Jianfeng is only ferocious, but has no power. From this point of view, it is really ordinary, which is really funny.
So, he rushed up immediately, and then hit up hard, scratching Cao Kong’s body.
Unprepared for a moment, he couldn’t block the sword at all, so he fell down in a panic.
This time, Cao Kong didn’t hit the wall, but fell directly to the ground, squatting 0…
His butt hurt, and he stood up angrily. Cao Kong wanted to continue to fight back, but he saw that Ying Changge was approaching.
When he was close at hand, the sword’s edge immediately came down quickly, and Ying Changge sent out the weapon and stabbed him.
A wound was opened on his chest, Cao Kong grinned in pain, and he was even prepared to guard against this attack.
Quickly raised his sword, and hit backhand, he tried to stab Ying Changge’s body, seriously injuring him.
However, Ying Changge’s martial arts were so strong and mysterious that Cao Kong couldn’t hit him with a single sword.
He dodged immediately, and at the same time pulled out his sword edge, blood sprayed, and the blood spattered for five steps.
Cao Kong’s body trembled in pain, his face was pale, but he was not to be outdone.
Holding his sword abruptly, Cao Kong covered the wound on his chest, and then stood up immediately.
Even if he died, Cao Kong couldn’t die in the hands of Ying Changge, but he had to die with him.
With a cold snort, his body wobbled, Cao Kong was almost unable to stand on the ground, wobbling.
He couldn’t control his own figure at 4.9, his body was so bulky, bruised and bleeding profusely.
Seeing Ying Changge’s tenacity and his strength, Cao Kong panicked even more.
He didn’t say anything, but Cao Kong was already begging for mercy, and he didn’t want to continue fighting.
If possible, Cao Kong is more willing to turn the fight with Ying Changge into a jade silk, so that he can leave.
He took bribes, practiced favoritism, and did many evil things. He was really selfish.
But the current situation is such that Cao Kong completely has no chance, he can’t kill Ying Changge.
Chapter 493 Throw yourself into a trap, seek your own death!
But under Ying Changge’s sword, he couldn’t escape, and Cao Kong didn’t have any way to escape.
Although there were no common people in all directions, this made Cao Kong continue to deal with him.
Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is so fierce that he has always had the upper hand in the fight with Cao Kong.
Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many skills.
No one can stop Ying Changge’s sword edge, his martial arts are very superb in the world.
Even without Cao Kong’s obstruction, Ying Changge would have already wiped them all out.
Now, Cao Qi was out of breath, and he still had to continue to hold his weapon despite his scars.
If there is no way to escape, he will kill Ying Changge. After all, Ying Changge is chasing and killing him endlessly.
Sitting helplessly at the same spot, Cao Kong felt that 05 had lost all strength in his body.
He was leaning against the wall beside him, and the arm that raised the sword was also wobbly, not stable at all.
Pulling his arm and attacking up to his heart’s content, Cao Kong chased up fiercely again.
boom! Jianfeng is already in front of Ying Changge, but it has almost no power, and it is useless.
Turning around calmly, he slapped hard, and the sword in his hand hit Cao Kong.
Jianfeng was getting faster and faster, so that he had no chance to fight back, and Cao Kong was very weak.
Watching the sword’s edge cracked all around, the sword in Cao Kong’s own hand was cut off.
Trying to resist Ying Changge’s sword, but never expected his sword to be cut off by Ying Changge.
The blade broke into two halves, leaving Cao Kong empty and without any weapons.
Unarmed and unable to stop Ying Changge, Cao Kong panicked again.
He retreated helplessly, approaching the corner, staring at Ying Changge intently, he became angry.
“You really want to be so deceitful!” Cao Kong scolded, spitting out of his mouth.
However, in such an attack, Ying Changge has always attacked without sparing any effort, and is not afraid at all.
Even if it was saliva, Ying Changge dodged easily, and then sealed his throat with a sword.
The blade brushed against Cao Kong’s neck, killing his head on the ground.
The head fell to the ground, Cao Kong’s body was separated, and he fell to the ground stiffly, dying like this.
Seeing that Cao Kong was finally beheaded by himself, Ying Changge smiled reassuringly.
“Okay! Very good! It is because of such stubbornness that he threw himself into a trap and killed himself.”
Looking down at Cao Kong’s body on the ground, Ying Changge turned around and returned to Cao Kong’s mansion.
Anyone who resisted has been killed, Ying Changge immediately ordered people to thoroughly investigate his mansion.
Secondly, Ying Changge immediately reported to Ying Zheng and reported all the evidence of Cao Kong’s crimes.
Seeing all the crimes Cao Kong committed, Ying Zheng was of course furious! “It makes no sense!”
“Anyone who is involved in this case will be killed, and all of them will be killed, and their homes will be ransacked!”
Yingzheng does not allow his Efang Palace to be burned by fire, nor does he want his money to be embezzled by ministers.
In particular, Cao Kong and many other ministers were filled with private pockets and colluded with each other, it is really abominable!
In order to catch all these people in one go, Ying Zheng handed over the full power to Ying Changge to handle the matter.
Ying Changge took the order, so he immediately handed over the list to Ying Zheng, who were all corrupt ministers.
With so many ministers and so many corrupt people, Yingzheng will not let them go, and must be wiped out!
There are many people who have been implicated, and those who committed crimes were all questioned by Ying Zheng.
Ying Changge did it himself, and he sent many people to try to catch all the criminals.
So many people are fruitful, they have embezzled a lot of money, and other crimes.
Otherwise, if these ministers were to get away with it, Ying Changge knew that the government and the opposition would be completely defeated.
He personally dispatched to arrest the ministers one by one, and completely evacuated their mansions.
Because it was a felony, after Yingzheng ordered it, none of the 600 criminals were wanted in their mansions.
All those who resisted were killed, and the rest of the clan were sent to prison for questioning, and all their homes were ransacked.
This move directly made the ministers in the government and the opposition panic, and they were afraid that they would implicate themselves.
The ministers have done many things, many of which are sneaky things.
If it is really going to be caught by Ying Changge, then other people will not be able to survive in the ruling and opposition parties.
With Ying Changge’s violent house raid, this is Ying Zheng’s order, and no one dares to stop it.
He already knew about Cao Kong’s crimes and the guilt of other people, so he will continue to investigate.
All the homes were ransacked, and after being questioned, they died, even under the punishment of justice.
For a while, no one dared to offend Ying Zheng, nor did they dare to touch Ying Changge’s bad luck.
He was afraid that any crime would be placed on the minister’s head, causing the minister to be questioned and ransacked.
Chapter 494 File in, enter it!
Ying Changge’s continued actions caused many people to come in and out to get rid of these criminals.
Although he is busy and lacks skills, Ying Changge has not forgotten that there is another sinner, that is the Xiong family. “Before, the Xiong family sent the men in black to assassinate me. Now it’s time for them to pay a certain price.”
After Ying Changge finished dealing with these pocketed guys, he was about to deal with the Xiong family.
The Xiong family has a rebellious heart and is a family of rebellious officials and thieves. Ying Changge absolutely does not allow them to be arrogant.
Letting go of the Xiong family means being irresponsible to oneself, and Qin will be even more dangerous.
Ying Changge wants to stabilize Chao Gang, so it is absolutely impossible to give up the Xiong family, and he will continue to eradicate the other party.
However, before dealing with the Xiong family, Ying Changge still had some things to do, and he had to do it himself.
Immediately divide the property obtained from the ransack into two, and then cut half of it out.
Because the Afang Palace was burned down a little, Yingzheng needed to rebuild the Afang Palace.
In order to avoid other hard work, Ying Changge rewarded all these property to the workers who built the Efang Palace.
The folks got the rewards they deserved, they were very happy, and continued to sing Ying Changge.
It is precisely because of Ying Changge’s reward that these peasants will work harder and continue to work.
He led his team to the Xiong’s house immediately, and Ying Changge was about to implicate the Xiong’s family for questioning.
When they arrived at the Xiong’s mansion, Ying Changge ordered his men to continue to surround them and break in.
The door was locked from the inside, but Ying Changge and his party didn’t care at all, they rushed in immediately.
The gate of the mansion was forced open, and then Ying Changge filed in and entered it.
There were not many people in the mansion, but most of them were busy. It seemed that they were packing their bags and preparing to leave.
Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, “Tell the master of your family to come out, I am Ying Changge~‖!”
Leading so many people to eradicate the Xiong family, Ying Changge naturally did his part, and it was even more impossible not to leave no one behind.
The servants of the Xiong family blocked Ying ChangThe whereabouts of the song, they had obviously heard of Ying Changge’s name.
Therefore, every servant has a ferocious face, even so eerie, full of murderous intent.
“If you want to see the master of my family, you can’t control yourself!” “Don’t even think about it! Get out!”
In this Xiong’s family, the servants are all dogs, and they don’t pay attention to Ying Changge at all, “Looking for death!”

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