The servants will not give up. They were raised by the Xiong family in order to dedicate their entire lives.
Even if he met a teacher of justice like Ying Changge, Jia Ding chose a road to the dark.
Obviously they have gone astray, but they still rushed up to resist vigorously.
If you don’t see the coffin, you won’t cry. These are damned people, and Ying Changge doesn’t intend to show mercy at all.
So Ying Changge continued to charge forward with a sword in hand, in order to break the lineup of the servants.
Continue to run amok among so many servants, but so what! They can’t stop it.
Ying Changge is vigorous and powerful, especially the sword in his hand is so superb.
The unpredictable sword edge stabbed out quickly, killing many people, leaving no one behind.
Especially since the attacks were continuous, the servants who were close to Ying Changge couldn’t react at all.
Surrounded by the servants, he ran amok, and he knocked the servants out in one fell swoop.Go, only him left in place.
One person stood in place, and then he stared at the crowd intently, and raised the sword in his hand.
Holding the sword in front of his body, Ying Changge couldn’t take his eyes off, watching all directions and listening to all directions, “Who else is not afraid of death!”
“Let’s see who it is, you can take a step forward!” Ying Changge scolded, he was so fierce.
Several servants were shocked, they held on to their weapons tightly, but they dared not go forward.
Under such circumstances, there was no chance of getting close to Ying Changge, let alone seriously injuring him.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Ying Changge blocked these rebellious servants of the Xiong family by himself, which is really brave and fearless.
Seeing the fearful look on the faces of many servants, Ying Changge scolded even louder.
“What! You’re caught without a fight! Tell you, rein in the precipice, and turn around!”
Swinging his vigorous sword, he was so fast that he could be called aggressive, “Did you hear that!”
Even after several servants heard Ying Changge’s words, they ignored them and didn’t listen at all.
…… 0 0
After all, they are servants of the Xiong family, not Ying Changge’s people, even if Ying Changge’s identity is useless here.
All the guys are grinning, they are taking a short rest while thinking about countermeasures.
In order to deal with Ying Changge, several servants whispered, they want a perfect plan to fight back.
After resisting Ying Changge and killing him, he would be able to lead so many people to flee immediately.
The Xiong family mansion is already empty, when will they be able to leave if they don’t escape now!
The servant was out of breath, and they were sweating profusely. In order to fight back against Ying Changge, they tried their best.
Fortunately, there are many servants, and they are evenly matched, and they have not been wiped out yet.
Several people stared at Ying Changge helplessly, they were already helpless with Ying Changge’s superb skills.
Is it possible that he really wants to die under such a fight! The servant will not let it go!
They have been loyal to the Xiong family for several years, and before leaving, the Xiong family gave them a severance package.
Therefore, the money is in hand and has not been spent yet. Wouldn’t it be a great disadvantage if he just died like this! Where.
Chapter 497 Menacing, ready to move!
In order to survive, the servants went all out, and they all joined forces to break Ying Changge.
Chattering and continuing to attack, they scrambled to come first, stabbing out their weapons.
The servants came continuously and couldn’t wait to fight towards Ying Changge so as to kill him.
Standing on the spot calmly, he raised the edge of the sword in his hand, and then swept away thousands of troops with one move.
Wherever the blade reaches, there are servants’ weapons, ping-pong-pong, and the impact is full of clear and crisp sounds.
Seeing the strength of Ying Changge’s sword, several servants continued to charge forward in unity.
No, “Six Zero Zero” is really going to die among Ying Chang’s singers, and they will never let Ying Changge go! They were up and down with knives.
Fierce weapons hit Ying Changge one by one, just to kill him.
In such a precipitous situation, Ying Changge, who was not in a hurry, dodged immediately, his steps were light.
Dodging again and again, dodging quickly, he has already made a way out of the siege of this servant.
Snapped! The impact of the sword’s edge directly knocked several people flying, and they fell to the ground staggeringly.
Ying Changge’s strength is also very good, coupled with such a ferocious sword edge, it is a must.
Continuing the fierce fighting, Ying Changge and a group of people fell in front of them, full of danger.
In the battle of life and death, fighting with so many servants, Ying Changge’s sword became faster and faster.
boom! The sword’s edge fell, stabbing the servants one after another, causing them all to be injured.
Seeing his own scars, the servant backed away in horror for a moment.
They took a few steps back one after another, then raised the swords in their hands and stared at each other in fear.
Surrounded by this servant, Ying Changge didn’t rush, he stood indifferently, with a happy face.
“Give up your fearless resistance! You are just dying! Don’t learn to be smart!”
Smiling indifferently, Ying Changge looked down at the blood on the edge of his sword, it was not his.
But these servants! They died and were injured, it seemed too miserable.
On the contrary, these injured servants, they are still so brave and fearless, just to fight back.
It is also a helpless way to kill Ying Changge and not let everyone attack.
The guards were frozen in place, they didn’t dare to go forward, but they didn’t bother to retreat in such a hurry.
So, several people just stared at Ying Changge like this, it would be great if they could kill people with their eyes.
Otherwise, the servant would have already reached a consensus by killing Ying Changge in obscurity with his eyes.
Ying Changge stood here calmly, his eyes were so calm and indifferent.
He has already seen that these servants are not dead, and they seem to want to resist, which is a pity.
Coming in a hurry, Ying Changge led so many people to surround the Xiong’s mansion, but what happened!
As a result, all the main characters of the Xiong family had fled, and the place was empty with nothing.
Even these rebellious servants are no longer human beings in the eyes of Ying Changge! Just count dead.
Therefore, they will continue to attack and stab Ying Changge with the sword in their hands.
So what if he is the son of Ying Zheng! For the servants, the Xiong family is the genius and the most noble.
All the servants share the same hatred, and they stand by Ying Chang.Opposite the song, standing in the mansion 0  …
They are the last line of defense, and Ying Changge must not be allowed to enter and search Xiong’s house.
Seeing the expressions of several people, Ying Changge walked up slowly, his sword raised.
Staring at Ying Changge without blinking, several servants spread out one after another, forming an ambush from all sides.
Everyone surrounded Ying Changge, and the swords in their hands were also menacing, ready to move.
Sensing murderous intent from them, Ying Changge was so calm that he just raised his sword.
If you want to fight, I will fight. Ying Changge is never timid when it comes to fighting the enemy bravely.
Staring at several people intently, Ying Changge entered a defensive posture, for fear that he would be attacked unexpectedly.
After all, he was facing insidious and cunning guys, and these servants would do anything to kill people!
Under such an attack, all the people stood firmly in place without making any moves.
As the saying goes, if the enemy does not move, I will not move. Under such circumstances, the servant is helpless!
In order to kill Ying Changge with 4.9 deaths, each of them was merciless and even united.
click. His footsteps broke a branch on the ground, and then a servant behind Ying Changge took the lead in charging.
The sword in his hand was so swift that it hit Ying Changge’s shoulder with a swish.
Fortunately, he is so fast, he is not afraid of any offensive at all, he is really very stable.
Ying Changge just dodged in a fluttering way, with such an easy pace, he left in front of him all at once.
Immediately, the edge of the sword rose and hit the servant’s hand, blocking his weapon.
Chapter 498 Ruthless and murderous!
Ping pong, the blades crisscrossed, and after they collided together, the servant’s figure staggered back a step.
After seeing such a fight, he was very angry, snorted coldly, and immediately drew his sword.
Jia Ding is not to be outdone, and he is not fighting alone, there are many people behind him.
All the servants rushed to come here, and they sacrificed their most valiant weapons at the same time.
Snapped! The sword’s edge hit the opponent’s body all at once, making them unable to stand still.
Seeing such an offensive, Ying Changge was a little contemptuous, pretending to be a rabble.
Therefore, Ying Changge immediately threw out his sword, blocking the attacks of several servants at once.
Because there are fewer enemies and more enemies, Ying Changge’s steps need to be dexterous enough to surround World War I 05.
Many servants could hardly catch Ying Changge, because he was too fast.
Under such fighting, you come and go, you fight against each other, in the shadow of swords and swords, it is a bloody battle.
Several people tried to kill Ying Changge, but his skills were so superb that no one could beat him.

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