Ying Changge was aggressive, and the aura he displayed was very brave, full of powerful explosions.
In such an attack, not just anyone can block Ying Changge’s sword.
Riding on a horse, he came galloping and beheaded many Xiongnu. Ying Changge continued to approach Touman.
By Touman’s side, so many soldiers couldn’t stop Ying Changge, which is very shameful!
There is no time for such worries! In front of him, Touman wanted to kill Ying Changge no matter what.
Even the archers couldn’t stop Ying Changge’s horse, so Touman sent out many swordsmen.
“Give it to me! Cut Ying Changge into pieces and let him die on our grassland!”
The murderous Ying Changge smiled disdainfully, he didn’t care about Touman’s words at all.
The sword in his hand was so fierce that it came continuously, beheading these rebellious Huns.
With Touman’s order, the five hundred knives and axes approached immediately. They were cautious but rushed quickly.
Approaching from far to near, Daofu couldn’t wait to intercept Ying Changge’s path, trying to block him.
Ying Changge was not in a hurry at all, he immediately pulled the reins, causing the horses to raise their front hooves.
The war horse roared, and the majestic figure fell down, and immediately kicked several Huns.
The Huns had nowhere to escape, and they were immediately trampled to the ground by the horses, their chest bones were broken and they died.
The war horse was frightened, stopped by so many swordsmen, the horsePi did not dare to continue charging.
Touman saw Ying Changge approaching aggressively, and he was also very nervous and cramped.
He raised the sword in his hand, and then slammed it on Ying Changge’s body aggressively.
Touman took the lead, not afraid of such an attack at all, he was already chattering in front of Touman.
Because of Ying Changge’s murderous aura, his offensive completely suppressed everyone.
For a while, few people could block his attack, especially Touman’s soldiers.
Shocked by Ying Changge’s heroism, these Hun soldiers had nowhere to go and stood still.
When the opponent approached from far and near, a group of Xiongnu soldiers were so frightened that they could not move.
Ying Changge’s figure was still so fast, he had already arrived in front of Touman, blocking the opponent’s attack.
Touman’s sword went straight in, trying to cut off Ying Changge’s head, so as to quell the war.
But the opponent is too fierce, there is no such opportunity to resist.
On a rampage, Ying Changge actually went deep into the enemy’s rear and was in the enemy’s stronghold.
With such a heroic and fearless appearance, Ying Changge shocked the Huns so much that they were speechless.
Even Touman was like this, the sword in his hand was intercepted, and the whole person was terrified.
Continue to attack unhurriedly, Touman must take down and kill this hateful guy.
The sword in his hand continued to run rampant, and then rushed out quickly, trying to tear Ying Changge into pieces.
It’s just a pity that the other party is too dexterous, riding on a horse, running around quickly, and coming straight to Touman.
Touman didn’t want to be directly hit by the horse and vomit blood and die, so he avoided in panic.
The war horse galloped forward, and Ying Changge was killed seven times in and seven out of Touman’s camp, blood splattering everywhere.
Anyone who tried to stop Ying Changge died under his fierce weapons, making them invincible.
Against Ying Changge, Touman was more or less at a disadvantage, and he was very panicked and just wanted to escape.
Turning his head and running away, Touman wanted to protect himself from Ying Changge’s menacing attack.
It’s a pity that Ying Chang’s (Li Zhao’s) song’s goal from beginning to end is Touman, and Touman is the key to capturing the thief first.
Shan Yu on the grassland, the leader of the 200,000 enemy troops, after Ying Changge took Touman, everything was safe.
Touman is the most important thing, and Ying Changge’s match against him can be regarded as the most critical contest.
The Hun soldiers around were terrified by this killing spirit and could not avoid it.
They stood there helplessly, not daring to raise the weapons in their hands, not daring to fight back against Ying Changge.
For a moment, only Ying Changge and Touman were left fighting hastily, and they released their anger to their heart’s content.
Now that they were all captured by Ying Changge, it was impossible for Touman to escape.
Chapter 460 Shout out and wave your arms!
No matter where Touman escapes to, Ying Changge will do whatever it takes to obstruct him, so as to try to kill him.
Forced into desperation, Touman raised the sword in his hand and reluctantly fought Ying Changge.
He swung his sword heartily and chattered endlessly to block Ying Changge’s attack.
However, Ying Changge’s sword edge is not so easy to block, his sword is unpredictable.
The sword edge stabbed, and the sword approached, and it had already landed on Touman’s head.
Obviously Ying Changge just stabbed a sword, but in Touman’s eyes, there are many afterimages.
Touman didn’t even know which sword he should guard against was the right choice.
Raising his hand hastily and attacking in a hurry, he hit Ying Changge’s body all at once.
Barely blocking the sword, Touman’s arm, which was struck by the sword’s edge, went numb for a while with a ping-pong sound.
Backing away in a hurry, he raised the 570 sword in his hand, he snorted coldly, and Touman even tried to be brave.
In order to be hostile to Ying Changge, Touman’s sword chattered and continued to attack, trying to intercept Ying Changge.
Ying Changge jumped off the horse, and the sword edge hit Touman’s head heavily, with a murderous look.
Seeing this scene, Touman was also very flustered, and he quickly blocked himself with a horizontal sword.
boom! Ying Changge’s heavy sword edge fell like this, like a mountain pressing down on the top, very fierce.
Ping pong, Touman sword was repelled, he himself was flustered, and hurriedly avoided the crisis.
Seeing this scene, Touman was also very reluctant, he was unwilling to be so humble.
Being suppressed by Ying Changge’s martial arts, Touman looked very embarrassed and did not dare to be careless.
Staring at Touman’s every move, Ying Changge also had a contemptuous smile on his face, “That’s it!”
“I thought Tou Mandan was such a character, but now it seems that he is nothing more than that!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s ridicule, Touman became very excited and his face turned red.
Gritting his teeth and staring at Ying Changge, he raised his sword angrily, “Go to hell!”
Among his own army, Ying Changge came unimpeded, demonstrating the incompetence of Touman soldiers.
So Touman continued to attack without leaving any room, and the sword in his hand whizzed towards Ying Changge.
The sword’s edge came through the air, with a menacing aura, and possessed extraordinary power, which was extraordinary.
But for Touman, this is not all his abilities, he does not have such a strong body.
Ying Changge, who is skilled in swordsmanship, deals with Touman, chasing and killing him endlessly.
Especially seeing Ying Changge’s sword approaching, Touman was very hasty and couldn’t dodge in time.
He quickly raised the sword in his hand, blocked Touman, trying to block Ying Changge’s figure.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s sword is so fierce that the headMan’s helpless father backed away.
Watching this scene, Touman’s expression was very aggrieved, full of ferocious anger.
When Ying Changge’s sword continued to slash, Touman could only dodge and resist in embarrassment.
He was able to become Shan Yu on the grassland, all thanks to his connections and the power behind him, Touman’s martial arts were average.
Once the mediocre Touman attacked with Ying Changge, he would obviously be at a disadvantage.
As Shan Yu, all he can do is control the situation on the grassland, dispatch troops, and direct the war.
If Touman were to fight Ying Changge alone, Touman would have no chance of winning at all.
Staring at such an attack, the sword in his hand also has its own skills, and the blade is rampant.
Constantly swinging, constantly swinging his sword edge, his sword has an extraordinary offensive.
Touman thought he had superb swordsmanship, but only after facing Ying Changge did he discover his shortcomings.
His sword continued to attack fiercely, full of murderous aura, Touman wanted to poke a hole in Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge’s figure was so fast when he killed the enemy on the battlefield, his offensive was almost invincible.
Touman racked his brains to attack, trying to kill Ying Changge, but was always completely intercepted.
The sword in Ying Changsinger was like a shield, precisely blocking Touman’s attack.
On the battlefield, Touman is merciless, waving the back of his hand heartily in order to kill the enemy.
Holding the sword tightly, Touman continued to attack Ying Changge, the sword in his hand was like fighting.
By killing Ying Changge and frightening Meng Tian’s army, Touman will be able to capture Qin’s border in one fell swoop.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge couldn’t be killed so easily, he was very panicked.
Staring at the other party intently, the sword in his hand was also slashing up chatteringly, and Touman went crazy.
Shouting loudly and waving his arms, this attack directly came to Ying Changge.
Touman’s sword was so close, one move after another, they all hit Ying Changge’s vital points.
In order to kill Ying Changge, Touman spared no effort, he stood where he was, and fought back aggressively.
However, Touman’s eyes were so calm, he just stared at Ying Changge without blinking, he was unhurried.
Chapter 461 You come and go, rampage!

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