Coming vigorously, Ying Changge was unimpeded, and few Hun soldiers dared to step forward.
Among the Huns’ army, Ying Changge’s figure was as dazzling as a ray of sunshine.
The surrounding soldiers were frightened and backed away, unable to block Ying Changge’s sword.
The soldiers were almost scared out of their wits, let alone Touman! He is alone.
Although there were many soldiers around, none of the warriors dared to step forward to protect Touman.
Wherever Ying Changge went, there were corpses, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses littered the field.
Chapter 463 Breaking into the enemy army alone, the tiger is in full swing!
The Xiongnu army was defeated, and they were defeated by Ying Changge alone!
Seeing such a situation in his army, Touman’s face was ashen, and he completely lost confidence.
If Ying Changge cannot be killed, Ying Changge will kill Touman. This is already a doomed situation.
Touman swung his sword fluently, and Touman was still dying, so he would not sit still.
If he died like this, the army behind Touman himself would be leaderless, and it would become a display.
Today’s battle with Meng Tian’s army is crucial and determines Touman’s position on the grassland.
Touman regards the vast grassland as his own territory, and he must kill and stop the enemy.
Otherwise, Meng Tian led the army to attack, wouldn’t he want Touman to give up his career!
impossible! Touman wants to stick to his grassland, and even wants to force Meng Tian’s army out.
He chattered on and continued to attack, first to attack Ying Changge, he had to block Ying Changge first.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge continued to rampage among the Xiongnu army, the Xiongnu would definitely be defeated.
Touman was already panting and sweating profusely, but he was still very stalemate.
Because this is a battle of life and death that concerns oneself! Hand-to-hand combat is a major event in a life-and-death duel.
Whether a person’s martial arts is good enough, or not at home, we have to look at his swordsmanship.
After competing with Ying Changge for so long, Touman was not beheaded, so he was considered capable.
Otherwise, if the fight continues, several people will fight for 300 rounds on such a battlefield!
If Ying Changge can’t be killed, Touman’s situation can only be very difficult and dangerous.
Coming from the army, fighting endlessly, Ying Changge killed many people.
These stupid Hun soldiers wanted to kill Ying Changge, but they couldn’t stop him.
Especially since he came here non-stop, he had already killed everyone one by one, forming an earth-shattering aura.
The soldiers around Touman were completely shocked by Ying Changge’s actions, and they didn’t dare to be careless.
Not only did he not dare to move, he didn’t even have any chance to make a move, so he could only kill Ying Changge.
Touman is constantly being forced, his figure is so hasty, he can only dodge and dodge endlessly.
But where can Touman escape on the battlefield?
Among Touman’s army, how many people can stop Ying Changge from fighting recklessly!
The other Hun soldiers didn’t have such abilities at all, and they were all suppressed and couldn’t move an inch.
Standing helplessly on the ground, the other soldiers were dumbstruck, not daring to approach and attack at all.
Ying Changge saw the traces of Touman’s escape, he didn’t rush and continued to shoot.
The continuation of the hostility, the continuation of the attack, is to completely kill Touman.
No matter where Touman escapes to, he will not escape from Ying Changge’s sword.
Panicked and in a hurry, Touman escaped in one go, trying to stay away from this place.
However, behind him, Ying Changge was still chasing after him chattering, without any hindrance or pause.
The sword edge approached, and he struck out quickly. With a buzz, Ying Changge slashed Touman’s leg, causing him to fall to the ground.
Because he didn’t want to kill Touman, to Ying Changge, the living were much more useful than the dead.
Even if Touman is so evil, such a heinous crime, it has a different use.
Ying Changge came forward recklessly, and the elegant and deft sword edge had already blocked Touman’s way.
The hind leg was injured, dripping with blood, Touman grinned in pain, and immediately fell to the ground.
Half-kneeling on the ground, he immediately raised his hand unwillingly, wanting to continue to attack and counterattack.
Seeing Touman’s perseverance, Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, “I won’t cry until I see the coffin!”
Ying Changge’s sword was immediately placed on Touman’s neck, “Throw away the weapon in your hand! Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!”
Touman stared at Ying Changge, his face was full of resentment, his face was full of anger, 583 resentment.
“Ying Changge! How dare you do this! It is impossible for my army to let you go!”! You must die! ”
“That’s not necessarily the case!” Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “I, Qin Jun, are so brave.”
“The Xiongnu army on your grassland is completely unstoppable! Let’s wait to die!”
Hearing what Ying Changge said, Touman still wanted to refute, so he raised his sword like a tiger.
Ying Changge wouldn’t spoil Touman, he immediately raised his sword and landed on Touman.
hum! The sword edge slid, and then easily cut through the skin on Touman’s neck, and the blood flowed continuously.
Touman hurriedly covered his neck in pain, he dared not speak out, and stared straight at Ying Changge.
Standing in front of Touman, condescending, Ying Changge looked so calm, “Be honest!”
“If you don’t want to die, don’t do the fearless struggle!” Ying Changge sneered triumphantly.
Chapter 464 Gritting his teeth, his face is ferocious!
Immediately, he stared at Touman again and yelled, “Throw away the sword in your hand! Otherwise you will surely die!”
After a little hesitation, Touman still threw away his weapon, he was still greedy for life and afraid of death.
Seeing Touman like this, Ying Changge was very satisfied, “Very good! Now you can live.”
Ying Changge found a horse, and then asked Touman to get on the horse immediately, and then he sat behind it.
The two rode on the same horse, and Ying Changge grabbed the reins, held Touman hostage, and rushed away.
The Hun soldiers around finally came to their senses, and they scrambled to intercept Ying Changge’s horse.
But Ying Changge’s riding skills are very superb, how could he be blocked like this! Impossible!
Carrying Touman to continue running wildly, Ying Changge ran wildly on the grassland and disappeared all of a sudden.
Immediately, no one could stop Ying Changge, so Touman was captured alive by Ying Changge.
The Xiongnu army on the grassland was also very chaotic. They kept trying to save Xia Touman.
But no elite cavalry could catch up with Shang Ying Changge, because he ran too fast.
In a short period of time, Ying Changge grabbed Touman and returned to Mengtian’s army, protected by the Qin army.
The war was about to break out, seeing so many Xiongnu troops coming, so Meng Tian continued to attack.
With a wave of his sleeves, the Qin army fought vigorously, and immediately went to attack the Huns’ formation.
When Meng Tian saw that Ying Changge had captured Touman alive, he was very relieved and felt that the trip was worthwhile.
Let many Qin troops follow him down, Meng Tian charged and forced them directly on the opponent.
The Huns had no leader, and the 200,000 army was at a loss all of a sudden, and they seemed very flustered facing the Qin army.
The Xiongnu army was so flustered under such an attack, but Meng Tian’s army took the lead.
Charging heartily, fighting unscrupulously, the grassland is already a mess, fighting bloody battles.
The swords and swords, the shouts shook the sky, and the soldiers kept fighting against the enemy, and their figures were entangled together.
Among the crowds, there were surging murderous intentions everywhere, and the Huns’ army could not stop the Qin army’s surprise attack at all.
Especially Meng Tian personally led the army. He knew how to use soldiers and how to fight, so he charged.
Fighting recklessly, Meng Tian went back and forth among the enemy troops, killing the opponents by surprise.
Ying Changge was in the camp, so he didn’t lead the troops to fight immediately, but tied Touman first.
Touman was captured alive and entered Qin Jun’s camp. He was naturally very ashamed and very angry.
“It’s unreasonable! I’m going to kill you~‖!” Touman, who had been tied up, continued to struggle.
He got up desperately, wanting to continue to fight Ying Changge, but he had no choice.
Staring at Ying Changge helplessly, Touman sat on the ground, gritted his teeth, with a hideous face.
Ying Changge stared at Touman calmly, and he pointed the sword in his hand on Touman’s head.
“You are a mere defeated general, what right do you have to bark in front of me!”
Bind Touman, the Shanyu, into his own army, Ying Changge understood that this battle was a warning.
Without Touman leading the army, the 200,000 army is like a mess, how can they attack with Meng Tian!
Meng Tian only needs to use a few formations casually, then he can easily kill the opponent.
Otherwise, if Touman is left here, can the other Hun army sit idly by!
Once there is any crisis, he will be killed easily, and Ying Changge will not show mercy.
Taking Touman as a hostage first, Meng Tian’s army seemed to have a gold medal for avoiding death, and it was easy to fight.
With the support of Shanyu Touman, the Xiongnu army naturally took care of it, and did not dare to rush up casually.

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