“So what!” Chen Niuhu snorted coldly, “As long as you eat and drink well, even if you snatch it!”
Ying Changge sighed, “It turns out that you are a bandit, a robber, and the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.”
Ignoring Ying Changge’s taunt, Chen Niuhu majesticly raised the knife in his hand and continued to come!
“You don’t understand, this is the world of the weak and the strong, no one can deprive me of my bowl!”
The saber in Chen Niuhu’s hand was fierce, even very violent, and it stabbed Li Luo’s body all at once.
Under such an attack, Li Luo was very calm, he raised hisOne’s own sword edge continues to be the enemy.
Cao Kong is corrupt, favoritism and fraud, and the people under him are all like this, the top beam is not straight and the bottom beam is crooked.
Therefore, Ying Changge was merciless, he continued to attack, and couldn’t wait to kill Chen Niuhu.
Only by killing Chen Niuhu can Ying Changge continue to hunt down Cao Kong and intercept him.
Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Ying Changge to chase after Cao Kong after he escaped.
Continue to roam, continue to kill Chen Niuhu, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer is as fast as the wind and lightning.
Ping ping pong pong, after a few crisp sounds, it hit Chen Niuhu’s blade.
If it was a competition of strength, Ying Changge’s physique really couldn’t stop Chen Niuhu.
Ying Changge only has very high attainments in swordsmanship, but he is not very old and his strength is not at its peak.
Chen Niuhu is different, he is an adult, even a big and three rough, very brave.
Under such a fight, Ying Changge continued to attack in a hurry and hit Chen Niuhu.
Chen Niuhu gathered all his strength, his figure was like a mountain, and he couldn’t be beaten back at all.
In order to capture Cao Kong, Ying Changge was very aggressive, and he would not back down even a single step, fighting to his heart’s content.
On the contrary, Chen Niuhu, the guardian, was really loyal to Cao Kong and directly blocked him.
If he confronted Chen Niuhu, Ying Changge would naturally deal with it well and kill him.
Otherwise, if you continue to fight against the enemy like this, I’m afraid it will be difficult for even a few people to defeat such abilities.
As he continued to shoot, the sword edge was approaching, and he was in a hurry, trying to block Chen Niuhu’s burly body.
However, Chen Niuhu kept approaching, with a knife raised in his body, full of murderous aura, very vicious.
boom! Hitting up, it hit Ying Changge’s body all at once, trying to seriously injure him to the ground.
Ying Changge’s figure was so dexterous, he would never compromise in such a situation.
Continued to attack, continued to swing the big knife unscrupulously, Chen Niuhu’s offensive did not stop.
With dense attacks and a set of sprinting sword skills, Chen Niuhu has already blocked Ying Changge’s way.
If Ying Changge wanted to go after Cao Kong, he could only get rid of Chen Niuhu, a master guardian.
As Chen Niuhu said, if you really want to find Cao Kong, you can only step over his corpse.
Quick shot, fast attack, his attack is so fast, causing trouble.
boom! The sword’s edge had already hit Chen Niuhu’s knife, and the two figures collided with each other.
Seeing such an offensive, Chen Niuhu curled his lips in disdain, “That’s all!”
Relying on his own strength, he went up bravely and continued to entangle Ying Changge, not letting him leave at all.
Chapter 484 Don’t dare to move, don’t take your eyes off!
In such a confrontation, everything is very dangerous, and it is not easy to escape.
Unhurried Ying Changge continued to attack, the sword in his hand was no longer going to charge head-on.
Once it collided with Chen Niuhu’s big sword, Ying Changge’s own sword would probably be sent flying.
He held it tightly in his hand, and then continued to stab the sword in his hand quickly, stabbing it to his ribs.
Swinging the big knife, Chen Niuhu showed his flaws all of a sudden, his arms were empty.
When the blade hit, the knife in his own hand had already revealed an opportunity.
Although it is not fatal, it is also a very conspicuous flaw! So he dodged quickly.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge came very quickly, and he couldn’t easily avoid it by himself.
boom! The sword edge struck down, hitting Chen Niuhu’s swiftness, and hit his body right in the middle.
The burly figure of Chen Niuhu couldn’t help shaking. He was injured and sprayed with blood.
With a knife in one hand, he immediately covered his wound with the other and continued to retreat. He had already stopped.
Not daring to move, staring at Ying Changge intently, Chen Niuhu bared his teeth and showed a smile.
“Good! Very good! I never expected that your swordsmanship is so superb, it really surprises me!”
“Kill you, I don’t know if Mr. Cao will give me a generous reward!” He was eager to move.
However, after hearing Chen Niuhu’s words, Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “Of course it’s impossible~‖.”
“Because you don’t have this chance, I can easily kill you as soon as I make a move, that’s enough!”
“Behead and kill your nursing home, and then go to question Cao Kong, and everyone in your mansion will not be able to escape.”
Ying Changge is serious, even very tidy, completely righteous.
Chen Niuhu didn’t believe it, because he would protect Cao Kong to the death, thus delaying Cao Kong’s departure as soon as possible.
Under such a fight, Chen Niuhu and Ying Changge spared no effort, even mighty and domineering.
The murderous Chen Niuhu didn’t care about his chest injury at all, such an injury was very minor.
It can even be ignored directly, Chen Niuhu will continue to rush up and fight with Ying Changge.
With a quick shot and a hearty fight, the big knife in his hand fell continuously, hitting Ying Changge right in the middle.
For a moment, Ying Changge dodged quickly. He would not run away, but he had to confront Chen Niuhu head-on.
The sword in his hand is so dexterous, and Ying Changge’s figure is also swift, dancing like a butterfly.
Dodging Chen Niuhu’s blade, Ying Changge approached Chen Niuhu in an instant.
Ying Changge always took advantage of Chen Niuhu’s swinging the knife, so that he could have enough power.
Otherwise, once the mighty Chen Niuhu collided head-on with Ying Changge, he would really be unstoppable.
He is very smart, and even more dexterous, and the swords in his hand are still going away in an endless stream.
boom! kickTrapped on Chen Niuhu’s body, Chen Niuhu’s figure was still standing firmly in place.
But the wound was kicked, which made him grin his teeth for a while, with a grim face in pain.
Ying Changge’s attack would not stop, he continued to approach, fighting around Chen Niuhu.
For such a tall and thick guy, his strength is brutal enough, but he has no dexterity to speak of.
As long as Ying Changge uses his nimble steps to fight him, then he has no ability to speak of.
Even though Chen Niuhu was so volatile, the weapons in his own hands were also in such a mess, falling to the bottom.
In such a fierce battle, Chen Niuhu became more and more brave, he didn’t care about his injuries.
Especially in this turmoil of swords, lights and swords, if you are not careful, you will definitely be completely damaged.
It’s just that it’s okay to be injured, but if he is killed, Chen Niuhu might feel worthless for himself.
With a cold snort, Chen Niuhu strode closer, and immediately grabbed Ying Changge’s arm.
In order to defeat Ying Changge, he used all his knives on Ying Changge.
Every successive attack was full of awe-inspiring murderousness and ferocity.
Not to be outdone, Chen Niuhu had to forcibly split Ying Changge into two halves, so that he could end up happily.
Chen Niuhu caught him all at once, but Ying Changge didn’t rush, he continued to attack so calmly.
(Wang’s) Hum! The sword was swift, and stabbed Chen Niuhu’s face at once, trying to gouge out his eyeballs.
The face is the key point, once it is disfigured, Chen Niuhu will not be able to continue to be the nurse.
He snorted coldly, and quickly blocked the knife in his hand to protect his face.
This kind of attack is useless, if it comes with a bang, Chen Niuhu’s knife will block the dodge.
But since it was Ying Changge’s offensive, how could it be so ordinary! The blade twisted.
With a whoosh, the blade immediately changed direction, avoiding Chen Niuhu’s blade in an instant.
Seeing such a sword change direction, Chen Niuhu panicked.
Chapter 485 Swords and swords, ping-ping-pong-pong!
He hastily babbled to dodge, trying to use his knife to intercept Ying Changge again.
Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is ever-changing, and with a single sword edge, he already has different tricks.
Under such a fight, Ying Changge attacked chatteringly, and the sword edge landed on him deftly.
hum! The sword edge rubbed against each other, easily drawing a scar on Chen Niuhu’s shoulder, and blood flowed out.
“There’s no reason for that!” Losing to Ying Changge made Chen Niuhu more or less embarrassed.
Very annoyed, he continued to attack, and swung the knife in his hand vigorously, trying to stop Ying Changge.
Ying Changge is a very clever guy. He understands that after he succeeds with a sword, he must change positions.
Quickly retreating and dodging quickly, Ying Changge brushed past Chen Niuhu’s blade.
Chen Niuhu’s knife hit the ground, hacking the floor tiles with continuous cracks.
However, when it fell in front of Ying Changge 600 all of a sudden, wouldn’t this Chen Niuhu’s knife give him a chance.
With a dexterous posture, Ying Changge jumped up quickly, stepped on the blade firmly, and suppressed it.

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