There were originally 5,000 cavalry, but now it has become hundreds of people.There are not many people around Changge.
All the soldiers were so arrogant and domineering, Ying Changge saw the coldness of Touman’s army.
They seemed to want to continue attacking the city, but Ying Changge didn’t allow them to.
After finding out the traces of Touman’s army, Ying Changge was satisfied with 537, and felt that he could prepare for the attack.
Therefore, Ying Changge gathered the cavalry around him, and a group of soldiers continued to return to their horses.
Getting on his horse, Ying Changge did not hesitate, and then led his soldiers back.
Remembering the other party’s whereabouts and finding out where Touman’s army is, Ying Changge is very relieved.
So a group of people hurried back to the city, and Ying Changge immediately joined Meng Tian.
Back in the city, Ying Changge summoned Meng Tian, ​​and immediately told about the camp of Touman’s army.
“Three miles away from here, the Touman army has taken root in the northeast and is entrenched there.”
“Understood!” Meng Tian nodded seriously, “Then let’s attack them first.”
It’s really stupid for a group of ignorant boys to fight with him like this.
Break through the camp of the army first, uproot them, and Meng Tian will be able to protect his own city.
Touman gathered 10,000 horses and came here just to frighten Meng Tian, ​​trying to shake the mountain and shake the tiger.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge won’t satisfy them, he wants to wipe them out.
Meng Tian immediately had a careful discussion with Ying Chang Gezai, they planned to attack the enemy barracks tonight.
Ten thousand troops are stationed there, so they must have taken considerable precautions and will not be negligent.
Night is where the guards are weakest, and Touman’s army must have never expected that Ying Changge would take the initiative to attack.
Therefore, Ying Changge told Meng Tian the safest plan, and Meng Tian would continue to guard the city.
In order to avoid Touman’s army’s strategy of attacking east and west, Meng Tian wanted to guard the city.
Ying Changge will not let Touman’s army directly attack his city, he must have both offense and defense.
Otherwise, under such a fight, the city will be under the target of public criticism, which is very dangerous.
After a careful discussion with Meng Tianzai, Ying Changge will personally lead the army to attack Touman’s army.
Meng Tian was worried about Ying Changge’s safety, but he still gave (afej) Ying Changge a lot of people.
There are many soldiers in Ying Chang Singer, and there are more than 10,000 troops, in order to eradicate the opponent.
Ying Changge, who is good at leading troops and has excellent swordsmanship, can kill Touman’s army without leaving a piece of armor.
When the moon was dark and the wind was high, Ying Changge immediately led his army out.
More than 10,000 cavalry followed behind Ying Changge, and shuttled through the city gate without stopping.
After leaving the city gate, so many people gathered outside the city.
The army of Ying Chang’s singers is aggressive and ready to go, Meng Tian stands on the city wall worriedly and waits and sees.
No need for any arrangements, Ying Changge acted first, and then let so many people go away immediately.
The soldiers of Qin State followed Ying Changge loyally, and then went to the Touman army camp.
Since it is a sneak attack, there can be no danger, and it must be attacked by surprise.
Unprepared, Ying Changge couldn’t let Touman’s army escape. This is the only good way to sneak attack.
Therefore, Ying Changge led the cavalry, and then approached the enemy’s camp from far to near.
Seeing the camp of Touman’s army, Ying Changge didn’t intend to attack directly.
He just stared at the movement without blinking, and found that many Touman soldiers were patrolling.
Searching around, Touman soldiers were very vigilant, and it could be seen that they were very vigilant.
It seems that because these people have experienced special instructions, they appear conscientious.
Even with such a patrol, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he felt that he could wipe out the opponent.
Ying Changge came prepared, and he directly ordered the soldiers around him to shoot arrows to kill the enemy camp.
Whoosh, the arrows became a rain of arrows, and then they hit the enemy camp.
The sudden attack made Touman’s army unprepared, they were very surprised and panicked.
Under the shooting of Ying Changge cavalry, for a while, many Touman soldiers could not dodge.
They were directly pierced by so many arrows, and their bodies fell to the ground in a pool of blood.
Chapter 421 Under the surprise attack, the army is defeated!
After seeing the casualties of Touman’s army, Ying Changge was very satisfied, and at the same time let them continue to shoot arrows.
Many arrows continued to come through the air, and continued to shoot and kill Touman’s army.
Ying Changge continued to sit on the spot, let the soldiers around him continue to shoot arrows, and harassed each other first.
These arrows are so densely packed, it can be seen that they have unusual movements and attacks.
It would be embarrassing for anyone to face such an arrow, and the Touman army could only scurry around – dodge.
Otherwise, once it is shot, the Touman army will suffer very-serious casualties.
Seeing so many people buried under the arrows, Ying Changge remained unmoved.
This is not enough, there are many people on the opposite side, and these soldiers have a strength of 10,000.
It’s not that Ying Changge’s soldiers can just shoot and kill a few casually, and they can make their hearts go to the ground.
Ying Changge’s attack was so continuous that the soldiers around him shot and killed wave after wave.
The Touman army was very turbulent, and they were almost completely defenseless under such an attack.
But fortunately, after they experienced a lot of shooting, they had recovered and pretended to be calm.
Touman’s army immediately rallied, they formed a large formation, and immediatelyFormed archers ready to shoot.
Facing the shooting of Ying Changge’s soldiers, Touman’s army also continued to counterattack, with arrows coming through the air.
Many arrows came bravely, just to repel Ying Changge’s army.
Ying Changge came all the way here just to wipe out Touman’s army and make them fearful.
Their big formations are all placed here, and the big formations are so menacing and murderous.
When Touman’s army was integrated and began to continue shooting arrows to counterattack, Ying Changge knew it was time.
Immediately, Ying Changge ordered the cavalry in front to charge first, in order to attack Touman’s army.
He wanted to disrupt Touman’s army, so that there would be no other dangers.
Taking the lead in the charge, Ying Changge himself led a group of men and horses, riding on horseback, and attacked at full speed.
The figure was so fast, rushing forward, Ying Changge’s army rushed into the camp of the Man army.
The soldiers of Mann are in such a mess, and they don’t have such a camp that can stand still.
On the contrary, it was the other soldiers who followed Ying Changge’s charge and disrupted the opponent’s lineup at once.
Raising the saber in his hand and dropping it, Ying Chang Singer Zhong’s sword swooped down swiftly, beheading several people, and the enemy fell to the ground dead.
Accompanied by such a fight, the sword in his hand continued to attack, showing its power.
Approaching aggressively, Ying Changge’s army directly caught Touman’s army by surprise.
Even if these stupid and embarrassing Touman troops line up, it will take time.
Because Ying Changge fought aggressively, Touman’s army retreated in embarrassment.
In order to kill the opponent, Ying Changge took the lead, and he continued to swing the sword in his hand.
Everyone came here so aggressively, just to kill Ying Changge.
Ying Changge, who came at the head of the horse, was very brave, and the sword in his hand had already slashed at their bodies.
Ying Changge, who came aggressively, had a very fast power. He was invincible on a horse.
Facing the siege of many Douman armies, Ying Changge continued to attack as he wished.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
The sword in his hand never stopped, and continued to swing, showing on the other soldiers.
Blood sprayed, blood spattered five steps, and many enemy soldiers died under Ying Changge’s sword.
Blood flowed like rivers, and corpses were everywhere.
Not only Ying Changge, but even the Qin army behind him continued to attack without hesitation.
The hoofbeats of the horses were frenzied, and under such fighting, there was no chance of maneuvering.
Amidst the shouts, Touman’s enemy army was defeated by Ying Changge’s sneak attack.
Ying Changge’s movements were so quick that he had already slashed and killed all the soldiers in front of him.
….. … … …
This time Touman’s army was only here to harass the city and frighten the left and right, and had no intention of continuing to attack at all.
But it was suddenly attacked by Ying Changge, which made Touman’s army very confused.
The soldiers were very panicked, they had no place to stand under the collision of Ying Changge’s army.
Continuing to fight unscrupulously, Ying Changge continued to attack with majesty and arrogance.
Especially the sword in his hand is so fast that the general Touman army can’t resist it at all.
Ying Changge rushed straight up, and the sword in his hand had already killed several Touman soldiers.
Even with so many soldiers, they are nothing to be afraid of in front of Ying Changge, or even worth mentioning.
As the fight continued, the sword in his hand came down majestic and majestic, killing all directions.
Otherwise, once other people died among Ying Chang singers, Touman’s army would be completely defeated.

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