In the midst of a lively quarrel, the servants of the Xiong family immediately surrounded Ying Changge and his party.
They overestimated themselves, even so gloomy, full of murderous intent, just to kill Ying Changge.
Standing on the ground, Ying Changge unhurriedly raised his sword, “You guys are rebelling!”
“Do you really think I dare not kill you! You, like the Xiong family, have committed treason!”
Since it is such a crime, Ying Changge will kill them all, leaving no one behind.
“If you tell the whereabouts of Xiong’s master, then I can still forgive me!”
Ying Changge was aggressive, “Otherwise, you will commit an unforgivable mistake and you will not be able to turn over.”
His target was only the Xiong family, and Ying Changge didn’t need any strength at all to deal with these servants in front of him.
But these guys will not give up. They are loyal and can be called a bunch of dead soldiers.
Just like that, he blocked in front of Ying Changge, but he still wouldn’t continue to take the initiative to attack.
They just need to be on guard against the Xiong’s family, so that there is no danger in the entire mansion is enough.
Ying Changge could tell that since he broke into this place, there were no traces of other people.
Those who stay here are not the backbone of the Xiong family, but a group of miscellaneous fish, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.
He came to capture the Patriarch of the Xiong family, but the other party had already expected that Ying Changge would come to capture them.
Before Ying Changge arrived, they disappeared without a trace.
No one was in front of him, and Ying Changge’s reason was very simple, to capture them.
Ying Changge didn’t even need to do it himself, so he waved his hand immediately, “‘ 〃 Go! Take them down for me.”
At the same time, the people around Ying Changge immediately rushed up, trying to catch all these servants.
Ying Changge knew that none of the most important (king’s) Patriarchs of the Xiong family was here, so he needed to keep hunting.
Therefore, Ying Changge wanted to investigate the whereabouts of the Xiong family immediately, and he must investigate to the end.
Otherwise, let so many people escape, what should be the crimes they committed!
He wanted to investigate the clues of the Xiong family immediately, but it turned out that these servants of the Xiong family were really fierce.
They came aggressively, and they wanted to take the lead in attacking Ying Changge and take him down.
A bunch of overreaching guys, do they really think they can kill Ying Changge! He just doesn’t want to be in a fight.
As a result, all the servants were holding knives, guns and sticks, and they continued to kill Ying Changge.
Chapter 495 Kill one to warn the hundred, kill chickens to warn monkeys!
At this moment, Ying Changge was helpless! He could only raise his sword immediately.
Several people approached so vigorously, they surrounded Ying Changge from all directions, trying to kill him.
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s skill is so fast, he blocked the attack in one fell swoop and intercepted everyone.
All the servants of the Xiong family were rebellious, and they tried their best to kill Ying Changge.
Ping pong pong, under the shadow of swords and swords, Ying Changge continued to fight against them all by himself, trying to fight back.
These servants of the Xiong family came in a hurry, and they threw out their weapons.
Driving Ying Changge, in order to kill the opponent, these servants of the Xiong family spared no effort to charge.
Approaching and continuing their chattering attack, they have already trapped Ying Changge’s whereabouts.
It was originally to fight Ying Changge, but Ying Changge’s ability is too high at 600, so he won’t die just like that.
Ying Changge was more than capable, the sword in his own hand was still attacking in a hurry, in order to kill everyone.
These servants are beyond their control, even very stupid, dare to provoke Ying Changge.
No matter what kind of person he is, he only needs to swing his sword to kill everyone thoroughly.
The sword’s edge hit and fell down bravely. Ying Changge easily killed several servants and let them fall to the ground to die.
The servants of the Xiong family are all so despicable, they originally wanted to leave here immediately and fly away.
But they were intercepted by Ying Changge’s people, so these servants couldn’t leave smoothly for a while.
They were blocked in the mansion by Ying Changge’s people, and the servants could not leave, so they could only start fighting.
Continuously continuing to attack, the sword in his hand is still firmly protecting (afej) himself.
Ying Changge will not run away, but continue to entangle and fight with so many people.
The servants were so fierce, they were so numerous that they even approached menacingly, so as to surround each other.
But under the fighting between you and me, Ying Changge became more and more fierce and powerful.
The sword edge continued to overflow, eradicating many servants before his eyes.
The servant of the Xiong family seemed to be determined to kill Ying Changge. His strength was very fierce.
Guys come here one after another, they don’t like Ying Changge, they are loyal to Xiong’s family.
Now, the Xiong family has already fled, only these servants are left, and they have to pack their bags and leave.
especiallyHe was about to go out, but the servant was intercepted by Ying Changge’s people.
This is the Xiong family, especially these servants, they are aggressive, they are not afraid of causing trouble at all.
Killing Ying Changge can be regarded as killing a way out, so that the family can be safe enough.
Otherwise, everyone would be so arrogant and domineering, they would simply bully Ying Changge’s head.
Ying Changge waited for a long time, but he didn’t wait for someone strong enough to fight.
The people in front of him are just a bunch of rabble, and Ying Changge doesn’t even need to do his best.
He was absent-minded, raised his sword edge, and continued to fight with all the servants.
The servants approached so bravely one by one, they spared no effort to kill Ying Changge.
As soon as possible to attack, to shoot quickly, the sword in his hand was already on everyone’s body.
There was a crisp sound of ping pong, and then he blocked several servants and killed them all.
Bleeding profusely, the bruised servant fell helplessly to the ground and died. They were no match for Ying Changge.
On the contrary, Ying Changge was still safe and sound. His sword edge continued to stab and kill everyone.
All the servants were majestic, and they really thought they could kill Ying Changge, so they did their best.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s skills are superb, and the sword edge in his hand is always stabbing out endlessly.
No matter whether it is one servant or ten servants, they can’t stand against the sword in Ying Chang’s singer.
His sword is as superb as his martial arts and is difficult to fight.
Ying Changge fought against the servants of the Xiong’s family in order to make an example to others, to make an example to others, so as to press for their whereabouts.
Otherwise, everyone in Xiong’s family is empty, so how to catch Xiong’s family right now!
Many Xiong family servants are under my nose, and I must block them and torture them for the truth.
The whereabouts of the Xiong family and the direction of the head of the family must be controlled by Ying Changge and then go after them.
It is impossible for any criminal to get away with it under the eyes of Ying Changge. This is a kind of madness.
Therefore, Ying Changge ordered people to surround the place, trying to wipe out all the opponents, leaving no one behind.
Many servants who overestimated their capabilities continued to rush up, just to kill Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge’s ability is so superb, even if surrounded by so many people, he is not in a hurry.
He raised his sword edge, ping pong pong, and fought against so many servants without exception.
The servants rushed forward one after another, but they might not be able to kill Ying Changge.
Chapter 496: See all directions with your eyes, listen to all directions with your ears!
Ying Changge, who is highly skilled in martial arts, can block the fighting of these servants just by swinging the sword in his hand.
It is absolutely impossible for a gang of mobs to take away Ying Changge’s head.
Standing on the spot safe and sound, the sword in his hand continued to slash away endlessly.
Many servants are attacking for the sake of attacking without any rules in their sword moves, which is really embarrassing.
With a sound of ping-pong, the sword’s edge was so fast, as fast as lightning and like a gust of wind, coming directly.
Hitting the bodies of several servants, they staggered back and fell directly to the ground.
Standing with a sword in hand, Ying Changge was serious, “I ask you, where have all the Xiong family members gone!”
“We won’t say it even if we are killed!” These servants were so aggressive that they were so generous.
Seeing these servants like this, Ying Changge also showed a disapproving smile, “Okay!”
“Since you are like this, then go to die!” Ying Changge didn’t care about a few evil people.
Working together as a traitor, a fox pretending to be a tiger, this servant died as soon as he died, and he was just punishing rape and eliminating evil.
Many people continued to catch up, the servant seemed to go through fire and water for the Xiong family!
Because of their stupidity, Ying Changge understood that without killing them, it is impossible to ask about the whereabouts of the Xiong family.
With the sword in hand, Ying Chang Singer’s sword never stopped, he continued to slash and attack, killing the surroundings.
Ping Ping Ping Ping, one after another of the sword’s edge came down and hit the servant, and they couldn’t get close for a while.
Although the servants are numerous and powerful, they have no ability to deal with Shang Ying Changge.
Watching Ying Changge come in and out, killing people, the lineup of servants was disrupted.
A few more people fell to the ground, Ying Changge mercilessly killed them with a sword.
Blood was sprayed, and they died just like that. Among the servants, a few more died in battle, which was a bit embarrassing.

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