Meng Tian will not let these enemy troops go, all he has to do is to lure them out of the hole.
It is a very dangerous way to let the city gate open, he will not bet on the city.
Therefore, Meng Tian still used the method of aggressive generals, beat drums to cheer, and tried to seduce Touman’s army one by one.
But these Touman troops are still very obedient and will not be seduced by Meng Tian’s tricks at all.
The city is so comfortable, everyone is very nervous, and the situation is even on the verge of breaking out.
But Touman’s army will not approach at all, and their ten thousand cavalry are already ready to go.
On the contrary, it was Meng Tian who let his own city guard, meticulously showing his rigor.
The aggressive Touman army came back and forth, and they ran aggressively outside the city.
Even standing on the city, Ying Changge could feel their murderous aura, it was really despicable and shameless.
With a cold snort, Ying Changge disdainfully said, “A gang of mobs can’t attack smoothly at all.”
“As long as they dare to rush forward, General Meng Tian can kill them thoroughly.”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Ying Changge has a certain chance of winning in this regard, because he feels that Meng Tian already has such abilities.
The majestic Meng Tian can intimidate everyone, and other enemy troops are not worth mentioning in front of Meng Tian.
Meng Tian couldn’t take his eyes off, and kept silently watching the movement of Touman’s army, their movements were swift.
In particular, the Touman army just besieged and did not attack. This is a very stupid thing.
Why did Touman consume so many people to besiege the city! It’s just a waste of time!
Even if 10,000 cavalry were going around in front of Ying Changge, it would be nothing but a waste of horses.
….. … … …
The 10,000 horses were very concentrated, and they spread outside the city, chattering and continuing to go back and forth.
Many horses continued to run rampant, they went back and forth, in order to frighten Meng Tian’s army.
Ying Changge personally suppressed it. With him, Touman’s army could never break through his own city.
Staring at the crowd intently, Touman’s army was all menacing, and they continued to come to the city.
These Touman troops are all cavalry, very flexible, and have a very fierce offensive on the battlefield.
They continued to come to the city gate, just to attack Meng Tian’s city! look precariousat stake.
But Ying Changge would not let it go so easily, he stared at the opponent’s offensive intently.
Many Touman troops came under the city, and they continued to attack aggressively.
Without any hesitation, Meng Tian let his archers start shooting, and the arrows came densely.
Whoosh, many arrows shot at Touman’s army immediately, Meng Tian tried to frighten them.
But under such awe, Touman’s army did not hesitate at all, and they continued to kill Fan.
Chapter 417 Vigorous, back and forth!
Touman’s army continued to rampage, they began to shoot arrows, and shot at Meng Tian’s army on the city wall.
The arrows come and go, very close, and the offensive they show is so fierce.
Meng Tian’s army guarded the city, they continued to hide behind the parapet, and then kept pulling the bowstring.
Arrows came in groups, and immediately formed a rain of arrows, which fell on Touman’s army all at once.
Touman’s army rode on war horses and came in a menacing manner. They shuttled through the layer upon layer of arrow rain.
Meng Tian’s army failed to kill them, because the cavalry’s formation was very fierce and swift.
The Man Dajun, who continued to hide back and forth, escaped from the arrow without a single “five-three-seven” injury.
Now, the Touman army has come to the city, and they continue to pull the bowstring and shoot the soldiers on the city wall.
Meng Tian’s army is very comfortable and will not be defeated so easily.
Ying Changge stood on the city wall, staring intently at the movements of the Touman army, and raised his longbow.
With the bow and arrow in hand, Ying Changge immediately killed the enemy himself, in order to defeat Touman’s army more.
Under the arrows, many people gradually separated under such fighting, and they fled immediately.
The Touman army continued to escape, they went back and forth, avoiding many arrows.
Seeing so many troops continue to flee, Ying Changge wished he could personally lead the army to kill them.
Ying Changge won’t help Touman’s prestige, what he has to do is to wipe out Touman.
Standing on the city wall, Ying Changge raised his bow and arrow, and continued to kill them.
The arrow was very precise, pulling the bowstring, Ying Changge successfully shot and killed several soldiers of Touman.
But for Touman, this is really a drop in the bucket, just a few soldiers, without any damage.
Ten thousand soldiers and cavalry charging back and forth was simply a provocation to Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army.
Ying Changge fought several people, and he continued to pull the bowstring in his hand, shooting arrows.
So many arrows came in front of several people, Ying Changge shot and killed several Touman soldiers.
There are so many ten thousand soldiers, they are aggressive, just to challenge Meng Tian’s majesty.
The arrows that Ying Changge shot were insignificant, and the 10,000 army hardly suffered any damage.
With a cold snort, Ying Changge had no choice but to watch Touman’s army leave like this.
Touman’s 10,000 horses were aggressive, back and forth, and had already provoked Ying Changge many times.
Meng Tian did not continue to attack, he still kept his army guarding the city.
The army in the city didn’t move at all, because Meng Tian didn’t allow them to go out of the city to pursue and kill them privately.
Don’t chase after the poor, such things must be well anticipated, and Meng Tian avoids traps.
Since it is guarding the city, the safest thing for Ying Changge is to defend the city, which is a bit cowardly.
Ying Changge is naturally not this kind of person, once guarding the city does not mean that Ying Changge will continue to guard the city.
Therefore, after he saw many Touman troops fleeing, Ying Changge was ready to pursue the victory.
He saw so many armies, but the army continued to guard the outside of the city and would not act casually.
Touman’s army did not retreat, they always continued to circle outside the city, going round and round and refusing to stop.
On the contrary, Ying Changge immediately ordered Meng Tian to send a small team of troops to him so that he could hunt down the enemy 0…
Seeing Touman’s army move far away, Ying Changge knew that the city was temporarily safe.
But Ying Changge would not let it go, they continued to form troops to guard the city.
Ying Changge added a lot of people here, just to block the opening of the city gate.
Since it was going to attack the city, there were two ways to do it, to break into the door, or to climb up from the city wall.
But Touman would not just let it go, he continued to let his army circle around.
The 10,000 horses continued to attack, showing their aura, in order to frighten Meng Tian.
Meng Tian’s army was still inside his city gate, and they guarded the border without any timidity.
On the contrary, Ying Changge planned to take the initiative to attack, so as to intercept the opponent and avoid danger.
Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative to attack and kill Touman. Ying Changge wants to catch Touman all at once.
Seeing that Touman’s 10,000 horses had already left, Ying Changge continued to pay attention to them.
Since it was Touman who arranged the 10,000 troops in front of his 4.9, it showed that they were very arrogant.
Ying Changge was not used to these armies shitting on his head, and he wanted them to pay the price.
Since it is Touman’s army, they must have enough cavalry and have fast speed.
It is very difficult to confront the Touman army head-on, so Ying Changge had to attack them.
Only in this way can the 10,000 troops sent by Touman be wiped out. This is a good opportunity.
Sensing the tense situation, Touman’s army retreated, but they didn’t go far, they must still be around.
Chapter 418 Take the lead and ride a war horse!
Now Ying Changge’s army is facing Tou MandaThe army didn’t know anything, they didn’t know anything.
Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, Ying Changge must first obtain the location of Touman’s army and the location of their camp.
Only in this way can Ying Changge let Meng Tian’s army continue to attack and wipe them all out.
Therefore, Ying Changge took a break to allow the soldiers in the city to organize better and form enough sentry posts.
As long as so many soldiers continue to guard the city, Meng Tian’s city will not be in any danger.
On the contrary, Ying Changge arranged a small team with a lot of cavalry, and followed him to continue out of the city.
The city gate opened, Ying Changge took the lead, and continued to track the whereabouts of Touman’s army on horseback.
There were only five thousand cavalry behind Ying Changge, so it was naturally very embarrassing for the enemy Touman’s 10,000 cavalry.
However, Ying Changge, who is bold and courageous, does not have any slack in 05, nor is he afraid of Touman.
Even if it is an army of 10,000, if it can continue to fight, Ying Changge can lead 5,000 people to fight.
Meng Tian is very worried about Ying Changge, but Ying Changge doesn’t care about it, just kill the enemy on the battlefield!
Killing one person is also killing, killing ten thousand is also killing, Ying Changge will not be afraid of Touman’s army.
Therefore, continue to walk, lead the cavalry to continue to pursue, Ying Changge to find the enemy’s position.
After some harassment just now, Touman’s army left intact.

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