Under such a contest, many ministers knew Ying Changge’s fierceness and tenacity.
All of a sudden, they didn’t dare to bully Ying Changge or take any offense.
Coupled with Ying Zheng’s ignorance of Ying Changge, the ministers did not dare to provoke Ying Changge.
Yingzheng’s ignorance is the most suspicious thing, and the ministers understand that this is a kind of partiality.
Hu Hai’s palace was destroyed, but there was no blame or punishment for such a grand deed.
This shows that Ying Zheng is already on Ying Changge’s side, ignoring the humiliated Hu Hai.
From such a situation, the ministers immediately understood such an important situation.
They are all mediocre ministers, they just want to go up and down every day, and they don’t have much ambition at all.
With a lesson like Hu Hai’s, several ministers will not continue to learn from Hu Hai’s appearance.
Ying Changge destroyed Hu Hai’s palace and immediately became a good name, and everyone agreed with it.
Several days had passed since this incident, Hu Hai didn’t dare to say anything, and Ying Zheng didn’t say a word.
In such a silent situation, Ying Changge’s arrogance shocked all the ministers even more.
Not only that, Ying Zheng even ordered him to continue investigating other matters to avoid any crisis.
After returning, Ying Changge did not stop easily, he immediately searched the ministers in the government and the opposition.
Soon, he found some criminal evidence, which was very strange and mysterious. That is the history of supervisors.
The censor, Cao Kong, filled his pockets, and even embezzled and embezzled the money for the construction of Afang Palace.
The ministers responsible for the construction of Efang Palace all had problems. They colluded with Cao Kong to deceive Yingzheng.
After investigating such a thing, Ying Changge is not in a hurry, and he will not act rashly!
After taking a good rest in his mansion, Ying Changge ordered people to leave the next day.
In order to investigate Cao Kong carefully, Ying Changge sent a few smart people to inspect.
Keeping an eye on Cao Kong, Ying Changge wants to see from him who is there and Cao Kong is anxious about this guy.
Cao Kong is just a small fish,Ying Changge wanted to catch them all, so naturally there would be no problem.
Corruption and bribery, enriching private pockets, made Cao Kong and his party rich! It’s really hateful.
Ying Changge will not sit idly by, let alone stop, and even continue to investigate.
Sent a few people to follow Cao Kong, and Ying Changge also investigated things around Cao Kong.  …
The past few days seem to be calm and calm, without any incidents, but people in the government and the opposition are panicked.
None of the ministers knew what Ying Changge was doing, but it was precisely because of this that they were uneasy.
Hu Hai’s palace has been destroyed, I don’t know who will be the next unlucky one!
Gathering together, the ministers chattered and discussed in order to inquire about such gossip.
Regarding Ying Changge, all the ministers’ eyes fell on him, and they began to pay attention to Ying Changge’s movements.
On the contrary, it was Cao Kong, whose thoughts were very quick, and immediately inquired about Ying Changge’s guards.
Almost all the people around Ying Changge are loyal, but Cao Kong also has his own eyes and ears.
In the city, Cao Kong’s contacts spread all over the city, and there are people who are used by him everywhere.
It only took a whole morning, and Cao Kong soon found out that Ying Changge was investigating the matter of Afang Palace.
After hearing this, Cao Kong was a little flustered, and he was very guilty, what to do for a while.
“It’s really unreasonable. Ying Changge actually set his sights on 4.9 A Fang Gong, so I must be exposed too!”
Talking to himself, Cao Kong was very nervous, and he must solve this criminal evidence to avoid mistakes.
For Ying Changge, Cao Kong is not easy to shoot, he can’t just kill Ying Changge directly!
Not only did Cao Kong not have such ability, even he did not have the guts! What a shame.
If he wanted to kill Ying Changge, Cao Kong would naturally move his head, but he had already committed a crime.
If you don’t deal with your own criminal evidence, Cao Kong will move his head when he faces trial.
Chapter 473: Groups and groups with strong will!
After thinking about it, there was an endless stream, Cao Kongzai thought about it carefully, and started his own plan.
So, Cao Kong immediately called a group of his right-hand assistants, “Come here, listen carefully.”
A group of masters knelt down in front of Cao Kong, and the big-headed Cao Kong immediately ordered, “Go and burn down the Efang Palace!”
Since Ying Changge was investigating Afang Palace’s account books, it meant that there was an omission in Afang Palace.
As long as the Efang Palace is burned down, Ying Changge will have no way to investigate and there will be no evidence.
After hearing Cao Kong’s order, this group of masters immediately set off and quickly went to Afang Palace.
In this way, Cao Kong felt very at ease, and he felt that he could sit back and relax.
Burn down Efang Palace, let his 05 evidence disappear, and Cao Kong will have no problem.
Even if he is being investigated by Ying Changge, Cao Kong will not get angry, and there is no other disparity.
People like Cao Kong and Ying Changge couldn’t sit idly by without being afraid of the slanting shadow.
From the perspective of the situation, Cao Kong is not the same kind of person as Ying Changge, Cao Kong is just good at stealing and cheating.
Especially the corruption in Efang Palace made Cao Kong accept a large sum of money in bribes.
However, before Cao Kong spent the money, he was about to be investigated by Ying Changge, which was painful.
The extremely tormented Cao Kong continued to burn down the Efang Palace, and even colluded with other officials.
As long as they don’t let go in front of Ying Changge, they won’t reveal any evidence of their crimes.
There is an attempt to collude, Cao Kong feels that once the Efang Palace is burned down, he will usher in a peaceful day.
These ministers all follow the censor, and they all have their own reasons.
Of course, ministers who are in the same rank will not admit their criminal evidence frankly, they will only cover it up.
Constantly covering up his crimes and escaping Ying Changge’s investigation is what Cao Kong has to do.
Otherwise, under such panic, Cao Kong and other ministers would be wiped out.
Therefore, Cao Kong wanted to make a quick decision, to act first, and he must burn Afang Palace completely.
Anyone who dares to prevent Cao Kong from being promoted to an official position and making a fortune will die under his cruel hands.
Ying Changge sent many people to follow Cao Kong and other officials so as to control their movements.
Today, Ying Changge received the news that a group of people came in and out of Cao Kong’s mansion.
After inquiring carefully, Ying Changge realized that they were all ready to go, neat and tidy.
It’s ready to go! Ying Changge was puzzled and ordered his staff to investigate.
Soon, Ying Changge received news again that they seemed to be planning to go to Efang Palace.
What are the people coming out of Cao Kong’s mansion going to Efang Palace? Ying Changge suddenly felt something was wrong.
Oh no! Efang Palace is about to be destroyed! Ying Changge immediately led his troops to continue the pursuit.
Many people followed behind Ying Changge, and then followed to Efang Palace.
The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind, and Ying Changge, who is in a hurry, is going to surround Efang Palace.
A group of people in groups, strong willed.
Especially those who came out of Cao Kong’s mansion had already arrived at Efang Palace.
They were sneaky and mysterious, and they put on night clothes and dressed up like men in black.
No small matter, menacing, these people’s skills are also very fierce, directly approaching A Fang Gong.
Unscrupulously shot, several people couldn’t wait to raise the firewood and packed the wood.
He lit the torch, and threw it in the Efang Palace impatiently, and the flames burst out immediately.
flameSpreading, burning left and right, many torches were thrown in all directions of Efang Palace.
The raging fire immediately ignited, and the magnificent palace with such a powerful fire was ignited.
It was full of traces of brilliance, and the fire was so hot that it enveloped the entire Efang Palace.
When Ying Changge led 583 people to come, he saw the fierce fire.
It’s really unreasonable! Ying Changge immediately ordered his men to treat the fire in Afang Palace.
A group of people were on the left and right, and many people went to fetch water continuously, trying to stop the fire.
Otherwise, if such a fire continues to burn, Efang Palace will be burned directly to ashes.
Once Afang Palace is burned to death, Ying Changge will have no evidence, so he will not be able to convict Cao Kong.
He continued to fight the fire tirelessly, and Ying Changge personally joined in, carrying a bucket and pouring water continuously.
The fire is very huge, even continuous, and the series becomes a piece, and the fire is hot.
Ying Changge’s face was hot from the toast, but he was still able to come and go freely amidst the fire.
The non-stop fire fighting and water spraying made the fire in Efang Palace finally weaken a lot.
As long as Ying Changge and his team continue to fight the fire, then Afang Palace will be rescued by Ying Changge and others.
Chapter 474 Disappears and vanishes into nothingness!
On the contrary, after the fire in Efang Palace was ignited, Ying Changge did not find the arsonist!
Why is this! Where have all the people who set the fire gone! Ying Changge was thinking while fighting the fire.
Just as Ying Changge was fighting the fire, sure enough, a group of men in black came aggressively immediately.

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