A man in black retreated, and many men in black rushed up, they were tireless.
Chapter 476 Murderous Aura Soaring, Extraordinary!
With such a fight and unscrupulous attack, the murderous man in black vowed not to stop until Ying Changge was killed.
Under such entanglement, everything is very fast, and Ying Changge’s sword is so bright.
The chattering attack came up, killing several people easily, and the lineup of the men in black was reduced.
In the Efang Palace that was on fire, Ying Changge was serious, staring at everyone with his eyes like torches.
“A bunch of ambitious fellows, do you really think they can kill me! They’re going to catch me without a fight!”
With a loud shout, Ying Changge tried to use his righteousness to scold and leave these men in black.
However, the men in black will not retreat so easily, they are still stalemate in place.
Staring at Ying Changge intently, the man in black looked as if he wanted to eat Ying Changge.
They are alive and well, very brave, and they must fight to the end when they are ordered, ~perseverance.
Even though Ying Changge’s skills are superb and difficult to entangle, but the men in black – there are still so many people!
With so many men in black walking up one by one, they can stab Ying-Changge to death one by one.
Ying Changge is not superhuman, and the men in black are not so afraid of him.
Clenching the weapons in their hands, men in black came up aggressively one by one, trying to continue the fight.
He unhurriedly raised the sword edge in his hand, but such an offensive was just a bluff.
In such a fierce round, Ying Changge already knew the skills of these men in black.
It was unremarkable, and there was almost nothing too eye-catching, so Ying Changge wanted to continue to attack.
Unscrupulously waving the sword in his hand, Ying Changge took the lead and led the army to charge up.
Fighting alone, he rushed into the siege of the men in black and attacked unscrupulously.
The sword in his hand slashed across the body of several people, sweeping away thousands of troops, which surprised the man in black.
There was nothing they could do, even though the man in black ordered to kill Ying Changge, they just backed away now.
Ying Changge charged quickly, his figure didn’t stop at all, he was already swinging his sword.
The sword’s edge was flustered, leaving behind afterimages, which hit the man in black, invulnerable.
None of them could stop Ying Changge’s sword, but the man in black still focused on resisting it.
The sword in his hand stabbed out vigorously, and the blade of the sword hit the head of one of the men in black in the blink of an eye.
Raising the knife in his hand and falling, Ying Changge’s sword split open his head, and blood sprayed out for five steps.
The man in black staggered and fell to his death in a pool of blood. Ying Changge was very fierce.
With such fierce swordsmanship, all the men in black couldn’t resist his attack for a while.
He chattered and released his sword moves, and for a while, the murderous aura had permeated several people.
The man in black’s sword was so fast that the man in black couldn’t defend against it.
boom! Jianfeng immediately hit and fell, hitting the men in black again, and messing up their lineup.
The messy formation, the panic-stricken men in black, they still stood in front of Ying Changge holding their weapons.
But for a while, they were already at a loss, they were dumbfounded, and they really couldn’t stop Ying Changge.
Ying Changge smiled slightly, everything was already in his hands, and his eyes revealed calmness.
“How! You’re not going to get caught without a fight, are you willing to die!” Ying Changge swung his sword.
The blade was stained with a lot of blood, and when it was shaken, the blood drops fell on the ground.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
These are the blood of the men in black. They look ordinary, but they are actually the blood of several people.
There are so many bloodstains, which means that Ying Changge killed several evil guys with ease.
Letting their bodies fall to the ground, Ying Changge’s eyes were calm, still staring at the man in black without blinking.
There were a lot of men in black before, dozens of them mighty and mighty, murderous, unusual.
However, at this moment, Ying Changge charged fiercely, and he couldn’t wait to attack, killing everything.
….. … ….. …
“Anyone who wants to assassinate me has already committed a heinous crime, and there is only death in the end.”
“Do you want to die or live!” Ying Changge scolded mercilessly, he was full of righteousness.
Facing these insidious and cunning guys, his eyes were still so calm and full of coldness.
Although Ying Changge’s righteous words were invincible, he couldn’t convince these men in black.
Stubborn, they would not shed tears when they saw the coffin, they had only one thought, and that was to kill Ying Changge.
This is their task, to kill Ying Changge and erase all evidence in Afang Palace.
They rushed here in a hurry, and when they met the target of Ying Changge, they naturally wanted to catch him all at once.
Otherwise, even if Ying Changge couldn’t be killed, he would have to dismantle Ying Changge’s arms and legs to show his loyalty.
“Stop talking nonsense! We are bound to win! Kill you, and we will get enough rewards!”
“Wealth and wealth are in danger. If you die, you can’t blame us. Who told you to be Ying Changge!”
The men in black retorted one by one, they expressed their opinions, it was extremely arrogant, unrecognizable.
Chapter 477 Straight to the point, open and aboveboard!
These guys dare to fight like this because they have the backing behind them, they have something to rely on, and they pretend to be powerful.
Therefore, Ying Changge not only wants to catch all these men in black, but he even needs to catch the real culprit.
Who sent these men in black with a murderous look, intending to surround and assassinate themselves?
No matter who they are, they are all daring guys, Ying Changge will not sit idly by.
Facing the black hands behind the scenes, he must punish them severely, so that he can kill any evil person.
In Ying Changge’s eyes, the man in black is no longer a soldier, but a key prisoner for torture.
Anyway, they will be caught in the “583” at the end, and the struggle at this moment is nothing more than a dying struggle.
Staring at Ying Changge without blinking, the men in black looked left and right, and they looked at each other.
Surreptitiously gestured with their eyes, and then several people hurriedly approached and started killing.
The man in black subtly negotiated a formation, and several people immediately formed a large formation to attack.
A few people were in front, and a few people were behind, spread out, and then the sword’s edge stabbed at Ying Changge continuously.
Ying Changge looked at their lineup, calm and calm, he immediately raised his hand to fight back.
The sword in his hand is very brave, and his uprightness is full of fierceness, Ying Changge does not retreat but advances.
Facing the enemy head-on, Ying Changge was brave. In front of so many men in black, he fought alone and was evenly matched.
The fire in Efang Palace has been extinguished a little, at least the fire is not so outrageous.
A scorching sea of ​​flames was burning around, but for Ying Changge, Efang Palace had a chance to be saved.
As long as this kind of fire doesn’t continue to burn, it can form this violent light scattered around.
At that time, not only Ying Changge, but even these men in black will be trapped in the fire.
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s people were agile and very useful. They put out fires continuously and extinguished many places.
In this way, after waiting for a while, the fire in Efang Palace will be completely extinguished, which is really good.
Ying Changge stood at the same spot, the sword in his hand stabbing out endlessly.
hum! The sword edge approached and landed on several people, disrupting the formation of the men in black.
But these guys seem to have made up their minds, and they are not afraid of Ying Changge Jianfeng at all, they are united.
Even though Ying Changge’s sword fell in front of him, the man in black continued to attack endlessly.
They formed a big formation, and the big formation was so solid that it seemed to be in a hurry and full of power.
This kind of power came before Ying Changge, and with more blows, he could easily suppress Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge would just let it go and be defeated like this! Impossible!
He continuously released his sword edge, and the sword edge slashed on several men in black again and again.
The formation is unpredictable, and the figure of the man in black is light, always exchanging his own figure continuously.
Under such a collision, everyone was pulled to contain each other, and the formation was once again disordered.
Staring at several people intently, Ying Changge’s sword is very brave, straight and aboveboard.
boom! The sword’s edge hit the ground with ease, and several men in black were thrown down in a panic.
Facing the formation of men in black, Ying Changge remained calm and calm, without any hint of fear.
Even if the enemy is outnumbered, Ying Changge can still kill everyone with his superb swordsmanship. …
There was no way to suppress Ying Changge, and the men in black once again fell into a disadvantageous position.
They were in a hurry, in a mess, and stood in place all of a sudden, helpless.
Shaking their heads helplessly, the men in black still persevered, and they continued to stand up.
Ying Changge was almost invincible, but the man in black had orders and had to obey.
When Jianfeng arrived, the surrounding people had already collapsed in embarrassment, and there was almost no chance.
Ying Changge’s figure is still so fast, he can always kill many lights and shadows.

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