Since Touman sent them here, they must continue to attack the next day and the third day.
Ying Changge needs to strike first, and if he finds the other party, he can kill the other party in one go, and that’s enough.
Otherwise, several other people would face such a fight, and few people could stop Touman’s army.
The cavalry is good at charging and attacking, even if it is escaping, it is also a first-class player. Ying Changge needs to deal with it carefully.
Otherwise, it would be very dangerous if the Touman army really took the lead.
Ying Changge continued to investigate the other party’s movements. Touman’s 10,000 troops could not be hidden so easily.
Ying Changge, who came late from behind, continued to follow the other party in order to find a certain opportunity.
Otherwise, if you can’t determine Touman’s position, how can you continue to eradicate Touman’s army!
It is very difficult to catch them all in one go. Ying Changge understands that the advantage of Touman’s army lies in the cavalry.
Even if Mengtian’s cavalry were to fight against Touman’s cavalry, it would only be an evenly matched situation.
Under such a fight, Ying Changge must attack with his subordinates, and it is best to kill the opponent.
It’s a pity that Touman didn’t come to the scene in person, otherwise, Ying Changge would have twisted Touman’s head off.
Ying Changge led his own cavalry to continue searching on this wide ground to pursue the opponent.
This kind of attack is very weak, there is no chance to fight head-on, and Ying Changge is not in a hurry.
If you are too eager for success, it will make yourself and the army even more disadvantageous.
Ying Changge is not fighting alone, there is Meng Tian behind him, and a large army.
The position of Touman’s army has been arranged in a safe enough place, and that is the most important thing.
Otherwise, if the camp of Touman’s army is not stationed carefully enough, it will be easily attacked by surprise.
Ying Changge’s eyes stared straight at the surroundings, in order to find the traces of Touman’s army.
With so many people, ten thousand people coming in and out, it is not so easy to cover up.
The soldiers sent by Meng Tian continued to follow behind him, and Ying Changge was going to find the Touman army camp.
As long as you find out the opponent’s whereabouts, then you can act first and break the opponent first.
Touman’s army has already retreated, but it will definitely not return to Touman’s side, Ying Changge is very sure.
Therefore, he has to explore everything around him clearly and clearly, so as to avoid being touched by the crisis.
Otherwise, there is no way for so many people to just guard the city! He needs to attack.
If you strike first and win the first opportunity, Ying Changge will be able to use five thousand cavalry to follow the opponent’s trail.
No one can escape in front of Ying Changge, because this is his ability.
As long as he continues to search and probe the whereabouts of the Tanman army, Ying Changge will be able to find them.
The position of the enemy’s camp is very important. As long as he finds 537 and reaches the barracks, Meng Tian can lead his troops to support.
At that time, many troops will go together, and naturally they will be able to directly kill Touman’s 10,000 troops.
The opponent is only 10,000 horses, and the advantage of the cavalry is that they can charge unimpeded on this ground.
But for Ying Changge, he didn’t care about it. In his eyes, he was just a mob.
Previously, Touman’s army harassed Meng Tian’s city aggressively, but did not attack it because they had no confidence.
Ying Changge immediately guessed Touman’s aura, which showed that the other party was also cautious.
Touman couldn’t hold back that Meng Tian’s army was outnumbered, so he didn’t dare to come forward to continue the attack.
In this regard, Touman let his 10,000 troops only surround the city, but did not attack.
Under such temptations, Touman’s army Ju Neng had an accurate and unmistakable intelligence report to himself.
Touman intends to make a quick decision so that he can defeat Meng Tian’s army and then attack and enter the city.
But with Ying Changge here, all Touman’s thoughts are just wishful thinking.
Chapter 419 Take the initiative to suppress the Touman enemy army!
Touman’s 10,000 troops disappeared quickly, even if Ying Changge continued to pursue it, there was no way.Seeing a group of people disappear in such a situation, Ying Changge continued to search.
As long as he finds any clues of Touman’s army, Ying Changge will wipe them all out.
Otherwise, if Touman’s army surrounded the city aggressively, Meng Tian’s army would just be unbearable to be harassed.
Leading five thousand cavalry, Ying Changge went round and round, and immediately went around the city to find a place.
From southeast to northwest, in all directions, Ying Changge wanted to find the location of Touman’s army.
There are a total of ten thousand people, they naturally cannot eat and sleep in the open, nor can they take the sky as their cover.
The people in Ying Chang’s singers are all very quiet, their whereabouts are ghostly, and they are not ostentatious.
In order to find Touman’s army, Ying Changge must dig out the lair of this ten thousand soldiers.
Watching helplessly as a group of people continued to travel north and south, Ying Changge continued to walk along the road.
The last place where Touman’s army disappeared was the northernmost part of the city, so Ying Changge searched from the north first.
Meng Tian personally guarded the city, and Ying Changge led the cavalry to chase out, so he was not afraid that the city would be attacked.
After defeating Touman’s army and defending the border, Ying Changge naturally wanted to defend Qin’s territory.
The wishful thinking Touman wants to attack the border of Qin State, so he has to ask Ying Changge if he agrees.
Otherwise, Ying Changge would wipe out Touman’s army and wipe them out.
The cavalry traveled up and down, criss-crossing the four directions, and the soldiers were divided into four groups to find the traces of Touman’s army.
The disappearance of Touman’s army is really a ghost. They just besieged but did not attack, and they did not intend to attack the city.
This shows that Touman is very cautious and does not intend to attack the city recklessly at all. This is to prevent problems before they happen.
It is really stupid to have 10,000 troops come to harass you without intending to attack the city.
Once Ying Changge catches the whereabouts of the ten thousand troops, he will uproot them, leaving no one left.
The disappearing 10,000 army is now naturally going to rectify and rest, and will definitely not attack casually today.
He was only temporarily groping for the movement of Touman’s army, but Ying Changge would not directly charge forward.
Compared with the army in his hands with 10,000 people, Ying Changge still has self-knowledge and will not be so reckless.
It’s just that Touman’s army disappeared so quickly that they couldn’t be found at all in a short time.
Not to be outdone, Ying Changge continued to search. If he wanted to make a quick decision, he must find out the other party’s trace.
As long as the enemy’s whereabouts are found, Ying Changge will report their whereabouts to Meng Tian.
Although Meng Tian is guarding the city at this moment, he can also take the initiative to suppress Touman’s enemy army.
Ying Changge dispersed the cavalry in his hands into several teams, looking for the opponent’s figure.
However, 5,000 people were outside the city, like looking for a needle in a haystack, and it was not easy to find traces of the enemy.
Not discouraged, Ying Changge continued to search, and he scattered many troops in various places.
Outside the city are places where Touman’s army may hide, and cavalry among Ying Chang’s singers emerge in endlessly.
Everyone continued to chase, and they circled the surrounding battlefield non-stop.
Not only Ying Changge himself, but even the other cavalry did not find the whereabouts of Touman’s army.
This made Ying Changge very curious about where this gang of mobs were hiding.
Ying Changge was puzzled, but he continued to lead his cavalry to search and continue to attack.
A group of people searched in groups, trying to capture the whereabouts of the entire Touman army.
It is Ying Changge’s wish to wipe them all out, because he wants to ensure the safety of Qin.
Touman Shanyu harassed his army frequently, trying to harm the territory and people of Qin State.
How could Ying Changge allow Touman’s army to dangle in front of him! This is too much.
Whether it is ten thousand enemy troops or one hundred thousand enemy troops, Ying Changge will regard it as dust and brush it off.
After continuing to search persistently, he soon found the clues of Touman’s army.
After running for several miles, Ying Changge saw the looming camp in the distance.
Rows of tents were stationed on the ground like this. The scale was huge, and it seemed that the visitors were not friendly.
Seeing the traces of Touman’s army (Li Haozhao) and figuring out the opponent’s position, Ying Changge knew that the victory and defeat had been decided.
Just a few Touman soldiers really thought they could provoke their Qin army!
Even if Ying Changge didn’t make a move, Meng Tian would lead the army to wipe out Touman’s soldiers.
Although he saw the traces of Touman’s army, he still wanted to find out the truth carefully.
Although Ying Changge felt that Touman didn’t have such a brain, he still had to be careful.
In order not to startle the snake, the cautious Ying Changge just led a hundred Qingqi and approached Yun cautiously.
Following up step by step, Ying Changge is already hundreds of steps away from the opponent’s camp at this moment.
Chapter 420 Immediately shoot the arrows and shoot the enemy camp!
After getting off the horse, a hundred people followed Ying Changge and lurked up, and then Ying Changge saw the other party’s whereabouts.
There are many soldiers patrolling back and forth in the camp, guarding the safety of the camp.
Seeing the population, Ying Changge observed carefully here, and saw the strength of the opponent.
Numerous troops came in and out, busy in the camp, as if they were preparing fireworks and meals.
It is inappropriate for Ying Changge to attack now, the cavalry around him have completely dispersed.

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