In the shadow of swords and swords, Ying Changge is very imposing, full of lore.
Unusually, he continued to attack, and the sword in his hand had already suppressed several people.
Whether it was Hu Hai or the other guards, they just stood by and did not dare to do anything else.
Whoosh! As the sword edge approached quickly, Ying Changge cut off one of the pillars, and the palace was shaken.
In the midst of the earth shaking and mountains shaking, Hu HaiHe and the guards were afraid that they would just die in the collapse and be buried.
So, the helpless Hu Hai immediately left his palace with his guards to avoid the crisis.
Finally realized Ying Changge’s ability, at this moment Hu Hai was very frightened and dared not do anything.
Hu Hai abandoned his palace, he could only retreat immediately, away from Ying Changge.
“Crazy! Crazy! Ying Changge is really crazy!” Hu Hai made a fuss, talking nonsense.
Many people have protected Hu Hai, preventing Hu Hai from making any mistakes here.
Ying Changge’s current sword is not to kill Hu Hai, but to give Hu Hai a blow.
No way, this Yelang arrogant Hu Hai really thought that Ying Changge would be afraid of him!
The sword edge wandered, and the swift impact was on the left and right, Ying Changge continued to run quickly, the sword edge did not stop.
Wherever Ying Changge went, the surroundings were in a mess, and there was no complete place in the palace (afej).
The ground was broken, the walls were shattered, and Ying Changge even cut off several pillars, and the roof was crumbling.
Hu Hai and his guards walked further away, for fear that they would be crushed to death by such ruins.
Letting Ying Changge flex his muscles in the palace alone like this, Hu Hai was already scared.
He and his guards stayed on the left and right, standing far away, staring at Ying Changge’s whereabouts without blinking.
There was no intention of stopping in the palace, and Ying Changge’s sword was overflowing with fierce light.
In a short period of time, Ying Changge had destroyed the palace in a mess and was riddled with scars.
Without the hindrance of Hu Hai and the interference of the guards, Ying Changge’s whereabouts would naturally be faster.
The sword in his hand pierced the wall, leaving a big sword mark, and Ying Changge continued to vent his anger.
Venting to his heart’s content, attacking quickly, Ying Changge was messing around here, but no one dared to stop him.
Once upon a time, in Hu Hai’s palace, someone dared to act so recklessly! Of course not.
Ying Changge can be regarded as unprecedented, and he has turned the world upside down!
No enemy could stop Ying Changge, especially Hu Hai, he didn’t dare himself, how could the guards dare.
Hu Hai, who was motionless, stood in the distance, and the guards around him stood in a row, but they dared not speak out.
The sword in Ying Chang’s singer thrust out hummingly, breaking many pillars.
In terms of swordsmanship, Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is extraordinary, it is the ability to kill enemies on the battlefield.
Even if Hu Hai and his guards flocked to him, they couldn’t kill Ying Changge.
Ying Changge can stand on his own, and his swordsmanship is unparalleled.
With superb swordsmanship and martial arts, anyone who faces Ying Changge is just a dead end.
Fortunately, Hu Hai was quite sensible. He was narrow-minded, and he didn’t let the guards attack.
A group of people stood there helplessly, dumbstruck, watching the chaos.
Ying Changge’s figure rushed in and out continuously, seven in and seven out, destroying the inside and outside of the palace one by one.
Chapter 471 Hold back, dare not speak!
No one can really block Ying Changge’s blow, and this impenetrable palace is also hard to bear.
Kacha, the walls in all directions of the palace were broken and shaky, and they were about to collapse.
Ying Changge, who was not in a hurry, immediately stepped up into the air, and came to the roof of the palace in no time.
At the same time, the palace has been destroyed, completely collapsed, and became ruins ~ buried in the ground.
The palace turned into nothingness and was scattered all over the place. Among the ruins, Ying Changge’s figure – still standing tall!
One sentence completely shocked the people around. Ying Changge’s mighty power was hard to control.
Withdrawing the sword indifferently, staring at Hu Hai without changing his face, Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, “Did you see it!”
“This is what happens when you offend me. This time it’s your palace, but next time it will be your head!”
The aggressive Ying Changge yelled, “Hu Hai, you have to be careful in the future to avoid being caught by me!”
“Otherwise, let your body be separated, and you will have no chance to speak in the future!”
Facing Ying Changge’s ridicule and insults, Hu Hai’s face flushed with anger, and he was full of sternness.
“How dare you do this! You really thought you could kill me!” Hu Hai stood on the spot and opened his hands.
“I’m standing right here! Come stab me and try!” Hu Hai was unwilling to scold him, spitting out blood.
Ying Changge walked up slowly, he held the hilt of the sword again, trying to kill several people.
Feeling Ying Changge’s murderous intent, Hu Hai was very frightened, he quickly backed away, “How dare you!”
Shocked by Ying Changge’s murderous aura, Hu Hai fell to the ground, almost looking like a dog eating shit.
On his own territory, Hu Hai was threatened by Ying Changge, and he was even unable to fight back.
It’s really embarrassing! He scolded angrily, and his legs became very weak when he lay on the ground.
Not daring to get up, and not daring to continue to fight back, Hu Hai could only grit his teeth, his face extremely stiff.
Confronting Ying Changge, Hu Hai can only keep himself as safe as possible, instead of fighting with his life.
Fighting to the death will only make Hu Hai more dangerous, he is not such an irrational person!
Unable to appreciate Ying Changge, let alone like him, Hu Hai’s mind is full of thoughts of killing him.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge can’t be killed, his abilities are so unpredictable.
Once facing any enemy, Ying Changge will fight mercilessly and inflict heavy damage on the enemy.
Knowing Ying Changge’s great achievements on the battlefield, Hu Hai didn’t dare to fight Ying Changge.
Ying Changge has such mighty swordsmanship, if he loses his mind and kills Hu Hai and others, what will happen?manage.
Even if Hu Hai charged all the guards around him, he might not be able to kill Ying Changge.
At this moment, facing Ying Changge’s provocation, Hu Hai chose to hold back and dare not speak.
Hu Hai just clenched his fists and stared at Ying Changge intently, gnashing his teeth.
Seeing Hu Hai’s appearance of daring to be angry but not speaking, Ying Changge was very happy and elated!
Ying Changge was invited by Hu Hai, and then destroyed his palace here.
A quarrel broke out, and during the confrontation, Ying Changge easily destroyed the pillars around him.
Turn the entire palace into nothingness, completely turning it into a large piece of ruins.
In this situation, there is no way to argue and resist.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
So Hu Hai stood by the side helplessly, watching all this, not daring to say much at all.
Ying Changge was majestic and majestic, which shocked Hu Hai’s palace and killed his spirit at the same time.
With a triumphant smile, Ying Changge left here calmly.
Seeing his palace turned into such ruins, Hu Hai was very distressed, but he didn’t say anything.
Staring at Ying Changge’s back without blinking, Hu Hai gritted his teeth, wishing to tear him to pieces.
It’s a shame that this blind man became hardened, as if he was invincible and invincible.
He shook his head helplessly, and then Hu Hai yelled in a low voice, “What are you still doing in a daze! Clean it up!”
Therefore, the guards around Hu Hai immediately came in a hurry to clean up the mess.
Ying Changge destroyed Hu Hai’s palace, which was a very important matter and made people very noisy.
Hu Hai’s hall turned into nothingness, which directly made Hu Hai dare not speak out, and did not dare to provoke Ying Changge for the time being.
Hiding his achievements and fame, Ying Changge waved his sleeves and left like this, even very elated.
Here, everything that happened to Ying Changge and Hu Hai was reported to Ying Zheng by the Black Ice Platform.
After Yingzheng heard about it, he just laughed it off and didn’t care much at all, “Is that so!”
“Shooting and destroying Hu Hai’s palace is equivalent to Ying Changge teaching Hu Hai a lesson!”
Nodding his head disapprovingly, Ying Zheng understood, “I see, it’s not a big deal!”
The actions between Ying Changge and Hu Hai were so shocking, it shocked the government and the public! Where.
Chapter 472 Collusion to deceive Ying Zheng!
The ministers were all talking about things like Ying Changge and Hu Hai, and they were very impressed.
Never thought that Ying Changge dared to destroy Hu Hai’s palace, this is a big deal!
All of a sudden, Hu Hai completely lost his face in the government and the opposition!
Everyone loves to hear and see, and they secretly discuss such a very peculiar thing.
Ying Changge’s reputation is getting sharper and sharper, like a sharp weapon gaining a foothold in the ruling and opposition parties.
The ministers all knew that Ying Changge would become more and more brave. In the court and the opposition, Hu Hai might lose to Ying Changge.
Ying Changge left Hu Hai’s palace “Five Eight Three”, but left behind many rumors and good words.
They all knew that Hu Hai was fierce, but they didn’t expect Ying Changge to be even more overwhelming.

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