“Once you are blind, you will be blind for the rest of your life! Do you think your eyes can be cured!”
Laughing loudly, Hu Hai came up and stood in front of Ying Changge, “Fortunately, you are blind!”
Hu Hai said such words, belittled mercilessly, because he saw the aura of Ying Changge.
The momentum is like a rainbow, and he can easily surpass himself, which is why Hu Hai is so flustered.
Once there is any problem, then Hu Hai’s position may be easily replaced!
Therefore, in his own palace, Hu Hai just wanted to hit Ying Changge’s self-confidence so that he did not dare to commit another crime.
It’s a pity, Ying Changge is not a thing in the pool, it will change into a dragon when encountering the situation. His pride cannot be destroyed.
Seeing Hu Hai’s arrogance, Ying Changge couldn’t help mocking him as just a frog in a well.
“You don’t need to panic, I won’t take your life yet! Just live like this!”
Ying Changge smiled, as if everything was planned and controlled in the palm of his hand.
Hearing Ying Changge’s words, Hu Hai immediately widened his eyes excitedly, “What did you say!”
“You Yelang are arrogant, so self-righteous, do you really think you can bully me!”
Hu Hai was even more excited and danced, “A mere blind man really can’t control himself in front of me!”
To use the most vicious language to stab Ying Changge to death, Hu Hai understood that sometimes, killing people can be done without a sword.
However, standing in front of Hu Hai, Ying Changge’s expression was still so calm, “That’s it!”
“I thought that you called me here for something, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.”
“If you don’t have anything else to do, you should leave safely now!”
“Otherwise, I’ll kill you!” Ying Changge slapped the edge of the sword in his hand.
Seeing Ying Changge’s righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, Hu Hai had to admit that he was a little nervous.
“How dare you! Even if you are Ying Changge, you can’t play wild in my palace, otherwise there will be endless troubles!”
Hu Hai slapped the palm of his hand, then stared at Ying Changge intently and scolded.
“Hurry up and get someone! I’m about to be bullied! Ying Changge is threatening me here and wants to kill me!”
Soon, many guards came to Hu Hai’s side and stopped Ying Changge.
Ying Changge was unmoved, he was still very indifferent, standing in place so calmly, “How about it!”
“You guys, do you really think you can kill me casually! How dare you!”
Ying Changge, who was full of righteousness, immediately scolded, “You guys have the guts of a bear! Come and try to kill me!”
The guards around did not dare to move, but they stared at Ying Changge’s every move without blinking.
Seeing how cautious these people were, Hu Hai didn’t know what to do for a while.
Chapter 469 Rarely is coercion, but more is injured!
He sighed, and then said calmly, “Look at Ying Changge, if the enemy doesn’t move, I won’t move.”
If it is the first to attack Ying Changge, it will only put Hu Hai in a very embarrassing situation, which is very inappropriate.
Otherwise, it would be bad if the stalemate continued. He has his own glory and dignity.
Let Ying Changge make a fuss in his own palace, and after the news spreads, how can Hu Hai gain a foothold in the court!
Evenly matched, inseparable, Hu Hai and Ying Changge confronted each other, unable to order an attack for a while.
He could only watch Ying Changge surrounded by so many people, and would only do it if there was a slight change.
Otherwise, it would be impossible for several people to continue to attack like this, and all efforts and confrontation would be in vain.
Hu Hai didn’t move, and Ying Changge stood there calmly, with a bright smile on his face.
“How! You guys, do you really think you can kill me!” Ying Changge was fearless in the face of danger.
Being upright and upright, he didn’t have any worries at all, and all the embarrassments were like floating clouds in his eyes.
Holding the hilt of the sword indifferently with one hand, Ying Changge asked calmly, “This is your purpose!”
“Call me to your palace, and then waste your tongue with nonsense! How stupid!”
“Hu Hai, people like you, if you want to pay attention to me, why don’t you contribute more to Jiangshan Sheji!”
He raised his arm and pointed at Hu Hai’s nose, “With a disaster like you, it’s hard for the people to live.”
“It’s unreasonable~‖.” “Don’t be disrespectful!” “You simply don’t put us in your eyes.”
Hu Hai’s group of guards alsoAngry, they all tried to find their way back for their master.
Constantly yelling and retorting, the guard was like an obedient dog, barking casually.
Hearing what they said, Ying Changge was still very calm, without any nervous expression.
“What do you think will happen to me! Will you kill me!” Ying Changge scolded contemptuously.
“Which one of you dares to do anything!” Ying Changge drew his sword out of its sheath, and the guards backed away in shock.
They were immediately protected by Hu Hai’s side. Hu Hai was pale, but pretended to be strong.
“What! For no reason, without worry or hatred, you are going to assassinate me in my palace!”
Ying Changge smiled, “All of you are trembling and panicking, right?”
“But you find out! No matter what, I will not kill you! This is inevitable.”
“It’s too early to kill you, Hu Hai, because the time is not ripe.”
Very rational, Ying Changge was not dazzled by anger, he was still very calm.
So he raised the sword in his hand, and Ying Changge shouted, “Who dares to fight to the death with me!”
The roar echoed in the palace.
Faced with Ying Changge’s scolding, everyone looked around, but no one dared to step forward!
Because it was Ying Changge after all! If it is a hasty shot, then it is really helpless.
There is little coercion, but more injuries. When the time comes, how will everyone explain in front of Ying Zheng!
Many guards did not dare to act without Hu Hai’s order, and they just stood there obediently and obediently.
On the contrary, Hu Hai looked cold and stern. He was unwilling to show weakness, but he did not dare to take the initiative to attack.
“You! You are acting presumptuously here with me, you are really arrogant and arrogant!”
Hu Hai accused him indignantly, and he began to panic, trying to find a downhill path for himself.
However, Ying Changge still had such a calm expression, “Are you afraid! Are you afraid of me, a blind man?”
“Nonsense, a bunch of nonsense!” Hu Hai snorted coldly, “‘ 〃 How could I be afraid of you blind man!”
As soon as the words fell, Ying Changge raised the sword in his hand and smashed it to the ground.
The sword light is overflowing, and there are afterimages of the sword edge in all directions, which is simply menacing.
Click, the ground cracked, and a very deep mark was broken on Hu Hai’s palace.
Seeing such movement, Hu Hai’s face was full of jealousy, “You dare to destroy my palace!”
“It would be good if I didn’t hack you to death with a sword. I will save your life today, Hu Hai.” Hu Hai was very flamboyant.
Immediately afterwards, he continued to swing his sword aggressively, his figure was agile, and the edge of the sword filled the surroundings.
It is very simple to kill Ying Changge, but if you want to kill him, Hu Hai may not have a life.
Under such a sharp edge (Li Qianhao), Hu Hai looked ugly and did not let his guards attack Fang after weighing the pros and cons.
Continuously retreating, Hu Hai made room for Ying Changge, even avoiding the left and right.
The guards didn’t have an order, and they didn’t dare to take action. They just protected Hu Hai.
Hu Hai was furious, his face was flushed with anger, and he wished he could kill the other party directly.
After thinking twice, he still shook his head helplessly, and immediately passed Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s figure was unobstructed, and Hu Hai and his guards did not stop him at all. He continued to swing his sword.
The blade pierces the ground, the blade pierces the walls, any palace is useless, full of great power.
Chapter 470 Continue to run, the sword does not stop!
Under such a fight, everything is very ferocious, attacking unscrupulously.
Because of the anger in his heart, Ying Changge’s attack also has a very violent move, with momentum like a rainbow.
Hu Hai and a group of guards didn’t dare to intercept them at all, allowing Ying Changge to continue fighting in this place.
Constantly attacking, constantly continuing to roam the sword, Hu Hai’s palace was in a mess.
The table case was overturned, the walls were pitted, and the ground was mottled and cracked. This is really horrible.
Seeing his palace destroyed and turned into this appearance, Hu Hai was naturally heartbroken.
But so what! Could it be that Hu Hai really wants all the soldiers around him to rush up!
There is nothing that can be done about massacres, and when forced to do so, Hu Hai also has to hold back.
Hu Hai finally regretted it a little. If he knew why 583 was like this, he shouldn’t have invited Ying Changge.
Ying Changge vandalized this place unscrupulously, and even attacked endlessly.
Although it wasn’t killing the enemy on the battlefield, once Ying Changge drew his sword, he became very fierce.
He wanted to make an example to the monkeys, just to suppress Hu Hai, so that he wouldn’t dare to continue talking nonsense to himself.
Hu Hai’s arrogance is specially used to deal with Ying Changge, and Ying Changge doesn’t care about his temper.
No one can fight Ying Changge, and here, Ying Changge is a powerful king.
The insidious and cunning Hu Hai tried to humiliate Ying Changge, but unexpectedly angered him directly.

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