Since Ying Changge insisted on going his own way, Meng Tian had no choice but to agree.
Touman’s army was already more than ten miles away, and the battle was about to start, so Meng Tian went to prepare immediately.
Continued to march, continued to approach, Touman and Mengtian both continued to narrow the distance of the army.
At noon on this day, Meng Tian led the army to come aggressively, and immediately approached the middle of the grassland.
From a distance, Ying Changge saw Touman’s camp, but it was only a few miles away.
Seeing that Qin Jun took the initiative to attack and came in front of him, Touman also assembled his army of soldiers.
The 200,000-strong army was full of murderous intent, following Touman, ready to fight to the death at any time.
Staring intently at Meng Tian’s army, Touman felt that he didn’t need to worry about it.
It’s just a gang of mobs, Touman can easily wipe out Meng Tian’s army!
Ying Changge came riding unhurriedly, with a sword on his waist and a spear in his hand, he came to the front of the two armies.
Looking at each other from a distance, Touman’s eyes were very puzzled, “You are Meng Tian? It doesn’t look like it!”
After hearing Touman’s words, Ying Changge smiled indifferently, “I am Ying Changge!”
So it was Ying Changge? Touman suddenly realized, in a short while, he already understood a lot.
“The three martial arts masters on the grassland were all killed by you?” Touman was very angry.
After hearing Touman’s words, Ying Changge immediately burst out laughing, “You’re right!”
“It’s me! Not only can I behead three martial arts masters, I’m going to kill you today!”
Ying Changge was very aggressive, showing all his murderous aura, very brave.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Touman also snorted, “It’s just talking nonsense!”
“I know you, Ying Changge’s swordsmanship seems to be well-known! But it’s nothing more than that!”
“You are blind, you can fight against me? It’s just a fluke, this is the most stupid!”
Touman shouted, “Today, I will cut you into pieces and let you die completely.”
Hearing what Touman said, Ying Changge also nodded, “Okay! Let’s fight to the death today!”
In front of the formation of the two armies, there are so many soldiers, a huge crowd, and the murderous aura is all around.  …
There is such a murderous atmosphere in the world, it is impossible for Ying Changge to sit idly by.
As the saying goes, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched. Now that everything is ready, Ying Changge only needs to attack.
He raised the sword in his hand with a very calm expression. Facing the army, he was still calm.
With a cold snort, Touman was also not to be outdone, he immediately retreated and hid in the army.
Waving his hands in a calm manner, Touman immediately shouted, “The whole army goes out and crushes them!”
The Xiongnu army obeyed Touman’s order, so the cavalry charged, came in mighty force, and surrounded the entire army.
Naturally, Meng Tian would not sit idly by, he immediately ordered the soldiers in his hands to fight.
The calm and indifferent Ying Changge also charged immediately, everything was as he expected.
Although Touman is Shanyu, he is greedy for life and afraid of death. When the two armies are fighting, Touman can’t wait to hide directly.
Ying Changge 4.9 If you want to capture Touman alive, you can only catch Touman by going deep behind the enemy lines.
This is indifferent to Ying Changge, in his eyes they are all treated equally, and the Huns are mediocre.
There was a battle between the two armies, and the fight between you and me was very fierce, so aggressive that it was difficult to be hostile.
Riding on the horse, Ying Changge immediately galloped towards the figure of the enemy army, and then he raised his spear.
“Who dares to fight to the death with me!” Ying Changge shouted loudly, and the shout shook the world.
Many horses were frightened and fell to the ground immediately, causing the cavalry of the Huns to lose their formation.
Chapter 458 Ying Changge and his like have a false name!
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge himself who continued to ride the horse and swept the spear in his hand to kill the enemy.
The Huns cavalry came to Li Luo one by one, and they couldn’t wait to kill Ying Changge.
Everyone knows who Ying Changge is, as long as he kills Ying Changge, he will win a big victory.
Otherwise, let Ying Changge charge unscrupulously, and the Xiongnu army will be suppressed.
Ying Changge came on horseback, his figure was so swift, as fast as lightning and like a gust of wind, with indescribable bravery.
Chattering and waving the spear in his hand, Ying Changge killed all the approaching Huns.
Any enemy is just a mob in front of Ying Changge, nothing to be afraid of.
With a brave momentum, 05 invaded the army of the Huns, and every Hun was so embarrassed.
The Huns soldiers couldn’t kill Ying Changge easily, but Ying Changge’s spear was already stained with blood.
Naturally, this was not Ying Changge’s own blood, but the blood of a Hun soldier, and he was full of murderous intent.
Approaching with murderous intentions, the spear in his hand swept across, repelling many enemies.
It is very dangerous for a single figure to shuttle among the thousands of Huns, but he is unstoppable.
Many Hun cavalry approached, trying to surround Ying Changge imperviously and kill him.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s figure didn’t stop, he swung his spear recklessly and beheaded everyone.
Everyone died under Ying Changge, and the Huns soldiers couldn’t stop his attack.
Touman stared at Ying Changge intently, and was also taken aback when he saw his figure approaching.
Not daring to underestimate the enemy carelessly, Touman’s face is so tense, evenBloodless, “Continue to charge!”
“Go and kill Ying Changge first, and whoever kills him will be rewarded! I promise everything!”
After hearing Touman’s words, more soldiers rushed to Ying Changge’s side excitedly.
After all, with Touman’s disparity, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward, and the soldiers of the Huns are as if they have been beaten with chicken blood.
Many Xiongnu soldiers surrounded Ying Changge in a hurry, trying to kill Ying Changge.
What a wonderful thing it is to kill Ying Changge and gain a great disparity! It is worth the risk of the Huns to attack.
Especially the Huns cavalry attacked from all directions, in order to kill Ying Changge.
They kept sneaking up and killing Ying Changge in order to tear Ying Changge into pieces.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge is so fierce, he is not afraid of such fighting and attacking at all.
Continue to cheer up, approaching fiercely on horseback, Ying Changge’s spear pierced the body of a Hun.
Assassinated the Huns to the ground, pulled out the spear in his hand, and then continued to approach Touman.
Knowing Touman’s location already, Ying Changge would not show mercy, and he continued to attack.
The spear in his hand was so brave that he stabbed several Huns endlessly, and Ying Changge fought bloody.
Obeying Touman’s orders, the Xiongnu’s army continued to attack on the grassland, in order to stop Meng Tian’s army.
It’s a pity that these mobs can’t suppress Meng Tian’s army, and Ying Changge is almost here.
Touman was just a mile away, and Ying Changge rode his horse, approaching Touman endlessly.
The surrounding Hun soldiers also came violently, and they showed their most heroic side.
It’s just a pity that there is no way to be brave and foolish. These Huns’ army can’t stop Ying Changge at all.
Touman saw it in his eyes, and his eyes were so cold, even very unconvinced.
It’s just Ying Changge, who actually shuttles among his own army, it’s too contemptuous of him.
Ying Changge and his like have a false name, and Touman feels that the other party is just overestimating their capabilities and seeking their own death.
Since it was Ying Changge who wanted to die, Touman gave him the gift, “Archer, release the arrow!”
Hearing Touman’s order, many soldiers around immediately pulled their arrows.
The longbow collapsed, and immediately, many arrows became a rain of arrows, falling on Ying Changge 570.
Touman tried to use his own archer to directly shoot Ying Changge full of holes, causing him to die directly.
Looking forward to staring at Ying Changge, Touman felt that his army must be able to shoot him into a hornet’s nest.
However, Ying Changge’s riding skills are also very superb, he calmly avoided the arrow.
The dense arrows landed on Ying Changge’s head, which made him dodge quickly on horseback.
The power displayed by the Huns soldiers is also very powerful, and they have a strong enough lineup.
The archer aimed at Ying Changge, and continued to chatter and release his bowstring, killing everyone.
Ying Changge ran around, he continued to approach, continued to fight, the spear in his hand was already vivid.
Blood fell down his long spear, Ying Changge approached him with a murderous look, smelling blood all over his body.
The Xiongnu army around Touman was suppressed by Ying Changge’s aura, and they were terrified.
Chapter 459: Stunned, unable to move!
Dumbfounded, dumbfounded, staring at Ying Changge without blinking, the Xiongnu army was in a hurry.
They continued to load arrows, and under Touman’s urging, they wanted to shoot Ying Changge through and nail him to the ground.
Ying Changge’s figure was continuous, from far to near, approaching Touman in this way.
In his camp, Touman was very angry when he saw Ying Changge’s appearance.
This is an important part of him, how could he be defeated like this! Touman shouted loudly.
“Give it to me! You guys, can’t you kill a blind man!”
Touman waved his fist angrily, “If you don’t die, then your eyes will be shut off.”

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