They came in swarms, with sword aura, and all the afterimages of Ying Changge’s sword hit the man in black.
All of a sudden, the men in black were covered with bruises all over their bodies, bleeding profusely.
Grinning and staring at Ying Changge, the men in black had hideous faces, and they were desperately fighting for the reward.
Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. The only reason why the man in black is alive is because of this thought 4.9.
In order to live and kill Ying Changge, the man in black will not hold back, but will continue to attack.
Although the men in black were injured, they still stared at Ying Changge intently.
They are like hunting dogs, they will never let Ying Changge go, they have to know the men first.
The fire in Efang Palace is already much smaller, the flame that used to be as tall as a person is now weaker.
Ying Changge asked the others to continue to fight the fire. He wanted to save A Fang Gong and even retain the evidence.
The man in black wants to take these in front of Ying Changge and burn everything into nothingness, that’s impossible! .
Chapter 478: The Tiger Raises the Wind, the Sword Edge Strikes!
Calm and confident, Ying Changge still stood here, staring at a few people intently.
These men in black are already able to die for the mission, even if the mission fails, they are not afraid of being smashed to pieces!
Desperadoes, the cultivated dead men all have thisWith the same determination and consciousness, they will not back down easily.
Knowing that he could not defeat Ying Changge, the man in black still had to continue to fight and fight.
Although the identity of the masked men in black is unknown, Ying Changge has already figured out their martial arts.
Although these men in black are very fierce, they are nothing more than that, and have no other skills.
Ying Changge used a small trick to show his sword edge, and he was able to overwhelm the heroes and repel the man in black.
The sword edge in his hand was stained with blood, and the blood drops fell drop by drop, and Ying Changge’s momentum was like a rainbow.
The invincible Ying Changge has high martial arts skills, and he meticulously intercepts everyone in black. 05.
Even if these men in black approach aggressively, they may not be able to kill Ying Changge.
Relying on his own efforts to turn the tide, Ying Changge was dumbfounded when he saw these men in black.
Knowing that he couldn’t kill himself, the man in black continued to attack, it was extremely stupid.
Since these men in black don’t shed tears when they see the coffin, then Ying Changge will kill them all.
Otherwise, when will these men in black continue to make things difficult for Ying Changge?
Ying Changge wanted to kill them all one by one, and then extinguish the fire in Afang Palace, so as to protect the evidence.
Otherwise, letting these men in black escape in such a chaotic place will only make Ying Changge’s bamboo basket fetch water in vain.
Ying Changge not only wanted to kill them, but even got clues from the man in black.
Any evidence is very important. Ying Changge must keep Afang Palace in order to bring the wicked to justice.
Especially the culprit who sent the man in black, how could Ying Changge sit idly by!
If he wanted to kill himself, then Ying Changge had to go back and kill the other party, leaving no room for mercy.
Seeing Ying Changge’s figure approaching again with his own eyes, several men in black hurriedly raised their hands.
Raising their weapons, they quickly blocked Ying Changge’s attack, and the men in black continued to block in groups.
boom! The sword edge landed on Ying Changge’s body, but it did not block Ying Changge’s sword edge.
Several men in black wanted to kill Ying Changge, the swords in their hands were so swift, dazzling.
A dense attack fell on Ying Changge, just to kill Ying Changge so that he could leave this place.
However, Ying Changge’s martial arts skills are superb, and ordinary people cannot guard against Ying Changge’s sword.
The man in black chattered and fought fiercely with Ying Changge, but Ying Changge continued to charge.
Even in the face of so many men in black, Ying Changge continued to attack without fear.
The tiger and the tiger are blowing, and the sword’s edge strikes, and the sword’s edge in Ying Chang’s singer is full of afterimages, filling the left and right.
The men in black came here one after another, just to block such an attack.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s sword couldn’t be stopped, and the men in black dodged in embarrassment.
hum! The blade swept across, and Ying Changge had already beheaded a man in black, while the rest retreated.
Holding the sword in his hand, Ying Changge stood upright in front of these men in black.
“Your abilities are so mediocre, how could you kill me!” Ying Changge shook his head.
“The people who sent you are so stupid! There is no way to kill me! It is a waste of effort.”
Ying Changge is not boasting, nor is he talking nonsense, but that he has few opponents with ease.
Even if a group of people charged up, Ying Changge could easily kill these men in black.
The formation was already chaotic on its own, but the man in black stood still but had no ability to continue charging.
On the contrary, a group of people are still surrounding Ying Changge, the men in black don’t know how to advance or retreat, they are still so ferocious.
He stared at the crowd expressionlessly, then raised the sword in his hand, flashing a faint light, “How about it!”
“You guys want to continue to attack, so that you can catch them all in one go, and throw yourself into the trap!” Ying Changge sneered.
Several men in black stood on the ground. They were so nervous and fearful that they didn’t dare to say anything.
On the contrary, Ying Changge was upright and upright, without any signs of pressure or fear.
“You guys die! To die in my hands is a very beautiful thing!”
Swinging his sword, Ying Changge was aggressive. He would not show mercy and continued to attack.
A group of men in black were so fierce, but unfortunately they still couldn’t defend against Ying Changge’s attack.
Ying Changge went from far to near, he was surrounded by this group of men in black alone, and started killing.
The sword edge in his own hand was still attacking fiercely, aggressive and full of offensive.
Now that he knew that these people were instigated by others, Ying Changge had to extort a confession by words and deeds, and let them tell the whole story.
hum! The sharp edge of the sword struck up, and Ying Changge easily killed several people.
Ying Changge looked down on these men in black, they were just such a mob, overreaching.
Chapter 479 Nonstop Footsteps, Nonstop Figures!
Ying Chang singer Zhongjian continued to force out, in order to catch the remaining men in black and kill them one by one.
The attack was fierce and the blade was sharp. For a while, many people couldn’t stop Ying Changge.
When Ying Changge fought with a group of men in black, the men in black retreated steadily, and they panicked.
Standing helplessly, the man in black was already planning to leave to avoid other dangers.
Otherwise, there is no way to escape at this moment, and so many men in black will be killed by Ying Changge’s sword.
Ying Changge was aggressive, and his swords came one after another, blocking a group of men in black.
In particular, many people in black are running away in an endless stream, and they have already lost their morale.
Chattering from behind continued to chase up, Ying Changge’s figure was brave, like a tiger descendingMountain.
Otherwise, under such a fight, the man in black would have been able to resist Ying Changge in close combat.
Ying Changge was entangled endlessly, his swordsmanship was so fierce, he wanted to drive the men in black to death.
Jianfeng up and down, hostile to the man in black, Ying Changge Jiren Tianxiang, it is impossible to be counter-killed.
Especially Ying Changge, who came in a mighty way, and when the sword fell, he beheaded the two of them in an instant.
The two men in black fell to the ground and died. The remaining men in black had no choice but to continue to hide.
Otherwise, under such a fight, the men in black, who are difficult to fight against, would be wiped out and die in the Efang Palace.
Entrusted by others and obeying orders, more than half of the men in black fled away in panic.
What kind of person is Ying Changge, how could it be possible for them to leave and come as soon as they say it!
These men in black with sinister intentions aggressively assassinated Ying Changge in order to kill Ying Changge, without mercy.
The men in black who intend to eradicate Ying Changge are all murderous, and they will retreat immediately if they are difficult to be hostile.
Isn’t it true that the man in black doesn’t pay attention to Ying Changge, and no one is in his eyes! What a ridiculous thing.
Therefore, Ying Changge continued to attack aggressively, and he waved his weapon in a hurry.
Such a weapon fell on the men in black, leaving them covered with scars and bleeding profusely.
boom! Staggering and falling to the ground, the man in black was beheaded by Ying Changge before he even had time to struggle.
With non-stop footsteps and figures, Ying Changge continued to run wildly, the sword in his hand was continuous.
It hit the men in black hard, leaving them bruised and in pain.
One by one the guys died in battle like this, Ying Changge shot mercilessly, doing justice for the heavens, an act of justice.
hum! The sword edge approached, and finally intercepted the few men in black in front of him.
Ying Changge didn’t change his face, and smiled contemptuously, “In this way, you are already dead without a place to bury~‖!”
“Come on! Who sent you here! Whose subordinates are you!” Ying Changge scolded intently.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, the men in black shook their heads by accident, “Impossible!”
“We will never speak! We will not tell you anything! Give up!”
These three men in black share the same hatred and the same caliber, and they will never give Ying Changge a real answer.
After hearing the answers from the men in black, Ying Changge smiled calmly.
“Good! Very good! You are loyal and courageous, you are so loyal to your master!”

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