Especially after knowing that Ying Changge was the first to charge, Meng Tian felt more at ease, like a tiger with wings added.
Surrounded the Huns army and trapped them to death here, the Qin army encircled and suppressed them one by one.
The Xiongnu didn’t want to end their lives in such a hasty manner. Among the tribes, there were differences.
Some tribes were already dead, but they continued to fight the Qin army bravely and fearlessly.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
However, in some tribes, a few warriors were killed and disabled in battle, and the tribesmen immediately turned their offensive and ran away.
On the grassland, the Xiongnu army is not a united front, they have ulterior motives and it is difficult to cooperate.
Especially after Touman was captured by Ying Changge, the morale of the Huns was very low and plummeted.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army crusade against the grassland, and scattered the other Huns around in awe.
There is no situation that can explain that the Huns will win, they have already fallen into the swamp of death.
….. … ….. …
Being in the abyss, unable to kill the Qin army, the Huns would only die amidst begging for mercy and bloodshed.
Under such an invasion, Meng Tian’s army had already taken control of the situation, breaking the crisis of the Xiongnu’s defense.
Ying Changge came to Meng Tian’s side, “Let’s continue to attack and wipe out the entire army of the Huns!”
Kill the enemy on the battlefield, leaving no one behind.
“Yes!” Meng Tian nodded earnestly, “It’s impossible for us to come here in vain!”
Leading the army to come here, Meng Tian naturally wanted to kill the Xiongnu army, even the more the better.
One by one, the Huns died in battle, at the hands of Meng Tian, ​​and under the righteous Qin army.
No one could block such an attack, and the others ran away in haste.
As long as they escape from the pursuit of the Qin army, they can survive. The Huns are very timid.
This situation has been fixed, and there are almost no other problems.
If the Qin army continues to charge down, it will inevitably defeat many Huns. This is a stable situation.
On the contrary, the Huns, even if they wanted to escape from the pursuit of the Qin army, there was no way out.
Chapter 467: Killing all kinds of people, invincible!
Sometimes, a tactical retreat is a great strategy! Several tribes did not dare to delay and fled one after another.
It’s a pity that no one can block such an attack, they are all very embarrassed.
The Huns are like prey being chased by hunters, they can only withdraw in a hurry.
It’s just that there are flat grasslands in all directions. For the Qin army, chasing the enemy is very easy.
Just keep on attacking,The last few tribes of the Huns will also die here.
Once other Qin troops approached, the Huns would flee without a fight and could not wait to retreat.
Under the chasing war, the Xiongnu “583” has no advantage, like a bereaved dog.
Meng Tian and Ying Changge continued to kill the enemy as usual, and they charged forward in a hurry.
The Xiongnu army had nothing to do in such a fight, and they had no power to fight back.
Seeing Ying Changge and Meng Tian coming, the Xiongnu could only continue to dodge and retreat in a hurry.
Otherwise, under such a battle, several tribes of the Huns would have been wiped out.
All the Xiongnu who wanted to resist died under the weapons of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Blood flowed into rivers, corpses littered the field, and on the grassland, the remnants of the Huns’ defeated generals continued to run wildly.
Some of them rode horses, and some ran on two legs, in order to avoid the Qin army’s fighting.
The figure of Qin Jun was so fast, they strode around and intercepted the Xiongnu.
Many Huns just want to escape, they have no intention of fighting!
When the Qin army approached like a rainbow, the Xiongnu had nothing else in their eyes and just wanted to escape.
Otherwise, in the struggle between you and me, when will the turmoil on the grassland be calmed down!
impossible! As long as the Qin army continues to fight and fight on the grassland, it will be impossible to calm Ning Ren.
Any attack is so embarrassing, they unscrupulously released a lot of their energy.
The Xiongnu formed a large formation and naively tried to resist the Qin army’s fight, but they were still defeated.
No matter how hard the Huns tried their best, they couldn’t stop Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
The mighty Qin army came continuously, wiped them all out, and wiped out the whole army.
The remaining few Huns also fled in a panic, and they did not dare to continue to fight against the Qin army.
Because once the entanglement continues, it will only make the Huns even more embarrassed and suffer more losses.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian were flanked by two sides, and they each led different soldiers to continue the attack.
All the Xiongnu who stopped the Qin army would die in their pursuit and encirclement.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army continued to slaughter aggressively on the grassland, invincible.
The Huns’ army was already in a state of disunity, and they couldn’t stop the Qin army’s charge at all, and they were defeated.
Under such a battle, the 200,000 troops of the Huns scattered, some fled, some died.
All of a sudden, there were only a lot of corpses left on the battlefield, but no one could live.
Seeing the fire in this scene, Ying Changge was very satisfied, and felt that this battle could be regarded as a great victory.
After repelling Shan Yu’s army and protecting the peace of the grassland, everyone is now withdrawing their troops one after another.
Many corpses piled up like a mountain, piled up horizontally on the grassland, it looks frightening.
Without any hesitation, Ying Changge immediately led his army and left immediately.
The battle on the grassland was very brave, Shan Yu’s army was repelled and had nowhere to go, life or death was unknown.
Ying Changge had already returned to the court, and Ying Zheng was very happy, and even gave many rewards to everyone.
Repelling the Xiongnu, both Ying Changge and Meng Tian made contributions, and Ying Zheng was very satisfied with the clear rewards and punishments.
After accepting the reward with Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge immediately reported the matter of Afang Palace to Ying Zheng.
The construction is about to be completed, and it is estimated that it will be completed in a few days. Ying Zheng is even more happy to hear that.
He was very satisfied, and started to prepare for his other affairs. Yingzheng still has important things to do.
Ying Changge bid farewell and left, returning to his mansion to rest for a while.
The news that Ying Zheng rewarded Ying Changge spread immediately. After all, it was a great achievement to repel the Huns.
The ministers all knew about such things, and Hu Hai also heard that Ying Changge had received many rewards.
Hu Hai was very displeased. He felt that Ying Changge could not be treated like this.
4.9 So, Hu Hai immediately invited in, and went to call this guy into his palace, so that he could be sarcastic.
Ying Changge heard about Hu Hai that day, he had expected it a long time ago, so he took his time.
He fought drums and thunders from the grassland and bravely killed the enemy. Hu Hai was naturally very jealous when he saw it.
Especially this kind of people are narrow-minded, they can do anything for the sake of profit, and they will do anything by hook or by crook.
Therefore, after hearing about the other party, Ying Changge brought his own sword in case of emergency.
He came to Hu Hai’s palace slowly, and soon, Ying Changge met Hu Hai.
Chapter 468: Dressed in fancy clothes with exquisite fabrics!
Hu Hai was dressed in fine clothes, and the fabric was exquisite, which looked expensive at first glance. His expression was cold and stern, full of annoyance.
Seeing Ying Changge approaching him step by step, Hu Hai said directly, “You blind man dares to make meritorious deeds!”
“Everything that happened on the grassland was the work of General Meng Tian! You are just fishing in troubled waters!”
Faced with Hu Hai’s ridicule as soon as he came up, Ying Changge’s expression did not change, he was so calm, “So what!”
“You are just an ordinary minister, but I am Ying Changge, so naturally I want to make meritorious service!”
“On the battlefield, I fought the enemy bravely and was invincible. No one is my opponent.”
“Do you know that any Hun soldier on the grassland is more brave than you, what a man.”
Ying Changge showed an indifferent smile on his plain face, “You just live by stealing and cheating for personal gain.”
Hu Hai never expected that Ying Changge would abuse him so much, his eyes were full of coldness.
He was already furious at 05.
“What are you talking about! You kid, you really think you canIs it enough to be compared with Meng Tian and become a great general? ”
“You have to know, you are just a blind man, and you will be just a useless blind man in this life!”
Hu Hai scolded mercilessly, “If you continue to be blind, then the whole world will be very clean.”
“Otherwise, if you weren’t blind, I’m afraid there will be even more turmoil in the world! What do you think!”
Standing with his hands behind his back, Hu Hai is completely arrogant and ignorant, really arrogant and rude.
However, after hearing Hu Hai’s words, Ying Changge’s expression remained the same, and he smiled slightly, “You are wrong!”
“If I am not blind and my eyes are clear, then I will be able to fight north and south, and fight in all directions.”
“Anyone will die under my sword and become the soul of that sin, unable to harm the government and the public.”
Hu Hai shook his head indifferently, thinking that Ying Changge was so mediocre and had no merits.
“Stop wishful thinking! A blind man is a blind man! How can we reverse the situation!”

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