They appeared around Ying Changge and surrounded a group of people, “Go to hell!”
The man in black came aggressively and murderously, blocking Ying Changge so that he could kill them.
Ying Changge carried the bucket and poured the bucket’s water on the fire before going to confront the enemy.
He pulled out the sword edge at his waist, and immediately firmly blocked the attack of the man in black.
A group of men in black are so fierce, they not only set fire to Afang Palace, but also kill Ying Changge.
Because Cao Kong already had an order, and if the chance coincided, he must kill the enemy.
As long as Ying Changge dies, there will be other issues immediately, and Cao Kong will not be investigated.
The criminal evidence in Efang Palace will also be completely wiped out, disappearing into thin air and turning into nothing.
The fire continued to burn continuously, and the fire in Efang Palace would soon be extinguished.
If Ying Changge was blocked by the men in black at this time, they would definitely be burned to death.
He couldn’t just watch the fire burning A Fang Gong to death, so Ying Changge ordered others to continue fighting the fire.
On the contrary, Ying Changge himself couldn’t wait to fight, intending to kill these men in black.
Men in black came in droves one by one, and they couldn’t wait to kill the men in black.
After being fought by many people, Ying Changge took his time and decided to save A Fang Gong.
No matter how many men in black stand in front of him, Ying Changge will raise his sword to fight back.
The men in black came in groups, aggressively approaching Ying Changge.
Ying Changge was very fast, and the sword in his hand was so swift that it stabbed several people.
Relying on his large number of people, the man in black, who hides his head and shows his tail, is about to kill Ying Changge impatiently.
In the fire of Efang Palace, Ying Changge’s figure was so tenacious, in order to kill.
Everyone in black is very vicious, and the weapons in the hands of the men in black are coming in an endless stream.
In this sea of ​​swords, lights and swords, everything is very anxious, especially when there is still a big fire around.
The fire in Efang Palace was out of control, and the fire continued to burn, engulfing the surrounding Efang Palace.
These palaces and pillars are already covered with a layer of flames, and the flames have no intention of stopping.
Not only the burning, but the dashing flames almost burned Ying Changge’s body, burning him to death.
Ying Changge didn’t understand why these men in black took such risks, they wished they could die together with Ying Changge.
Otherwise, under such a fight, Ying Changge and a group of people would be killed, leaving no one behind.
However, the fire in Efang Palace didn’t have any chance to stop at all, and continued to burn endlessly.
In the fire, Ying Changge and these men in black would easily be burned to death and become mummy.
This place is dangerous, especially with so many killers trying to kill Ying Changge, it is a life and death situation.
Fighting to the death, he waved his sword endlessly, and continued to fight with the man in black.
The aggressive men in black didn’t know how to advance or retreat, they swung their swords recklessly.
With swords, lights and swords, a fierce offensive came down vigorously, trying to kill Ying Changge in pieces.
Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is superb, and his own abilities are so fierce, how could he be so afraid!
Therefore, his sword edge chattered to attack, blocking the sword edge of these men in black to protect himself.
In Efang Palace, everything was scorching in the fire, and Ying Changge was roasted so hot.
If you are not careful, Ying Changge’s clothes are very easy to be spread and burned by the fire next to him.
Such ferocious flames continued to burn, and the people brought by Ying Changge were also fighting the fire non-stop.
After the man in black saw such a scene, he also wanted to kill Ying Changge’s guards.
Ying ChanggeSeeing it in his eyes, he continued to fight back in disdain, stabbing sharply with the sword in his hand, beheading the man in black.
A man in black who approached Ying Changge was killed just like that, and fell to the ground staggeringly (Li Qianhao).
Seeing this person fell in a pool of blood, Ying Changge stood with a sword in his hand, he was majestic, “` 〃Who else~‖!”
“You stupid guys, you dare to kill me, you are really stupid!”
Raising the sword in his hand, Ying Changge yelled, righteously, “Come and kill one!”
“Two kill one pair! I will kill all of you men in black!”
The menacing Ying Changge stood where he was, he was quite heroic, as if he was in charge of everything.
On the contrary, several other people stood opposite Ying Changge, not knowing what to do for a while.
The man in black was helpless.
Chapter 475: The sword’s edge is approaching, and the rays of light intersect!
Shocked by Ying Changge’s swordsmanship, a group of men in black were helpless as they looked at each other.
They stared intently and meticulously at Ying Changge’s movements, while the men in black were thinking seriously.
Otherwise, under such a fight, they would be easily wiped out by Ying Changge and wiped out.
This is not the purpose of the man in black. Burn down the Efang Palace and eradicate Ying Changge, and the task is successfully completed.
Ying Changge blocked several people with a sword, and they all stood helplessly, not daring to move.
Now it’s not about playing around, but fighting and killing. Ying Changge will not give up, he wants to suppress A Fang Gong.
Not only because of the fire in Efang Palace, Ying Changge also wanted to collect more evidence.
At this moment, the many men in black who shot must have obeyed Cao Kong’s order.
Blocking the man in black, Ying Changge was full of murderous aura, and he wanted to hold the 583 here for the final safety.
The people behind were still releasing their swords in an endless stream, especially the weapons in their hands, which emerged one after another.
The continued fighting couldn’t wait to attack, and the men in black came in groups to kill Ying Changge.
In the attack of so many weapons, Ying Changge was calm, and he counterattacked calmly.
The sword’s edge collided, and you came and went. Relying on his own strength, Ying Changge blocked many people.
Any attack is useless, these men in black cannot easily kill Ying Changge.
Ying Changge is capable and powerful in martial arts, and his own practice is very advanced.
Continuing to attack calmly, his sword landed on the surroundings, killing and killing, forming an explosion.
It was obviously just a sword thrust out, but there were dense afterimages, forming a ray of light.
Ying Changge’s swift sword, (afej) thrust out unusually, and landed on several men in black.
Arrogant and domineering approached, but the attack of the man in black could not stop Ying Changge’s attack.
They fought back in embarrassment, and the weapons in their hands were even more difficult to resist this sharp sword edge.
The sword edge pressed and fell around, forming afterimages, and seriously injured several men in black.
Under the fight between the man in black and Ying Changge, Ying Changge was alone, and he was helpless.
However, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he continued to swing his sword aggressively.
The sword’s edge approached, and the light intersected. The man in black and Ying Changge were fighting each other.
In the midst of the turmoil, Ying Changge approached with strides and broke the chest of the man in black.
Another black-clothed man who didn’t want to die died in front of Ying Changge, and he killed him.
Approaching unimpeded, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer had already beheaded several men in black.
These mobs, in front of Ying Changge, are just so ordinary.
Even if he bullies the few with more, in Ying Changge’s view, he is struggling to the death and doing useless work.
Continuing the aggressive fighting, the merciless Ying Changge wanted to eradicate them all, leaving no one behind.
The sword edge overflowed, and a little sword light came, and it had already stably broken the bodies of several people.
Several men in black were injured. They were defeated by Ying Changge, but they were not killed yet.
The fight with Ying Changge continued, and the men in black felt terrified and panicked.
Never expected that Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is so powerful, it’s hard to guard against!
If many people approached, Ying Changge might be devastated, with corpses strewn all over the place.
In Efang Palace, amidst the fire, they attacked unscrupulously, and the men in black were in groups.
In order to kill Ying Changge, they ran non-stop, in a hurry, and never put down the weapons in their hands.
With repeated attacks and unparalleled collisions, the group of people are already in dire straits.
Fighting against each other, swords and swords, Ying Changge fought against the insidiousness of these men in black alone.
The other guards who followed Ying Changge were dedicated to fighting the fire and putting out Afang Palace.
This kind of battle was very fierce, and the battle between Ying Changge and the man in black never stopped.
He came quickly and fought back bravely. Under such a fight, there is almost no place to stand.
Watching helplessly as the group surrounded him, Ying Changge raised his sword calmly.
Wherever Jianfeng went, a group of people stumbled and fell to the ground without surviving.
One by one, the men in black were dead and wounded. They faced the enemy Ying Changge head-on, and they were slightly inferior.
The man in black was indeed very fast, his figure was so swift that he approached Ying Changge in no time.
From far to near, unscrupulous fighting, under the impact of the sword, everything is blazing.
It could be seen that these men in black kept chattering endlessly in order to kill themselves.
But how could Ying Changge stop! The sword in his own hand continued to slap away.
boom! The sword’s edge landed on the shoulder of one of the men in black, and he was beaten and fled.

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