Before fighting Ying Changge, Touman was more or less suppressed by Ying Changge’s momentum.
But it’s different now. When he came back to his senses, Touman was calm and very calm.
Because the sword in his hand symbolizes the power on the grassland, Touman is not fighting alone.
Continue to charge forward, continue to wave your arms unscrupulously, Touman~ big kill.
The Xiongnu soldiers around them finally came to their senses. They hurriedly approached Ying Changge.
Protect Touman and kill Ying Changge, so that the Xiongnu can protect their Shanyu.
Otherwise, under such a powerful fight, everyone will die under his nose.
Touman yelled, “Give it to me! Whoever kills Ying Changge will be rewarded!”
The other soldiers continued to chase Ying Changge, but Ying Changge was full of vigor, how could they be hostile!
Ying Changge continued to swing the sword in his hand persistently, and the sword’s edge immediately swept away thousands of troops.
Several Xiongnu soldiers who ran up came close, and then died under Ying Changge’s sword.
Falling into a pool of blood, one by one Hun soldiers died like this! There is nothing they can do.
Touman was also very frightened seeing his soldiers helpless.
He gritted his teeth, stared at the opponent intently, and then continued to swing his sword.
After all, Touman is Shan Yu. Since he is Shan Yu, he must continue to lead the battle under such an attack.
At this moment, in front of Ying Changge, one must not lose morale, otherwise the army will be in chaos.
In the aggressive attack, Touman is already fighting with his back, he knows that he has no way out.
With a cold snort, the sword in his hand swung down and pierced Ying Changge’s neck very quickly.
Touman’s sword was full of murderous intent, and it was an unscrupulous attack in order to kill Ying Changge.
But for Ying Changge, such an attack was very calm and useless.
He just continued to swing his sword, and the blade was already in front of Touman’s sword.
With a ping-pong sound, the two blades collided, causing Touman’s figure to take a step back.
Years of inactivity, and even years of not killing the enemy upright, made Touman not as good as before.
Stretching his slightly sore arm, Touman stared at Ying Changge without saying a word.
His hatred for Ying Changge could not be described in words, and Touman was furious.
A mere brat dares to run amok on his own grassland and even attack the army.
Touman has a lot of troops in his hands, and he will definitely wipe out Mengtian’s army when he swoops in to attack.
It’s a pity that Meng Tian’s army is so fierce, especially Ying Changge who takes the lead and is very tyrannical.
The close encounter with the enemy Ying Changge made Touman very hasty, and his life fell into a life-and-death situation.
If he was stabbed to death by Ying Changge’s sword, then Touman would die among his own army.
In this way, his army of Huns will be buried in Mengtian’s army, and there must be a crisis on the grassland.
Will Touman die? Of course not dead! On the contrary, he even wanted to kill Ying Changge and suppress Meng Tian’s army.
Otherwise let Meng Tian grow upIf the army continues to come aggressively, there will be no peace on the grassland.
In particular, Ying Changge continued to come fiercely, and the sword in his hand continued to control Touman.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Touman stared intently at Ying Changge’s sword edge, and he still had to continue to resist the murderous intent.
You come and go, rampage, chatter continue to attack, the duel between the two is very fierce.
Attacking in a hurry and fighting unscrupulously, they showed their powerful strength.
Especially seeing Touman’s hasty actions, Ying Changge has already taken control of the situation.
Approaching quickly and stabbing out continuously, Ying Changge was about to preemptively strike Touman and continue to frighten Touman.
Touman’s figure was very embarrassed in front of Ying Changge, like a mouse crossing the street.
….. ………. 0
Isn’t it very embarrassing to encounter a sneak attack by Ying Changge alone in his own army!
The Shanyu on the grassland was forced to move, and Touman literally insulted his fame.
Faced with Ying Changge’s direct attack, Touman, who continued to resist with his sword in hand, was also chattering.
Unremittingly continued to attack, in order to kill Ying Changge, Touman’s eyes turned red with anger.
The sword in his hand clashed with Ying Changge’s sword, and he became weaker and weaker, and he had no strength at all.
Ying Changge attacked in a hurry, and his sword was so fierce that he was almost invincible.
Under Ying Changge’s persecution, Touman could only retreat cautiously to avoid other crises.
Out of the ordinary, the army is full of swords, lights and swords, and Ying Changge is domineering here with his own strength.
Touman’s soldiers couldn’t even stop Ying Changge, and were directly forced by Ying Changge to fight every step of the way.
Reluctantly raised the sword in his hand to confront it, but Ying Changge’s sword was still slightly better than Fan.
Chapter 462 Face the enemy head-on, three hundred rounds!
His sword edge was so swift, even though he was hitting ping-pong-pong, he still couldn’t escape from Ying Changge.
Touman, who was unable to move an inch, stayed where he was, staring at the opponent intently, trying to fight back.
Ying Changge’s abilities are superb, especially his swordsmanship, which is unrivaled and invincible.
Under such maneuvers, Touman already felt powerless and could not stop Ying Changge at all.
After fighting Touman many times, Ying Changge gained the upper hand more and more.
The edge of the sword came down sharply, so fierce and menacing, it immediately blocked Touman’s path.
Step by step back “five seven zero”, for a while, Touman had no chance of escape.
Among his own army, Touman fell alone, which is really a shame.
Flushing and very excited, Touman grabbed the sword in his hand, intending to block Ying Changge’s attack.
Menacing and coming continuously, Ying Changge will never let Touman go.
There were so many Xiongnu soldiers who came to protect Touman, they approached in groups.
In order to intercept Ying Changge, several Xiongnu soldiers raised their weapons and came brazenly.
Kill Ying Changge and protect Touman, then the Xiongnu army can resist Meng Tian’s army.
Otherwise, Ying Changge had already beheaded Touman before Meng Tian could attack.
Such a situation is really dangerous. They attacked non-stop, and the Xiongnu soldiers had intercepted Ying Changge.
Surrounded by groups, Ying Changge was trapped in place, while the Xiongnu soldiers continued to attack with swords.
Even though he was surrounded by so many soldiers, he continued to attack unhurriedly.
Jianfeng roaming, this is Ying Changge’s only weapon, in order to block the invasion of the crowd.
With one or two strikes and unscrupulous fighting, Ying Changge’s sword moves were all connected together.
Attacking again and again, Ying Changge’s sword has intercepted many Xiongnu soldiers.
Let these Xiongnu soldiers stand in front of him, Ying Changge swept away thousands of troops, showing his murderous intent.
Breaking through the siege of the Xiongnu soldiers aggressively, Ying Changge easily chased Touman down again.
There is no way out, and Touman is very dissatisfied with his current posture.
He never expected that in his mighty army, there was no one who could guard against him.
He continued to shoot, and the sword in his hand stopped Ying Changge’s offensive continuously.
Touman has already sparred with Ying Changge for many rounds, and he knows that the opponent’s sword is very dexterous.
Once the sword’s edge is approaching, it will inevitably make Touman hard to guard against, so he has to pay attention carefully.
Staring helplessly at the approach of Jianfeng, Touman knew that he was already in crisis.
With a loud shout, he slammed the sword in his hand on Ying Changge’s body forcefully, and Touman fought desperately.
The impact of the sword’s edge made Touman’s figure stop in place, and at the same time Ying Changge also stopped.
Blocked by Touman’s sword, Ying Changge didn’t panic, he was still so indifferent and unmoved.
Continuing to fight, the sword in his hand continuously attacked his head, which can be called a heavy blow.
boom! It was a pity that the swords entangled again and even sparked.
Ying Changge’s killer move was suppressed on Touman’s body, but it failed to make Touman bleed and get injured 0…
This is a very pity. Since we are going to fight, we must continue to implement it to the end.
Touman is very frightened at this moment, he is greedy for life and afraid of death, and even more afraid of ruining his great career.
Therefore, Touman has only one thing on his mind now, constantly dealing with Ying Changge’s Jianfeng.
That is to escape! if onlyFleeing among your own army, then there is no other danger.
Otherwise, if he continues to be entangled by Ying Changge, he will leave without any chance of surviving.
He was very sorry for his life, and continued to dodge in embarrassment, and Touman’s sword had already struck marks.
Fortunately, Touman’s sword was honed in 9981 days, very elite.
With such an impact of the sword’s edge, several people can’t block the attack, and it is easy to break the sword’s edge.
Fortunately, the weapon in Touman’s hands was so hard that it was able to block Ying Changge’s attacks again and again.
Facing the enemy head-on, with swords coming down one after another, Ying Changge’s murderous aura shook the world.
Several Xiongnu soldiers around were terrified, unable to block the real 4.9 murderous aura.

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