Ying Chang singer ups and downs.
It was impossible for Ying Changge to ignore the silence of the three of them.
He killed one of the men in black at once, smashing his head to the ground.
Seeing the terrified appearance of the other party, Ying Changge also showed a calm smile.
“‘ 〃 Your chances are running out! Come on! Who sent you here!”
The remaining two men in black looked at each other, and then they were terrified and confused.
They are hesitating, what are they talking about! Or don’t say it! Once you open your mouth, you will definitely betray!
If you don’t say it, you will die, it is really difficult! They are very helpless.
Shaking his head, he reluctantly opened his mouth, and one of the men in black immediately said, “Don’t kill us!”
“Let’s say!” So the man in black replied in horror, “It’s the Xiong family, we are Xiong Jiafang.”
Bears? Ying Changge Wei (Li Qianhao) was taken aback for a moment, he thought it was Cao Kong’s person, but he didn’t expect that there was something else involved!
The Xiong family’s heart is attached to the old Zhao, and they should have ransacked the house, but now they are fighting Ying Changge again, it really deserves to be damned.
Ying Changge snorted coldly, feeling that they were defiant, and they were too rampant.
In such a situation, he must severely punish the Xiong family without any relaxation.
Immediately, Ying Changge struck again, and the sword in his hand beheaded two people with ease.
The remaining two men in black also fell to the ground and died, without any ability or noise.
Before, he was aggressive and tried to kill Ying Changge, but now he has died like this.
Chapter 480 Exquisite workmanship, quite weighty!
Everything was deserved, and from the time the man in black attacked Ying Changge, it was already a point of no return.
Therefore, Ying Changge killed these evil men in black and disposed of their bodies.
Then in the Efang Palace, they continued to scramble to put out these fires, the flames were so fierce.
Vigorous and vigorous, the flames are fueled, such a burly flame cannot be suppressed casually.
Ying Changge saw it in his eyes, and naturally he was very helpless. He shook his head directly, very disappointed.
“It’s a pity, the good Efang Palace was burned to pieces by the thieves, it really deserves to die.”
Ying Changge and his team acted swiftly and put out the fire with all their might, and finally stopped the fire.
Such a fierce flame was not able to swallow the entire Efang Palace, and Ying Changge had gained something.
After extinguishing the fire, I found out from the mouth of the man in black who the person instigating them was.
In this way, Ying Changge is relieved, and then he has to continue to deal with crimes.
Xiong’s 600 is also an obstacle, but Ying Changge is not in a hurry, he needs to defeat them one by one without haste.
Whether it is the Xiong family or the manipulation, they must be held accountable carefully.This is certain, otherwise in such a situation, no one would die in his hands.
The cunning villain is extremely vicious, the Xiong family and the manipulator are all in collusion and collusion, it is really unbearable.
Ying Changge ordered people to search carefully in this Efang Palace immediately, trying to find clues.
The Efang Palace, which was half burnt, was in tatters and a mess, and there was almost no intact place.
From the Afang Palace, which was still burning with scorched air, Ying Changge and his party were all careful.
Leave no clues.
After meticulously searching for a while, I finally found some criminal evidence, such as footprints.
The men in black who came to set the fire and assassinated Ying Changge were not the same group, and their whereabouts were different.
One went to the north, and the other went to the south. Ying Changge will continue to investigate.
Searching from such a ground, Ying Changge quickly found the horseshoe prints and knew that they rode away.
After continuing to walk along the road for a while, the group saw a small thing left on the ground!
What was that, Ying Changge immediately asked people to pick it up, and when he picked it up, it turned out to be a token.
Whose token is this, naturally not Ying Changge’s token, he held it in his hand and weighed it.
Exquisite workmanship, quite weighty, this is not a token that ordinary people can have!
The guard next to him immediately spoke, and there was a large character engraved on the token, which was really clear.
It was the token in Cao Kong’s mansion, presumably those people accidentally dropped it after they set fire to it and left.
Ying Changge handed the token to the person next to him, then nodded in satisfaction, “Okay! Very good!”
“With such criminal evidence, we can confront Cao Kong! Don’t hesitate, we will meet him immediately!”
Investigating what was going on in Efang Palace, Cao Kong received the news and burned it up.
what is this! It is clear that they want (afej) to destroy the corpse and destroy it directly, so that there is no evidence.
Ying Changge and his party were in a hurry, and immediately went to Cao Kong’s mansion after fighting the fire in Afang Palace.
More than a dozen people came in an endless stream, and immediately surrounded the main entrance of Cao Kong’s mansion, and Ying Changge walked in quickly.
The doorman wanted to stop Ying Changge, but he drove straight in without any slack.
boom! Pushing the door open, and standing firmly in the front yard of the mansion, Ying Changge asked.
“Where is Cao Kong! Let him come out to meet me! Otherwise, I will catch all of you and leave no one behind!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s scolding words, the people next to him immediately went to report to Cao Kong and ask the adults for advice.
Not long after standing in the courtyard, Ying Changge saw Cao Kong’s figure approaching without haste.
“I don’t know what advice I can give you!” Cao Kong said with a simple and honest smile, “Why did you come to my mansion!”
“It’s very simple. Investigate the corruption and perversion of the law during the construction of your Efang Palace!” Ying Changge said indifferently.
“Especially for you, it is a serious crime to try to burn Efang Palace completely!”
Hearing what Ying Changge said, Cao Kong also had a look of surprise on his face, “Really!”
“For a person like you, you have to speak with reason, instead of slandering indiscriminately!”
Cao Kong patted himself on the chest, “I am upright, I am upright, and I will never play favoritism or cheat.”
“What’s more, I can’t do things like corruption! What do you think!”
With serious eyes, staring at Ying Changge without blinking, Cao Kong tried his best to show his innocence.
“Now, between you and me, we need to have a good understanding and discussion to avoid misunderstanding.”
Now Cao Kong is confident and confident, he is not afraid of anything, because the fire has already invaded Afang Palace.
Once Efang Palace was burned to pieces, it would be impossible to find evidence from the ledger.
With no evidence of crime, Cao Kong was very happy, and he was also very happy, smiling.
Chapter 481 Walk out from behind and try to intercept!
Seeing such a situation, Ying Changge nodded calmly, knowing that Cao Kong was going to be extremely happy and sad.
“You bastard, do you really think I have no evidence!” Ying Changge still looked confident.
Seeing Ying Changge’s calmness, he himself was very curious, not knowing what was going on.
Cao Kong didn’t understand, what evidence could there be among Ying Chang’s singers? ~He didn’t believe it at all.
Shaking his head calmly, Cao Kong was very arrogant, everything was nothing to be afraid of, “Don’t be afraid!”
“I am not afraid of the oblique shadow. I have never done anything bad, so I am naturally fearless.”
“I am also very pleased to hear your words.” Ying Changge laughed.
Cao Kong’s words directly amused Ying Changge, he had never seen a brazen person before.
Since Cao Kong wanted evidence, Ying Changge immediately ordered the people next to him to take out the token.
Ying Changge weighed the token in his hand, and said carefully, “Look! This is the evidence you want!”
“You people from Cao Kong’s mansion, when you went to Efang Palace today, you should never have done anything carefully!”
“Now that this token is left in the Efang Palace, isn’t it giving us a piece of evidence!”
Seeing this token, Cao Kong’s expression was not so good, even very disturbed.
He hesitated to speak, with a ferocious expression on his face, and snorted coldly. He was really unwilling to show weakness, and couldn’t swallow this breath.
“That’s it! It’s impossible to punish me with an unwarranted token!”
With a wave of Cao Kong’s hand, the whole person will show a menacing and righteous appearance.
It seemed that Ying Changge was the one who slandered Cao Kong and made troubles against him, full of acting skills.
Since it is Cao Kong, he doesn’t even think so.sin, Ying Changge said, “Then I will ask you for advice.”
“You, Cao Kong, enriched your private pockets in Efang Palace, and even involved other officials, and even the Xiong family.”
“These things can’t be erased simply, you left evidence of crime!”
“With so much evidence, it is justifiable for me to kill you directly!”
“If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, repent and surrender yourself, then maybe you can survive.”
Ying Changge immediately threatened, “Otherwise, I will kill you all over your family and kill your nine clans.”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Cao Kong immediately laughed three times, “Impossible! I didn’t!”
“I don’t know anything about enriching my own pocket or about the Xiong family!”
At this moment, Cao Kong actually seemed very aggrieved, “You can’t slap a slap, you have to be careful.”

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