Continuing to fight with Ying Changge, the wolf god guard became more and more timid, for fear of being killed by Ying Changge.
A few wolf guards rushed in, just to kill Ying Changge, not to be killed by him.
Once Ying Changge was discovered, several wolf guards naturally joined forces and tried to kill him all at once.
It’s a pity that there are two more guarding the door to avoid other accidents. They are cautious.
Only the wolf guard in the room was left to assassinate Ying Changge, but unfortunately he didn’t have enough skills.
After fighting with Ying Changge for so long, not only did the wolf guard not kill Ying Changge, but he was injured himself.
Scarred and bruised, if the attack continues, the wolf guard will dieIt won’t be long.
The wolf god guard can’t die, he came here to assassinate Ying Changge, and also to offer a reward.
Ying Changge fought against the wolf guard alone in the room, and the sword in his hand was naturally covered with blood.
This is not Ying Changge’s own blood, but that of Wolf God Guard! Wolf God Guard is very embarrassed now.
Staring at Ying Changge without blinking, the wolf god guard had to kill him thoroughly before giving up.
“‘〃Don’t you surrender~‖!” Ying Changge’s eyes were so calm, and the sword in his hand was so sharp.
“If you can’t kill me, then I will kill you completely. How about (Li Haozhao)!”
A calm smile appeared on his face, and Ying Changge’s attitude towards the wolf guard was very contemptuous.
“As long as you confess who ordered you to come here, then you can leave here easily!”
Otherwise, Ying Changge will execute the assassin Ling Chi, which can be regarded as killing chickens and monkeys, knocking mountains and shaking tigers.
Otherwise, these killers would continue to rush up to kill themselves, and those who didn’t know would think that Ying Changge was easy to bully!
Faced with Ying Changge’s questioning, Wolf God Guard gritted his teeth and said nothing, he didn’t want to say anything.
The Wolf God Guard doesn’t need to say anything, he will not betray his own Wolf God Sect, he needs to continue to get lucky.
Take a ruthless shot and kill Ying Changge, the Wolf God Guard will complete the task and go back to the business.
Chapter 415: Kill Meng Tian’s spirit!
Ying Changge wiped out the wolf guards, and then continued to go to Shangjun, hurrying on his way.
Especially at such a speed, everyone is in a hurry and will not be delayed at all.
They were walking very fast and the distance was long, so naturally they could not delay their time casually.
Finally, when he came to the frontier, Meng Tian immediately ordered his men to station in Shangjun to avoid danger.
With so many elite soldiers, it is natural to be able to block other enemy troops and protect the safety of the people.
Otherwise, one by one people will continue to harass the border, which will definitely make the common people suffer, and corpses will be scattered all over the field.
Meng Tian made many soldiers stationed here conscientiously, so that they could all protect the people.
So many soldiers lined up into a human wall, which looked mighty and domineering, and even guarded them very strictly.
Any enemy who wants to pass through the city will naturally ask Meng Tian if he agrees, this is absolutely impossible.
Especially Meng Tian’s name is very mighty, his prestige frightens all over the world.
Although Ying Changge came with him, he didn’t show his face directly. He was very low-key.
Ying Changge, who kept a low profile, did not report his name, but continued to hide in the army.
The arrival of Meng Tian’s army made the border even more tense, making it difficult for people to show any performance.
After the enemy army knew Meng Tian’s name, they even backed away and did not dare to approach easily.
The army occupied Shangjun, but Shanyu was very angry. Touman Shanyu seemed to feel the provocation.
Naturally, Touman would not just watch Meng Tian’s army guard the border, because he wanted to attack Shangjun.
Let Meng Tian’s army know how powerful he is, and then Touman can make them quit!
In his own military tent, Touman (afej) was furious when he received the news, “It’s unreasonable!”
“It’s unreasonable! How dare they approach so closely, are they not afraid of my army!”
Since it was Touman who sent the army himself, he wanted to kill Meng Tian’s vigor and make him withdraw in fear.
Otherwise, if Meng Tian’s army were to guard the border, Touman’s army would not be able to pass through smoothly.
Touman will not stop there, he will even continue to attack and kill everyone one by one.
He came outside the military tent, and now Touman is about to make a move, wanting to catch Meng Tian all at once.
As long as Meng Tian’s army is in a few directions, they can continue to fight immediately, which is the best.
Otherwise, if the delay continued, Touman might let his own army kill them all.
So Touman mobilized himself, and asked his subordinates to mobilize 10,000 elite soldiers.
Such elite soldiers were so heavy and gathered in groups, they immediately went to the border city to suppress them.
Touman is not a fool, he would not start a war so hastily, it is meaningless.
Therefore, Touman just let his 10,000 troops besiege and not attack, in this way, he can deter the opponent.
Although it was Meng Tian’s army that arrived, Touman has no information about the other party, so he doesn’t know how many they have.
If the troops were strong, then so many people would naturally be unable to break through Meng Tian’s army.
What is unusual is that Touman’s army is very strong, and it is even more likely to win.
Meng Tian entered the border gate, and in the afternoon, he saw many enemy troops attacking, all of them were cavalry.
They came on horseback, in armor, and in a hurry.
So many Touman troops approached aggressively, as if they were going to attack the city and decide the outcome.
Ying Changge stood on the city wall, and immediately put Meng Tian on alert, and Meng Tian immediately dispatched soldiers to defend.
On the city, many soldiers surrounded and immediately defended the city, they were ready to go.
Not only the archers, but even other soldiers were on standby and gathered under Meng Tian’s mobilization.
The gathered soldiers guarded the city, and they could resist Touman’s army at any time.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge who stood on the city with his eyes fixed on him. He immediately saw the signs of the enemy army.
The opponent didn’t intend to attack the city at all, and the ten thousand cavalry went around, as if they were just attracting Meng Tian’s attention.
Ying Changge was very calm, prepared for everything, and being careful was the first priority. It would be good to keep soldiers on guard.
Otherwise, with so many soldiers, once there is a loophole or negligence, they will be directly forced back by the Touman enemy.
Monty immediatelyThe army was gathered, and he came to Ying Changge’s side, staring intently at the distance.
As Ying Changge expected, Touman’s army was indeed circling outside the city.
Without any hesitation, Ying Changge immediately put on the armor himself, and if he could, he would also go to the battlefield.
However, just as Ying Changge predicted, Touman’s 10,000-strong army was extremely aggressive and unusual.
But the ten thousand troops just kept going back and forth outside the city, circling around.
Ying Changge waited for a while, but found no trace of Touman’s army attacking, bluffing.
The menacing Touman army continued to attack, and without hesitation, they immediately approached the city.
Chapter 416 Open the city gate and face the battle in person!
On the contrary, Meng Tian acted immediately, let the archers climb the city wall, and was ready to kill the enemy at any time.
But when Touman’s army rushed under the city gate, the ten thousand army quickly left again.
Leaving the shooting range of the archers, Touman’s army immediately stationed in place.
They were watching eagerly, and the army looked ready to attack, and they might attack the city at any time.
Ying Changge stood on the city wall unmoved, he was sure that the other party would never come forward.
Once there is any tendency to attack the city, Meng Tian’s army will not sit idly by.
He continued to stand indifferently and calmly, staring intently at the trend of Touman’s army.
Touman’s army stood in the distance, and 10,000 cavalry rose up, setting off a large storm.
He ordered the army in his hands to be alert, and Meng Tian’s army was ready to kill them at any time.
Because he has his own city, Meng Tian is very calm and not panicked at all.
The city is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The city wall is so strong that it cannot be breached by the Touman Da-jun.
Now it is a stalemate, few people can break through Meng Tian’s city casually.
Meng Tian is a very mighty general, with him guarding, it is enough to be safe and sound.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian stood on their own city and continued to wait and see, watching the movements of Touman’s army.
Sure enough, the many Touman troops outside the city were just guarding this place and did not do anything at all.
They didn’t plan to attack the city, they just wanted to frighten Meng Tian’s army, so as to kill Meng Tian’s spirit.
Meng Tian was unmoved, he is a veteran general who has seen big scenes.
Therefore, Meng Tian not only refused to let the soldiers do anything.
Meng Tian was extremely calm, and even wanted to let his army start beating drums to demonstrate, intimidating and counterattacking.
The soldiers started yelling, they were aggressive, and even began to abuse each other.
This is a simple aggressive method, but Meng Tian hoped that the opponent would rush up and attack his own city immediately.
As long as the Touman army is not afraid of death, they will be wiped out tomorrow, and the entire army will be wiped out.
In order to kill these enemy troops, Meng Tian even planned to open the gate of the city and fight in person.
On the contrary, those guys outside the city had no intention of fighting at all, and just obeyed Touman Shanyu’s orders.

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