“If I don’t have evidence, how could I come here!” Ying Changge was also very indifferent.
“The Xiong family assassinated my man in black, but I captured a few of them alive, and they have already confessed.”
“Take you down, and then capture everyone in Xiong’s family, and I will be able to catch you all in one go.”
“What!” Hearing that Ying Changge had captured the man in black from the Xiong family, Cao Kong’s expression changed, and he was very flustered.
He suddenly became very guilty, and he dared not do anything or say anything.
Staring at Ying Changge, Cao Kong unknowingly took a few steps back immediately, he was terrified.
Cao Kong is so guilty, Ying Changge is naturally right, not to mention he already has evidence.
This guy, in the Efang Palace, recklessly embezzled money, corrupted the law, and ate up everything.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
With an ugly appearance, he is really ashamed to be a prison censor! Ying Changge must question him personally.
For a while, Cao Kong was in a dilemma. He couldn’t let himself be caught by Ying Changge and thrown into prison.
After hesitating, he turned around and wanted to escape, so that he could leave this place completely and escape from the sky.
Otherwise, if it falls into the hands of Ying Changge, I’m afraid it will be easy to confess all the crimes and fall into the trap.
“Come on! Stop them!” Cao Kong shouted, and immediately turned around and ran into the house.
…… 0 0
How could Ying Changge let Cao Kong escape! All he has to do is continue to attack unscrupulously!
“Want to run? It’s just wishful thinking! Catch up with me!” Ying Changge shouted.
The furious group of people charged immediately and walked out from behind Ying Changge, trying to intercept him.
Cao Kong has already spoken, and the others will naturally not sit idly by.
All the thugs in the mansion stood up, armed with weapons, and stopped Ying Changge and his party.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cao Kong continued to evade in a hurry, and he fled to a further place all at once.
Wouldn’t it be beautiful to fish in troubled waters, slip away through the back door, and completely escape Ying Changge’s pursuit.
Otherwise, if he was really going to be caught by Ying Changge, Cao Kong knew that he would be completely dead.
So, walking fast, dodging quickly, Cao Kong disappeared without a trace.
Ying Changge stood where he was. He was a little angry when he saw so many people blocking his way.
“You guys, do you really think you can kill me casually! My status is not ordinary.” Van.
Chapter 482 The sword edge is overflowing and buzzing!
“Today, I am here to apprehend Cao Kong, because he has already committed a heinous crime, do you know that!”
Stretching out his hand and pointing at the thugs who surrounded him, Ying Changge said righteously, “Back off!”
“Otherwise, if you continue to help the evildoers, you will also be punished and killed!”
Ying Changge, who was upright, tried to scare off these thugs and capture Cao Kong.
However, these thugs just looked left and right, and took a careful look, without any timidity.
Since they are following Cao Kong’s orders, they must abide by such rules without any problems.
Therefore, if Ying Changge was intercepted, there would be no turning back! “600” they can only continue to fight.
“Rest, this place is our lord’s territory, it is wishful thinking to intercept us!”
The guards are all loyal, and they will not back down when faced with Ying Changge’s embarrassment.
Ying Changge was fearless in the face of danger, he held his sword with one hand, majestic and ready to move.
With such a stubborn figure of so few people, Cao Kong would easily slip away from Ying Changge.
Therefore, he must kill and kill all the people in one go without mercy.
“Come on! Block them and capture Cao Kong. Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!”
Facing Cao Kong’s remnants, Ying Changge would not hesitate, he took the lead and charged directly.
The majestic figures and the turbulent crowd directly fought together in groups.
Ying Changge’s people and Cao Kong’s people were entangled like this, in the shadow of swords and swords.
Fighting bloody battles and fighting heartily, Cao Kong’s thugs came straight in an endless stream.
Continuously charging and fighting unscrupulously, these two groups fought together with all their might.
Under such a fight, Ying Changge rushed to the front first, and immediately broke through the surroundings.
No one can stop Ying Changge’s swordsmanship, because he is so powerful that it is really hard to resist.
Charged forward, impatiently approaching, Ying Changge killed Cao Kong’s several thugsKnocked down.
These thugs had no chance to guard against them, they were bloody and it was really hard to guard against them.
Under such a fight, several people were knocked down by Ying Changge and fell to the ground.
Seeing such a scene, Cao Kong’s thugs were all terrified and panicked.
But under Ying Changge’s powerful swordsmanship, they are also helpless and unable to be enemies.
boom! The sword edge struck and fell on these thugs. The thugs raised by Cao Kong were just outnumbered.
However, when it comes to the abilities of each of them, they are really ordinary and have no special features.
Ying Changge alone can turn them around, no one is Cao Kong’s opponent.
He attacked unscrupulously, and the sword in his hand hit the weapons of several thugs.
It can be regarded as a benevolent thought, Ying Changge did not kill them directly, but shattered their weapons.
Any weapon is helpless, it can’t kill Ying Changge at all, this move will win.
From far to near, Ying Changge’s figure shuttled among these thugs, swinging his sword heartily.
hum! The sword’s edge overflowed, came buzzing, and knocked several Cao Kong to the ground in embarrassment.
They had no weapons and were empty-handed. They couldn’t stop Ying Changge at all and were kicked out directly.
Several people were stumbling around, and they all fell down in embarrassment amidst Ying Changge’s punches and kicks.
Seriously injured, Cao Kong’s thugs had no power to fight back, so Ying Changge continued to charge 0…
He has only one goal, and that is Cao Kong. It is not surprising that the rest of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals are in front of Ying Changge.
Continuing to attack and volatile, Ying Changge abruptly knocked down a few people, and then went to capture Cao Kong.
Cao Kong ran very fast, but under such an attack, he had no ability.
He can run alone, but under the pursuit of Ying Changge and his party, where can he escape!
Helplessly, he continued to dodge, his figure was already slightly tired, and he was sweating profusely from running.
Under such dealings, everything is very useless, and there are no good opportunities.
As long as he can escape, Cao Kong will not give up! After all, the Dongchuang incident was revealed, and he is now a dead end.
A guilty person will not end well in the hands of Ying Changge and Ying Zheng.
Especially under such a capture, Ying Changge was able to catch Cao Kong, but Cao Kong could not guarantee his own survival.
Therefore, Cao Kong had the opportunity to escape like this by delaying Ying Changge with many thugs.
4.9 Leave through the back door, then ride on the horse, whip the horse fast, and go out of the city without stopping, it will be safe.
Otherwise, under such an attack, Ying Changge’s men would surround Cao Kong and imprison him.
Cao Kong was running, and Ying Changge chased after him. Between the two of them, they were so fast that neither of them would stop.
Ying Changge hasn’t seen Cao Kong yet, but he also knows that the other party is a very cunning person.
Shuttle through the siege of these thugs, before Ying Changge could leave, he saw a figure blocking his way.
This man is tall and burly, with a vigorous appearance, staring at Ying Changge without blinking, full of depression and murderous intent.
Chapter 483: Cao Kong’s Corruption, Favoritism and Fraud!
“Stop!” The man yelled, “I swear to the death to protect my lord! You don’t want to leave!”
This person is the guard in Cao Kong’s mansion, Chen Niuhu, who got his name because his strength is as strong as an ox and a tiger.
Coming in a menacing manner, Chen Niuhu slashed at him without the slightest hesitation.
Attacking quickly and releasing his strength to his heart’s content, the big ring knife in Chen Niuhu’s hand has already fallen.
Ying Changge watched the opponent’s attack helplessly, and immediately dodged in a calm manner, falling aside.
With a sound of ping-pong, the edge of the sword fell and almost bounced the knife in Chen Niuhu’s hand, he was shocked.
The arrogant and conceited Chen Niuhu thought he could kill Ying Changge with a single blow, only then did he realize that he was reckless.
Without any hesitation, Chen Niuhu took a step back, stared at the other party carefully and unblinkingly.
“What kind of guy are you! Why does this body of martial arts look so superb, it’s impossible to guard against it.”
“I am Ying Changge. I am doing justice for the heavens. I want to arrest Cao Kong. Don’t cause trouble. Get back!”
Holding the sword in his hand, Ying Changge was very calm, unrestrained and desolate, and his whole person was very heroic.
Hearing what Ying Changge said, Chen Niuhu was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, “So you are Ying Changge!”
“It’s a pity, I’m sorry, because Master Cao Kong is kind to me, and I must protect him well.”
“You are standing in front of me now. This is a battle of fate. If you want to pass, you have to step over my corpse!”
Chen Niuhu yelled, “My lord will give me delicious and spicy food, and even money that I can’t spend.”
Hearing what Chen Niuhu said, Ying Changge didn’t take it seriously, “But it came out of corruption!”

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