated, Xu Fu heaved a sigh of relief, knelt on the ground, and continued to plead, “Please listen to me!”
“It is precisely because of Ying Changge’s previous life that the Longevity Sect built a statue like a young master.”
“Among such statues, there is almost no problem. They have been enshrined for a hundred years!”
“During these hundreds of years, because of Ying Changge’s current reincarnation, he has forgotten his previous life.”
“Actually, the Longevity Sect has great admiration for a figure like Mr. Ying Changge, and it is full of doubts.”
“Why is the statue enshrined by the Longevity Sect so similar to Young Master Ying Changge! This is the reason!”
In fear, Xu Fu said a lot in one breath, just to impress Ying Zheng.
Especially knowing that Ying Zheng was so stubborn about the elixir, Xu Fu knew it was a flaw.
“I have worked so hard to find some records from the records of the Longevity Sect~‖.”
Slowly found the silk book from his pocket, and handed it over, “Please read it!”
Ying Changge personally took it over and took a look at it. It was full of dust and seemed very old.
After seeing this scene, Ying Zheng more or less believed it! This record seems to be true.
Handing the silk book to Ying Zheng, he immediately took it and read it carefully.
There are many words on it, which seems to have a long history! He starts to read.
Without saying a word, without taking his eyes off, Ying Zheng took a look at ten lines, and soon realized that the records on the silk book were true.
aboveSure enough, the origin of the Longevity Sect was recorded, and the hundreds of years of history seemed so real.
Putting down the silk scroll, Ying Zheng stared at the crowd intently, looking thoughtful and absent-minded.
Immediately afterwards, he handed the silk book to Ying Changge, took it with both hands, and Ying Changge also looked at it carefully.
It was talking about the relationship between Ying Changge’s previous life and the Longevity Sect. It seems that the Longevity Sect spread the elixir of life at that time.
It is recorded in this silk book that the matter of the elixir of life spread across the country, allowing the sect of longevity to persevere for hundreds of years.
Ying Changge smiled. He could just find someone to complete such a record.
These things are all disguised and deceitful things, and there are such masters everywhere.
Therefore, after seeing this scene, Ying Changge was not in a hurry to defend, but waited and watched.
Ying Zheng continued to ask, “It is recorded in the silk script that the Longevity Sect hundreds of years ago saw the elixir of life!”
“So that means, does the elixir really exist?” Ying Zheng was a little excited.
Hearing Ying Zheng’s question, Xu Fu was very sincere. He lowered his head and nodded seriously.
“That’s right! The elixir of life existed hundreds of years ago! I’m almost on the verge of finding a trace.”
“‘〃Follow the vines and search around, and you can always find a new elixir of life!”
Facing Xu Fu’s swearing appearance, Ying Changge stood aside and said calmly, “Impossible!”
“You have spent such a long time! You haven’t found the elixir of life, and it will be useless to give you more time!”
Ying Changge scolded directly, causing Xu Fu to shut his mouth in horror, not daring to say anything more!
Because what Ying Changge said was the truth! The strategy Xu Fu is thinking of now is nothing more than delaying time.
Taking advantage of this opportunity to leave directly, Xu Fu will be able to escape from the control of Ying Zheng and Ying Changge, and stay away from the place of right and wrong.
Otherwise, finding the elixir for Ying Zheng would only make Ying Changge even more anxious.
Kneeling on the ground (Wang Hao), he nodded helplessly, “I can find it! I can definitely find it!”
Ying Changge sneered, while Ying Zheng was a story of silence. Above the main hall, he fell into a dull moment.
So, Xu Fu racked his brains, just to find an answer that could fool him.
Xu Fu of Silent Story was still waiting patiently. He knelt on the ground, still not saying a word.
At this moment, Ying Zheng said, “When will you be able to find the elixir of life, man!”
It would be of absolutely no use to him if he could not find the elixir of life.
A mere Xu Fu, even if Ying Zheng killed him, he wouldn’t regret it! This is his dream! .
Chapter 530 Like a thorn in the back, like a thorn in the throat!

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