Today, Yingzheng’s purpose is not to conquer the Quartet, but to take the elixir of life, which is enough.
Otherwise, let aging kill him, and Ying Zheng would not face everything so calmly. Life and death are very important.
Just for the sake of immortality, Yingzheng is willing to sacrifice a lot of money and manpower, and vows not to give up for the purpose.
Facing Ying Zheng’s questioning, Xu Fu had no choice but to say, “I will definitely find it!”
At this moment, he was quick to think, and immediately thought of a good way, “There is!”
With a glimpse of his eyeballs, he grinned cunningly, Xu Fu lowered his head and held back his own smile.
“Actually, I have already found that elixir hundreds of years ago!”
“How is it possible!” Ying Zheng stared at Xu Fu with his eyes wide open, “Don’t lie to me.”
“No! Everything I said is true!” The insidious and cunning Xu Fu finally thought of a way.
This is a good reason, although it is a bit bold, but Xu Fu is willing to give it a go.
“The elixir of life hundreds of years ago has already disappeared, and it is completely impossible to capture.”
“With a guy like you, if you find the elixir of life, why don’t you give it to me!”
Ying Zheng was furious, his eyes widened, he stared at Xu Fu intently, trying to kill him directly.
A moment of oversight, more lies and more loopholes, Xu Fu became very panicked, and he quickly refuted.
“That’s because I found the whereabouts of the elixir of life, but I didn’t stay by my side.”
Xu Fu’s explanation was quite reasonable and allowed him to keep his head.
After Ying Zheng heard the news, he gradually calmed down, “Really!”
Staring at Xu Fu meticulously, Ying Zheng asked, “So! Where is the elixir of life!”
Kneeling on the ground with his head bowed, Xu Fu was very sincere, appearing so honest, he hesitated to speak.
Because he saw the records on the silk script, Ying Changge fully understood that this was a lie.
But Ying Zheng didn’t think so, because of the matter of the elixir, he was very extreme and stubborn.
Once there is any elixir of life, Ying Zheng is willing to let himself spend more time.
So, he lowered his head again, and immediately continued to read many records from the silk book.
Regarding the matter of the elixir of life, Ying Zheng was more or less impressed, and he knew the reason.
The elixir of life hundreds of years ago has disappeared, and it is said that it was stolen by a skilled thief.
So in the silk script, there are not many records about the elixir of life.
The Longevity Religion seems to be real, especially the elixir of life created by Lianzao, there are traces to follow.
just time fliesRan, the vicissitudes of life, the trace of the elixir of life has long since disappeared without a trace.
Now, Xu Fu suddenly said that he had found the elixir of longevity (afej), which is really a funny thing.
But even so, Ying Zheng was dubious, he stared at Xu Fu meticulously, “Where is it!”
He kept saying that he had found the elixir of life, but Ying Zheng hadn’t seen anything yet.
Seeing Ying Zheng’s sullen look, Xu Fucheng panicked, lowered his head, and quickly explained.
“That’s because the elixir hundreds of years ago is no longer a pill!”
What Xu Fu said to himself was pitiful, so wronged, “I have worked so hard!”
“I finally found traces of the elixir of life, that’s why I haven’t taken it for a long time!”
“Don’t talk about him!” Ying Changge naturally didn’t believe it, and he scolded contemptuously, “Say it straight!”
“Where is the elixir of life, don’t tell me right away! Let us all know!”
Ying Zheng also obeyed Ying Changge’s words very much. He just couldn’t take his eyes off Xu Fu.
He waited patiently for Xu Fu just for an answer and also for the elixir of life.
As long as Xu Fu speaks and gives an answer, Ying Zheng will snatch the elixir immediately.
Seeing Ying Zheng and Ying Changge staring at each other, Xu Fu naturally felt like a thorn in his back and a thorn in his throat. Especially outside the main hall are the guards, they come out in groups and can tear Xu Fu apart.
Facing the gaze of Ying Zheng and Ying Changge, Xu Fu could directly find a new reason.
Otherwise, there would be no excuses, Xu Fu’s life would be so lost and he would die here.
Seeing Xu Fu’s flustered expression, Ying Changge was sure of winning, “Sure enough, you have no answer!”
“The elixir of life is all a lie! You are just a liar trying to get away with it.”
Ying Changge waved his hand, wanting many guards to rush up and kill Xu Fu.
At this moment, Xu Fu finally spoke. He knelt in front of Ying Zheng, so tragically, “I know!”
“Hundreds of years ago, which elixir of life was already reincarnated and became a person!”.
Chapter 531: Bullshit Doesn’t Make sense! Ying Zheng is angry!
Xu Fu was daring, he said anxiously, “It’s because the elixir of life is the previous life of Young Master Ying Changge!”
Ying Zheng was stunned on the spot, and Ying Changge shook his head helplessly, which is really a pity.
Such a guy, Xu Fu is full of lies, won’t he still end up beheaded in the end!
Xu Fu is really stupid, to tell such a big lie, naturally ~ so ridiculous.
After hearing Xu Fu say such a thing, Ying Zheng fell silent, “Then- what!”
“What evidence do you have that Ying Changge is the reincarnation with the elixir of life!”
He thought that such a funny thing would make him angry, but Ying Zheng held back.
“You wait! I’m going to take a closer look and see what he has to say!” Ying Zheng scolded.
Immediately, the guards in the main hall stopped, instead of rushing up to arrest Xu Fu.
“The elixir of life is spiritual!” Xu Fu panicked and hurriedly opened his mouth to defend.
“So after the elixir was hijacked, it dissolved on its own and was reincarnated!”
Xu Fu raised his head, then looked at Ying Changge seriously, “This is the elixir of life!”
“All the connections in the Longevity Sect are records of closely related things!”
“So, Mr. Ying Changge is the reincarnation of this elixir, so he is very precious!”
“This is also the reason why I have been reluctant to do anything after I got the news. There is a reason for this!”
“So, you only need to refine Mr. Ying Changge, and then you can get the elixir of life in his body!”
Xu Fu spoke nonsense and said so many things, which made Ying Changge laugh out loud!
However, Xu Fu didn’t care at all. His purpose was to deceive Ying Zheng, and that was the most important thing.
Especially after knowing Ying Zheng’s elixir of immortality, Xu Fu felt that it could be used.
Xu Fu’s tricks made Ying Zheng shut his mouth, remained silent and thoughtful.
Squinting his eyes, Ying Zheng snorted coldly, he didn’t know what to do for a while!
Especially knowing that Ying Changge had something to do with the elixir of life, Ying Zheng couldn’t sit idly by.
After a moment of silence, Ying Zheng sighed, “How can you talk nonsense!”
“I’m not talking nonsense! I’m seeking truth from facts!” Xu Fu was so serious and sincere.
He widened his eyes, “If you don’t believe me, you just need to refine Mr. Ying Changge!”
“At that time, the elixir of life will naturally appear in his body, which can be taken by you!”
“A pack of nonsense! Damn it!” Ying Zheng scolded angrily, “It’s so deceitful!”
“I know my son so well, how could he be an elixir of life!”
“Even so! It’s impossible for me to do anything to my own son!” Ying Zheng said righteously.
He kept yelling at Xu Fu, and Ying Zheng’s eyes were so ferocious, full of menace.
Especially after knowing the other party’s lies and flaws, Ying Zheng ignored so much.
“Give it to me!” Ying Zheng commanded the guards in the hall to immediately surround Xu Fu.
Surrounded by these guards, Xu Fu was already trembling in terror, and he couldn’t help shaking his body.
Kneeling on the ground, he kowtowed vigorously, “I know I’m wrong! But everything I said is true!”
0・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・
Now that he knew that he could not escape the death penalty, Xu Fu would recruit Ying Changge together.
After all, it is a helpless way out, Xu Fu is going to kill Ying Changge together!
“The past few days have been devoted to the investigation by the minister, and only then have we found out the truth of the matter!”
“Refining Ying Changge to obtain the elixir of life, this is an ironclad fact!”
Now that someone with Xu Fu spoke up according to the law, he became even more resentful, and it was impossible to agree.
What kind of elixir, what kind of refining Ying Changge, it’s really nonsense! Ying Zheng is angry!
…… 0
So, the many guards captured Xu Fu, and immediately dragged him to a distance.
Constantly struggling, Xu Fu was terrified, “I know I was wrong! But this is the truth!”
Ignoring Xu Fu’s struggle, Ying Zheng closed his eyes and rested his mind, and kept his ears closed to what was going on outside the window, unable to be moved by the eight winds.
Especially the struggling Xu Fu, who always dodges like this, unable to find a suitable opportunity at all.
Being captured in this way, the guards dragged Xu Fu’s body to the distance immediately.
Ying Changge stood aside and raised his arms expressionlessly. This person is really unforgivable.
Especially the gossip to confuse the crowd, always talking about the elixir of life in front of Ying Zheng.

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