No one could block such an attack, not even a martial arts master on the grassland.
The shaman high priest was hit in the middle by a meteorite, his body was torn apart, and he died like this.
On the contrary, the white-haired concubine regained half of her life, instead of dying like this, she was seriously injured and fell into a coma.
Ying Changge’s skills are boundless, and it is easy to kill the white-haired concubine at this moment.
But Ying Changge didn’t do that. He felt that it would be useful to keep the white-haired concubine alive.
Therefore, he immediately ordered the soldiers to take away the unconscious white-haired concubine on the ground.
The white-haired concubine lying in a pool of blood didn’t know anything, and was captured immediately.
The other Huns’ armies also died under the impact of this meteorite and fled.
Ying Changge’s army won a complete victory, wiped out the enemy army, and let them escape from this place in despair.
Touman Shanyu wanted to use the martial arts master on the grassland to contain Ying Changge’s army, what happened?
Meng Tian didn’t even go out, and Ying Changge beheaded three martial arts masters by himself.
Under such circumstances, everything is very futile, and the Huns have no way to recover.
Ying Changge led his elite soldiers back to the camp, and the deserters of the Huns also returned to Shan Yu.
Shan Yu was originally waiting for the good news, but when he heard it, all the martial arts masters had been defeated, and he didn’t know whether he was alive or dead.
After hearing such words, Touman was furious, and he overturned the table in front of him.
“It’s unreasonable, a bunch of trash can’t stop the Qin army, what use are you all!”
When Touman was furious, Ying Changge had joined Meng Tian, ​​and his idea was very simple.
That is to break through the Huns’ army and continue to attack aggressively, so as to kill everyone and eradicate Shanyu.
Ying Changge tried to gather the army now and continue to charge, so as to wipe out the Xiongnu army in one go.
Without the help of a martial arts master by his side, Touman Shanyu will be isolated and helpless, like a broken arm.
Without the help of masters, it would be a very good time to conquer Touman now!
Meng Tian obeyed Ying Changge’s order, immediately gathered his own army, and then continued to conquer the grassland.
There are many tribes on the grassland, but the soldiers of these tribes are rare and the defense is weak.
Leading the army to continue the aggressive attack, a group of cavalry fought heartily on the grassland, fighting south and north.
Many Huns tried to resist the attack of Meng Tian’s army, but they all died under his sword.
lingering, helpless counterattack, the soldiers of the Huns seemed isolated and helpless, unable to resist Meng Tian.
Massive killings and special killings, the army came aggressively, and Meng Tian showed his momentum on the grassland.
Any attack is just. The brave and fearless Meng Tian attacked with his army, and the sound of horseshoes was frantic.
Humming, a large group of people are invincible, invincible, and full of powerful strength.
The tribes of the Huns tried to unite in order to counter the attacks and raids of Meng Tian’s army.
Chapter 456 Invasion of the border and invasion with troops!
Everything was futile, and the Huns on the grassland couldn’t even resist Ying Changge alone.
Taking the lead and fighting side by side with Meng Tian, ​​the Qin army can be regarded as invincible on the grassland.
After Touman heard the news, he was naturally very angry. He knew Qin Jun’s goal.
Especially when Meng Tian’s army rushed straight, it was clearly to attack Touman’s own army camp!
Meng Tian wanted to kill Touman, but Touman couldn’t agree to this matter, he wanted to fight back.
In such a life-and-death crisis, everything is very dangerous, and Touman cannot sit idly by.
If you wait for Meng Tian’s army to attack, maybe Touman will be wiped out by the Qin army, and the whole army will be wiped out.
He sighed helplessly, Touman understood theThere are too few people who can use it.
Especially when the three martial arts masters on the grassland were defeated one after another, Touman couldn’t bear it.
He felt that his strength was very ferocious, but now it seemed that – it was nothing more than that.
Since he was going to resist Meng Tian’s army, Touman had to unite as one and fight back vigorously.
He raised the sword in his hand and stood in the camp, “Everyone, listen to my orders!”
“In order to protect our sacred grassland and expel those damned Qin troops, we must protect the frontier land.”
“Continue to attack with chatter, kill every Qin army, and then we will occupy Qin.”
In a heartfelt shout, Touman boosted his morale and cheered up the Huns.
Without any hesitation, Touman immediately mobilized his own manpower, borrowing troops from many tribes.
The grassland is very vast, and there are many tribes, and they have many elite soldiers.
In order to resist Meng Tian’s army, Touman must gather the forces in his hands to the maximum and unite as one!
It had long been expected that Meng Tian’s army would rush in directly, forcing him to come, so Touman naturally had to be on guard.
He gave the order immediately, and borrowed troops as much as he wanted among the many tribes.
The tribes responded to Touman’s order one after another, and they handed over all the warriors in their hands.
Waiting for the opportunity, everything was ready, and in a blink of an eye, Touman had gathered nearly 200,000 troops.
This is not a small amount, Touman is already ready to fight Meng Tian to the death.
As long as they continue to fight, they might be able to kill Meng Tian and defeat these Qin troops.
Once Mengtian’s army is defeated, Touman will immediately let his army continue to attack Qin.
Invade the border, raise troops to invade, and when the time comes, Touman will become the new emperor!
It is precisely because of such a wolfish ambition that Touman will not stop, he will continue to attack.
Any enemy is very weak in Touman’s grand plan and hegemony, and it is completely unstoppable.
Touman will kill anyone who resists him, whether it is Meng Tian or Ying Zheng.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian continued to lead the elite soldiers to continue the attack, approaching each other aggressively, intending to kill.
Otherwise, Touman cannot be killed, and the riots on the grassland will never stop, which is dangerous.
To capture a thief, first capture the king, and to curse a man, first to scold his mother. Ying Changge’s goal is Touman, and he even wants to capture him alive.
After all, sometimes, living people are more useful than dead people, and they can have many uses and provide convenience.
Meng Tian’s army didn’t stop at all, and continued to fight fiercely, killing and killing, destroying the tribe.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
All the tribes did not have such an offensive, they could only be defeated by Meng Tian’s army.
Driving straight in, chattering endlessly, Meng Tian’s army did not intend to stop, but continued to attack.
Continue to attack the Huns tribe.
Battle after battle, victory after victory, made Meng Tian’s army approach Touman smoothly.
He already knew where the camp of Touman’s army was, and Ying Changge and Meng Tian were attacking day and night.
….. ………. 0
The war has already started, the drums are beating, the hooves of the horses are raising, and the Huns’ tribes are full of embarrassing scenes.
The invincible Meng Tian continued to attack, the morale of the army in his hands was high, and it was indescribably brave.
Such a mighty attack is powerful, and the soldiers of several tribes can’t stop Meng Tian at all.
Ying Changge is majestic and majestic, Meng Tian is upright and upright. Under such a struggle, the Huns become weaker and weaker.
On the grassland, the tribal soldiers were defeated very weakly, and they had no chance to attack.
Touman waited for the opportunity and quietly waited for the arrival of the Qin army. He had already deployed the 200,000 troops.
As long as he continues to attack, Touman will definitely be able to fight Meng Tian to the death.
Others are not afraid in front of Touman, he is just worried that Meng Tian’s ability will suppress him.
The Qin army continued to charge and won a complete victory on the grassland, which can be regarded as majestic and turbulent.
Touman would not allow Meng Tian to be so arrogant and domineering. When the 200,000 army was right in front of him, Touman sent troops.
With a flick of his sleeves, the soldiers charged, and the 200,000 troops came in an endless stream, trying to face Meng Tian’s army, Fan Huan.
Chapter 457 Sword at Waist, Spear in Hand!
Ying Changge heard the wind and knew that Touman personally led the army to fight, and understood that this was an opportunity.
As long as Touman is captured from among the ten thousand armies, then Ying Changge will surely make the Hun army leaderless.
Without the general, without the Shan Yu, how can the Huns fight! Just a plate of loose sand.
So Ying Changge came up with a very bold idea, that is, he went to capture Touman alone.
After hearing this, Meng Tian immediately shook his head. He was very worried about Ying Changge’s safety.
Although Ying Changge is a master of swordsmanship and superb swordsmanship, Touman has an army of 200,000 around him.
It is really risky for Ying Changge to capture Touman from the 200,000 army “570”.
After hesitating, Meng Tian immediately shook his head, “No, why don’t we attack openly!”
“After the 200,000 Huns stopped our way, it is not easy to approach Touman!”
Hearing what Meng Tian said, Ying Changge was very indifferent, and he didn’t panic.
Shaking his head indifferently, Ying Changge said, “There is no need for any delay, just go straight in.”
“Shut through the enemy army, intercept Touman, and then naturally the Huns’ army will be defeated without a fight.”
I want to save the world with my second illness
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