The persevering Ying Changge didn’t care about these at all, he just continued to chase and kill them as soon as possible!
Especially knowing that Xu Fu is the chief culprit after the Longevity Sect, it is even more impossible for him to sit idly by.
No matter what, Xu Fu must be brought to Ying Zheng so that he can be punished for offending him.
Out of breath, Xu Fu ran in the woods in a panic, just to leave as soon as possible.
If he can’t just escape like this, he will be punished by Ying Changge justice soon.
Bending down to pick up the gravel, he raised his arm, and then Xu Fu quickly struck back.
Facing Ying Changge who was chasing him, Xu Fu threw away all the stones in his hands!
Many stones hit him hard, just to prevent him from chasing himself.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge is not an ordinary person. He is so fast that he can always continue to chase and kill.
Facing the figures hitting by these stones, Ying Changge immediately turned his head to avoid it, and dodged aside.
Crackling, these stones hit the trees and the ground, looking very sharp.
But this kind of attack is useless, Xu Fu just used this method to delay time.
Will Ying Changge really be intercepted by him! Naturally it is impossible! He immediately counterattacked quickly.
After going around a tree, avoiding the messy stones, he continued to chase and kill Xu Fu.
He was not ideal, and even had an extraordinary fierceness, and quickly grabbed the opponent’s arm.
Ying Changge, who is very physically strong, easily caught Xu Fu and stopped him again.
With a cold snort and counterattack indifferently, Xu Fu grabbed a big rock and threw it on Ying Changge’s head.
Fearless in the face of danger, with a calm expression, Ying Changge had already imagined Xu Fu’s sneak attack.
Immediately counterattacked indifferently, and then the sword in his hand split the big rock.
The stone shattered and scattered on the ground. Ying Changge was unharmed and even grabbed his arm.
Xu Fu’s arm was caught, he was very flustered, and immediately used all his strength to resist.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Holding the opponent’s hand tightly to fight back, he tried his best to escape, but the effect was minimal.
Unable to escape from Ying Changge’s hands, Xu Fu was so panicked that sweat was all over his body, so flustered.
At a loss, he immediately raised his hand, and he wanted to fight back, grabbing Ying Changge’s arm.
The daring Xu Fu wanted to grab Ying Changge’s sword, and then snatch it for his own.
When the time comes, Xu Fu, who is holding a sword, will naturally be able to continue to attack against the unarmed Ying Changge.
…… 0
He swung out his weapon quickly, hitting Xu Fu’s face in succession, like a flash of sword.
The rays of light hindered Xu Fu, making him flee in a hurry for fear of dying under Ying Changge’s sword.
Fleeing in a panic, he raised his hands and quickly dodged, Xu Fu fled away.
Standing in the distance, standing tall on the ground, Xu Fu looked down at his arm, bleeding profusely.
Just now Ying Changge swung his sword down, leaving several scars on Xu Fu’s arm.
It wasn’t serious, but it was dripping with blood. What made Xu Fu hurt was grinning with resentment.
He wanted to resist, but he couldn’t, because Ying Changge’s ability was really high.
Suppressing Xu Fu with ease, Ying Changge’s sword hilt hit him on the head.
There was a bang, and then Xu Fu’s head was smashed with a mark, which was full of scars.
Dazed and unable to resist, Xu Fu staggered and fell to the ground, unable to support himself.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Fu immediately stood up, planning to fight back, so as to kill Ying Changgefan.
Chapter 527 Nonsense, nonsense!
Even if they all die together, he must kill Ying Changge, so that Xu Fu’s trip will be worthwhile.
However, Ying Changge’s skill is really strong, much higher than Xu Fu’s, so he doesn’t care at all.
He raised his sword, and immediately smashed it firmly on Xu Fu’s chest, still on the hilt.
Suffering a heavy blow, Xu Fu was dizzy for a while, and then staggered and fell to the ground.
This time, Xu Fu passed out completely, making him unable to fight back.
Looking at Xu Fu who was unconscious on the ground, Ying Changge was very calm, and he immediately raised his hand to grab it.
Dragging Xu Fu’s “630” body, Ying Changge immediately ordered someone to tie him up.
This is about Xu Fu’s final ending. He has no chance to resist, and Xu Fu is completely unconscious.
Grab Xu Fu and ask his subordinates to guard him seriously, and then send him out.
Led by Xu Fu, Ying Changge and his party immediately returned to the capital by boat to report to Ying Zheng.
After finally catching Xu Fu, Ying Changge wanted to explain everything about the Longevity Sect clearly.
Otherwise, if Xu Fu really wanted to make his Longevity Cult arrogant and domineering, it would naturally be a big problem.
especiallyEspecially for him, Xu Fu’s crooked ways are also an unwelcome thing.
Ying Zheng has already gone to question the Longevity Sect, so everyone in the Longevity Sect will not be spared.
After catching Xu Fu, the culprit, Ying Changge and his party immediately succeeded and returned immediately.
After returning to the city and bringing Xu Fu to the palace, Ying Changge saw Ying Zheng, and he saluted immediately.
Throwing Xu Fu in front of Ying Zheng, before Ying Zheng could speak, he knelt down and begged for mercy.
“The minister is guilty, the minister is guilty! The minister was just confused for a while and went astray!”
After hearing Xu Fu’s words, Ying Zheng shook his head contemptuously, “Really! How ridiculous!”
“It’s good for you to find the elixir of immortality, and you have directly created an immortality religion!”
“It’s so stupid! You committed such a crime and still try to get forgiveness!”
Facing Ying Zheng’s accusation, Xu Fu was also helpless, he was very helpless, “Your minister is wrong!”
“But the elixir of life is not just for nothing, it really exists!”
The serious Xu Fu immediately said, “The Longevity Sect was not founded by the minister, but has its own source.”
“I found the other party’s whereabouts, and after Chen Zai carefully understood, I found out where Changsheng is!”
In front of Ying Zheng, Xu Fu was eloquent and could say anything.
It was really eloquent and ridiculous, Ying Changge stood aside, watching with nothing to say.
Only with the protection of a guy like Ying Changge, Ying Zheng felt very at ease, and he was even more majestic.
“Nonsense! Then talk about it! What is the location of the Longevity Cult! Where is the elixir of life!”
Ying Zheng heard everything about the Longevity Sect carefully from Ying Changge.
Xu Fu, who acted recklessly and acted recklessly, has made the Longevity Sect a huge existence.
Any guy is useless to him, and even will die very miserable, full of situations.
Otherwise, the death of one guy will only involve another common people in their sins.
The existence of the Longevity Cult is simply a shame to Ying Zheng, so he naturally resents it very much. …
If it wasn’t for finding out the existence of the elixir of life, Ying Zheng would have already gone to kill Xu Fu.
Pulling Xu Fu out for questioning is what Ying Zheng wants to do most at this moment, and he is enduring it.
With a cold snort and stern eyes, Ying Zheng stared at Xu Fu condescendingly, “Don’t talk nonsense!”
“Don’t dare!” Xu Fu racked his brains, wanting to talk nonsense, so that he could find an opportunity.
Especially for the teaching of longevity and the elixir of life, he must give a suitable explanation.
“Naturally, it is because there have been legends about the elixir of life in the Longevity Sect!”
“It was all a coincidence, and then I got a secret from the Longevity Sect!”
“Knowing the rumors about the elixir of life, I immediately traveled eastward, trying to find its existence!”
After hearing Xu Fu’s explanation, Ying Zheng immediately scolded, “Nonsense, nonsense!”
“Then the Longevity Sect was founded by you! You are a queen who is selling melons and boasting!”
Facing Ying Zheng, Xu 4.9 Fu just lowered his head and hurriedly kowtowed to beg for mercy, “Your minister is wronged! Really wronged!”
“I’m just acquainted with the leader, but he’s not the one who founded the Longevity Sect!”
He was very serious, “That’s why I went to find the so-called elixir of life to prove my innocence.”
In Xu Fu’s rhetoric, the elixir of life is very important, so it is also very precious.
For a while, it was impossible to find the existence of the elixir of life, which was a pity.
Just in the middle of Xu Fu’s search for the elixir of life, he was captured by Ying Changge.
Chapter 528 Admit defeat here, casually show cowardice!
Seeing Xu Fu’s innocent appearance, Ying Changge who was standing next to him almost laughed out loud.
What an exquisite performance, Xu Fu’s rhetoric completely shifted the blame.
Not only has nothing to do with the Longevity Sect, Xu Fu has even turned into a great loyal minister!
Isn’t this a very ridiculous thing! Ying Changge shook his head secretly, but he did not veto it.
Because Ying Changge knew that Ying Zheng was a very smart person with a unique vision and inner wisdom.

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