At this moment, Ying Changge looked so ferocious and murderous, which made Xu Fu very scared.
Shaking his head helplessly, Xu Fu finally gave in, he had no choice but to speak!
“Yes! You are right! I founded the Longevity Cult, and there is nothing I can do about it!”
Xu Fu looked very innocent, even very pitiful, he immediately opened his mouth to answer.
After knowing Ying Changge’s bravery and fearlessness, Xu Fu became very honest and talked endlessly.
Otherwise, it would be very irrational to suffer under Ying Changge’s fist.
After listening to Xu Fu’s explanation carefully, Ying Changge gradually understood the truth of the matter.
It turned out that Xu Fu was ordered by Ying Zheng to find the elixir and complete the task.
However, Xu Fu himself knew in his heart that there is no elixir of life in this world!
So he immediately confused a longevity religion and used it to distort the rumors so as to exonerate himself.
Everything about the Longevity Sect was carefully planned by Xu Fu, especially because he knew Ying Zheng and Ying Changge well.
Especially Ying Changge, Xu Fu admired the rapid growth of his cultivation realm.
With people like Ying Changge as statues of the Longevity Sect, wouldn’t they be able to fish in troubled waters and make up for it?
In a hurry, Xu Fu added Ying Changge to the Longevity Sect.
Using the name of Longevity Sect to bluff and deceive is to deceive many people.
For Xu Fu, this is a good strategy! Unfortunately, Xu Fu was still seen through.
Especially after knowing what Ying Changge was doing, Xu Fu was even more flustered.
He was afraid that he would die like this, in the hands of Ying Changge, under the questioning of Ying Zheng.
Fortunately, he is a very cunning guy, and he only needs to explain carefully to confuse the public.
Ying Changge stood in front of Xu Fu, still clutching his collar tightly, his eyes so gloomy.
“` 〃 You are so unreasonable! For the sake of the elixir of life, you actually came up with a scam like the longevity religion!”
“Didn’t you fail the king’s order! Did you fail the people! It’s unreasonable!” Ying Changge scolded.
Immediately he viciously pushed Xu Fu to the ground, and Xu Fu fell to the ground, terrified and silent.
Xu Fu is naturally wronged, (Wang Dezhao) is guilty of being a thief, he is very wronged, he already doesn’t know what to say.
Otherwise, in such a situation, everything will only be more dangerous and easier to punish.
Knowing Ying Changge’s justice and his crime, Xu Fu is very dull now.
Lowering his head, he sighed, his expression was sluggish, and he was indescribably embarrassed and panicked.
If it continues like this, I’m afraid Xu Fu will be arrested and his head will be cut off at once!
So Xu Fu immediately begged Ying Changge for mercy, “I was wrong! I was delusional, I was confused for a while!”
“Eternal Life Sect and the elixir of life, those are all helpless things! I don’t want to die!”.
Chapter 525 A mouse, everyone shouts to beat it!
Xu Fu knelt in front of Ying Changge, crying bitterly, looking so pitiful and humble.
All this was because Xu Fu wanted to survive, but unfortunately, he boldly disobeyed Ying Zheng’s order.
can’t find immortalityMedicine is not a capital crime, but Xu Fu used crooked ways.
Xu Fu, who went astray, used one after another to implicate other innocent people, which is a capital crime.
Ying Changge would not show mercy to Xu Fu’s subordinates, this is what should have happened to him.
It is a great crime to deceive Ying Zheng and Ying Changge, and even involve many people in it.
In order to let this guy die completely, Ying Changge had to bring him back to Ying Zheng’s side.
Only by asking Ying Zheng to inquire about the crime in person can Ying Changge be completely relieved!
Otherwise, under such a fight, it would not be a good ending for Ying Changge to end Xu Fu without authorization.
“Follow me back!” Ying Changge immediately raised his hand, grabbing Xu Fu’s neck, trying to make him go back to Xianyang.
It is impossible for Xu Fu to go back, even in this life, he knows that he must be a dead end.
So Xu Fu retreated again and again, he grabbed a stone next to him and threw it at Ying Changge.
With a sound of ping-pong, Singer Ying Chang raised his knife and fell, with agility, he chopped the stone in half in an instant.
Immediately, Ying Changge continued to stride forward, just to chase and kill Xu Fu and prevent him from escaping.
Came here all the way, Ying Changge was to arrest the guilty minister so that he could apologize to Ying Zheng.
Xu Fu can’t leave here, and he won’t just go back to Ying Zheng, he will be killed by Ying Zheng very easily.
Therefore, getting up quickly and dodging immediately, he was about to escape from Ying Changge’s face and fly out into the sky.
Can’t wait to leave, the whole person quickly went to the distance, he tried to catch Xu Fu.
Ying Changge’s movements were so quick that he had already arrived behind Xu Fu continuously.
With a quick shot, he grabbed the opponent at once, and Ying Changge pulled his arm to make him stop.
The flustered Xu Fu will not stop like this, he will continue to fight back and kill the opponent.
Raising his fist, Xu Fu shouted angrily, and hit Ying Changge on the face.
This was just an unremarkable attack, Xu Fu didn’t have much strength at all, so the power of a punch was the same.
Ying Changge dodged easily and left the side at once, making Xu Fu’s fist useless.
Xu Fu was not to be outdone when the blow was missed, he quickly broke free from Ying Changge’s shackles and tried to escape directly.
At this moment, he is like a mouse, and everyone shouts and beats him.
Xu Fu lowered his head and ran away, disappearing all of a sudden, trying to get rid of Ying Changge as soon as possible.
In the woods, Ying Changge’s figure continued to follow quickly, making sure to take down Xu Fu.
The purpose of Ying Changge’s coming here is Xu Fu, to arrest the culprit who founded the Longevity Sect and bring him back for questioning.
Quickly shuttling through the woods, Ying Changge’s figure was endless, and he always quickly caught up.
Xu Fu is like a prey, while Ying Changge is a hunter with a clear goal and will not stop his pace.
He ran very fast, with both feet non-stop, swiftly leaving a series of footprints on the ground.
It was so clearly visible that Ying Changge didn’t need to see Xu Fu’s figure to see his traces.
Because Xu Fu left too many footprints on the ground, Ying Changge can use this as a basis.
Staring at him intently, they kept running away and dodging, but the figures of the two never separated.
Xu Fu was out of breath, he ran fast, trying to avoid the surrounding numbers at once, and escaped.
It’s a pity, even if Xu Fu escapes like this, where can he escape to!
Everything has fallen into Ying Changge’s layout, and Xu Fu can’t escape Ying Changge’s Wuzhishan.
Sweating and continuing to flee, Xu Fu quickly rushed to the distance and stepped over the trees.
Seeing such a scene, Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, but it was just a dying struggle.
From far to near, Ying Changge continued to walk quickly, and he threw out a stone in his hand.
In the woods, everything is very easy to find, whether it is a stone or a branch, everything that one expects to find.
The stone came swiftly and landed on Xu Fu’s back, hitting it with precision.
This made Xu Fu yell in pain, and then he staggered and fell to the ground, very embarrassed.
Even if his back was injured, it could not stop Xu Fu from wanting to escape, he would not accept his fate.
Fleeing quickly, getting up continuously, Xu Fu’s figure did not stop, and continued to run out.
Leaving far away without stopping, Xu Fu’s whereabouts are always in a hurry, and he doesn’t want to be caught by Ying Changge.
This is not up to Xu Fu, because Ying Changge is still chasing after him endlessly.
Come quickly, release your own attack as much as you want, and smash many stones on it! .
Chapter 526 Don’t be afraid in the face of danger, look calm!
By Ying Changge’s side, there were no shortage of rocks and branches, all of which were means of attack.
Therefore, Ying Changge struck out quickly, and many stones were thrown out with force.
boom! The stone was so fine, but it was naturally very painful after being thrown out.
Xu Fu ran away with his head in his arms, he didn’t know how many times he was hit, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.
Howling in pain, he ran away quickly, but Xu Fu was getting slower and slower, and the stone attack was effective.
Xu Fu’s body was covered with marks from the beating of such stones, with bruises and faint bloodstains everywhere.
Grinning, helpless, Xu Fu could only leave like that, trying to hide behind the trees.
His figure was so fast, but he still couldn’t block the attack, and he was already weak for a while.
Falling to the ground in pain, Xu Fu suffered a heavy blow to his knee and was hit by a stone thrown by Ying Changge.
helpless,Staggering and kneeling on the ground, Ying Changge will not give up, he will continue to run away.
Standing up unsteadily, Xu Fu was embarrassed.
Ignoring the pain in his body, Xu Fu hurried on without stopping.
Like a runaway wild horse, Xu Fu will never return to Ying Changge’s side.
He continued to escape, his figure looming in the woods, and he would easily disappear.

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