This kind of attack is very violent. In order to kill Ying Changge, the wolf god guard spared no effort to attack.
The sword in his hand came chattering, and then landed on Ying Changge’s neck.
Ying Changge’s head looked very precious, and the wolf guard could cut him off with a raised hand.
The sword came forward vigorously, and immediately landed on Ying Changge’s shoulder. Ying Changge would not sit idly by.
He evaded very quickly at 4.9, and then let himself easily avoid the attack of the wolf guard.
In this dim room, both of them continued to attack chatteringly, which can be described as very powerful.
He continued to fight mercilessly, and the sword in his hand also thrust out aggressively.
Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is so fast, since it was the wolf god guard who came to him on his own initiative, he naturally did not give up.
It was a very stupid thing for the ruthless wolf guard to take the initiative to win Changge.
Already beheaded a killer, but a few of them didn’t behave well, and even continued to fight.
Chapter 413 The sword in my hand is aggressive!
Ying Changge’s life is so precious, it’s not something ordinary people like them can stop.
Raising the sword in his hand, Ying Changge took his time and blocked many attacks.
The sword in his hand shone faintly, and immediately pierced the opponent’s body, tearing through the shirt of the wolf god guard.
The wolf god guard only fought Ying Changge for a few rounds, and he never expected to be injured like this.
He lowered his head and glanced at his arm, and then the wolf guard angrily scolded, “It’s really unreasonable!”
“Do you really think you can kill me with your swordsmanship!” The wolf guard was brave and fearless.
In order to complete the task of the great shaman, the wolf god guard has to risk his life to kill Ying Changge.
Now that 05 has successfully sneaked into Ying Changge’s room, the wolf god guard is going to be in a hurry.
The meteor came in big strides, and then the sword in Ying Chang’s singer took the initiative to attack, even more to seize the opportunity.
The sword came down and stabbed the Wolf God Guard’s chest. Ying Changge mercilessly tried to kill him directly.
However, the wolf guard is not a scarecrow, and he will not stand still and let others slaughter him.
Seeing Ying Changge approaching, the wolf god guard quickly raised his sword in front of him.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blade struck, Ying Changge remained motionless, and the offensive came to an abrupt end.
And the figure of the wolf god guard took two steps back, he couldn’t even hold his sword firmly.
The edge of the sword swayed, the arm of the wolf god guard went numb, and the fingers that were struck trembled uncontrollably.
Staring helplessly at Ying Changge’s aura, the wolf god guard was more or less flustered.
He never expected that Ying Changge’s ability was so powerful and so unpredictable.
With the sword in Ying Changsinger, he can kill all directions and kill all enemies.
Fearing that he would die in Ying Changge’s hands like this, he still stared at Ying Changge very keenly.
The wolf god Weizai paid close attention to Ying Changge’s every move, for fear that he would be killed by a sneak attack just like that.
Standing firmly opposite to the Wolf God Guard, Ying Changge even showed a triumphant smile on his face.
“How about it!” Ying Changge’s eyes teased, “Do you think you can kill me! Impossible!”
Out of breath, he yelled, and the wolf god guard taunted, “It’s not easy to kill you brat!”
“As long as I hold the sword in my hand and block your attack, I can kill you!”
The wolf god guard showed his own abilities, but he had a mission to kill Ying Changge.
Not shying away from the identity of the wolf guard, Ying Changge looked calm, “You are not a killer.”
“Who sent you here! You can say it openly, how about it!” Ying Changge looked forward to it.
Because after knowing who the culprit is, he will wipe out all the villains.
That’s enough! Otherwise, other people would continue to kill him, and Ying Changge would not be safe.
Seeing that the wolf god guard continued to stand in front of him with a sword in hand, the other party didn’t have any intention of giving in.
Staring helplessly at the other party, the wolf god guard’s eyes became so cold and stern, “You don’t need to ask more questions!”
“I’m going to kill you! Then take your head to claim the reward, that’s enough!”
With a grinning grin, the wolf guard looked aggressive and looked forward to it.
After hearing what Wolf God Guard said, Ying Changge also burst out laughing, “Okay! Interesting!”
“People like you really don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, you are really a frog at the bottom of the well!” Ying Changge was unmoved.
Ying Changge has a solid bodyability.
It was even easier for Ying Changge to kill the wolf god guard, without any embarrassment.
But Ying Changge didn’t want to kill the wolf god guard prematurely, these guys were all shrimp soldiers and crab generals.
Killing these guys is useless, they are all discarded sons that can be discarded at any time.
What Ying Changge really wanted to deal with was naturally the people behind the wolf god guard. He wanted to know who was the mastermind behind the plot.
Therefore, Ying Changge hoped to save the life of this wolf god guard, and then hand it over to Meng Tian, ​​so that he could ask 537 questions.
Facing Ying Changge’s questioning, Wolf God Guard’s expression remained the same, he would not say it easily.
The Wolf God Guard will not say anything about the Wolf God Sect, he just wants to continue fighting.
Raising the sword in his hand, the aggressive wolf guard rushed to Ying Changge again.
In order to kill Ying Changge, the wolf god guard spared no effort to continue the attack, and his sword edge was even more powerful.
Such a fierce sword edge hit the surroundings all at once, in order to kill Ying Changge.
Because the great shaman has already offered a very high price, as long as he wins Ying Changge’s head.
These wolf god guards have a mission to exchange for their own glory and wealth with Ying Changge, making a lot of money!
Otherwise, if several people continue to attack like this, they will be defeated and killed by Ying Changge one by one.
Seeing the wolf guard approaching aggressively, Ying Changge calmly raised the sword in his hand.
Chapter 414 Pale and bloodless complexion!
The sword strikes, you attack back and forth, he must stop such a ferocious charge of the wolf god guard.
The wolf guard who came quickly with a sword in hand had his own murderous aura, just like a wolf.
However, the wolf god guard is not afraid at all, he is not fighting alone, there are two people outside the door.
The great shaman sent them here because these wolf god guards are all capable people.
Killing Ying Changge is an easy thing to do, there is no need to go too much, it is inevitable!
Holding the sword and continuing to approach, the wolf god guard used both hands and feet in order to kill Ying Changge, non-stop.
The edge of the sword in his hand was so close, Ying Changge faced the sword of the wolf god guard very calmly.
The impact of the sword’s edge, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, and ping, was very crisp and loud, and it was impossible to stop it.
Otherwise, several other people would have already rushed in under such a fight.
The other two wolf guards guarded the door loyally, not intending to disturb others at all.
In the dead of night, the fighting in the room was not very ear-piercing and could not be known by others.
Ying Changge didn’t inform Meng Tian of his plan either, because his own strength was enough.
A mere killer, could it be that Ying Changge still can’t deal with it! This is a matter of course.
He and the wolf god guard have been attacking for several rounds, and Ying Changge has been suppressing him.
Especially the wolf god guard’s offensive has no power at all in front of Ying Changge.
Although he stabbed every sword endlessly, the sword edge of the wolf god guard did not hurt Ying Changge.
On the contrary, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer continued to attack, and it had already left mottled marks on the body of the wolf guard.
The sword is sharp, so it can naturally leave sword marks on the flesh and blood of the wolf god guard, and the blood will not stop.
Being attacked like this, the wolf god guard’s face showed a look of anger and embarrassment. He was very embarrassed.
In order to kill Ying Changge, the wolf god guard continued to attack with all his strength, and the sword continued to attack.
However, any attack was mediocre in front of Ying Changge, without any power.
Ying Changge stepped forward, further suppressing the wolf god guard, preventing the opponent from having any room to fight back.
The figure of the wolf guard was like a wolf that saw its prey, he would not succumb to Ying Changge’s sword.
Although Ying Changge’s sword was so swift, the wolf guard never stopped his attack.
The sword in his hand continued to descend majestically, in order to kill Ying Changge and go back to receive the reward.
The sword’s edge continued to hit, and there was a clear and pleasant sound in this room.
Ping ping pong pong, the blade rubbed against each other and sparkled, and the two of them would not stop under such a struggle.
Continuing to fight, Ying Changge’s sword slammed down on the wolf guard’s head.
Such a swift sword seemed to be able to kill the wolf guard with ease.
The wolf guard was frightened, he was frightened, he quickly backed away, and bumped into the wall.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s sword edge brushed past him and missed his body.
Therefore, Ying Changge continued to hold his sword, and kept chasing and killing him in order to kill the wolf guard.
Leaning on the wall, fighting with his back to the wall, the wolf guard who had no way of retreat could only go forward.
A sword almost took the life of the wolf god guard just now, so his face was pale and bloodless.

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