Under the back-and-forth struggle, the faster Ying Changge is, the harder it is for the servants to guard against.
They are just the guys who guard the house. If it comes to swordsmanship, I’m afraid they haven’t learned it for a long time!
Ying Changge, who was chasing bravely, came with his sword in hand, like a tiger descending a mountain, it was extremely ferocious.
Under such a fight, Ying Changge’s figure moved from far to near, breaking the family’s offensive.
Groups of servants formed a human wall, trying to block Ying Changge, and then strangled him one by one.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s skills are merciless, and he always chatters down.
It was a pity that no one could stop Ying Changge after such a fierce fight.
With a ping-pong sound, his sword edge landed on several people, causing the servant to be injured again.
The lineup of servants surrounding Ying Changge dissipated in an instant, and among the crowd, each had its flaws.
The sword edge approached and came straight, and Ying Changge stabbed a servant in the chest.
After stabbing him to death with a sword, Ying Changge’s figure kept approaching to kill the surroundings.
In the approach of the sword’s edge, Ying Changge had already beaten the servant and turned his head and ran away.
Even if so many servants came forward in unity, they would not be able to stop Ying Changge.
Everything is too fast, especially this kind of fighting is merciless and murderous.
The servants fled in despair.
Facing the guilty person, Ying Changge did not hesitate to use his sword edge and continued to stab fiercely.
Jianfeng was stained with a lot of blood, and the servant became more and more defeated, and lost to Ying Changge more and more.
Wielding their own weapons, this kind of fighting was so direct that they all died completely.
Especially the people led by Ying Changge were still fighting against the servants of the Xiong family and killed them all directly
The corpses of servants were everywhere on the ground, and they had no way out under Ying Changge’s suppression.
Seeing how stubborn these people looked, Ying Changge questioned, “I’ll arrest you if you don’t let go!”
“Impossible! We’re going to kill you!” “That’s right, we’re going to pack up and fly away!”
All the servants are so stubborn, they are very angry, they seem to be filled with righteous indignation.
But in fact, Ying Changge is the most righteous one. These servants are all criminals and made mistakes.
Now that the Xiong family has run away, these servants must know their whereabouts and whereabouts.
Ying Changge more or less had to leave a few alive, so that he could attack and fight back.
Otherwise, if so many people intercept him, when will Ying Changge be able to track down the Xiong family!
The Xiong family committed a capital crime and dared to assassinate Ying Changge. This is a big treason.
led so many people to theIn front of him, many guys wanted to kill the Xiong family.
It’s a pity that the Xiong’s family was the first to hear the news, and they ran away like this, and the building was empty all at once.
Under such a situation, Ying Changge can only take these servants to the knife, who made them so stubborn.
600 Holding up his sword edge, he came at a leisurely pace, and Ying Changge walked in front of these servants.
With calm eyes, he yelled, “Who else!” With that sound, several guys were scared away.
The servants were terrified, they were standing not far away, their whole bodies trembled with fright and kept trembling.
Because he was overwhelmed by Ying Changge’s swordsmanship, the servant already knew that he couldn’t leave!
“Let me do it!” One of the big men came out, with protruding eyes and crooked mouth, looking ruffian.
“Is there any law to make a fuss in my Xiong’s house!” The big man raised the sword in his hand.
“You Ying Changge is also worthless in my eyes, you are just a damned person!”
The big man is Xiong Er, the son of the Xiong family’s housekeeper, and he has been in the Xiong family’s mansion for more than ten years.
Therefore, Xiong Er is loyal to the Xiong family, and he will not allow anyone to be disrespectful to the Xiong family.
Especially after facing the killing of people like Ying Changge, Xiong Er has to be more careful.
Chapter 499 From far to near, big strides!
Seeing the cautious expressions of these people, Ying Changge smiled indifferently.
“That’s it! From my point of view, it’s nothing but ordinary! It doesn’t have many special features!”
Raising the sword in his hand, he stared at the crowd intently, “Who else! Let’s go together!”
After hearing such words, Xiong Er roared and patted his chest.
“I’m enough alone! It’s more than enough to kill you!” Xiong Er started to attack without saying a word.
Preempting strikes, the first to strike the sword, Xiong Er’s figure came to Ying Changge in an instant.
Ying Changge saw Xiong Er’s burly and bear-like body approaching with his eyes, and immediately backed away without being brave.
Xiong Er’s sword is very fast, it seems that he is also a martial arts practitioner, completely different from these servants.
Martial arts are slightly more powerful.
From far to near, striding forward to catch up, the sword in his hand is already so swift.
boom! The sword edge hit Ying Changge abruptly, trying to smash Ying Changge into pieces.
Ying Changge had already seen Xiong Er’s whereabouts, and he immediately swung the sword in his hand.
The two blades collided immediately, causing Xiong Er’s figure to stop, making it difficult to continue approaching Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge is only a young man, and his own strength is not much, so he is easily injured.
Therefore, the witty and clever Ying Changge Bing did not choose to attack Xiong Er head-on, but dodged and entangled.
The sword edge in his own hand moved away deftly, entangled with Xiong Er’s sword edge, fast and steady.
Xiong Er was not to be outdone, the sword in his hand also struck violently, exhausting all his strength.
A ferocious attack, quickly releasing his sword edge, such an attack is really very fierce.
Seeing Xiong Er chattering approaching, Ying Changge immediately walked aside.
The sword in his hand hit the ground heavily, almost slashing Ying Changge’s shoulder.
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s figure was so fast, he easily brushed past Xiong Er’s sword.
Standing firmly by Xiong Er’s side, the sword in his hand immediately thrust out fiercely.
Jianfeng was so fast, even when Xiong Er couldn’t reflect it, he was injured.
Seeing that his shoulder was damaged, Xiong Er immediately stepped back in pain to avoid danger.
Seeing the direction of Ying Changge’s sword edge, Xiong Er wanted to avoid his edge and avoid other crises.
However, Ying Changge didn’t leave any room for it. He continued to attack, and continued to release his sword edge.
The sword edge became more and more fierce, and the attack became more and more intensive, and dense afterimages fell on him.
With a sound of ping-pong, Jian Feng was sent directly, and Xiong Er was stabbed in the chest by Ying Changge again.
Blood was sprayed, Xiong Er was in pain, his face was grim, he was really angry, he retreated to guard.
One hand covered the wound on his chest, but the blood was still flowing continuously.
Staring at Ying Changge intently, Xiong Er’s expression turned pale in an instant.
He covered his wound with one hand, and held the blade of the sword in the other, still carefully guarding against Ying Changge.
Seeing Ying Changge striding forward, Xiong Er retreated in a panic and waved wildly at the same time.
The sword in his own hand was so rampant, hitting Ying Changge’s body again and again, trying to stop it.
However, for Ying Changge, such an attack was useless, it was a random sword move.
Ying Changge didn’t panic, he rushed forward calmly, knocked him out of the way with a single strike, and Xiong Er staggered.
Almost fell to the ground, his eyes were so fierce, and he stared at Ying Changge fiercely.
Even though he is injured, Xiong Er is also a guy who wants to kill the enemy aggressively, he will not give up.
Raising the sword in his hand, ignoring the pain in his chest, he shouted, “‘〃Go to hell~‖!”
Jianfeng immediately approached quickly, just to stab a wound on his body. Xiong Er was desperate.
The unscrupulous attack looks very majestic, but it is only a show.
In Ying Changge’s eyes, such an attack is so useless that it doesn’t even have any power.
He raised the edge of his sword and stabbed, and a single blow stopped him.
Ying Changge continued to fight against Xiong Er. None of these Xiong’s family is a good thing.
They (the king’s) have a rebellious heart in their hearts, and in order to kill Ying Changge, they can be regarded as unscrupulous!
all-out attack, unscrupulous siege, but the other servants were unable to break through this hurdle.
Because there were quite a few people led by Ying Changge, many of them stopped the servants.
The servants continued to fight and attack continuously, and they fought with Ying Changge’s men.
On the contrary, Ying Changge continued to attack, his complacent expression full of confidence.
A mere Xiong Er, really thought he could kill himself! That was really funny enough.
In Xiong Er’s chattering attack, he continued to charge forward, continuing to kill and kill.
Chapter 500 A land of right and wrong, leave the Xiong’s house!
The sword edge in his hand came down sharply and hit Xiong Er’s body, making Xiong Er retreat helplessly.
After suffering such a heavy blow, he couldn’t dodge at all, he could only turn around and retreat.

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